May 7, 2012 ... Textbook: Earth; An Introduction to Physical Geology 10th Edition, 2010, ... Lab
Manual: AGI/NAGT Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology 9th ...
Blinn College Physical Geology Spring 2012 1. COURSE TITLE, NUMBER, AND SECTION(S): Physical Geology, GEOL 1403 - 308 and GEOL 1403 - 310 2. INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION: Instructor: Dr. John Mosley Office: G-246 Office Hours: (Room G-246) M, W 12:00 – 2:00 T, R 12:00 – 1:00 Telephone (Office): 979 209-8616 E-mail:
[email protected] 3. COURSE DESCRIPTION: General principles of physical geology. An introduction to the origin, composition, structure and dynamics of planet Earth. Topics are explored within the general context of plate tectonic theory and include: minerals and rocks, weathering and erosion, geological time, earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain building, oceans, landforms and natural resources. Laboratory work involves the practical application of geological principles such as rock and mineral identification, geological and topographic map interpretation, and geological data analysis. Prerequisite: Exemption from or passing score on the reading section of the state test or completion of READ 0306 with a "C" or higher score. Three class hours and three lab hours per week. Credit: Four semester hours. 4. PREREQUISITES: Exemption from or passing score on the reading section of the state test or completion of READ 0306 with a “C” or higher score. 5. CORE CURRICULUM: This is a Core Course in the 42-Hour Core of Blinn College. As such, students will develop proficiency in the appropriate Intellectual Competencies, Exemplary Educational Objectives, and Perspectives. 6. PHYSICAL GEOLOGY LEARNING OUTCOMES: Examine and analyze rock and mineral specimens and their occurrence and determine their context within the rock cycle. Comprehend plate tectonic theory and evaluate its significance to geology. Relate the nature of Earth’s internal structure and tectonics to geological phenomena (e.g., volcanoes, earthquakes, deformational structures, etc.). Understand geologic time and the rock record, including formation of Earth and Solar System. Be able to apply principles of relative and numerical dating. Recognize the role of surficial processes (water, wind, ice and gravity) and identify resulting landforms; identification and interpretation of landforms based on topographic maps. Relate geology to human affairs; assess geohazard risk (earthquake, volcanoes, floods), and natural resources. 7. REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS & MATERIALS: th
Textbook: Earth; An Introduction to Physical Geology 10 Edition, 2010, Tarbuck, Lutgens, and Tasa. Pearson Prentice Hall, Pearson Education Inc., Upper Saddle, New Jersey, 07458 th
Lab Manual: AGI/NAGT Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology 9 Edition, 2011, Busch (Ed.), Pearson Prentice Hall, Pearson Education Inc., Upper Saddle, New Jersey, 07458 Lecture Notes: It is your responsibility to take notes during lecture and lab. Supplemental Data and Information: Open Geology-aid Lab – Friday, G215 from 1:30-3:30 pm, E-Campus page (Go to - ). Bring your textbook and lab book with you to each class meeting. Please turn in two scantrons (for quizzes). For each lab meeting bring a scantron, several pencils and pens, and a small calculator.
8. COURSE CONTENT AND SCHEDULE: Physical Geology Tentative Lecture Schedule (Sections 308, 310) Day Date Readings Topic Vocabulary Quiz Tue Jan-17 Chapter 1 Introduction to Geology Thu Jan-19 Chapter 1 Introduction to Geology Tue Thu
Jan-24 Jan-26
Chapter 2 Chapter 2
Plate Tectonics Plate Tectonics
Vocabulary Quiz 1
Tue Thu
Jan-31 Feb-2
Chapter 3 Chapter 3
Matter and Minerals Matter and Minerals
Vocabulary Quiz 2
Tue Thu
Feb-7 Feb-9
Chapter 4 Chapter 4
Igneous Rocks Igneous Rocks
Vocabulary Quiz 3
Tue Thu
Feb-14 Feb-16
Chapter 5
Exam 1 Volcanoes
Tue Thu
Feb-21 Feb-23
Chapter 6 Chapter 6
Weathering and Soil Weathering and Soil
Vocabulary Quiz 5
Tue Thu
Feb-28 Mar-1
Chapter 7 Chapter 7
Sedimentary Rocks Sedimentary Rocks
Vocabulary Quiz 6
Tue Thu
Mar-6 Mar-8
Chapter 8
Exam 2 Metamorphic Rocks
Tue Thu
Mar-13 Mar-15
Tue Thu
Mar-20 Mar-22
Chapter 9 Chapter 9
Geologic Time Geologic Time
Vocabulary Quiz 8
Tue Thu
Mar-27 Mar-29
Ch 10, 11 Ch 11, 12
Earthquakes / Geo Structures Earthquakes / Earth’s Interior
Vocabulary Quiz 9
Tue Thu
Apr-3 Apr-5
Chapter 16
Exam 3 Running Water
Vocabulary Quiz 10
Tue Thu
Apr-10 Apr-12
Chapter 16 Chapter 17
Running Water Groundwater
Vocabulary Quiz 11
Tue Thu
Apr-17 Apr-19
Chapter 18 Chapter 18
Glaciers Glaciers
Vocabulary Quiz 12
Tue Thu
Apr-24 Apr-26
Chapter 19 Chapter 19
Exam 4 (308) / Deserts (310) Deserts (308) / Exam 4 (310)
Voc Quiz 13 (310) Voc Quiz 13 (308)
Chapter 20
Vocabulary Quiz 14
Reading Quiz
Reading Quiz 1
Reading Quiz 2
Reading Quiz 3
Vocabulary Quiz 4
Reading Quiz 4
Reading Quiz 5
Vocabulary Quiz 7
Spring Break Spring Break
Reading Quiz 6
Reading Quiz 7
Reading Quiz 8
Reading Quiz 9
Reading Quiz 10
Day Tue Thu
Physical Geology Tentative Lab Schedule (Sections 308, 310) Date Readings Lab Topic Jan-17 Introduction to Geology (video) Jan-19 Geography Exercise
Tue Thu
Jan-24 Jan-26
pages 31-56
Plate Tectonics Exercise
Tue Thu
Jan-31 Feb-2
pages 57-88
Mineral Identification Exercise
Tue Thu
Feb-7 Feb-9
pages 89-102 pages 103-126
The Rock Cycle Igneous Rock Identification Exercise
Tue Thu
Feb-14 Feb-16
pages 127-154
Sedimentary Rock Identification Exercise
Tue Thu
Feb-21 Feb-23
pages 155-174
Metamorphic Rock Identification Exercise
Tue Thu
Feb-28 Mar-1
Tue Thu
Mar-6 Mar-8
Tue Thu
Mar-13 Mar-15
Tue Thu
Mar-20 Mar-22
pages 349-362
Video: Killer Quake Earthquake Exercise, Geologic Structure Exercise
Tue Thu
Mar-27 Mar-29
pages 195-226
Topographic Map Exercise Video: Tsunami: Wave that Shook the World
Tue Thu
Apr-3 Apr-5
pages 149-271
Video: Engineering New Orleans Surface Water Exercise
Tue Thu
Apr-10 Apr-12
pages 273-291
Tue Thu
Apr-17 Apr-19
pages 293-348 pages 317-332
Glaciers Deserts (HW-Shorelines)
Tue Thu
Apr-24 Apr-26
Midterm (Rock and Mineral Identification)
pages 175-194
Video: Earth Revealed – Geologic Time Geologic Time Exercise Spring Break Spring Break
Lab Final
9. CIVILITY STATEMENT: Members of the Blinn College community, which includes faculty, staff and students, are expected to act honestly and responsibly in all aspects of campus life. Blinn College holds all members accountable for their actions and words. Therefore, all members should commit themselves to behave in a manner that recognizes personal respect, and demonstrates concern for the personal dignity, rights, and freedoms of every member of the College community, including respect for College property and the physical and intellectual property of others. Civility applies to attire as well as language, behavior, and cell phones. Please dress appropriately for the academic classroom and laboratory. 10. CIVILITY NOTIFICATION STATEMENT: If a student is asked to leave the classroom or have access to the online classroom denied because of uncivil behavior, the student may not return to that class until he or she arranges a conference with the instructor. It is the student's responsibility to arrange for this conference. 11. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: This course has both lecture and lab components of which participation is required, this include reading the assigned material before coming to class. Good reading habits and reading comprehension skills are important to doing well in this course. a. Lecture Work: Reading assignments are listed on the schedule. Be certain to have finished the assigned reading assignment before coming to class. Quizzes: Count on a short quiz at the beginning of each lecture. This is to see if you are present and are keeping up with the reading. They will be based on the fundamentals of Physical Geology. Please see the schedule for quiz dates and subjects. Vocabulary Quizzes: These will be based on the vocabulary terms located at the end of each chapter. There will be 14 vocabulary quizzes. I will drop the lowest 2. There will be no make-up quizzes. (12 x 5pts = 60 pts)) Reading Quizzes: These are based on the reading assignments. There will be 10 reading quizzes and I will drop the lowest 2. There will be no make-up quizzes. (8 x 5pts = 40pts) Major Exams: Four major exams will be given at regular intervals throughout the semester. Exams will consist of multiple choice questions, true/false questions and directed essays. I will count the three best exams. I drop the lowest major exam grade. There will be no make-up exams. (3 x 100pts) Lecture Final Exam: The final exam is comprehensive. It will consist of multiple-choice questions. It will be given during the scheduled final exam period. b. Lab Work: Lab meets once a week. You are expected to be present in each lab for the full class time. Lab assignments are designed to build on previous lab work. Lab exercises will vary in length and be recorded on scantron. Lab Exercises: There will be 12 lab exercises. Each lab exercise will count for 10 points. I will drop the lowest 2. There will be no make-up exercises. (10 x 10pts = 100pts) Lab Midterm and Lab Final: A lab midterm and a lab final will determine the majority of the lab portion of your grade. The midterm will evaluate your understanding of the lab activities in the first part of the semester; the lab final will evaluate your understanding of the labs in the second half of the semester. Due to the nature of lab exams, no make-ups will be given. 12. EXAM AND MAJOR ASSIGNMENT CALENDAR: Lecture Exams Exam 1 Exam 2 Exam 3 Exam 4
Section 308 Tuesday, February 14, 2012 Tuesday, March 06, 2012 Tuesday, April 03, 2012 Thursday, April 26, 2012
Section 310 Tuesday, February 14, 2012 Tuesday, March 06, 2012 Tuesday, April 03, 2012 Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Lab Exams Lab Midterm Lab Final
Final Exam Date Time Room
Section 308 Thursday, March 01, 2012 Thursday, April 26, 2012
Section 310 Tuesday, February 28, 2012 Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Section 308 Monday, May 07, 2012 7:45 - 9:45 G-214
Section 310 Monday, May 07, 2012 12:45 – 2:45 G-214
13. CRITERIA FOR GRADING AND DETERMINING FINAL GRADE: This class has 4 lecture exams, 2 lab exams, 1 final exam, 14 Vocabulary Quizzes, 10 Reading Quizzes, 12 lab exercises, and weekly reading assignments.) Course grade is based on a total of 1000 class points. Breakdown of the point distribution and grading scheme is shown below. Grading: Vocabulary Quizzes (best 12 of 14) Reading Quizzes (best 8 of 10) Lecture Exams (best 3 of 4) Lab Exercises (best 10 of 12) Lab Midterm Lab Final Final Exam Total
12 x 5 = 60 8 x 5 = 40 3 x 100 = 300 10 x 10 = 100 1 x 150 = 150 1 x 150 = 150 1 x 200 = 200 1000
A= 100% - 90%; B= 89% - 80%; C= 79% - 70%; D= 69% - 60%; F= 59% less. Grade Scale: The grading scale is based on 1000 points. If, at the end of the semester, we haven't reached 1000 points, your grade will be determined as a percentage of the total points I've made available. Remember that you can determine your grade at any time by simply dividing the points you have earned by the possible points and multiplying by 100. Grade Posting: Grades will be posted in an online grade book at I will update this each weekend. Please check your mail Monday mornings. When logging in, please select the "Student/Parent Login" and use the "single class login" option.
308 310
Classword muscovite2012 gypsum2012
Password -----
14. BLINN COLLEGE POLICIES: a. Attendance: The College District believes that class attendance is essential for student success; therefore, students are required to promptly and regularly attend all their classes. Each class meeting builds the foundation for subsequent class meetings. Without full participation and regular class attendance, students shall find themselves at a severe disadvantage for achieving success in college. Class participation shall constitute at least ten percent of the final course grade. It is the responsibility of each faculty member, in consultation with the division chair, to determine how participation is achieved in his or her class. Faculty will require students to regularly attend class and will keep a record of attendance from the first day of class and/or the first day the student’s name appears on the roster through final examinations. If a student has one week’s worth of absences during the semester (3 classes), he/she will be sent an e-mail by the College requiring the student to contact his/her instructor and schedule a conference immediately to discuss his/her attendance issues. If the student subsequently accumulates two weeks worth of unexcused absences (6 classes), he/she will be administratively withdrawn from class. There are four forms of excused absence officially designated by Blinn College: (1) Observance of religious holy days: th The student should notify his/her instructor(s) not later than the 15 day of the semester concerning the specific date(s) that the student will be absent for any religious holy day(s); and (2) representing Blinn College at an official institutional function; (3) official involvement in a high school activity for “dual credit” students and (4) military service. Other excuses will be considered and may be considered excusable at the instructor’s discretion, with documentation.
b. Dropping a Class: If a student chooses to drop the course, it is that student’s responsibility to complete a drop order at the Office of Enrollment Services. Failure to do so could result in a grade of F in the course. The last day to withdraw with a “Q” is Friday April 13, 2012. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO WITHDRAW FROM THE CLASS. c. Honor System: Blinn College does not tolerate cheating, plagiarism or other acts of dishonesty. Definitions of these acts and procedures for dealing with them are described in “Scholastic Dishonesty” in the Blinn College Student Handbook, copies of which are available to you at the information desk of the Administration Building and online on the Blinn College Webpage ( ). d. Electronic Device Policy: All the functions of all personal electronic devices designed for communication and/or entertainment (cell phones, pagers, beepers, iPods, and similar devices) must be turned off and kept out of sight in all Blinn College classrooms and associated laboratories. Any noncompliance with this policy will be addressed in accordance with the Blinn College civility policy (Administrative Policy). Additional notes on cell phones: People cannot multitask. ( It is a myth. I do not want to see or hear a cell phone. Please turn it off. Put it away in your backpack, purse or pocket. Lock it in your vehicle. If I see or hear a cell phone, we will stop and ALL take a quiz or I will remove the person from the class for the remainder of our meeting. (You will be counted absent.) Please note that this includes texting, instant messenging or any other use of the device. Please, don’t let this be you. The choice between quiz and expulsion will be up to Dr. Mosley. What else can you do? If you see a cell phone, ask your classmate to turn it off and put it away. After all, we are all in this together. If quizzes and/or expulsions do not produce results – it will be considered to be a matter of incivility. Classroom disruptions will not be tolerated. e. Problem Resolution: If you have a complaint about your class, you should first request a conference with your instructor to try and resolve the problems or issues. If the problems or issues cannot be resolved at the instructor level, you should request a conference with the Division Chair, Mr. Dwight Bohlmeyer, Science 241,
[email protected] . f. Health Concerns: Food and drink containers are not allowed in either the lab or the classroom during lab or lecture activities. g. ADA Policy: Blinn College is dedicated to providing the least restrictive learning environment for all students. Support services for students with documented disabilities are provided on an individual basis, upon request. Requests for services should be made directly to the Office of Disability Services serving the campus of your choice. For the Bryan campus, the Office of Disability Services (Administration Building) can be reached at (979)209-7251. Additional information can be found at h. Blinn Handbook: The above requirements and policies are discussed more fully in the Blinn College Student Handbook which, by reference, is incorporated into this information. Blinn College Student Handbook is available online at . Please obtain and read. 15. OTHER INFORMATION: General Policy: Assignments are not accepted late! Be certain to retain all graded material for the semester. Unless prearranged, you must take all exams and quizzes during the normally scheduled time. Please note that you have numerous opportunities to earn points. Therefore, no extra credit will be given. Everyone in the class has the same opportunity for an A. I can be no fairer than that. a. Blinn Email: All students have an official Blinn email address. All electronic communication will take place through this account. It is your responsibility to activate this account and check it frequently. b. Make-up Policy: I drop your 2 lowest vocabulary quizzes, 2 lowest reading quizzes and your lowest lecture exam. If you miss an assignment, you will receive a zero. I will not drop additional grades. c. Late Work: I will not accept late work. You will receive a zero as your grade. d. Known Absences: If you know you are going to be absent in advance (i.e. court, military service, etc.) make arrangements with me to attend one of my other sections. e. Dress: Students should dress in appropriate clothing for the classroom and lab.