Physical Activity

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Use this tip sheet to complete the Physical Activity section of the HUSSC: SL application. Below you'll find an explanat
HealthierUS School Challenge: Smarter Lunchrooms Initiative Tip Sheet

Physical Activity Use this tip sheet to complete the Physical Activity section of the HUSSC: SL application. Below you’ll find an explanation of the criteria requirements as well as some ideas for what you can include on your application. Good luck!

Physical Activity Criteria The physical activity criteria focus on opportunities provided to students outside of physical education. Elementary Schools (All award levels)  My school provides physical activity opportunities each day for all full-day students. Middle and High Schools (All award levels)  My school provides students in all grades opportunities to participate in physical activity and promotes participation in these activities.  Physical activity opportunities are not courses that students can take, instead they are activities that are open to the entire student body.

Want to learn more about HUSSC: SL? Check out the HUSSCL: SL mini-webinar series that can be found at our YouTube Channel: Action4HlthyKids Physical Activity Mini-webinar:

Application Examples: How Does Your School Provide Students With Physically Active Opportunities Outside Of Physical Education Class? Elementary Schools  Walking Wednesdays  Jump Rope for Heart  Recess equipment available 5 days a week for 30 minutes before school.  Daily recess  Themed Superheroes Field Day Middle Schools  Hoops for Heart  Before or After School Running Club  After School Intramural Sports  Family Fitness Night High Schools  After School Yoga class or Zumba class  Open Swimming from 3pm-5pm  Strength Training

Additional Resources  Action for Healthy Kids’ Game On Program: o Game On Activities: Brain Breaks, Instant Recess and Energizers, Walking School Bus, Intramural Programs, Indoor Recess Ideas

 USDA Physical Activity for School Aged Children:  CDC Physical Activity Recommendations n.html