Photocatalytic degradation of textile effluent using

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The photocatalytic degradation of textile effluent using hydrothermally synthesised titania supported ... TiO2, namely, anatase, rutile and brookite, anatase is the.
Photocatalytic degradation of textile effluent using hydrothermally synthesised titania supported molybdenum oxide photocatalyst

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C. P. Sajan1, B. Shahmoradi1,2, H. P. Shivaraju1, K. M. Lokanatha Rai3, S. Ananda3, M. B. Shayan4, T. Thonthai5, G. V. Narasimha Rao6 and K. Byrappa*7 The photocatalytic degradation of textile effluent using hydrothermally synthesised titania supported molybdenum oxide photocatalyst at 200uC with an autogenous pressure and experimental duration of 24 h has been reported. A control over the particle size, morphology and crystallinity of the photocatalyst has been studied with respect to the experimental parameters such as nutrient composition, solvent, pH, experimental duration, temperature and pressure. The products synthesised were characterised using XRD, SEM, FTIR, etc. The photodegradation of textile effluent using these composite was investigated under both solar and ultraviolet irradiation. The degradation of textile effluent was checked by the following parameters: chemical oxygen demand (COD), percentage transmission (%T), irradiation time and duration. The preliminary results are highly encouraging and further work is being carried out for the use of these photocatalytic compounds for other organic decomposition. Keywords: Photocatalytic, Hydrothermal, Textile effluent, Chemical oxygen demand

Introduction The textile manufacturing industry is one of the largest industrial producers of waste water. The pretreatment, colourisation and post-treatment of these fibres and fabrics usually require a large amount of water and a variety of chemicals. The waste water released to the environment from these industries contains a large amount of organic load and dye stuffs. This leads to the carcinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic effect on life. The immediate removal of such hazardous pollutants from the surroundings is necessary to maintain a healthy environment. Metal oxides represent one of the most important and widely employed categories of solid catalysts, either as active phases or supports.1,2 Titania is an important 1

Department of Studies in Environmental Science, University of Mysore, Manasagangothri, Mysore-6, India Faculty of Environmental Health Engineering, Kurdistan University of Medical Science, Sanandaj, Iran 3 Department of Studies in Chemistry, University of Mysore, Manasagangothri, Mysore-6, India 4 Department of Polymer Science and Technology, SJCE, VTU, Mysore-6, India 5 Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University, 25/25 Salaya, Phuttamonthom 73170, Thailand 6 Center of Excellence of Structural and Chemical Characterization, International Advanced Research Center for Powder Metallurgy and New Material, Balapur PO, Hyderabad 500005, India 7 Department of Studies in Geology, University of Mysore, Manasagangothri, Mysore-6, India 2

*Corresponding author, email [email protected]

ß W. S. Maney & Son Ltd. 2010 Received 26 January 2009; accepted 1 May 2009 DOI 10.1179/143307510X12599329343484

catalytic material, not only because of its effectiveness in photoassisted reactions,3 but also because it enhances the activity and selectivity of transition and noble metals when used as a support.4–7 The TiO2 is unique for its photocatalytic and strong metal support interaction properties.8,9 Among the three structural polymorphs of TiO2, namely, anatase, rutile and brookite, anatase is the most preferred phase and is widely studied.10–18 TiO2– anatase has been exploited for several photocatalytic reactions for elimination of organic pollutants from waste waters.3 Titania supported molybdenum catalysts are reported to be highly active for the hydrosulphurisation of thiophene when compared with conventional alumina supported molybdate catalyst.19 The preparation and characterisation of molybdenum oxide catalyst on support like titania has been the topic of numerous investigation.20 In the present study, we have reported the synthesis and characterisation of titania supported molybdenum oxide photocatalyst and its application in the photodegradation of textile effluent.

Experimental In the preparation of titania supported molybdenum oxide photocatalyst, commercially available TiO2 and MoO3 were taken in the ratio 1 : 1 in a teflon liner. A required amount of suitable mineraliser are selected and added into this teflon liner. The teflon liner was then placed inside the autoclave. The autoclave was then placed inside the oven and the temperature of the oven

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Sajan et al.

was set to 200uC for 24 h. After the experimental run, the autoclave was quenched and the sample was taken out. The sample inside the liner was separated from the solution and washed with the double distilled water until the pH become neutral, and then ultrasonicated. The product extracted was centrifuged to remove undesired components and dried at a temperature of 35–40uC in a dust free environment. The titania supported molybdenum oxide photocatalyst prepared was characterised using a high resolution SEM. The XRD pattern was obtained using MXP3 (Mac Science Co. Ltd, Tokyo, Japan) with Cu Ka radiation (wavelength50?154 nm). The scanning range was 2h510–60uC. The crystallinity of the compound was identified by comparison with JCPDS files (PCPDF WIN-2?01). The FTIR result was obtained using Jasco 460 Plus (Jasco, Tokyo, Japan). The photodegradation of the textile effluent was carried out. In the photocatalytic degradation of the textile effluent, a known volume of the effluent (50 mL) was taken in a beaker. A known amount of catalyst was added to this. The experiment was carried out under both ultraviolet (UV) and sunlight. For UV source, the sample was kept in UV chamber (8 W; Sankyo Denki, Kanagawa, Japan) and the distance between the UV and effluent was 18 cm. The intensity of sunlight and UV were estimated by photolysis of uranil oxalate.21,22 It was estimated that the intensity of sunlight was 6?7226 1016 quanta/s, and the intensity of UV was 2?37561015 quanta/s. The sample of 2–3 mL exposed to light was taken and centrifuged for 4–5 min at 1000 rev min21 and then used to measure the percentage transmission (%T) at 540 nm using spectrophotometer (Minispec SL 171; Elico, Hyderabad, India). Chemical oxygen demand (COD) was estimated before and after the treatment (using the K2Cr2O7 oxidation method). The photodegradation of the textile effluent was calculated using the equation Photodegradation~

InitialCOD {FinalCOD |100% FinalCOD

Photocatalytic degradation of textile effluent

representing tetragonal system, the phase of MoO3 matches with PDF 761103 and the crystal system is identified as orthorhombic system. Table 1 gives the cell parameters of titania supported molybdenum oxide photocatalyst obtained in the present work. The crystal system of the synthesised titania supported molybdenum oxide photocatalyst is identified as orthorhombic system. A high resolution SEM study was carried out to know the size and morphology of the crystals obtained. Figure 2 represents the morphology and size of the particles obtained. Figure 3 represents the FTIR spectra of titania supported molybdenum oxide photocatalyst, MoO3 and TiO2. The highest stretching frequency at 993 cm21 (the so called molybdyl mode) is attributed to the shortest Mo– O bond, whereas the next highest stretching frequency at 817 cm21 is assigned to the intermediate bridging O– Mo–O bond. The stretching mode of Mo terminal oxygen is located at 999 cm21. The absorption bands at 867 and 555 cm21 are assigned to stretching vibrations of the O(3) and O(2) atoms linked to two or three molybdenum atoms respectively.23,24 The bands near 3400 cm21 represent O–H mode. The band near 2360 cm21 is because of the absorption of atmospheric CO2. The band near 470–500 cm21 clearly represents the bonding between TiO2 and O.

Efficiency of titania supported molybdenum oxide photocatalyst over untreated commercial TiO2 The degradation of textile effluent using titania supported molybdenum oxide photocatalyst was compared with the degradation using commercial TiO2. It was found that the hydrothermally synthesised titania supported molybdenum oxide photocatalyst shows high efficiency when compared with commercial TiO2. Figure 4 shows the decomposition versus irradiation time for titania supported molybdenum oxide photocatalyst and TiO2.

Effect of titania supported molybdenum oxide photocatalyst on photodegradation of textile effluent

Results and discussion Characterisation of titania supported molybdenum oxide photocatalyst The XRD powder diffraction patterns of commercial TiO2, commercial MoO3 and hydrothermally synthesised titania supported molybdenum oxide photocatalyst are shown in the Fig. 1. The identification of crystalline phases of commercial TiO2 and commercial MoO3 was carried out by comparison with JCPDS file. The crystalline phase of the hydrothermally synthesised titania supported molybdenum oxide photocatalyst was carried out using Crysfire 2002 (version 9?45?06). The crystalline phase of commercial TiO2 matches PDF 832243

In order to obtain an optimum condition with respect to the amount of catalyst used at which photodegradation is maximum, the experiment was carried out for the degradation of textile effluent using different amounts of titania supported molybdenum oxide photocatalyst. Figure 5 illustrates the effect of different amounts of catalyst (10–30 mg) on the degradation of the textile effluent. Figure 5 clearly shows that when the degradation was carried in sunlight at 20 mg, the degradation of the effluent is high, and when the degradation was carried out under UV at 10 mg, the degradation efficiency was high. The decrease in the decomposition of the textile effluent with increasing weight of catalyst is due to the reduction in the penetration of light. The

Table 1 Cell parameters for titania supported molybdenum oxide obtained under mild hydrothermal conditions* Compound

a axis, A˚

b axis, A˚

c axis, A˚




Cell volume, A˚

TiO2 (L) MoO3 (L) Titania supported molybdenum oxide (P)

3.78 3.96 10.05

3.78 13.85 12.93

9.51 3.69 13.88

90 90 90

90 90 90

90 90 90

135.88 202.95 1806.0

*L: literature survey; P: present work.

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Sajan et al.

Photocatalytic degradation of textile effluent

1 Patterns (XRD) of untreated a TiO2, b MoO3 and c titania supported molybdenum oxide

2 Images (SEM) of titania supported molybdenum oxide

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Sajan et al.

Photocatalytic degradation of textile effluent

3 FTIR spectra of a MoO3 and b commercial TiO2

increase in the weight of the catalyst makes the effluent more turbid which in turn retards the penetration of light.

Effect of titania supported molybdenum oxide photocatalyst on COD of textile effluent The COD of the effluent was estimated before and after the treatment. The reduction in the COD value of the effluent depicts the destruction of the organics present in the effluent. A maximum of 48?7% of degradation efficiency was obtained with in duration of 5 h in the present study. Figure 6 represents the reduction of using titania supported molybdenum oxide photocatalyst under both sunlight and UV light. Tables 2 and 3 represent the effect of titania supported molybdenum oxide photocatalyst weight on COD, decomposition (g) and percentage transmission (%T) of textile effluent under both sunlight and UV light.

Conclusion 4 Comparison of titania supported molybdenum oxide and commercial TiO2 photodegradation efficiency

The synthesis of titania supported molybdenum oxide photocatalyst was achieved under mild hydrothermal

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Sajan et al.

Photocatalytic degradation of textile effluent

Published by Maney Publishing (c) W.S Maney & Son Limited

5 Effect of titania supported molybdenum oxide weight on photodegradation efficiency with different exposure durations

6 Effect of titania supported molybdenum oxide on COD of textile effluent on exposure to sun and UV light

catalyst amount and pH has helped in finding out the optimum reaction conditions. Moreover, the use of sunlight as the source of illumination in the photodegradation reaction could be a safe and highly cost effective source. The textile effluent was treated successfully using the prepared composites. The decrease in the COD values demonstrated the destruction of the organics present in the effluent and increase in the %T.

conditions. The crystal structure and surface morphology were revealed by XRD, SEM and FTIR. The photocatalytic degradation of textile effluent using the prepared composite materials is an efficient and environmentally benign technique, because it facilitates the complete mineralisation of the complex organics into simpler non-toxic products. The study of various kinetic parameters such as initial concentration of the organics,

Table 2 Effect of titania supported molybdenum oxide weight on COD, decomposition (g) and percentage transmission (%T) of textile effluent under sunlight* 10 mg

20 mg

30 mg

Time, h










1 2 3 4 5

400 392 384 344 304

28.57 30 31.43 38.57 45.71

58.9 59.2 59.8 60.5 61

368 352 336 312 288

34.29 37.14 40 44.28 48.57

56 58.2 60.3 61.8 63.2

416 384 352 336 320

25.71 31.43 37.14 40 42.86

57.9 58.2 58.5 60.5 62.4

*Initial COD: 560.

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Sajan et al.

Photocatalytic degradation of textile effluent

Table 3 Effect of titania supported molybdenum oxide weight on COD, decomposition (g) and percentage transmission (%T) of textile effluent in UV light 10 mg

20 mg

30 mg

Time, h










1 2 3 4 5

368 356 344 324 304

34.29 36.43 38.54 42.14 45.71

56.6 57.3 57.9 58.4 58.8

416 388 360 344 328

25.71 30.71 35.71 38.57 45.43

56.5 57 57.5 58.2 59.9

424 388 352 328 304

24.29 30.71 37.14 31.43 35.71

56.7 57.2 57.7 58.8 60

*Initial COD: 560.

COD reduces and degradation efficiency increases as the time increases. The proposed degradation mechanisms showed that the final products of the degradation are less toxic and environmentally friendly.

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