Photostimulated luminescence of KBr-in crystals

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It is shown that the photostimulated luminescence of the KBr-In crystal at room temperature preliminary irradiated in the exciton absorption band arise from three ...
Rudiution Effects and Defects in Sohds, 1995, Vol. 135. pp 125-128 Reprints available directly from the publisher Photocopying permitted by license only

0 1995 OPA (Overseas Publishen Association) Amsterdam B.V. Published under license by Gordon and Breach Science Publishers SA Printed in Malaysia


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'Institute of Physics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, V-2169 Riga, Latvia; 21nstituteof Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, 8 Kengaraga str., LV-1063 Riga, Latvia It is shown that the photostimulated luminescence of the KBr-In crystal at room temperature preliminary

irradiated in the exciton absorption band arise from three types of close defect pairs. The stimulation spectra a for each pair are investigated.It is shown also that one of these three kinds of defect pairs is (F, In2+], whereas two other pairs have the electron centre of more complicated nature. It is demonstrated that the KBr-In is an effective radiation storage material for both UV- and X-irradiations. Key words: Alkali halides, photostimulated luminescence, color centers, F-center, storage phosphors.


In recent years the photostimulated luminescence (PSL) has the great attention of many scientists because of their application for radiation imaging.' ,2 For this purposes, a variety of the different PSL phosphors, such as BaFBr:Eu, RbBr-Tl? KBr-In4 etc have been considered. In our recent paper^^-^ it was shown that { F, In2+]defect pairs, which are responsible for the distinctive PSL, are produced under the exciton-band excitation. Furthermore, when the number of the exciton-created photons is less than 5.0 x 1013photons/cm2 only the (F, In2+}pairs are formed. In order to excite the PSL of the { F, In2+}pairs, the crystal has to be illuminated with light into the F band. As a result, the F center electrons are excited and captured by the nearby In2+ centers. This electron transfer from F* to In2+ results in the PSL of In+ luminescence (420-530 nm).4.6 This paper concentrates on the new PSL properties of a KBr-In crystals proposed for UV-4 and X-ray radiation irnaging.41~ 2 EXPERIMENTAL

Experimental details were presented earlier for the case of UV irradiation X-rays in','.

and for

3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In order to investigate the PSL process after the optical creation of the anion excitons, we measured carefully the kinetics of PSL under constant F-light stimulation. As it was shown the PSL of the {F, In2+}pairs is exponential in time. This process can be written schematically as


{F, In2+} hv,,



(In+)*} + {v:,


+ hy,+


where v,' is the anion vacancy. The appropriate stimulation spectrum is presented in [623]/125


Absorption cross section (10 cm2)

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1G8 Energy


F'IGURE 2 Dose dependence of PSL of KBr-In accumulated under UV light (A = 195 nm). PSL lightsums magnitude obtained according to a squared signal-to-noise ratio $*'.

Figure 1. It is similar to the earlier published F-band absorption spectra. Next we have found that the PSL appearing after large dose (D > 5 x l O I 3 p h o t ~ n s k m - ~is) the superposition of three exponential components, { F, In2+}pairs define the middle of them. The spectral distribution of the absorption cross-section c of the slow component (Figure 1) looks like the M-centre absorption. It is well known that the F band covers the spectral region of the transition of the M and R centers. In the case of KBr, the M band includes the M2 and M2' - transitions (EM, = 1.990 eV, EM; = 2.006 eV, AE = 0.016 eV). Estimation of the the OM, gives the values of order 1.0 10-l6 cm-2. From the stimulation spectra (Figure 1) it follows that there are two most pronounced bands; El = 1.87 eV and E2 = 2.08 eV having 0 1 , 2 = 1.05 cm2, respectively, These 0 values are in a and 1.3 good correspondence with the above-mentioned estimation of values. The estimated oscillator strengths of the El and E2 bands are f l = 0.14 and f2 = 0.17 with good correspondence with data.' Thus we can conclude that the slow component of the PSL of KBr-In crystals is due to { M, In2+)pairs and this process can be represented schematically as {M, In2+} + hvst


{M*, In2+} + {F;, (In')*}




+ hy,+


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The origin of the shortest component of the PSL decay is not so obvious. Appearing under large irradiation doses these centers may have a complex structure. They could be the R centers as well as the F centers perturbed by some defect. The component has a spectrum shifted to the shortwavelength side to 0.1 eV compared with the F band. The pairs responsible for the shortest component will be designated as {DF, In2+]. Thus we have concluded that the PSL of KBr-In crystals preliminary irradiated in the exciton fundamental absorption is due to three types of the close defect pairs, such as { M, In2+] and { DF, In2+), in which center-to-center recombination occurs. Recently we show that the resulting {V,', Inf} pairs may be converted again into the {F, In2+] pairs under the C-absorption band irradiation accompanied with the optical ionization of In+ ion. The electron capture by the Coulomb field of the near anion vacancy leads to the restoration of the {F, In2+] pair.6 The same is true for the {DF, In2+} defects, but not for the {M, In2+) ones. The last fact can be explained by the thermal unstability of the F l centre at RT. It should be noted that in the case of C-band irradiation the main part of the PSL decays in accordance with the hyperbolic law. As such irradiation leads to the optical ionization of impurity In+ ions, the released electrons are captured by the Schottky vacancies, thus creating the F centers. Schottky vacancies are randomly distributed (at least in virgin samples !) as well as the F and In2+ centers are. The kinetics of the F-destruction of such randomly arranged F and In2+ centres differ considerably from that of { F, In2+ ] In conclusion, in Figure 2 we demonstrate that KBr-In is an effective UV radiation storage material with a wide dynamic range. A direct proportionality of the PSL intensity to X-ray exposure have been recently established over a wide dose range, viz. from 6 I O-' to 30 R at 44 kV ~ o l t a g e that , ~ is definitely the outstanding property and is much better then that, reported for BaFBr-Eu.' The comparison of the stimulation energies of numerous storage materials also showed the advantage of the KBr-In." The research described in this publication was made possible in part by Grant LB2000 from International Science Foundation.

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