Okra has been called âa perfect villagers vegetableâ because ...... 34. FAO. Food and Nutrition paper: Manual of food quality control. Rome, Italy. Frying.
International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition
International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition ISSN: 2455-4898 Impact Factor: RJIF 5.14 www.foodsciencejournal.com Volume 3; Issue 5; September 2018; Page No. 64-70
Physicochemical, functional, pasting and sensory properties of wheat flour biscuit incorporated with Okra powder 1, 2
Akoja SS1, Coker OJ2* Department of Food Technology, The federal Polytechnic Ilaro, Ogun State, Nigeria
Abstract Evaluation of the physicochemical, functional, pasting properties and sensory characteristics on wheat flour biscuits incorporated with okra flour in ratio, (100%, 95:5%, 90:10%, 85:15%, 80:20% and 75:25%) were investigated using standard analytical methods. The biscuit samples were prepared using a standard production method to acquire the required thickness and baked in the oven at 200oC for 20 minutes. Flour blends were evaluated for functional and pasting properties while the biscuit produced were analyzed for proximate composition and sensory qualities. Proximate analysis results showed significant (p