The Department of Physics is committed to excellence in the education of its ...
specific knowledge of physics, and sound critical / analytical thinking. Materials ...
Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President
Degree Designation: BS
Mission Statement The Department of Physics is committed to excellence in the education of its undergraduate and graduate students in core and applied physics topics, as well as related areas that encompass understanding of physical concepts. Applied physics provides the bridge between theoretical, fundamental physical concepts and their practical, engineering applications. Our emphases on materials physics, biomedical physics, and environmental physics, with laser physics, computational physics, and imaging science as enabling technologies, is responsive to these needs. This mission is served by a diverse faculty with expertise in theoretical and applied physics. The Department of Physics is committed to the generation and dissemination of new scientific knowledge involving physical principles and their applications to related interdisciplinary fields. The faculty and students in the Department of Physics are cooperatively contributing to the advancement of scientific knowledge at the frontiers of human understanding in the sciences in general and physics in particular. This process essentially intertwines the initial development of scientific methodology in classroom and laboratory instruction activities within the Department, the search for new knowledge in research laboratories in the Department of Physics and affiliations outside, and dissemination through professional channels and in the classroom. In addition to scientific advancement, the ultimate objective is the preparation of future scientists with knowledge of historical perspectives of current physical principles, and their applications at the forefront of science and technology.
Student Learning Outcomes Content / Discipline Skills z z z z z
Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate
knowledge of physics. conceptual understanding of physics. the ability to apply mathematics in the quantitative analysis of physical situations. the ability to perform experiments to discover information about the physical world. knowledge of the application of physics to key technologies of the 21st century.
Critical Thinking Skills z
Students will demonstrate critical thinking and analytical abilities, including the ability to reason effectively, construct sound arguments and identify flawed arguments and conclusions.
Communication Skills z
Students will develop effective well-organized written materials that reflect appropriate use of language, specific knowledge of physics, and sound critical / analytical thinking. Materials will be developed with effective use of technology, consistent with assignment objectives. Students will create and deliver effective well-organized oral presentations that demonstrate appropriate use of language, specific knowledge of physics, and sound critical / analytical thinking. Oral presentations will be developed with effective use of technology, consistent with assignment objectives.
Assessment Strategies z
Learning outcomes will be assessed through examinations, evaluation of written work and presentations, and laboratory/research laboratory experiences. The Physics department will measure students’ achievement of content/discipline skills. Critical thinking and communication skills will be assessed centrally as part of the General Education assessment process conducted by the Office of Decision Support. The results of these assessments will be used to improve student achievement and program effectiveness.