acterized,7·8 few corresponding aliphatic or inorganic compounds have been ... have been described in detail elsewhere.16 Infrared spectra were recorded.
J . A m . Chem. SOC.1984, 106, 3076-3082
Photochemistry of an Ozone Molecular Complex with Iodine Monochloride in Cryogenic Matrices. The Infrared Spectra of Iodosyl Chloride (OIC1) and Iodyl Chloride ( 0 2 1 C1) Michael Hawkins,+,*Lester Andrews,*+Anthony J. Downs,l and David J. Drury*l,S Contribution f r o m the Department of Chemistry, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia 22901, and the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QR, England. Received September 6 , 1983
Abstract: Codeposition of ozone and iodine monochloride in argon, krypton, or nitrogen matrices leads to the formation of a 1:l molecular complex O,.ICI. Extremely photosensitive to radiation between 470 and 750 nm, the complex photodissociates t o iodosyl chloride, OICI. Further, decomposition of O I C l to yield oxygen atoms is the probable origin of a second product iodyl chloride, 021C1. Normal coordinate calculations reveal the -IOz moiety to be vibrationally independent of the chlorine atom, a result interpreted as arising from the large mass of the central iodine atom and an I-C1 bond with a high degree of ionic character. Both iodosyl and iodyl chloride decompose when irradiated with ultraviolet light between 240 and 320 nm.
Molecular a complexes between a r o m a t i c systems and ozone are known t o absorb visible light between 380 and 560 nm.’ Visible absorption occurs a t longer wavelength as t h e ionization potential of the T system is reduced, suggesting charge transfer from the aromatic molecule to ozone during excitation. The role of such complexes in the ozonation of a r o m a t i c systems remains unclear while t h e very existence of molecular ozone complexes with aliphatic a systems is uncertain.2* There is some evidence that ozone forms a molecular complex with certain inorganic substrates, for example, chlorine monofluorides and phosphorus and arsenic trifluorides.6 Well-defined perturbations in t h e infrared spectrum of either ozone or the substrate when co-condensed in an argon matrix at 15-20 K suggested a specific molecular interaction. Although no ultraviolet/visible absorption spectra were recorded for these systems, both groups of workers noted photochemical behavior for t h e perturbed species different from t h a t of isolated, monomeric ozone. These findings have prompted a more rigorous search for molecules which modify the photochemical behavior of ozone when the two reagents are co-condensed in cryogenic matrices. In t h e case of monovalent compounds of iodine, ultraviolet or visible irradiation of the matrix might also provide a method of preparing and characterizing hitherto unknown monomeric iodosyl and iodyl molecular species. Although several a r o m a t i c compounds of molecular formula ArIO and A r I 0 2 (Ar = aryl) are well characterized,’~~ few corresponding aliphatic or inorganic compounds have been ~ r e p a r e d . ” ~Inorganic iodosyl compounds appear t o be polymeric in the solid state, as evidenced by the crystal structure of t h e sulfate, (IO)2S04,15and i t is only for t h e (trifluoromethyl)sulfonate, IOS03CF3, that t h e vibrational s p e c t r u m provides evidence of a discrete IO u n k 9 Although vibrational spectra of three iodyl compounds, the fluorosulfonate,12 t h e (trifluor~methyl)sulfonate,~ and the difluorodioxo phosphate (I02POzFz),L3 suggest solid-state structures involving discrete IO2 units, there are no reports t o d a t e of simple mononuclear species of t h e type X-1=0 or X-I02 where t h e univalent substituent X is bound covalently t o iodine. Here follows an account of a matrix study where visible photolysis of a molecular ozone-iodine monochloride complex leads t o formation of iodosyl and iodyl
chloride. Experimental Section Apparatus. The cryogenic refrigeration system and vacuum vessel have been described in detail elsewhere.I6 Infrared spectra were recorded ‘University of Virginia. *Presentaddress: Sevenoaks School, Sevenoaks, Kent TN13 IHU, U.K. University of Oxford. Present address: Research and Development Department, BP Chemicals Limited, Salt End, Hull HU12 8DS, U.K.
0002-7863/84/1506-3076$01.50/0 I
on a Beckman IR-12 spectrophotometer over the range 200-2000 cm-l. Regions of interest were examined by using expanded wavenumber scales allowing measurement of band positions to better than f l cm-’. Ultraviolet/visible absorption spectra were recorded on a Cary 17 spectrophotometer interfaced with an Apple I1 computer for purposes of spectral data collection and analysis. Between one and ten data points per nanometer were collected, and the signal at each point was averaged over two to ten measurements. The temperature of the CsI cold window in the range 14-25 K was determined by a H 2 vapor-pressure gauge attached to the second stage of the refrigerator cold tip and was varied by adjusting the voltage applied to three heater buttons (Minco Products Inc., Minneapolis, M N ) mounted on the copper window support. Samples were photolyzed for periods between 30 sec and 65 min by a BH-6 high-pressure mercury arc (1000 W, Illumination Industries Inc.). A 10-cm water filter reduced the infrared radiation incident upon the matrix during photolysis while a germanium filter inserted in the beam of the infrared spectrophotometer prevented sample photolysis by visible radiation from the Nernst glower. Several optical filters were used to transmit selected regions of the Hg arc emission for photolysis. A saturated aqueous NiS04/CoS04 solution and two band-pass filters gave access to the regions 235-335, 240-420, and 340-600 nm, respectively, while Pyrex and a cutoff filter were used to remove radiation of wavelength shorter than 290 and 470 nm, respectively. Chemicals. The argon and nitrogen (Air Products) and krypton (Airco Industrial Gases) were used as supplied without further purification. Ozone was generated by a static electric discharge (Tesla coil) of oxygen in a Pyrex tube immersed in liquid nitrogen.” Residual O2was removed by pumping at 77 K with an oil diffusion pump. Normal isotopic oxygen (Burdett, U.S.P.) and 50.3 and 98.0% I*O-enriched oxygen gas (Yeda, Israel) were used directly. Iodine monochloride (Aldrich) was stored
(1) Bailey, P. S. “Organic Chemistry”; Wasserman, H. H., Ed.; Academic Press: New York, 1982; Vol. 39 Chapter 11. (2) Hull, L. A.; Hisatsune, I . C.; Heicklen, J. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1972, 94, 4856. (3) Alcock, W. G.; Mile, B. J . Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. 1976, 5. (4) Nelander, B.; Nord, L. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1979, 101, 3769. (5) Andrews, L.; Chi, F. K.; Arkell, A. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1974, 96, 1997. (6) Downs, A. J.; Gaskill, G. P.; Saville, S. B. Inorg. Chem. 1982, 21, 3385. Gaskill, G. P. D. Phil. Thesis, University of Oxford, 1978. (7) Banks, D. F. Chem. Reu. 1966, 66, 243. (8) Downs, A. J.; Adams, C. J. ‘The Chemistry of Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine and Astatine”; Pergamon: Oxford, 1975. (9) Dalziel, J. R.; Carter, H. A.; Aubke, F. Inorg. Chem. 1976, 15, 1247. (10) Ellestad, 0. H.; Woldbaek, T.;Kjekshus, A,; Klaeboe, P.; Selte, K. Acta Chem. Scand., Ser. A 1981, A35, 155. (1 1) Schmeisser, M.; Naumann, D.; Renk, E. Z . Anorg. Allg. Chem. 1980, 470, 84. (12) Carter, H. A,; Aubke, F. Inorg. Chem. 1971, 10, 2296. (13) Addou, A.; Vast, P. J . Fluorine Chem. 1980, 16, 89. (14) Naumann, D.; Deneken, L.; Renk, E. J . Fluorine Chem. 1975,5, 509. (15) Furuseth, S.; Selte, K.; Hope, H.; Kjekshus, A,; Klewe, B. Acra Chem. Scand., Ser. A 1974, A28, 7 1. (16) Andrews, L. J . Chem. Phys. 1968, 48, 972; 1971, 54, 4935. (17) Andrews, L.; Spiker, R. C., Jr. J . Phys. Chern. 1972, 76, 3208.
0 1984 American Chemical Societv
J . A m . Chem. Soc., Vol. 106, No. 11, 1984 3077
Photochemistry of an Ozone Molecular Complex with IC1
Table I. The Frequencies (in cm-') of Absorptions Associated with IC1 and the Complex 03.1Cl in the Infrared Spectrum of Matrices Containing Ozone and Iodine Monochloride
1 1 10.8
1107.0 1 1 10.oa
1104.2 1105.6 1180.8 1076.5
1048.2 1019.5 997.2 986.5' 967.3 963.7
1016.5 1011.3
&ix1(03), oj'Ic1 667.5 (sh) 376.2 375.8 375.9 375.1 376.5 u,C,, 1 3 5 ~ 1 372.1 372.5 372.3 375.1' 376.5' vICI, 03.135CI 368.1 368.2 368.2 367.2 368.4 uIClr 1 3 7 ~ 1 uICl, 03-137C1 364.1 364.6 (sh)d 364.2 (sh) 367.2' 368.4" 359.6 (sh) 357.8 358.0 358.1 355.2' (ICI), 355.0 (sh) 350.5 350.3 (sh) 350.1 (sh) 347.3' (W, 'Obscured by a parent absorption. The wavenumber quoted is that of either uncomplexed ozone or iodine monochloride, and the assignment is made on the basis of a decrease in absorbance on irradiation of the matrix at X > 470 nm. bNo specific band is observed because of coincidence with uncomplexed 160j.x'sOx isotopomers. However, the optical density decreased by 42% at this wavenumber on irradiation of the matrix at X > 470 nm. 'Iodine monochloride aggregate bands are very weak in a nitrogen matrix. dsh denotes shoulder absorption.
under vacuum in a Pyrex ampule fitted with a greaseless, Teflon tap and wrapped with aluminum foil to exclude light. The sample was degassed by freeze-thawing and pumping at 77 K and, immediately prior to use, any hydrogen chloride, hydrogen iodide, or chlorine were removed by pumping at -45 "C. Procedure. Ozone was diluted with matrix gas to a matrix ratio (M/R) between 100/1 and 800/1 and deposited at 14 K at an average rate of 5 mmol/h for 4 h. Iodine monochloride was co-condensed with the diluted ozone by pumping it directly from its storage ampule at -45 O C ; this technique reduced dissociation to iodine and chlorine and hydrolysis to hydrogen chloride. The concentration of iodine monochloride in the sample was not known, but the degree of isolation of IC1 monomer could be monitored by the infrared spectrum and controlled by using the ampule tap to regulate the flow of IC1 vapor. Infrared and UV/vis experiments were conducted in a similar fashion in the interests of consistency except that the former required longer deposition periods.
Results Ultraviolet/Viible and Infrared Spectra after Matrix Deposition. The UV/vis absorption spectrum of an argon matrix containing ozone (M/R = 100/1) between 300 and 800 nm was featureless except for the long-wavelength tail of the intense Hartley band of ozone which extended to 3 15 nm. The deposition of argon plus IC1 gave rise to a weak broad absorption between 300 and 560 nm with a maximum at 440 nm. In separate experiments, IC1 d e p o s i t e d with ozone diluted with either argon or nitrogen (M/R = 100/1) yielded broad bands between 345 and 625 (Ar) and 350 and 600 nm (N2)with well-defined maxima at 460 and 440 nm, respectively. Codeposition of IC1 with ozone diluted with argon (M/R = 100/1) gave the infrared spectrum of Figure la. In addition to bands characteristic of ozone1' at 1104.9, 1040.5, 1033.6, and 704.3 cm-' and iodine monochloride a t 376.2, 368.1, 357.8, and 350.5 cm-l (Figure 2a, Table I), absorptions were observed a t 1110.8 and 1019.5 cm-I (Figure l a ) and 372.1 and 364.1 cm-' (Figure 2b). These features were not present in the infrared spectrum of argon matrices containing 0, or IC1 alone. The absorptions at 1110.8 and 1019.5 cm-I exhibit a 1/9 relative intensity while the intensities of the symmetric and antisymmetric stretches of ozone are in the ratio 1/70.17 Codeposition of 98% I80-enriched ozone with IC1 gave rise to absorptions, in addition to those characteristic of the parent molecules, at 1048.2, 964.0, 372.3, and 364.2 cm-' which exhibited shifts of -62.6, -55.5,0.2,
5 Z
Figure 1. The infrared spectrum between 200 and 1200 cm-' of an argon matrix containing iodine monochloride and ozone (Ar/O, = 100/1) deposited at 14 K: (a) after deposition and (b) after filtered Hg arc irradiation first with h > 590 nm for 15 min then X > 470 nm for 15 min.
and 0.1 cm-', respectively, with respect to their I6O3 counterparts. Absorptions other than those associated with ozone and iodine monochloride were also observed on their ccdeposition in krypton and nitrogen matrices (Table I). In krypton matrices two bands were observed at 1107.0 and 1104.2 cm-I to the high-frequency ) two absorptions were observed to the lowside of v 1 ( O 3 and
Hawkins et al.
3078 J . Am. Chem. SOC.,Vol. 106, No. 11, 1984 I
-0.7 - 0 6
-05 -04 - 0 3 IOQ Ph 0 3 )
Figure 3. Relationship between the peak height (in arbitrary units) of I
the 1019.5-cm-' absorption associated with the molecular complex (03)~.(1Cl)yand the concentration of the Ar/03 matrix mixture. Peak heights were measured directly from absorbance spectra.
Figure 2. The infrared spectrum between 300 and 400 cm-I of an argon matrix deposited a t 14 K containing (a) iodine monochloride deposited for 239 min with ca. 18 mmol of Ar, (b) iodine monochloride deposited for 228 min with ca. 17.8 mmol of Ar/1603,180x (50.35% ISO enrichment, M/R = 100/1), and (c) same as in b but after being filtered with Hg arc irradiation at 340 < X < 600 nm.
frequency side of V 3 ( 0 3 ) at 1016.5 and 1011.3 cm-'. N o bands other than those associated with iodine monochloride or its aggregates were found between 350 and 380 cm-'. The same spectral region was further simplified in nitrogen matrices: two intense bands at 376.5 and 368.4 cm-' were accompanied by two very weak and broad absorptions at 355 and 347 cm-'. An intense absorption was observed at 1023.0 cm-' to low frequency of v3(03) but, in contrast to both argon and krypton deposits, no additional band could be resolved close to ~ ' ( 0 3 ) . Instead an absorption at 71 1.4 cm-' was found near the bending mode of ozone. Several experiments were performed to investigate how the intensity of the 1019.5-cm-' absorption characteristic of iodine monochloride and ozone codeposited in an argon matrix varied with the concentration of ozone in the sample. Iodine monochloride was deposited at a constant rate throughout, and mixtures of ozone in argon with M / R between 200/1 and 800/1 were deposited at approximately constant rates between 4.2 and 4.8 mmol/h. Several measurements of the peak absorbance at 1019.5 cm-' were made during a single experiment and were normalized to those corresponding to the deposition of 1 in. (25 torr) of argon/ozone mixture. A plot of the log of these normalized values against the log of the mole percent ozone in the argon/ozone mixture is illustrated in Figure 3. The plot is linear and the gradient is 1.0 f 0.2. Ultraviolet/Visible Hg Arc Irradiation of Matrices Containing O3and ICI. Irradiation of an argon matrix containing ozone and iodine monochloride at 470-1000 nm for 11 min reduced the broad 460-nm absorption band by 30-40%. In addition another band was produced, which was full scale at wavelengths shorter than 330 nm, extended to 400 nm, and exhibited no maximum in this region. Subsequent irradiation between 290 and 400 nm for 15 min reduced this new absorption by 40% at 330 nm. The infrared spectrum of an argon matrix formed by codeposition of iodine monochloride and an argon/ozone mixture (M/R = 100/1) exhibited all the absorptions listed in the left-hand column of Table I plus those of ozone itself. Exposure of the matrix to Nernst Glower radiation for 5 h decreased the absorptions at 11 10.8 and 1019.5 cm-' by ca. 60%. Several new
780 WAVEN UMBER (c m-' )
Figure 4. Infrared spectra between 720 and 910 cm-l of isotopic ozone-iodine monochloride-argon samples subjected to X > 470 nm photolysis at 14 K for 60-80-min periods: (a) I6O3,(b) 50.3% 180-enriched, scrambled ozone, sample also subjected to 14-30-14 K warming cycle, (c) I8O3,95.6% enriched.
absorptions appeared and these are summarized in the left-hand column of Table 11. The same changes were observed after 15 min of irradiation of a similar deposit with either X > 470 nm or 340 < X < 600 nm filtered Hg arc emission. In this case the bands at 1110.8 and 1019.5 cm-' were completely destroyed; a 50% reduction could be achieved with only 90-s irradiation at X > 470 nm. Survey and high-resolution spectra of all photoproduct absorptions are shown in Figures 1b, 2c, and 4a. Exposure to Hg arc emission between 750 and 1000 nm gave a 5-10% decrease in intensity of the bands at 11 10.8 and 1019.5 cm-', and their photosensitivitytoward the Nernst Glower radiation was overcome by inserting a Ge-coated filter immediately after the glower. All photoproducts formed by Nernst Glower irradiation were stable to incident radiation with X > 340 nm, except for the weak absorption shown in Figure 4 at 748.6 cm-', which decreased 33% after a further 15 min of irradiation. Product Discrimination. The number of products were determined by sequential periods of photolysis and annealing, photolysis at different temperatures, and the additional use of
J. Am. Chem. SOC..Vol. 106, No. 11, 1984
Photochemistry of an Ozone Molecular Complex with IC1
I6O3 314.1 320.2 324.5 325.6 327.5 330.5 333.4
313.8 320.5 323.8 324.9 326.9 330.8 333.1
krypton 1809
314.1 320.4 ur ur ur 329.9 ur 339.4 (br) 406.6
311.2 317.4 ur 331.6b 327.5 339.2b
315.5 322.6 ur ur 331.9 339.0
410.2 (br) 421 (br) 429.9 748.6 772.2 779.1 791.1
A(1) N1) B(1+2) A(2) B(3) B(1+2) B(3) B(1+2)
VIcl,0 1 3 7 ~ 1 yIc,, 0 1 3 5 ~ 1 VI(-,,
vlcl, 0 1 3 5 ~ 1
~ 1 ~ ~ ~ 1
vIcI, 0 ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ 1
B(1+2+3) B(1+2)
6102, 021Cl
430.4 733.3 739.9 772.0 779.1 801.4
733.3 739.8 775.1' 778.2e
V,o, OICl
751.3 801.6 809.4
812.9 844.7 853.4
820.3 844.8 853.0 836.9 843.7 868.6 876.0
845.5 850.0
837.4 843.9
877.1 (sh) 879.5 879.6 886.5 886.5 #Numbers in parentheses are used to distinguish different matrix sites. Site splitting refers to argon and krypton matrices. In nitrogen only uaSyrn(IOZ) of OzICl showed a site splitting. bTentative assignment. CTherelative intensity of these bands is inverted compared with the corresponding absorptions in argon at 772.2 and 779.1 cm-I. dTentatively assigned to a third site of OICl on the basis of the observed '*O isotopic shift. e br = broad; ur = unresolved.
krypton and nitrogen matrices. An experiment was performed
min followed by recooling to 14 K; (v) warming to 20 K before irradiation at 20 K for 15 min with X > 470 nm followed by recooling to 14 K, (vi) annealing to 33 K for 15 min followed by recooling to 14 K. It is apparent from the results of this treatment that there are two major products, A, and B, and a minor product, C. A and B are stable to visible light irradiation while C is not. The frequency separation between several pairs of absorptions between 750 and 900 cm-* is compatible with that expected for a 35C1/37C1isotopic shift of a C1-0 stretching mode (6.4-7.7 cm-'). However, while pairs of absorptions above 800 cm-' (Figure 4a) exhibit incorrect relative intensities to be associated with chlorine isotopic products, the components at 772.21779.1 cm-' exhibited variable relative intensity. Furthermore pairs of absorptions at 772.21779.1 and 844.71853.2 cm-' in argon matrices gave way to single bands at 778.2 and 852.2 cm-', respectively, in nitrogen matrices. The set of absorptions between 3 10 and 335 cm-' exhibited complex changes in intensity on both warming and photolysis. However, particular pairs of absorptions exhibited changes in relative intensity similar to those observed in the higher-frequency region, and in addition, each band was observed to be a doublet. The proximity of absorptions in this region did not allow an
The component of lower intensity in each pair of absorptions above 750 cm-' (Figure 4a) was substantially decreased in intensity
I -
, 900
h -
Pigure 5. The iI on the infrared E (o,Icl)isola nochloride.
by warming the matrix to 28 K or above. In addition product
at 20-28 K rather than 779.1 cm-' rather than a pair of bands at 779.17772.2 cm-l and,
3080 J . Am. Chem. SOC.,Vol. 106, No. 11, 1984
Hawkins et al.
Table 111. A Comparison of the Vibrational Frequencies (in cm-I) of Modes Involving IO and IO2 Groups in Selected Iodosyl and Iodyl Compounds
mode 410)
779.1 772.2
IOSO,CF,b 885 860
900 818 vsym(IO2) 844.7 830 865 W 0 2 ) 42 1 428 "This work. bInfrared, solid state, ref 9. CRaman,solid state, ref 12. dInfrared, argon matrix, ref 25. uasym(IO2)
839.4 822.6
more importantly, to a much enhanced yield of product B (Figure Visible irradiation and temperature cycling experiments also 5). Furthermore, krypton and nitrogen matrices at 14 K lead allow discrimination between three sets of bands each denoted to relatively poor yields of product B compared with product A. product B in Table 111. Bands at 324.5, 330.5, 421.4, 844.7, and Product Characterization by I8O Enrichment. Three different 879.5 cm-' and 327.5, 333.4, 429.9, and 877.1 cm-' are stable at experiments were performed by using ozone enriched in I8O. the highest temperature used (33 K) while those at 853.4 and 886.5 Absorptions observed before and after visible light irradiation are cm-' are diminished at 28 K. This thermal behavior, together summarized in Tables I and 11, respectively, for argon matrices with a comparison of the spectra of argon and nitrogen matrices, containing iodine monochloride and I8O3(98.0% I80)or scrambled suggests that product B exists in three different matrix sites in 1603-x180x (50.3% 180).While the photoproduct absorptions solid argon. For the species isolated in site 1, absorbing at 844.7 between 310 and 340 cm-I exhibited no significant I8O shift, those and 879.5 cm-I, the appearance of two triplets of bands in exbetween 720 and 910 cm-' were shifted by 38.9-44.0 cm-I indicates that B contains periments with scrambled 1603-x180x (columns 1 and 3, Table 11, Figure 4a,c) when I6O3was replaced two equivalent oxygen atoms. The frequencies of these absorptions by I8O3. Use of scrambled ozone resulted in the appearance, on favor assignment to the symmetric and antisymmetric X 0 2 (X visible irradiation, of all absorptions observed previously for I6O3 = halogen) stretching modes respectively of IO2 rather than C102. and 1803 plus bands at 410.2, 812.9, 820.3, 868.6, and 876.0 cm-' Furthermore, neither band exhibits a chlorine isotope shift expected (column 2, Table I1 and Figure 4b). Cycles of annealing and for a chloryl species; the corresponding modes in chloryl fluoride, irradiation at different temperatures distinguish two doublets FC102, are shifted by -7.4 and -12.4 cm-I, respectively, on subbetween 730 and 780 cm-' associated with photoproduct A and stitution of 3sCl by 37Cl.'8 The marked asymmetry of the two four asymmetric triplets associated with photoproduct B between triplets is often observed in the spectra of dioxo species, for ex800 and 890 cm-I. Absorptions associated with minor sites of ample, molybdenum dioxideI9 and dioxochromium dicarbonyl, photoproducts A and B decreased substantially in intensity on (OC)2Cr02.20 The greater separation between the symmetric warming the matrix, as observed in experiments employing ozone (55.7 cm-l) and antisymmetric IO2 stretching modes in 1160180 of natural isotopic abundance; the infrared spectrum in Figure compared with II6O2 (34.8 cm-I) or 11*02 (35.8 cm-I) may be 4b was recorded after a warming cycle. Initial irradiation with attributed to mixing between the two vibrations in the asymmetric h > 470 nm was followed by warming to 30 K and further irisotope as a result of the decrease in symmetry. Assignment of radiation at 22 K; comparison of Figure 4b with Figure 4, parts the absorption at 879.5 cm-l to the antisymmetric IO2 stretch and a and c, which were recorded after irradiation at 14 K, clearly that at 844.7 cm-' to the symmetric IO, stretch is supported by illustrates the simplification afforded by temperature variation. both their relative intensity and the values of the ratios usymFinally irradiation of an argon matrix containing iodine mono(I'602)/vsym(11802) and u,,ym(11602)/~,sym(11802). Thus the inchloride and the isotopes I6O3and I8O3in the ratio 1:l resulted tensity of the antisymmetric mode is greater than that of the in an infrared spectrum identical with that in Figure 4b for symmetric vibration while the isotopic frequency ratio is lower. scrambled 1603-x180x. In these respects product B parallels S02.22and FC102.18 The absorptions at 330.5 and 324.5 cm-I (sites 1 and 2) and 333.4 Discussion and 327.5 cm-I (site 3) associated with product B exhibit no I8O Discussion of the results will be presented in three parts. First shift, and their position suggests assignment to an I-C1 stretching the photoproducts A and B will be identified. Second the origin mode. The 6-cm-' separation between components of the doublets of absorptions present before irradiation and which cannot be supports this assignment, being attributed to the presence of two attributed to the parent molecules ozone and iodine monochloride chlorine isotopes. Product B is therefore identified as iodyl will be considered. Finally a mechanism for the formation of chloride, 021C1. photoproducts A and B will be proposed. The minor photoproduct C responsible for the band near 749 Identification of Photoproducts A and B. Visible irradiation cm-I remains unidentified. The band was relatively broad, in no and temperature cycling experiments suggest that two sets of experiment did it appear more than weakly, and it proved imabsorptions at 314.1, 320.2, and 779.1 cm-' and at 325.6 and 772.2 possible to determine convincingly the effects of l 8 0 enrichment. cm-' are associated with a single product, A. The thermal senThe position of the band argues that it originates in a C1-0 or sitivity of the 325.6- and 772.2-cm-' bands together with their 1-0 stretching vibration, but it does not correspond to any known absence in nitrogen suggests two lattice sites, 1 and 2, for A oxo-chlorine or -iodine speciesV8 isolated in solid argon. The doublets at 772.2 and 733.3 cm-' (site 2) and 779.1 and 739.8 cm-' (site 1) in the scrambled 1603-x180xComparison of Spectra. It is of interest to compare the vibrational spectra of iodosyl chloride, OICl, and iodyl chloride, experiments show that A contains a single oxygen atom. The 021CI, with those of other species believed to contain discrete IO magnitude of the i80isotopic shift is indicative of an 1-0 rather and IO2 groups. Vibrations involving the IO and IO2 moieties ihan a Cl-0 vibration. A relative intensity of ca. 3/1 for the in IOS03CF3and I 0 2 S 0 3 X (X = F, CF3) are summarized in absorptions of 320.2 and 314.1 cm-', together with their proximity ,.,the I-C1 fundamental of the parent iodine monochloride and the lack of an I8Oisotopic shift, supports assignment of these bands (18) Robiette, A. G.; Parent, C. R.; Gerry, M . C. L. J . Mol. Spectrosc. to u(1-Cl) of product A. The separation of 6.7 cm-' is close to 1981, 86, 455. that expected (6.9 cm-l) for an IC1 diatomic at 320.2 cm-I. The (19) Hewett, W. D., Jr.; Newton, J, H.; Weltner, W., Jr. J . Phys. Chem. absence of any other absorptions associated with product A 1975, 79, 2640. (20) Poliakoff, M.; Smith, K. P.; Turner, J. J.; Wilkinson, A. J. J . Chem. suggests that it is the triatomic OICl, iodosyl chloride. The SOC.,Dalton Trans 1982, 651. absorption u(I-CI) of 0I3'CI isolated in site 2 is obscurred by the (21) Laane, J.; Ohlsen, J. R. Prog. Inorg. Chem. 1980, 27, 465. corresponding absorption for OICl in site 1, and the bending mode, (22) Allavena, M.; Rysnik, R.; White, D.; Calder, V.; Mann, D. E. J . Chem. Phys., 1969, 50, 3399. expected at much lower frequency, was not observed.
J. Am. Chem. SOC.,Vol. 106, No. 11, 1984 3081
Photochemistry of an Ozone Molecular Complex with IC1
Table IV. The Calculated and Observed Vibrational Frequencies (in cm-I), Force Constants (in mdyne A-'), and Geometric Parameters for the IO2 Group in Iodyl Chloride, 021C1 IO = 1.625 A,a CY = 121' observed frequencies vib mode and
force constant ~asym(IO2) vsym(IO2) 6102
160,ICl 879.5 844.1 421.1
'60'80ICl 868.2 813.3 410.4
'80,ICl 837.4 801.2 399.5
160,ICl 879.5 844.7 42 1
'60'80ICl 868.6 8 12.9 410.2
'*O,ICI 837.4 801.6 399.4
6.035 -0.0828 0.8044 -0.3873 uWith use of rIo = 1.8 A, force constants arefro = 6.031,fi0,10= 4.0864, f a = 0.8055, andf,,Io = -0.3928 mdyne A-'. Calculated frequencies are identical except for 6 1 0 2 which become 420.7 (16021C1),410.0 (1601801C1),and 399.1 cm-' ("021C1). fI0,lO fa fmJ0
Table 111 and compared with the vibrational frequencies observed for OICl and 021C1. The vibrational spectra of iodosyl and iodyl sulfonate^^^'^ have been interpreted in terms of discrete 10 and IO2 units. This may be contrasted with (IO),SO, where the IO units are linked in infinite chains giving rise to infrared absorptions between 500 and 650 cm-'.I5 The close agreement between v,,,(IO)~ and v , , ~ ~ ( I O for~ 0,ICl ) and 021S03X(X = F, CF3) supports the proposition of a discrete IO2 group in 021S03Xsince extended polymeric structures are most unlikely in argon matrices. On the other hand, the vibrational properties of OICl are less well matched by those of solid IOS03CF3. Iodosyl chloride, +I-Cl, should be an angular molecule with C, symmetry. The measured 160/'80 and 35C1/37C1isotopic shifts imply that there is little coupling between the 1=0 and I-Cl stretching modes. In these circumstances and without any information about the third fundamental, the bending mode, we are not in a position to estimate the OICl bond angle from the vibrational frequencies of the different isotopes. The IO and IC1 stretching force constants are about 5.0 and 1.7 mdyn k', respectively;the corresponding parameters (in mdyn 8,-') for related species are as follows: IO 3.87,' TeO (isoelectronic with IO') 5.33,23 and IC1 2.39.8 As with the comparison between C10, o=Cl-Cl, and -1-F (with C10 force constants of 4.66, 5.94 ~ , ~ ~ results imply that the and 6.85 mdyn 8,-' r e s p e ~ t i v e l y ) ,these ionic structure O=I+Cl- makes a relatively large contribution to the bonding. Alternatively, the force constants may be said to signal the effective withdrawal of electron density from the IO ( p p ) r * orbitals through the interaction with the electronegative chlorine substituent. The similarity between the frequencies of the IO2 stretching vibrations in 021Cl and those of the analogous modes in tellurium dioxide, Te02,25also suggests a considerable degree of ionicity for the I-C1 bond in iodyl chloride, since TeO, and IO2+ are isoelectronic. Iodyl chloride is expected to have a pyramidal structure (l),and ionic character in the I-C1 bond should lead
.. 1
to relatively little coupling between vibrational modes localized in the IO2 unit and other modes. The relatively massive iodine atom should also minimize the mechanical coupling between the motions of the oxygen and chlorine atoms. In these circumstances it is profitable to perform normal coordinate calculations treating the IO2 unit as a C, triatomic molecule in order to gain further support for the vibrational assignments and an estimate of the IO2 bond angle. The isotopic u3 frequency ratio leads to a 120 f 10' estimate for the 0 1 0 bond angle with use of the relationships reported earlier.17.2zThe antisymmetric stretching symmetry coordinate (23) Huber, K. P.; Herzberg, G. "Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure. IV. Constants of Diatomic Molecules"; Van Nostrand-Reinhold Co.: New York, 1979. (24) Chi, F. K.; Andrews, L. J . Phys. Chem. 1973, 77, 3062. (25) Spoliti, M.; Grosso, V.; Cesaro, S. N. J . Mol. Strucr. 1974, 21, 7.
Scheme I
force constant F,,= f I o -fIo,Io = 6.12 mdynA-' was determined. The totally symmetric modes vsm(IO2)and 6(102) were calculated by using values of 1.625 and 1.80 8, for the 1-0 bond length, as observed in p-C1C6H5102and IO, respectively.' The band observed at 421 cm-' was assigned to 6102on the basis of its shift to 399.4 cm-l in 18021C1and the assignment of a band at 428 cm-' to the same vibrational mode in 021S03F.9 Calculations for '6021C1, '8021C1, and 1601801C1are summarized in Table IV; the success in reproducing nine vibrational frequencies within experimental error suggests that the IO2 group in OJCl is indeed vibrationally independent of the chlorine atom and that the 010 angle is approximately 1 2 0 O . This is reasonable in view of the 110 f 2' calculated bond angle for matrix-isolated TeOz.25 Ozone Complex. New bands at 1110.8, 1019.5, 372.1, and 364.1 cm-' in the ozone and iodine monochloride samples suggest a specific interaction between matrix-isolated O3and IC1 molecules. As such, the absorbing species may be represented as (03)x-(ICl)y The data in Figure 3 show that the concentration of (03)x.(1Cl)y is directly proportional to the concentration of O3 present in the matrix and therefore x = 1. Under the present conditions, no direct measurement of y was possible although a very low concentration of IC1 aggregate, as observed in nitrogen matrices, had no effect on the concentration of (03)x.(ICl)y. Thus these additional absorptions seem to be a product of monomolecular iodine monochloride, and it is proposed that y = 1 also. Iodosyl and i d y l chloride are formed in these experiments under conditions in which isolated ozone cannot be photolyzed. Any oxygen atom transfer in this system is therefore a consequence of the photolysis (A > 470 nm) of the 03-IClcomplex. Since the main products contain 1-0 but not C1-0 bonds, it appears that ozone is bound to IC1 in the complex via the iodine atom. The infrared spectrum of the complex exhibits a displacement of the I-C1 stretching vibration to lower frequency and an increased separation of the symmetric and antisymmetric stretching vibrations of ozone. A decrease in the I-C1 mode can be explained by electron donation into the u* orbital of IC1. The perturbations observed for ozone most likely result from reduction in the symmetry of 03,which suggests a 0 - 0 - 0 - - I - C 1 structure for the complex. The complex O,.ICl absorbs near 460 nm and irradiation into this band leads to photolysis of the complex. The transition is interpreted in terms of charge transfer from IC1 to O3in a manner similar to that proposed for T complexes between ozone and substituted benzenes.' It is perhaps noteworthy that the IC1 submolecule in the O3.IC1 complex absorbs at slightly longer wavelength than IC1 itself, but it is the complex and not isolated O3and IC1 that produces OICl on photolysis. The transformation of the complex to OICl is represented in Scheme I. The iodine atom is oxidized from the +1 to +3 oxidation state and oxygen is transferred to it, leaving dioxygen as the second product. The
J . Am. Chem. SOC.1984, 106, 3082-3089
iodosyl chloride so formed is likely to be in an electronically or vibrationally excited state. Mechanism of Iodyl Chloride Formation. Since irradiation of or I6O3and I8O3in the matrices containing scrambled 1603-x180x ratio 1:l both yielded 021Cl with a random distribution of oxygen isotopes, the two oxygen atoms in 021C1 originate in different 03*IClcomplex molecules. The relative yield of 021Cl and OICl increases in favor of the dioxo species as the photolysis temperature is increased which, together with the isotope data, implies that the formation of 021CI is diffusion controlled. It is proposed that electronically or vibrationally excited OICl formed during photolysis of 03.1Cl is either quenched, forming the observed iodosyl chloride product, or decomposes releasing an oxygen atom for reaction with another OICl to give 021CI.
Conclusions Codeposition of ozone and iodine monochloride in argon, krypton, and nitrogen matrices leads to the formation of a specific molecular complex, 03.1C1. The complex photodissociates to iodosyl chloride OICl with visible light. The OICl photoproduct is probably formed initially in a vibrationally or electronically excited state and is either quenched by the matrix or dissociates to IC1 and atomic oxygen. The release and diffusion of oxygen
atoms leads to formation of a second product iodyl chloride 021C1. Iodyl chloride becomes the favored product as the photolysis temperature is increased as a result of either a greater extent of diffusion of oxygen atoms through the matrix or a reduced efficiency in the quenching of excited iodosyl chloride. This paper represents the first characterization of a monomolecular inorganic iodosyl compound. Normal coordinate analysis calculations applied to iodyl chloride treated the IO2 moiety as vibrationally independent of the chlorine atom: frequencies for vsYrn(1O2), vasyrn(I02), and 6(102)for three isotopes ‘6021C1, ‘8021C1,and ’601801C1could be fitted within experimental error. This implies little mechanical or electronic influence of the chlorine atom on the vibrations of the IO2 moiety as a result of the large mass of iodine and substantial ionic character in the I-CI bond. Polarity in the I-C1 bond is supported by the low frequency of the I-C1 stretching mode compared with iodine monochloride and the high frequency of the symmetric and antisymmetric stretching vibrations of the IO2 group.
Acknowledgement is made to the donors of the Petroleum Research Fund, administered by the American Chemical Society, for support of this research and to the Science Research Council (U.K.) for a research studentship (D.J.D.).
Study of Disaccharide Conformation by Measurements of Nuclear Overhauser Enhancement, Relaxation Rates, and 13C-lH Coupling: 1,6-Anhydro-P-cellobiose Hexaacetate Photis Dais,* Tony K. M. Shing, and Arthur S. Perlin Contribution from the Department of Chemistry, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec H3C 3GI Canada. Received June 9, I983
Abstract: Nonselective and mono- and biselective spin-lattice relaxation rates, nuclear Overhauser enhancements,and coupling constants were measured as means for determining such stereochemical features as the conformation of the glucosidic bond 1’,6’-anhydro-P-~-glucopyranose (1) in acetone-d6solution. Interproton of 2,3,4,6,2’,3’-hexa-~-acetyl-4-~-~-~-glucopyranosy~distances within each ring of 1, as well as of 2, specifically C-deuterated samples of 1, calculated from either a combination of monoselective relaxation rates and NOE experiments or mono- and biselective relaxation rates, agreed within f0.2A of those found in the crystal. However, substantially different values were obtained from nonselective relaxation rate measurements. The orientation of the glucosidic bond, as deduced from interresiduespinspin coupling (3J)between the C-l,H-4’ and C-4’,H-1 nuclei, is described by dihedral angles of 45-50’ and 4 of 25-30’, These values are within the region of the allowed conformation as defined by the interatomic distances H-1-H-4’ and H-1-H-5’ obtained from relaxation, NOE data, and by computer simulation.
The conformational properties of disaccharides have received a great deal of attention in recent decades, stimulated primarily by interest in the conformations of structurally related polysaccharides. There are various theoretical treatments of the subject,1,2and several experimental techniques have been employed to determine disaccharide conformations in the solid ~ t a t e and ~-~ in solution.6-’0 One approach for examining conformation in solution is offered by proton monoselective spin-lattice relaxation experiments in combination with N O E data,”J2 and/or mono- and biselective ( I ) Rees, D. A,; Skerrett, R. J. Carbohydr. Res. 1968, 7, 334. (2) Rea, D. A.; Smith, P. J. C. J . Chem. Soc., Perkin Tram. 1975,2, 836. (3) Quigley, G. J.; Sarko, A.; Marchessault, R. H. J . Am. Chem. SOC. 1970, 92, 5834. (4) Ham, J. T.; Williams, D. G. Acra Crystallogr., Sect. E 1970, 26, 1373. (5) Chu, S. S. C.; Jeffrey, G. A. Acta Crysrallogr., Sect. E 1968,24,830. (6) Casu, B.; Reggiani, M.; Gallo, G. G.; Vigevani, A. Tetrahedron 1966, 22, 3061. (7) Rees, D. A. J . Chem. Soc., E 1970, 877. (8) Perlin, A. S.; Cyr, N.; Ritchie, R. G. S.; Parfondry, A. Carbohydr. Res. 1974, 37, C I . (9) Parfondry, A.; Cyr, N.; Perlin, A. S. Carbohydr. Res. 1977, 59, 299. (10) Hamer, G. K.; Balza, F.; Cyr, N.; Perlin, A. S. Can. J . Chem. 1978, 56, 3 109. (1 1) Hall, L. D.; Wong, K. F. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. 1979,951.
experiments13 that determine the magnitude of specific dipolar interproton spin-lattice relaxation contributions. This approach has been utilized in the present study for the quantitative measurement of interproton distances within disaccharide derivative 1, Le., 2,3,4,6,2’,3’-hexa-~-acetyl-4-~-~-~-glucopyranosyl1’,6’anhydro-P-D-glucopyranose(1,6-anhydro-~-cellobiose), in order to determine its conformation in solution. Compound 1 attracted
o’a c c
our interest because it introduces a marked departure in stereochemistry from other derivatives of cellobiose examined previo u ~ l y . Among ~ * ~ ~ other differences, the reducing end moiety of 1 possesses the opposite (IC4) chair conformation, and its (1+4’) linkage entails an axial, rather than equatorial, 0-4’. In earlier (12) Hall, L. D.; Hill, H. D. W. J . A m . Chem. SOC.1976, 98, 1269. (13) Kaplan, D.; Navon, G . J . Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2 1981, 1374.
0002-7863/84/1506-3082$01.50/00 1984 American Chemical Society