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Procedia Food Science
Procedia FoodScience Science 00 (2011) Procedia–Food 1 (2011) 44 –000–000 49 www.elsevier.com/locate/procedia
11th International Conference on Engineering and Food (ICEF11)
Physicochemical properties of chitosan-essential oils filmforming dispersions. Effect of homogenization treatments Jeannine Bonilla, Lorena Atarés, Maria Vargasa*, Amparo Chiralt Instituto Universitario de Ingeniería de Alimentos para el Desarrollo (IUIAD) – Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain, *
[email protected]
Abstract Chitosan films enriched with basil (B) or thyme (T) essential oils (EO) were prepared by means of two homogenization treatments, without (H1) and with (H2) microfluidization. H2 treatment led to a significant decrease in the average particle size and the type of EO significantly affected d43 values (p