Photothermal Effects of Laser Heating Iron Oxide and ... - Springer Link

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INTRODUCTION. Recently, interest in biofunctional nanoparticles, which are used successfully in laser diagnostics and thermotherapy, has increased ...
ISSN 19950780, Nanotechnologies in Russia, 2012, Vol. 7, Nos. 3–4, pp. 127–131. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2012. Original Russian Text © P.Yu. Gulyaev, M.K. Kotvanova, S.S. Pavlova, E.N. Sobol’, A.I. Omel’chenko, 2012, published in Rossiiskie Nanotekhnologii, 2012, Vol. 7, Nos. 3–4.

Photothermal Effects of Laser Heating Iron Oxide and Oxide Bronze Nanoparticles in Cartilaginous Tissues P. Yu. Gulyaeva, M. K. Kotvanovaa, S. S. Pavlovaa, E. N. Sobol’b, and A. I. Omel’chenkob b

a Yugra State University, KhantyMansiysk, 628012 Russia Institute of Problems of Laser and Information Technologies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow oblast, 142190 Russia email: [email protected]

Received October 9, 2011; in final form, November 28, 2011

Abstract—Results of studying the optical properties of aqueous dispersions of iron oxide and oxide bronze nanoparticles and biogels on their basis have been presented. It has been shown that oxide bronzes obtained by mechanochemical synthesis and selfpropagated hightemperature synthesis (SHS) can be used during the preparation of aqueous dispersions of nanoparticles. These nanoparticles have stable optical properties, and their aqueous dispersions and biogels are stable to aggregation and sedimentation. It has been established by spectrophotometry that the absorption of the bronze solution is mainly determined by light scattering in the visible side out of the spectral band at ~345–365 nm. This has been confirmed by the dependence of the opti cal density of solutions on the wavelength. The character of light scattering changes depending on the size of the scattering disperse particles. When the hydrogen molybdenum oxide bronze nanoparticles are used as a photoabsorbing additive during the laser irradiation of the cartilaginous tissue, the photothermal effect at a wavelength of 1.56 μm is five times higher than that in the case of iron oxide nanoparticles. DOI: 10.1134/S1995078012020097

INTRODUCTION Recently, interest in biofunctional nanoparticles, which are used successfully in laser diagnostics and thermotherapy, has increased noticeably [1, 2]. Mag netic nanoparticles of iron oxides (αFe2O3, γFe2O3 and Fe3O4) have often been used for preparing bio functional mixtures, which absorb electromagnetic radiation. The advantageous combination of optical and magnetic properties and low toxicity make them rather promising for application in laser medicine [1]. Oxide bronzes, like iron oxides, have semiconduc tor conductivity similar to that of metal at the standard temperature. This is due to the features of the crystal structure and the structure of the electron bands these compounds. It is known that oxide bronzes are nons toichiometric compounds of the general formula MxEOn, where M are atoms of the alkali metal or hydrogen and some pelements and E are atoms of the transition metal of the IV–VIII groups of the periodic system (Ti, V, Nb, Mo, W, Mn, Re, Pt, etc.) (0 < x ≤ 1). The structure of the inverse spinel of double iron oxide and the diverse octahedral structures of oxide bronzes with different types of octahedra joining are character ized by the presence of metal atoms with various valences. This leads to considerable deformations in the electron bands and electron conductivity [3]. The electron properties of complex oxides and oxide bronzes have not been studied enough (either for

bulk materials or finedispersed particles) [4–6]. These studies have become particularly topical due to the development of nanotechnologies. Finedispersed, including nanosize, samples of titanium and tungsten oxide bronzes are good absorb ers of radiation in the optical and nearIR spectral region [7]. However, it becomes a problem to obtain stable aqueous dispersions of these particles, which is related to their aggregation in the aqueous medium. The nature of this interparticle interaction is magnetic (exchange) and electric (dispersion) forces. Since they depend on a distance of ~r–n, n > 2, the surface of nanoparticles is often covered with nonmagnetic and nonpolar coatings in order to decrease the effect of these forces. This work was aimed at studying the optical prop erties of the aqueous dispersions of oxide bronzes of transition metals and biogels on their basis and com paring them with the properties of the dispersions and gels of iron oxides. MATERIALS AND METHODS The objects under study were titanium, molybde num, and tungsten oxide bronze nanoparticles obtained by different methods. The dispersion of the macroscopic materials and chemical synthesis were used as methods of obtaining nanoparticles, i.e., the directed variation of the composition of the matter



GULYAEV et al.

Absorption coefficients of studied mixtures at different laser powers Gel + HxMoO3 = 1 : 1

Gel Power set, W 0.5 0.9

Gel + Fe3O4 = 1 : 1

Measured power, W

α, cm–1

Measured power, W

α, cm–1

Measured power, W

α, cm–1

0.518 0.779

10.84 10.05

0.195 0.417

18.83 15.39

0.408 0.713

14.20 13.10

with the termination of the growth of a new phase at the formation stage of the nanosize particles. Oxide bronzes were synthesized according to dif ferent methods with the use of ultradispersed powders of the initial compounds. The chemical and phase compositions were established by Xray diffraction (an X’Pert Pro diffractometer; copper anode). Macro scopic reaction products were dispersed on a planetary mill. Reaction products were also ultradispersed pow ders coated with the nanodispersed phases of the cor responding oxide bronzes. The compounds were described by the formulas H0.2MoO3, K0.12TiO2, K0.40MoO3, Na0.36WO3. Oxide bronze H0.2MoO3 was synthesized according to the method [8]. Oxide bronze Ê0.40MoO3 was obtained by the method of mechanochemical activa tion in an AGO3 planetary mill according to the reac tion 2MoO3 + 2xKI → 2KxMoO3 + xI2. (1) Oxide bronzes Na0.36WO3 and K0.12TiO2 were obtained by the method of selfpropagated hightem perature synthesis (SHS) according to the reactions 2Cu(OH2) + TiO2 + Ti + 2xKI → 2KxTiO2 + 2Cu + xI2 + 2H2O,


2Cu(OH2) + WO3 + W + 2xKI (3) → 2KxWO3 + 2Cu + xI2 + 2H2O. The initial compounds were taken in stoichiomet ric amounts. The total mass of the mixture was 2 g. A mixture of powders was ground in an agate mortar up to a homogeneous mass and carefully mixed. Tab lets were prepared by the addition of a binding agent (ethanol); their diameter was 1.5 cm. They were burnt in a flow of nitrogen. Initiation was performed with an electric spiral and some excess of titanium was put on the surface of tablets. Products obtained by means of the mechanochem ical synthesis and SHS were washed with a 10% solu tion of nitric acid from the byproduct compounds; then they were washed with distilled water, dispersed in an ultrasound bath, and subjected to the sedimenta tion separation of nanoparticles from large particles in a vertical column filled with distilled and deionized water for 10 h. As a result, aqueous dispersions of oxide bronze nanoparticles were obtained with concentra tions from 1 μg/mL to 1 mg/mL (the concentration of

the disperse phase was determined by gravimetry according to the dry residue). We used sedimentation in the solution subjected to centrifugation in order to obtain pure aqueous disper sions of oxide bronze nanoparticles. To separate nano particles, we did the following: a bronze batch with a mass of 0.1 g was placed in distilled water (10 mL) passed through a “Millipor” filter. The solution was placed into an ultrasound bath for 360 s. Then it was subjected to centrifugation for 5 min at 4000 rpm. The obtained aqueous dispersion of nanoparticles was used in further research. The optical control of the maximum size of nano particles in the dispersion was performed by the method of optical light scattering in water. The optical spectra of aqueous dispersions of oxide bronze nanopar ticles were obtained on a PE5400 spectrophotometer in a quartz cuvette with an optical path length of 1 cm. Biogels were prepared from the obtained aqueous dispersions of oxide bronze nanoparticles by being mixed with some quantity of the Gel’Tek Medika medical hydrogel. The biogels were used for studying the optical absorption of the oxide bronze nanoparti cles in gel and placed in a layer with a given thickness at the wavelength of the Erfiber laser (λ = 1.56 μm). Further they were used as photoadsorbing additives for increasing the effective absorption coefficient of biotissues during laser heating. A comparative study of the photothermal efficiency of biogels prepared on the basis of bronze and iron oxide nanoparticles was performed when they were deposited on a cartilaginous tissue and upon subse quent laser irradiation. The thermal effect of the laser impact was estimated on the temperature increase measured with a thermal imaging system, which made it possible to record both the spatial temperature dis tribution over the tissue surface and the local temper ature in the irradiation zone with a time resolution of ~5 ms. To record the temperature distribution and heating dynamics, we used the noncontact tempera ture control method with an IRTIS 200 thermal imag ing system. A tissue stripe was removed from the cartilage sur face with the help of a chisel producing a groove 300 μm deep. A small amount of gel with the studied nanoparticles was deposited on this place, kept for 5 min, and then the bottom of the groove with irradi ated with a laser. The optical fiber for the transporta tion of the irradiation was located perpendicular to the


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Optical density, arb. units 2.0 1







300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Wavelength, nm

Fig. 1. Absorption of the aqueous dispersion of oxide bronze K0.40MoO3 obtained at the sedimentation and fractionating for different concentrations of particles in the fractions: (1) in the bottom fraction 1 mg/mL and (2) in the upper fraction 1 µg/mL.

tissue at a distance of about 1 mm. The cartilage tem perature in the irradiation point was measured with the help of thermal imaging software. Two samples were measured. The first sample was intact cartilage and the second sample was cartilage in the groove of which a certain amount of nanogel 1 : 1 was placed. In this case the tissue was irradiated through a nanogel layer. The intact cartilage and carti lage with nanogel were irradiated at an irradiation power of 0.9 W. Optical density, arb. units 1.0 1

The sedimentation and spectrophotometric analy sis of probes of the aqueous dispersion of blue bronze K0.40MoO3 taken during the height fractionating of the column into seven equal parts showed that optical absorption in the wavelength range from 450 to 1000 nm for all solution fractions changes slightly (Fig. 1). An absorption maximum is observed in the near UV region, which is indentified with the fundamental absorption edge and is attributed traditionally to the interband transfer from the valence band filled with electrons (mainly formed by the oxygen 2ð orbitals) to the conductivity band of the πtype (formed by the mixing of the tungsten 5dt2g orbitals and oxygen 2ðπ orbitals) [7]. No characteristic absorption is observed in the vis ible and nearIR spectral region up to 1000 nm. Therefore, the radiation extinction in the aqueous dis persion of nanoparticles of the compound in the wave length range from 450 to 1000 nm is mainly deter mined by the light scattering of small particles with the diameter d Ⰶ λ (wavelength). Figure 2 shows the absorption spectrum of the diluted10 mg/mL solution of oxide bronze K0.40MoO3 nanoparticles in the wavelength range from 450 to 1000 nm. It is seen in Fig. 2 that the absorption curve outside the 345–365 nm band is approximated by the inverse power dependence on the wavelength ~1/λ3.8. This shape of the dependence of the solution absorption corresponds to the Rayleigh scattering [9] typical for the particles with the size d Ⰶ λ/20. Thus, it is possible to suppose that, in the aqueous dispersions of blue bronzes KxMoO3, we found that there are nanoparti cles no smaller than 25–30 nm. To quantitatively determine the absolute diameter of the particles, the disperse composition was measured on an analytical

0.8 Relative particle weight

2 0.6

1.0 0.4 0.5

0.2 0 400



700 800 Wavelength, nm


1000 5

Fig. 2. Absorption spectrum of the diluted 10 mg/mL solu tion of oxide bronze K0.40MoO3 nanoparticles in the wavelength range of 450–1000 nm; (1) experimental data and (2) inverse power approximation of the experimental absorption curve depending on the wavelength. NANOTECHNOLOGIES IN RUSSIA

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10 20 30 40 50 Particle diameter, nm

Fig. 3. Size distribution of oxide bronze K0.40MoO3 parti cles (measured on a disc centrifuge). 2012


GULYAEV et al. (a) max 30 29.7 29.4 29.1 28.8 28.5 28.2 27.9 27.6 27.3 27.0 26.7 26.4 26.1 25.8 25.5 25.2 24.9 24.6 24.3


min 23.99

Temperature, °C


55 1

50 45 40


35 3

30 25 0



1.5 2.0 Time, s



Fig. 4. (a) Thermogram of the surface of the cartilaginous tissue under the impact of laser (×2 image in the inset); (b) thermal dynamics in the irradiation point of the cartilaginous tissue: (1) with the bronze H0.20MoO3 nanoparticles, (2) with Fe3O4nanoparticles, and (3) without nanoparticles.

CPS centrifuge combined with a light scattering pho tometer. Figure 3 shows the results of measuring the size dis tribution of particles in the studied aqueous dispersion of K0.40MoO3. It follows from the figure that in fact there are nanoparticles with diameters less than 20 nm in the solution. The average diameter of nanoparticles is 9 ± 3 nm. Photoabsorbing biogels prepared on the basis of these dispersions of bronze nanoparticles were charac terized by mechanical stability when they were depos ited on the biotissue and they had stable optical prop erties.

The study of the monochromatic absorption coef ficient biogel with molybdenum bronze at the wave length of the Erfiber laser showed that the photo absorbing gel on the basis of this bronze has absorption about 1.8 times higher than that of the pure gel. Table 1 shows the measured values of the absorption coeffi cient. The measurements of absorption of the pure gel at different powers showed about the same values of the absorption coefficient, which correspond to the absorption of water. It occurred that the absorption of the nanogel on the basis of oxide bronze H0.20MoO3is 1.5 times higher than that of the gel with Fe3O4. The absorption decreased with an increase in the laser


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Thermal imaging system Cartilage

Scheme 1. Scheme of measuring the temperature of laser irradiated cartilage.

power for both types of nanoparticles. We attribute this decrease to the appearance of microbubbles around nanoparticles and the decrease in the effective optical path length in the slide. Figure 4 shows a typical thermogram of the surface of cartilaginous tissue irradiated with a beam of the Er fiber laser and the thermal dynamics in the irradiation point of the tissue (scheme 1) when different biogels were deposited. Obviously, oxide bronze nanoparticles with higher absorption (Table 1) demonstrate a higher photother mal effect under laser irradiation. The photothermal effect in cartilage without nanoparticles is somewhat lower than that in cartilage with iron oxide nanoparti cles and is much lower than that when bronze H0.20MoO3 nanoparticles are used as the photo absorbing additive (Fig. 4b). Note that photoabsorbing biogels were prepared with the use of oxide bronze nano particles of a much lower concentration (0.9 μg/mL) than that of iron oxide (10 mg/mL). The high absorp tion of iron oxides and oxide bronzes in the near IR spectral region is described by their semiconductor properties. The main origin of such high absorption and observed photothermal effect under laser irradia tion with a wavelength of 1.56 μm is apparently the high density of the electron states arising at the inter band excitation of the conductivity electrons of the nanoparticles. The photothermal effect of the laser heating of iron oxide and oxide bronze nanoparticles in the cartilaginous tissues depends nonlinearly on the absorption coefficient (Table 1) and (Fig. 4b). This dependence is typical for the narrowband semicon ductors with electron conductivity close to the metal one [5]. It should be noted that similar effects were observed earlier [10] under the laser irradiation of semiconductor oxides. NANOTECHNOLOGIES IN RUSSIA

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CONCLUSIONS Thus, it was shown in this work that oxide bronzes obtained by different methods can be used when pre paring aqueous dispersions of nanoparticles and photoabsorbing biogels. Photoabsorbing gels can be used for varying tissue absorption when studying the kinetics of the pulse periodic laser heating of cartilaginous tissues. This was proven by thermal imaging measurements of the kinetics of the laser heating of intact and cartilaginous tissues impregnated with molybdenum oxide bronze nanoparticles. It was shown that processing of the cartilaginous tissue with hydrogen molybdenum oxide bronze nanoparticles in rather low concentrations leads to the photothermal effect, which is about five times higher than that in the tissue processed with iron oxide nano particles. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the Russian Founda tion for Basic Research (projects nos. 100290751 mob_st. and 11080574a). REFERENCES 1. A. I. Omel’chenko, “Biofunctional Nanoparticles in Laser Medicine,” Vestn. Yu. Univ. 21, 40–50 (2011). 2. R. Sharma and C. J. Chen, “Newer Nanoparticles in Hyperthermia Treatment and Thermometry,” J. Nano part. Res., No. 11, 671–689 (2009). 3. M. Greenblatt, “Molybdenum Oxide Bronzes with QuasiLowDimensional Properties,” Chem. Rev. 88, 31–53 (1988). 4. A. M. Gabovich, A. I. Voitenko, J. F. Annett, and M. Ausloos, “Charge and SpinDensityWave Super conductor,” Supercond. Sci. Technol., No. 14, R1– R27 (2001). 5. C. Schlenker, J. Dumas, and J. Marcus, in Proceedings of the Conference on Recent Developments in Low Dimensional Charge Density Wave Conductors, Skradin, Croatia, June 29–July 3, 2006, pp. 8–9. 6. P. Yu. Gulyaev, M. K. Kotvanova, I. V. Milyukova, S. S. Pavlova, and I. E. Stas’, “Physicochemical Research Methods of SelfPropagating HighTemperature Synthe sis of Oxide Titanium Bronzes,” Polzunov. Al’manakh, No. 2, 62–64 (2010). 7. B. M. Khubolov, Zh. Kh. Khokonova, and V. P. Podli nov, “Absorption Spectra of Amorphous Thin Films of Oxide Tungsten Bronzes,” Poverkhnost’, No. 2, 95–99 (2004). 8. N. Sotani, K. Eda, and M. Sadamatu, “Preparation and Characterization of Hydrogen Molybdenum Bronzes HxMoO3,” Bull. Chem. Soc. 62, 903–907 (1989). 9. A. Ishimaru, Wave Propagation and Scattering Media (Academic, New York, 1978), Vol. 1. 10. D. T. Alimov, V. Ya. Gol’dman, A. I. Omel’chenko, et al., “Electronic Aspect of Laser Chemistry of Solid State. Photoeffect at High Temperatures,” Teplofiz. Vysok. Temp. 29, 826–828 (1991). 2012