Physics 321: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

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The failure of classical mechanics and foundations of quantum theory ... Quantum Mechanics: An Accessible Introduction, Robert Scherrer, ISBN: 0-8053-8716-1.
Physics 321: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics Fall 2007 Instructor: J. R. Mureika Class meetings: MW 3:15-4:30, Seaver 109 / Seaver 101 Office (hours): Seaver 102A; Monday 1-2 pm; Tuesday 3-4 pm; Thursday 10:30-11:30 am Email: Web: Phone: x87809 Outline: This course will introduce you to the weird and wild world of Quantum Mechanics, from the initial discrepancies which led to the paradigm-shifting formulation to practical applications in atomic and nuclear physics. Why is it that this theory -- which is completely counter-intuitive from a physical standpoint -- works so well? Lectures will involve a general mix of theory, worked problems and applications using both your head and computer software. Hopefully we can find the time for some quality intellectual discussion of the philosophical implications of this bizarre theory, which even today perplexes those who work with it. We will likely cover Part I of the textbook, along with supplementary material provided as handouts. A sampling of topics which will be covered include: • • • • • • • •

The failure of classical mechanics and foundations of quantum theory Operators and physical observables Dirac notation, Hilbert spaces and state vectors The postulates of Quantum Mechanics Solutions to the Schrodinger Equation Free particle, particle in a well, tunneling, scattering/reflection/transmission The quantum harmonic oscillator Philosophy and QM

Math background: It is assumed that you have prior knowledge of differential and integral calculus, as well as some differential equations experience. Matrix algebra is also a must. Your puny Earth "Classical Mechanics" will prove useless against Quantum Mechanics...

Textbook and readings: • Quantum Mechanics: An Accessible Introduction, Robert Scherrer, ISBN: 0-8053-8716-1 Other relevant material will be distributed in handout form and/or as a downloadable document on the website. I will also provide a list of alternate sources you might want to check out, including other books from the library, websites and so forth.

Grading Scheme: Assignments

8 @ 5% 40%

Midterm exam (take-home)

1 @ 30% 30%

Final exam (take-home)

1 @ 30% 30%

Assignments: There will be 8 assignments, distributed at regular intervals, which are due three lecture periods from the day it is assigned. In addition to usual problem solving, we will also be focusing on numerical and symbolic solution techniques using Maple (or Mathematica, if you choose). Please submit a print-out of your computations and results. Late assignments will be penalized 20% per day late, up to 2 days (at which time the grade is reduced to 0). Take-home midterm: You will be issued a midterm take-home exam on Wednesday 17 October, due 24 hours after pickup. Tests will be penalized 10% per hour that they are late, up to a maximum of four hours (beyond which the grade will be reduced to 0). Final Exam: The final exam will also be a 24-hour take-home exam, distributed in December at a date to be mutually agreed upon. Late exams will not be accepted for credit! Letter grade conversion chart A


















