An optical ring resonator with the waveguides which has extremely small ring ... 700-μm-long attained 7nm wavelength tuning range with micro-heaters formed ...
PIERS ONLINE, VOL. 5, NO. 2, 2009
Photonic Integration with Si-wire Waveguides for Photonic Networks Hirohito Yamada1 and Tao Chu2 Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, Japan 2 Nano Electronics Research Labs., NEC Corp., Japan
Abstract— Micro-photonic devices with Si-wire waveguides were demonstrated for use in photonic networks. An optical ring resonator with the waveguides which has extremely small ring radius realized large free-spectral range. An optical add/drop multiplexer which is as small as 700-µm-long attained 7 nm wavelength tuning range with micro-heaters formed on the device. 1 × 4, 1 × 8 and 4 × 4 optical switches were also demonstrated with extremely compact sizes.
Si-wire waveguides are attractive for realizing high-density photonic integrated circuits since the waveguide can be bent with extremely small curvature due to strong optical confinement in the core [1–5]. Optical interconnection with the Si-wire waveguides brings in a high degree of freedom for the device layout on chip. And the optical devices constructed with the waveguides can be extremely small. We have demonstrated various micro-photonic devices with the waveguides. In this paper, we describe the devices including optical ring resonators, optical multiplexer/demultiplexers and optical switches for use in photonic networks. 2. RING RESONATOR
Optical ring resonators are one of the most attractive applications of the Si-wire waveguides, since they can have very wide free-spectral ranges (FSRs) due to those small ring radiuses of several micrometers [6, 7]. The ring resonators are expected to be used in constructing many novel devices, such as tunable wavelength lasers, optical delay lines and optical filters for use in photonic networks. Here, we demonstrate an optical filter using a ring resonator with Si-wire waveguides. Figure 1 shows microscope view of the fabricated ring resonator. The Si-wire waveguides had a core cross-section size of 450 × 220 nm. The thickness of the under cladding and upper cladding layers are 3 µm and 2 µm, respectively. The propagation losses of the waveguides were 0.8 dB/mm for TE-like mode (electric field is parallel to the substrate) and 0.6 dB/mm for TM-like mode (electric field is perpendicular to the substrate), respectively. In characterizations, TM-like mode only was used.
Transmission (dB)
through drop out 1530
Wavelength (nm)
Figure 1: Fabricated optical ring resonator.
Figure 2: Measured characteristics of the ring resonator.
Figure 2 shows the measured characteristics of the device. The FSR of the ring resonator was about 3.4 nm (425 GHz) which is more than one order of magnitude wider than that realized by
PIERS ONLINE, VOL. 5, NO. 2, 2009
ring resonators with silica based waveguides. The cross talk between the through and drop-out ports was more than 10 dB over the wavelength range from 1520 nm to 1570 nm which covers the C-band and the L-band in WDM optical communication [8]. 3. OPTICAL ADD/DROP MULTIPLEXER
Optical add/drop multiplexers (OADMs) are indispensable devices in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) network for dropping out or adding in light signals with specific wavelengths. In this paper we demonstrate a Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) type OADM in which Bragggrating reflectors are formed on both the MZI branches. Figure 3 shows the schematic illustration of the fabricated optical add/drop multiplexer with Si-wire waveguides. The Bragg gratings were formed by making small fins at a period of 370 nm on the sidewalls of the 500-µm-long waveguides. The projection of the fins was 30 nm. Upon the Bragg gratings, metal thin-film heaters were formed over the upper cladding layer for thermooptical tuning of the center wavelength. The device was 700-µm-long which is more than one order of magnitude smaller than conventional OADMs made of silica waveguides.
Transmission (dB)
-15 d Λ
Λ = 370 nm d= 30 nm electrodes
add in 3-dB coupler signal in Braggwaveguide Bragg waveguidegrating grating
0 mA 20 mA 40 mA 45 mA 55 mA 65 mA
-25 -30 -35
through heater
500 µm
1550 1552 1554 1556 1558 1560 1562 1564
3-dB coupler
700 µm 700
Figure 3: Schematic of the OADM.
drop out
Wavelength (nm)
Figure 4: Measured characteristics of the OADM.
The transmission loss spectra for through and drop-out ports of the OADM were measured for TM-like mode. The results for the through port are shown in Fig. 4. The dropping center wavelength was 1551.4 nm when no heating current was applied. The channel dropping bandwidth was about 1.6 nm which correspond to 200-GHz dense wavelength division multiplexing (D-WDM). The device insertion losses were about 15 dB including the lensed-fiber-to-device coupling losses of about 6 dB/port. Next, we measured the wavelength tuning characteristics of the OADM at various heating currents. As shown in the figure, the dropping center wavelength shifted about 7 nm to longer wavelength as the heating current was increased, while the transmission spectra retained their shape without conspicuous deformation. The tuning efficiency was 8.05 nm/W. The average tuning speed of the device was about 200 µsec. 4. OPTICAL SWITCH
Finally, we describe ultra small optical switches based on Si-wire waveguides. First, we fabricated MZI-type 1×2 optical switches composed by Y-splitters and 3-dB directional couplers. Fig. 5 shows the picture of the switch. The Y-splitter was only 7-µm long. The radii of the bends in our switches are 10 µm. The bending losses were less than 0.1 dB. These small bends are the primary reason for the reduction in device size. The MZI branches were 40-µm long. The switches were controlled with metal thin-film heaters formed over the MZI branches. The footprint of the 1 × 2 optical switches were 85 × 30 µm which is more than two orders of magnitude smaller than conventional optical switches made of silica waveguides. In characterization, we measured the transmissions on heating power at the wavelength of 1550 nm for TM-like mode, as shown in Fig. 6. From the figure, we found the light outputs of the 1 × 2 switch were alternately changed between port 1 and 2 at a switching power of 90 mW. In later experiments, the switching power has been presently improved to 25 mW, by optimizing the heater designing, i.e., reducing the heater width to 4 µm from the previous value of 12 µm. The maximum extinction ratio was more than 30 dB. The switching response time was around 100 µsec.
PIERS ONLINE, VOL. 5, NO. 2, 2009
Transimmsion (dB)
-15 -20 -25 -30 -35
Port 1 Port 2
-40 -45 0
80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Heating power (mW)
Figure 5: Fabricated 1 × 2 optical switch.
Figure 6: Characteristics of the 1 × 2 optical switch.
We also describe 1 × 4 and 1 × 8 optical switches made by the 1 × 2 switch elements and demonstrate their fundamental switching characteristics. The microscope view of the 1 × 4 switch is shown in Fig. 7. The 1 × 4 switch had a footprint of 190 × 75 µm, which was believed to be the smallest one in the world. The 1 × 8 switch was similar to the 1 × 4 switch. The operations of the 1 × 4 and 1 × 8 switches were both confirmed [9].
Figure 7: Fabricated 1 × 4 optical switch.
Figure 8: Fabricated 4 × 4 optical switch.
Further, we fabricated a 4×4 switch with six 2×2 optical switches, which was made by replacing the Y-splitter in the 1 × 2 switch with a 3-dB directional coupler, as shown in Fig. 8. In the 4 × 4 switch, directional couplers in cross state were used as the waveguide cross connections. The output ports of the switch had the same interval as that of the inferred micro-lens-array, which was used for coupling light from optical fiber arrays to the waveguides. The operations of the 4 × 4 switch were also confirmed [8]. 5. CONCLUSIONS
We have demonstrated micro-photonic devices with Si-wire waveguides for use in photonic networks. An optical ring resonator with the waveguides realized extremely wide free-spectral range (425 GHz) due to its small ring radius. An optical add/drop multiplexer which is as small as 700-µm-long attained 7 nm wavelength tuning range with micro-heaters formed on the device. 1 × 4, 1 × 8 and 4 × 4 optical switches were also demonstrated with extremely compact sizes. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
The authors would like to thank Shigeru Nakamura, Yutaka Urino, Masashige Ishizaka, Masatoshi Tokushima, Akiko Gomyo, Jun Ushida and Masayuki Shirane of NEC Corp. and Satomi Ishida and Yasuhiko Arakawa of Univ. of Tokyo for useful discussions.
PIERS ONLINE, VOL. 5, NO. 2, 2009
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