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A phrasal verb is a combination of a verb and preposition, a verb and an adverb, or a verb with both an adverb and a preposition.

A phrasal verb has a meaning which is different from the original verb.

 Phrasal verbs are usually used informally in everyday speech. They should be avoided in academic writing.

Complete the sentences with a phrasal verb from the box. find out lie down

get on looking for

give up look up

go on put off

gone up set off

(A) They __________ ________ early because they wanted to arrive before dark. (B) I’m surprised that you __________ ________ so well with your sister, because you are very different. (C) John’s away today, so we have decided to _________ _______ the dinner until Friday. (D) The police are trying to _________ _______ where the robber hid the money. (E) People who ________ _____smoking often put on weight. (F) Why don’t you _______ _______on the sofa for a bit, until you feel better? (G) I’ll ____________ ____his number in the phone book. (H) We cannot stop now. We’ll have to __________ ____________. (I) Prices have ___________ _________in the supermarket and everything’s much more expensive than before. (J) What are you ______________ ______? My glasses. I don’t know where I left them!



A phrasal verb is a combination of a verb and preposition, a verb and an adverb, or a verb with both an adverb and a preposition.

A phrasal verb has a meaning which is different from the original verb.

 Phrasal verbs are usually used informally in everyday speech. They should be avoided in academic writing.

Complete the sentences with a phrasal verb from the box. find out lie down

get on looking for

give up look up

go on put off

gone up set off

(A) They set off early because they wanted to arrive before dark. (B) I’m surprised that you get on so well with your sister, because you are very different. (C) John’s away today, so we have decided to put off the dinner until Friday. (D) The police are trying to find out where the robber hid the money. (E) People who give up smoking often put on weight. (F) Why don’t you lie down on the sofa for a bit, until you feel better? (G) I’ll look up his number in the phone book. (H) We cannot stop now. We’ll have to go on. (I)

Prices have gone up in the supermarket and everything’s much more expensive than before.

(J) What are you looking for? My glasses. I don’t know where I left them! EXERCISE (I36E141)