Physicochemical and functional characterization of ...

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Abstract The aim of this work was to cany out the phys- icochemical and functional characterization of the purified galactomannan obtained from mesquite seed's ...
Eur Food Res Technol(2008) 227:1669-1676 DO1 10.10071~002 17-008-0892-0

Physicochemical and functional characterization of the galactomannan obtained from mesquite seeds (Prosopis pallida)


L. Chaires-Martinez J. A. Salazar-Montoya E. G. Ramos-Ramirez

Received: I I January 2008 1 Revised: 13 April 2008 1 Accepted: 2 May 2008 1 Published online: 3 June 2008 O Springer-Verlag 2008

Abstract The aim of this work was to cany out the physicochemical and functional characterization of the purified galactomannan obtained from mesquite seed's endosperm (MSG). From the seeds, a MSG content of 131100 g with a purity of 941100 g was determined. The dispersions of MSG samples (up to 5 g/100 mL) exhibited a shear thinning non-Newtonian behavior, with 35.68 mPa.s of viscosity, and surface tension values between 43.5 and 61.06 dyneslcm. The chromatographic analysis revealed a I. I : I mannose/galactose ratio, with a molecular weight between 900,000 and 1,000,000Da. Theralorimetric analysis showed a specific vitreous transition temperature of 52.92 "C. The values of apparent viscosity were superior to those of commercial galactomannans, which indicates that MSG can be used too as a thickening agent. The obtained results provide information, which contribute to a better knowledge of MSG, in order to consider its sustainable exploitation in a future. Keywords Galactomannan . Mesquite seeds gum .


Prosopis pallida . Viscosity Ditierential scanning

calorimeter (DSC)

Introduction The mesquite (Prosopis spp.) is a leguminous that grows in arid and semi-arid regions of the American, African and



L. Chairs-Mutlnez J. A. Salazar-Montoya E. G. Ramos-Ramlrez Department of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, CINVESTAV-IPN. Av. IPN 2508, P. 0.BOX 14-740, C. P. 07360 Mexico 14, D. F.. Mexico e-mail: ernmos@cinvestavmx


Asian continents, of which 44 species have been described [I]. In Mexico, the mesquite grows natural in all the tenitory [2]. It is an arhoreal specie and it is considered as an improver of soils since it provides organic matter from its leaves and pods; it is also possible to obtain forage for domestic animals, it serves as habitat for wild fauna, its flowers produce abundant nectar that helps fomenting the beekeeping; also, its wood is used as a fuel and it produces an amber resin [3]. However, the immoderate trees pruning. have been modifying its distribution and population density. Therefore, diverse authors have tried to establish actions in order to generate and validate technologies for the reforestation, conservation and use of this important forest resource of arid and semi-arid regions, according to the current demands of sustainable handling [4]. The seeds of mesquite pods represent an interesting option for taking advantage of the crop, because these contain a galactomannan [5]. In the leguminous as P. pallida. P. julipora, Ceratonia siliqua and Cyamopsis tetragonolobus, the galactomannan is located in the seed's endosperm and is considered a multifunctional compound that accumulate humidity during their growth; it serves as an energy source during the germination and provided mechanical protection to the seed [6, 71. These neutral polymers are based on a /? (I -* 4) mannose unit polymeric backbone with side 6) groups consisting of a galactose unit which is a (I linked [8]. Due to their functional properties, the galactomannans are excellent thickening agents and their absence of toxicity allows their use in the textile, pharmaceutical and alimentary industries (81. Diverse authors have reported potential applications of the galactomannan of mesquite seeds [9-141 for the formulation of a variety of alimentary products, taking advantage of their thickening and stabilizing




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Eur Food Res Technol(2008) 227: 1669- I676

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