phrasal verbs with TAKE.pdf - Google Drive

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me on as a full-time karate teacher. What's more, they needed someone to e) take over from the. man who was my very firs
phrasal verbs with take 1 A Look at these sentences. Match the phrasal verbs in italics with the definitions in the box. 1 She took on governments and companies in her fight to save the environment. 2 People took to her quiet manner immediately. 3 It was hard for people to take in the importance of her ideas. a to understand completely b to like (somebody) when you first meet c to challenge B Now match the phrasal verbs in italics in the sentences below with the definitions in the box. a b c d e

1 2 3 4 5

to have a holiday from work to start (a new hobby) to admit that you were wrong to look or behave like an older relative to get control and responsibility (for something)

I want to get fit so I've decided to take up jogging. I'm sorry that I upset you. I take back everything I said. Tina takes after her mother. She's got the same eyes and the same temper. Who do you think will take over the department when Johnny leaves? You look ill. Why not take a few days off?

2 Complete these sentences with the correct word. after 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3








She was very rude to me yesterday. But today she took it all ________. I'm feeling really ill. I think I'm going to take the rest of the day _______. Ricky has got very fit since he took ________ rollerblading last year. When he told me about the accident, it was difficult to take it ________. We took _______ a team from a school nearby – and we won the match! She takes ________ her mother in appearance but not personality. Julia is really lovely. When I first met her, I took _______ her immediately. I'd like to take _______ my dad's business when I'm older. Match the phrasal verbs to the nouns. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

take in take up take to take off take over take after take back take on

a) work or responsibility b) a person you have just met c) an older relative d) a company or a job e) some complicated or surprising news f) a sport or hobby g) time (a few minutes, a week, a year etc.) from work or study h) something you have said

4 Match the first half of the sentence in Column A with the second half of the sentence in Column B. Then fill in the gaps with on, off (x3), up (x2), in or over. Column A

Column B

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

I really should take a day .. The manager said they were not taking … I'm sorry to have taken… My older sister was always taking … it was hilarious! He was taking ... Take … We thought these virtual reality things would really take ……here, 8 I wasn't taken …

a) for a moment when she said she had been ill. b) volleyball. It'll do you the world of good. c) so much of your time. d) work and paint the kitchen. e) our games when we were children. f) but they've been a complete financial disaster. g) any more bar staff for the time being. h) one of the teachers when she walked in.

5 Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with an appropriate phrasal verb from Exercise 4. 1 You can use ……………………….. , with words like a sport or a hobby or names of specific sports and hobbies. 2 You can use ……………………………… with the word staff or with words for specific jobs. 3 People who study or work can .............................................. a few days, two weeks, a month, etc. 4 Activities, things or people can ............................................. too/so much/a lot of time/space. 5 Bossy people often …………………….. other people's jobs/games/conversations/meetings, etc. 6 Match each of the underlined phrasal verbs in exercise 1 to one of the meanings in the box below. Use the context of the story to help you. employ

start doing



start to like


I a) take after my father in many ways, particularly in my love of good food and a tendency to eat more than I need to. However, several years ago the situation had reached crisis point – my clothes no longer fitted me – so I decided to b) take up some form of sport. Karate seemed like a good idea, so I signed up for a course at the local sports centre. I c) took to it immediately and by the end of the first class I was hooked. Over the next four years I progressed through the different levels until two years ago I achieved my ambition and qualified as an instructor. And now the same sports centre where I started all those years ago has just d) taken me on as a full-time karate teacher. What's more, they needed someone to e) take over from the man who was my very first teacher and who has left to set up his own gym. I am certainly very grateful to him! Now, with training, competitions and the classes themselves, karate has become my life and f) takes up all my time. I still manage to go out for a good meal now and again though! 7 Match a phrasal verb with take in Column A with its correct meaning in Column B. A You need to take a few days off work. I'm thinking of taking up golf to get some exercise. He's very good at taking off famous politicians. I really should take on one or two more waiters. The restaurant is so busy. 5 This table takes up too much room in the kitchen. Let’s put it somewhere else. 6 Sales of the new BMW have taken off. 7 He's so bossy. Whenever I try and work with him, he just takes over. 1 2 3 4

B a) to imitate another person to make people laugh b) to occupy space or time c) to employ d) to suddenly increase, to do well e) to have a holiday or a change f) to take control g) to start a new hobby

Key 1 A B

1c 2b 3a 1b 2c 3d 4e 5a

take on 1 extra work 2 employ 3 play against (in a game) 4 tackle an opponent /challenge take off 1 money / marks / points 2 sth off- remove 3 sb off- imitate 4 sth takes off- become successful (idea product) 2 1 back 2 off 3 up 4 in 5 on 6 after 7 to 8 over 3 1e 2f 3b 4g 5d 6c 7h 8a 4 1d off 2g on 3c up 4e over 5h off 6b up 7f off 8a in 5 1 take up 2 take on 3 take off 4 take up 5 take over 6 a take after b take up c took to d taken me on e take over from f takes up

resemble start doing start to like employ replace occupy *note position of pronoun (take sth up: start a new activity)

7 1e 2g 3a 4c 5b 6d 7f