Sep 19, 2017 - (common 1200-2200) professional stereoplotters have c-factor of ... Professional /mature + metric/non-metric cameras ... Mobile Mapping Imaging Systems ... Drone/UAV , laser scanners can be used for land surveying due to.
From Classical to Digital to Laser Scanners
Dr. Ghadi Younis - Zakarneh College of Engineering Civil & Architectural Eng. Dept. The 4th Annual Conference for Engineering and Surveying in Palestine (Cadastral Surveying & Reference Networks) Ramallah- Palestine 19.Sept.2017
Analog + Analytical Photogrammetry Mapping Concepts Photo scale = f/H Map scale = (f/H )* Zoom factor (optical system) Common zoom factors 5-7 (commonly used 6 ( ASPRS) C-factor= H/(CI) C-factor : general description of height accurcy factors for contour Intervals
(CI) :nature of the terrain, the camera and its calibration, the resolution quality of the photography, the density and accuracy of the ground control, and the capability of the plotter operator . (common 1200-2200) professional stereoplotters have c-factor of 2000)
Image enhancement / Image Resambling Vertical/tilted/oblique image orientations Camera calibration Professional /mature + metric/non-metric cameras Aerial/terrestrial /close range photos/applications Aerotriangulation Automatic Point/Feature Matching Automatic orientation 3D Vision Manual/Automatic DEM/DTM creation and processing Digital Orthoimage creation / mosaicing 3D cloud production and procession ….. Much more
Accuracy measures in xy or Z are measured using chech
points and RMSE. (ASPRS accuracy sttandards, 2014)
Control Points and Check Points
Drone and UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vichele) Easy flight control unsing smart phone or tablet , fast
photography small areas , professional cameras , GNSS/GPS –INS systems Easy processing Software , accurate 3D modeling for topography buildings and construction
Mobile Mapping Imaging Systems e.g Trimble MX7 fast and cost effective Rapid 360-degree geo-referenced image documentation Precision positioning using GNSS and inertial referencing system Deploys on all sizes of vehicles Direct 3D viewing/measurement/modelling Software
Laser Scaning (Aerial) / LIDAR
Terrestrial Laser Sacanners e.g Trimble TX5 , TX8
3D grid point XYZ + color RGB
Trimble TX5 @ PPU
Recommendations In addition to GNSS and Total Stations other tools like
Drone/UAV , laser scanners can be used for land surveying due to low cost and ease of use compared to classical photogrammetry Direct XYZ with real world info Can be achieved using these tool. Quality control and check of field work can be easly in office applied. 3d Mapping / cadastral systems should be studied to applied , E.g apartment registration Quality control related using check
points should be officially
documented in procedures in photogrammetric and cadastral works.