Physical Activity Levels of Adolescents - Science Direct

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used respectively in the descriptive procedures, the chi-square test was used for ... The childhood and adolescence period' obesity has become a major health ...
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Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 47 (2012) 2107 – 2113

CY-ICER 2012

Physical activity levels of adolescents Fatma Celik Kayapinara* a

Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Educational Faculty Physical Education and Sport Teaching Department, Burdur 15100, Turkey

Abstract This study was aimed at physical activity levels of adolescent at high schools. 81 high school students who continue their education 9-10-11 and 12 classes at high school participated voluntarily in this research. For data collection was used survey method. SPSS 17.0 program was used data analyzes. While percent, frequency, arithmetic mean, minimum and maximum values used respectively in the descriptive procedures, the chi-square test was used for comparisons the categorical variables. The data were analyzed of according to gender BMI, BMI and physical activity levels. Statistical significance level was took 0.05. Each student's Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated (kg/m2) formula with the data obtained from measuring tool. Physical activity levels were classified as physically inactive ( 3000 MET-min/week). A significant relation was not found between body mass index and gender of surveyed students in the research (p> 0.05). 63 percent of the students were determined moderately active (> 600-3000 MET min/week). Keywords: Adolescents, physical activity levels;



Covering periods of human life are analyzed; the most critical developmental period is the age of adolescence, and this period is known to severely affect of an individual's life. İn body composition during adolescence period changes clearly, the acquisition nutrition and doing sport habits prevents obesity and associated with many chronic diseases that can be seen advanced ages (1). According to the World Health Organisation' definition; adolescence period covers 10-19 ages. Between 15-24 ages "young", 10-24 ages is defined as "youth" (2). Physical activity, energy expenditure for energy balance and weight control. Regular physical activity can be defined as exercise. Exercise includes regular and repetitive body movements. For increase of flexibility, muscular strength and endurance, cardiorespiratory endurance exercise is often used in adolescence period (3). The childhood and adolescence period’ obesity has become a major health problem due to decreased physical activity in recent years. Obesity in this period is a predictor in the period of adult obesity and this can cause heart and blood vessel disease in the future. The most effective methods of prevention of obesity is diet together with exercise (3). Health, according to has been accepted as an essential condition of quality life, to reduce the intensity of each day activity in his/her life with technological developments facilitates, but this developments negative impact on health and increasing the number of inactive individuals in the long term (4). Overweight or obesity is defined as an abnormal or intensive buildup fat, this can negative affect of health. The cause of overweight or obesity is imbalance between energy intake and the energy consumed., an increase of intake such as fat, sugar, salt in energy-rich foods and in the most working form changes, development of transport system

1877-0428 © 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Uzunboylu Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.06.958


Fatma Celik Kayapinar / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 47 (2012) 2107 – 2113

and an increase in the rate of urbanization caused obesity by the decrease in the level of physical activity. Obesity is a preventable disease (5). As Unhealthy diet and inactive life, cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes a risk factor for chronic diseases (6-8). Worldwide about 43 million children under 5 years of age are overweight in 2010. The people who are obese in childhood are expected to quite high will be obese and getting risk of chronic diseases in the future lives. For this; weight intake should be prevented early ages (9). Participation in physical activity frequently increases children and health and the physical strength. Active young and children compared to inactive young people; active young cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular endurance and muscle strength is greater than inactive young. At the same time, active young and children has decreased body fat, cardiovascular and metabolic disease profile is favorable, increased bone health and reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety symptoms (7). Young and children between 5-17 years should participate at least 60 minutes in severe or moderate intensity physical activities for per day. In addition, children should participate the muscle-force activities such as push pull, climb, playing materials, of children's playground 2-3 days in a week (7). According to data of 2004; From all over the world the burden of disease study; The risk of death in all the world's leading causes responsible for approximately 5.5% physical inactivity, and 4.8% obesity. Physical inactivity is the fourth, obesity is the fifth leading cause of mortality all over the world (10). World Health Organization (WHO) is recommended that member countries initiatives to develop of increase physical activity policies recently. WHO focuses on especially school-based training in this direction (11).In this reason: the study was researched physical activity levels of 15-18 ages adolescents. 2.


The study universe was composed of high school students. Sample of study was composed of 81 high school students. For obtaining data was used of survey method. In this purpose was used physical activity questionary developed by Karaca (2000). The questionary was 6 parts. In the first module of socio-demographic characteristics, the second module of the standing and staying time at the school and how many day go to school a week, The third module of form of transportation, how many days a week and how many minutes they spend time for transportation a day, in the fourth module; the periods of sleep during the week and weekend, with the standing and seated housework minutes and days during the week and weekend. in the fifth module how many days and minutes a day performed the activities during the week and on weekends as a hobby, In the sixth module, daily climbed the stairs to the floor with athletic activities (walking, jogging, soccer, tennis, table tennis, etc.), asked strain levels and how many days and minutes in a week (12). Analysis of data was made using SPSS 17.0 statistical package program. While percent, frequency, arithmetic mean, minimum and maximum values used respectively in the descriptive procedures, the chi-square test was used for comparisons the categorical variables. The data were analyzed of according to gender, BMI and physical activity levels. Statistical significance level was took 0.05. Each student's Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated (kg/m2) formula with the data obtained from measuring tool. While BMI range values converted to make the categorical values were determined