Physical and Biological Properties of Water

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tion. complo
Physicaland Biological Propertiesof WaterSolublePolyelectrolyteComplexes C. J. DevTsoN, K. E. SMITH, L. E. F. Hurcrrwsox, J. E. O'MuLLaNe, L, BRooxuANANDK. PETRAK AduancedDrug Deliuery Research Ciba-Geigy Phar m aceu tic als Horsham, West Sussex,U.K.

S E. HenorNc Dept. Applied Biochemistryand Food Science Uniuersig of Nottingham, U.K. ABSTRACT: water soluble non-stoichiometric polyelectrolyte complexeshave been investigated as potential drug carrier sletems for parenteral administration. complo