Artemis-UK Solutions Ltd. SR. Course. Page. Close Target Reconnaissance (
CTR - Rural & Urban). 4. Counter & Anti-Surveillance. 8. Covert Method of Entry.
Physical Surveillance - Course Catalogue
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Close Target Reconnaissance (CTR - Rural & Urban)
Counter & Anti-Surveillance
Covert Method of Entry
Covert Observation Posts (OP - Rural & Urban)
Covert Surveillance (Mobile & Foot)
Surveillance Situation Awareness
The attached brochures are designed as an overview, bespoke courses are available
Artemis-UK Solutions Ltd
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Artemis-UK Solutions Ltd
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Introduction The Close Target Reconnaissance (CTR) course is a four week course and prepares the operator to plan, prepare and conduct CTR missions in both rural and urban environments. The course is divided into two phases. Phase one prepares the operator to carry out CTR missions in a rural environment prior to moving onto the more difficult urban environments covered in phase two. This form of CTR training is based on domestic counter terrorism, but the skills taught lend themselves equally to other roles and theatres. The average course consists of eight operators, working in pairs throughout. All instructors have extensive operational experience in domestic counter terrorism and all current special operations theatres including Africa, Iraq and Afghanistan. This skills taught on this course are used primarily for the covert entry to premises with the intention of exploiting evidence/items of interest found within. In order to further enhance the skills learnt on this course, a Covert Method of Entry (CMOE) course is also available as well as bespoke, role/theatre specific courses.
Artemis-UK Solutions Ltd
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Artemis-UK Solutions Ltd
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Close Target Reconnaissance Phase 1: Rural
Format This phase lays the foundation for a thorough working knowledge of the skills required to conduct a successful CTR mission. Understanding the lessons learnt here are fundamental to future mission success and includes: • • • • • •
Planning and preparation of a rural CTR. Covert reconnaissance of a rural CTR target. The use of a covert cover team. The use of covert vehicle drop off and pick up procedures. Infrared photography. Basic rural search techniques.
Aim The aim of this phase is to provide the operator with enough knowledge in order to plan, prepare and conduct a rural CTR in order to progress onto the urban environment in phase two.
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Artemis-UK Solutions Ltd
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Close Target Reconnaissance Phase 2: Urban
Format The urban phase of the CTR course is more demanding, with more emphasis placed on the planning and preparation of the mission due to the higher risk of compromise. Time is spent expanding on the skills learnt during the rural CTR phase of the course, therefore increasing both the knowledge base and confidence of the operators. • • • •
Planning and preparation of an urban CTR. Covert reconnaissance of an urban CTR target. Basic lock reconnaissance and recognition. The planning and implementation of a successful cover plan to allow covert entry to the premises. • Key holder coverage. • Urban search techniques.
Aim The aim of the phase is to introduce a demanding urban scenario in order to expand the knowledge and confidence of the operators prior to deployment.
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Introduction The counter and anti-surveillance course is two weeks long and covers each aspect of these skills in detail. Practical exercises help illustrate the theoretical knowledge gained throughout the course, therefore allowing operators the ability to plan, prepare and conduct both operations effectively. The size of the course is flexible, relying on operators to work alone and in teams with the role of team commander/leader being employed by the operators throughout the course. The ability to successfully plan, prepare and execute a counter surveillance operation in addition to the knowledge gained of anti-surveillance techniques provides an excellent addition to any close protection or VIP protection role. Counter surveillance is defined as, “Surveillance conducted on behalf of an individual/s in order to detect and/or defeat any hostile surveillance acting against them”. Anti-surveillance is defined as, “Surveillance conducted by an individual/s in order to detect and avoid any hostile surveillance acting against them”. Bespoke and role/theatre specific courses are available as well as operational support as requested.
Artemis-UK Solutions Ltd
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Artemis-UK Solutions Ltd
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Counter & Anti -Surveillance
Format The counter and anti-surveillance course has been developed in co-operation with multiple agencies to provide the very best training possible. Drawing on the operational experience of military and law enforcement personnel allows a unique blend of skills. Although not designed to be a close protection course, this training is an excellent addition to any Close Protection (CP) training already employed and covers areas such as: • • • • •
Planning and preparation of a counter surveillance operation. Route reconnaissance. Identifying the threat. Anti-surveillance techniques on foot and mobile. The use of technical surveillance in support of counter surveillance operations.
Aim The aim of this course is to impart the theoretical knowledge, and demonstrate and practice the employment of both counter and anti-surveillance techniques allowing operators to plan, prepare and conduct these operations in a real time environment.
Artemis-UK Solutions Ltd
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Artemis-UK Solutions Ltd
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Introduction The Covert Method of Entry (CMOE) course is a three week course and prepares the operator to successfully conduct Covert Entry Operations. The course is divided into two phases, allowing the operators to establish a firm understanding of each level prior to embarking on the next. These phases culminate in a mission readiness exercise designed to instil confidence in each operator prior to any operational deployment. The average course consists of 4-6 operators, working in pairs throughout. All instructors have extensive operational experience in domestic counter terrorism and all current special operations theatres including Africa, Iraq and Afghanistan. In order to further enhance the skills learnt on this course, an advance course, Vehicle CMoE course as well as bespoke, role/theatre specific courses are available.
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Covert Method of Entry Format This entry level course lays the foundation for a thorough working knowledge of how to defeat or bypass the majority of standard lock types. The basic course covers the following skills: • • • • • • •
Entry planning and conduct. Lock identification. Lock picking ( RIM Cylinder and Mortise). Bypass techniques. Lock impressioning. Lock stripping and decoding. Key cutting and copying.
Aim The Covert Method of Entry (CMOE) course is designed to provide the operator with the necessary skills and ability to successfully conduct Covert Entry Tasks in order to facilitate further Covert Operations.
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The Artemis-UK covert observation post (OP) course is two weeks long and covers the planning, preparation, construction and conduct of both rural and urban OP’s. Divided into two phases, the course begins with generic lessons applicable to all environments before commencing the rural OP phase. This phase includes the use of covert vehicles, vehicle drop off and pick up drills and rural OP techniques and procedures. Phase two begins with an introduction to the use of covert urban cover plans taught on the close target reconnaissance course. This phase again deals with planning, preparation, construction and conduct, but in a demanding urban environment. The course is flexible, relying on operators to work in pairs and as larger teams throughout. All instructors have extensive operational experience in domestic counter terrorism and all current special operations theatres including Africa, Iraq and Afghanistan. In order to further enhance the skills learnt on this course, a Covert Method of Entry (CMOE) course is also available as well as bespoke, role/theatre specific courses.
Artemis-UK Solutions Ltd
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Artemis-UK Solutions Ltd
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Covert Observation Posts Phase 1: Rural
Format This phase lays the foundation for a thorough working knowledge of the skills required to conduct a successful rural OP. Understanding the lessons learnt here are fundamental to future mission success and includes: • Planning and preparation of a rural OP. • Rural OP construction. • Covert reconnaissance. • The use of a covert cover team. • The use of covert vehicle drop off and pick up procedures. • Digital photography and the use of
Aim The aim of this phase is to provide the operator with enough knowledge and practical ability in order to plan, prepare and conduct a rural observation post in preparation for operations.
Artemis-UK Solutions Ltd
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Artemis-UK Solutions Ltd
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Covert Observation Posts Phase 2: Urban
Format The urban phase of the OP course expands on the lessons learnt from the previous phase, with greater emphasis placed on the planning and preparation of the mission due to the higher risk of compromise. Time is spent expanding on the skills learnt during the rural phase of the course, therefore increasing both the knowledge base and confidence of the operators. • Planning and preparation of an urban OP. • Covert reconnaissance. • Basic lock reconnaissance and recognition. • An introduction to covert cover plans. • The use of photography and optics. • Urban extraction plans. • The use of cover and props.
Aim The aim of the phase is to introduce demanding urban scenarios in order to expand the knowledge and confidence of the operators prior to deployment.
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Artemis-UK Solutions Ltd
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Introduction The Artemis-UK Covert Surveillance course is a four week course which prepares the operator for the unique demands this employment presents in all aspects from military applications, law enforcement to homeland security. The course is divided into two distinct phases; the first concentrates on the methods of conducting mobile surveillance and the second on the intricacies of foot surveillance. The course consists of up to fifteen operators, working as a deployed surveillance team with additional command and control elements for team commanders/leaders. Instructors have extensive operational experience in domestic and foreign counter terrorism and law enforcement operations. Surveillance is defined as the, “Systematic covert observation of a person, place or object”. In order to further enhance the skills learnt on this course, an anti and counter surveillance course as well as bespoke, role/theatre specific courses are available.
Artemis-UK Solutions Ltd
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Artemis-UK Solutions Ltd
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Covert Surveillance Phase 1: Mobile Surveillance
Format The first phase lays the foundations for a thorough working knowledge of the methods of conducting mobile surveillance. This skill must be mastered before progressing to the more intricate skills of foot surveillance. The following skills are covered: • Mobile navigation. • Surveillance voice procedure. • The principles and conduct of a stakeout. • Tactical parking and deployment. • The mobile follow. • Target handover procedures. • Calculating exposure to a target. • Public transport surveillance.
Aim The aim of this phase is to provide the operator with the level of competency and knowledge required in order for them to operate effectively in the modern challenging environments that current and future threats demand.
Artemis-UK Solutions Ltd
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Artemis-UK Solutions Ltd
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Covert Surveillance Phase 2: Foot Surveillance
Format The second phase lays the foundations for a thorough working knowledge of the methods of conducting foot surveillance whilst combining the skill of mobile surveillance covered in phase one. The following skills are covered: • Use of cover and props. • Foot surveillance voice procedure. • The principles and conduct of a foot stakeout. • Target pick up and follow. • The rolling stakeout. • Housing the target. • Public transport training. • The use of technical aids.
Aim The aim of this phase is to provide the operators with the level of competency and knowledge required in order for them to be able to operate effectively in the modern challenging environments that current and future threats demand.
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Introduction The surveillance situation awareness (SA) course is a two week course designed to prepare the operator for common / likely situations they may be faced with when operating in a surveillance role. The course uses operational examples to highlight the probable situations faced and draws on examples of compromise from domestic counter terrorism as well as overseas operations. The size of the course is flexible, relying on operators to work alone and in teams. The goal of the course is to instil a dislocation of expectation and put the operators into a controlled situation which allows them to identify their fears and apprehensions and therefore select the best course of action without a harmful outcome. Included within this training is an evasive driving phase which is delivered at a high standard by advanced driving instructors from both military and law enforcement backgrounds. Bespoke and role/theatre specific courses are available as well as operational support as requested.
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Surveillance Situation Awareness
Format Unlike most hostile awareness training, this course is tailored specifically to surveillance operators. The ultimate goal is for operators to identify a possible compromise and therefore be able to extract themselves from the situation whilst remaining covert. Alternatively, when compromise does occur, this course delivers the necessary training to allow the safe extraction of operators and covers areas such as: • • • • • •
Evasive driving skills including vehicle break out, J Turn etc. Operational scenarios involving lone operator and team compromise. Team drills to effect recovery of a ‘seized’ operator. The ability to identify a potential threat. The use of technical surveillance to assist in reporting and recovery. Weapon handling.
Aim The aim of this course is to prepare the operator for operations by increasing confidence and the ability to identify potential threats prior to any escalation.
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