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Research Article
Mobile Cloud Application Design Process Model for Education Paduri Veerabhadram*, D de.Beer, Pieter Conradie Department of Information and Communication Technology, Vaal University of Technology Private Bag X021, Andries Potgietar Blvd, Vanderbijlpark 1900, South Africa.
Abstract The mobile cloud computing has the significant scope to change the whole education system. In this paper, cloud computing is introduced as exist and new rapidly growing and accepted way of providing better and efficient application for mobile device. In this paper we examine how to influence a cloud computing application data storage and influence on these technologies takes the education. Cloud computing is emerging as one of the most important branch for providing seamless applications on mobile devices. This paper provides mobile users with data storage and processing services on a cloud computing platform. We believe cloud
computing will surely improve the current system of education and improve quality at an affordable cost. This paper presents the positive impact of using mobile cloud application design process model architectures for education sector upon e-learning and m-learning solutions development in future. In this paper, we discuss how to influence on mobile cloud computing application data storage and influence on this technology to take education to a wider mass of students’ country.
*Correspondence Paduri Veerabhadram
[email protected]
Keywords: Cloud Computing, GPRS, QoS, e-learning, Mobile learning, Desion models, Java.
1. Introduction The Mobile Cloud Computing Forum [1] defines MCC as “Mobile Cloud computing at its simplest refers and to an infrastructure where both the data storage and the data processing happen outside of the mobile device. Mobile cloud applications move the computing power and data storage away from mobile phones and into the cloud, bringing applications and mobile computing to not just smart phone users but a much broader range of mobile subscribers”. Mobile Cloud Computing is a new paradigm for mobile applications whereby most of the processing and data storage associated with the applications is moved off the mobile device to powerful, centralized computing platforms located in the Cloud. These centralized applications are then accessed over the mobile Internet, using either a thin native client or web browser on the device. However, this model for Mobile Cloud Computing still does not fully leverage the powerful communications, context and commercialization capabilities of the mobile network itself. Mobile Cloud Computing builds on the principles of cloud computing, bringing attributes such as on demand access, no one premise software and “XaaS” (Everything as a Service) to the mobile
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domain, adding Network as a Service (NaaS) and Payment as a Service to the maximum of on demand capabilities and allowing applications to leverage the full power of mobile networking and billing without the need for specialist application servers. The phrase “Mobile Cloud Computing” was introduced after the concept of “Cloud Computing” was launched in mid 2007. It has been attracting the attention of entrepreneurs as a profitable business option that reduces the development and running cost of mobile applications and mobile users as a new technology to achieve rich experience of a variety of mobile services at low cost, and of researchers as a promising solution for green core IT(Information Technology) [2]. In this paper, we highlight the theoretical background mobile computing of the paper in section 2, 3 we present scenario for existing systems, in section 4 Mobile Cloud Computing, in section 5 the proposed mobile cloud application design process &architecture, in section 6 methodology, in section, in section 7 discussion and result, and in section 8 future conclusion in section 9 conclusion.
2. Background Mobile cloud computing can be simply divided into cloud computing and mobile computing. Those
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Acta Engineering mobile devices can be laptops, PDA, smart phones, and so on which connect with a hotspot or base station by 3G, WIFI, or GPRS. As the computing and major data processing phases have been migrated to ’cloud’, the capability requirement of mobile devices is limited, some low-cost mobile devices or even nonsmart phones can also achieve mobile cloud computing by using a cross-platform mid-ware. Although the client in mobile cloud computing is changed from PCs or fixed machines to mobile devices, the main concept is still cloud computing. Mobile users send service requests to the cloud through a web browser or desktop application, then the management component of cloud allocates resources. To the request to establish connection, while the monitoring and calculating functions of mobile cloud computing will be implemented to ensure the QoS until the connection is completed. Nowadays, both hardware and software mobile devices get greater improvement than before, some smartphones such as iPhone 4S, Android serials, Windows Mobile serials and Blackberry, are no longer just traditional mobile phones with conversation, SMS, Email and website browser, but are daily necessities to users. Meanwhile, those smartphones include various sensing modules like navigation, optics, gravity, orientation, which brings a convenient and intelligent mobile experience to users. In 2010, Google CEO Eric Schmidt described mobile cloud computing in an interview that ’based on cloud computing service development, mobile phones will become increasingly complicated, and evolve to a portable super computer [3].In the face of various mobile cloud services provided by Microsoft, Apple, Google, HTC, and so on, users may be confused about what mobile cloud computing exactly is, and what its features are.
3. Present Scenario for Existing Systems
Aufau Periodicals i). Cloud Model: In this cloud model (Figure 1) will show the user will access the cloud space using his/her credentials so that the required data will be shared from the cloud based on the client request only for the authenticated user. ii). Client Model: In this client model (Figure 1) show the use has to download this application and install software in their device (PDA-Personal Digital Assistance) or in their cell phone. The user has to connect to GPRS/Bluetooth/WI-FI and connect to the cloud network and get application or specific topic. We discuss the process flow of model learning, cloud model and applied these scenarios to future mobile cloud tends .Mobile cloud computing application design process according to( mobile cloud through education) [4]. In this paper we examined the process flow of mobile learning cloud as shown in (Figure 2) having six steps as follows Data Storage, Memory Management, Process Layer, Network Access, Firewall, Security. Data Storage is used for storing the huge data which is coming from cloud to mobile subscribers and Process Layer is interacting with the Security, Firewall and Memory Management. We discussed present existing the process flow of model learning ,cloud model and apply these scenarios to future trends mobile cloud computing application design models for education. In this paper, the process flow of mobile learning cloud in figure 5 which is having 6 steps. Data storage is used for storing the huge data where users are retrieving or handle the data from data centers. Memory management is organizing and managing the data which is coming from clouds to mobile subscribers and process layer is interacting with security firewalls and memory management.
3.1. Mobile-Learning 3.1.3 Mobile-Learning Client Model This is a system which was implemented for education sectors using cloud computing. The main objective of mobile learning is that the students can get the good knowledge from the centralized sever to share or store data resources at any time and where they like to read that free of cost. Mobile cloud computing is a system where one can learn through any source on topics of choice without the need of storing data in the mobile device[4].This existing system can access the content over the cloud and the user can select various topics e.g., text , audio, video files which will be buffering from the cloud to mobile users. There are two types of mobile learning functionality. 3.1.2 Mobile Learning Functionality i). Cloud Model ii). Client Model
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Mobile cloud computing application design process model. According to mobile cloud through education process[4].this process flow of model learning cloud as shown in figure 3 has 6 steps data storage is used for storing the huge data which is coming from cloud to mobile subscribers and process layer is interacting with the security firewalls and memory management As shown in Figure 3, the mobile users retrieve the data either in the form of text/video/voice from the cloud centers. The subscribers select which they want to download or retrieve from the data centers with the help of self assistance and keep downloaded data at mobile databases. In this mobile cloud computing application plays a vital role storing or sharing may plays important role learning systems. Mobile cloud computing application takes the responsibility of data storage, sharing security.
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Figure 1 The Process flow of Mobile-Learning Cloud Model [4]
Data Storage
Network Access
Memory Management
Process Layer
Figure 2 The Process flow of Mobile-Learning Cloud Model [4]
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Article AE13204303
Acta Engineering
Aufau Periodicals
Data from Cloud
Select a Topic
Learning Materials in Text/Images
Self Assistance
Figure 3 The Process flow of Mobile-Learning Client Model [4]
Mobile cloud computing application helps to increase the storage space in the cloud service. There are more applications for teaching and learning as opposed to single platform, independent tools and scalable data storage [4].Mobile cloud computing application design models help, in offering high quality class education at an affordable price. Mobile cloud based application can produce students and lecturers free of cost .Mobile cloud application tools institutes mobile cloud computing application offers a cost effective solution to the problem of how to provide better services , data storage security. In desktop computing which a hardware or hard disk crash which can destroy all your valuable data a computer crashing in the cloud should not affect the storage of your data from service even, if your PC or mobile crashing all your data is safe in the cloud in the sever and you can access, its therefore hence cloud computing the ultimate in data storage [5] what its features are.
4. Mobile Cloud Computing Briefly, MCC provides mobile users with the data processing and storage services in clouds. The mobile devices do not need a powerful configuration (e.g., CPU speed and memory capacity) since all the complicated computing modules can be processed in the clouds. From the concept of MCC, the general architecture of MCC can be shown in Figure 4. Mobile devices are connected to the mobile networks via base stations (e.g., base transceiver station (BTS), access point, or satellite) that establish and control the connections (air links) and functional interfaces
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between the networks and mobile devices. Mobile users’ requests and information (e.g., ID and location) are transmitted to the central processors that are connected to servers providing mobile network services. Here, mobile network operators can provide services to mobile users as AAA (for authentication, authorization, and accounting) based on the home agent (HA) and subscribers’ data stored in databases. After that, the subscribers’ requests are delivered to a cloud through the Internet. In the cloud, cloud controllers process the requests to provide mobile users with the corresponding cloud services. These services are developed with the concepts of utility computing, virtualization, and service-oriented architecture (e.g., web, application, and database servers).The details of cloud architecture could be different in different contexts. For example, four-layer architecture is explained in [7] to compare cloud computing with grid computing. Alternatively, a service oriented architecture, called Aneka, is introduced to enable developers to build .NET applications with the supports of application programming interfaces (APIs) and multiple programming models [8],[9] presents an architecture for creating market-oriented clouds, and [10] proposes an architecture for web delivered business services. In this paper, we focus on a layered architecture of cloud computing (Figure. 4). This architecture is commonly used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the cloud computing model in terms of meeting the user’s requirements [11].
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Figure 4 Architectures of Mobile Cloud Computing [6] 4.1 Service-oriented cloud computing architecture
Software as a Service (SaaS) Platform as a Service (PaaS) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Data centers
Figure 5 Service-oriented cloud computing architecture
Acta Eng 2013, 1(1), 7-17
Article AE13204303
Acta Engineering The details of cloud architecture could be different in contexts. Generally, a cloud computing is a largescale distributed network system implemented based on a number of servers in data centers. The cloud services are generally classified based on a layer concept (Figure 5). In the upper layers of this paradigm, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) are stacked. Data centers layer: This layer provides the hardware facility and infrastructure for clouds. In data center layer, a number of servers are linked with high-speed networks to provide services for customers. Typically, data centers are built in less populated places, with a high power supply stability and a low risk of disaster. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): IaaS is built on top of the data center layer. IaaS enables the provision of storage, hardware, servers and networking components. The client typically pays on a per-use basis. Thus, clients can save cost as the payment is only based on how much resource they really use. Infrastructure can be expanded or shrunk dynamically as needed. The examples of IaaS are Amazon EC2 (Elastic Cloud Computing) and S3 (Simple Storage Service). Platform as a Service (PaaS): PaaS offers an advanced integrated environment for building, testing and deploying custom applications. The examples of PaaS are Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure, and Amazon Map Reduce/Simple Storage Service. Software as a Service (SaaS): SaaS supports a software distribution with specific requirements. In this layer, the users can access an application and information remotely via the Internet and pay only for what they use. Sales force is one of the pioneers in providing this service model. Microsoft’s Live Mesh also allows sharing files and folders across multiple devices simultaneously. Although the cloud computing architecture can be divided into four layers as shown in Figure 4, it does not mean that the top layer must be built on the layer directly below it. For example, the SaaS application can be deployed directly on IaaS, instead of PaaS. Also, some services can be considered as a part of more than one layer. For example, data storage service can be viewed as either in IaaS or PaaS. Given this architectural model, the users can use the services flexibly and efficiently. 4.2 Cloud based m-learning Mobile learning (m-learning) is designed based on electronic learning (e-learning) and mobility. However, traditional m-learning applications have
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Aufau Periodicals limitations in terms of high cost of devices and network, low network transmission rate, and limited educational resources [12],[13],[14]. Cloud-based mlearning applications are introduced to solve these limitations. For example, utilizing a cloud with the large storage capacity and powerful processing ability, the applications provide learners with much richer services in terms of data (information) size, faster processing speed, and longer battery life.[15] presents benefits of combining m-learning and cloud computing to enhance the communication quality between students and teachers. In this case, a smartphone software based on the open source JavaME UI framework and Jaber for clients is used. Through a web site built on Google Apps Engine, students communicate with their teachers at anytime. Also, the teachers can obtain the information about student’s knowledge level of the course and can answer students’ questions in a timely manner. In addition, a contextual m-learning system based on IMERA platform [16] shows that a cloud-based mlearning system helps learners access learning resources remotely.
5. The Proposed Mobile Cloud Application Design Process & Architecture In this paper we discussed advantages offered by mobile cloud computing application design process is in mobile device application education, then as some important merits we discussed as following:
Low-cost Performance Reduce software cost New version software updates Universal data access Device independent Open source platform
The goal of the Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) architecture is to provide a proxy for mobile clients connecting to Cloud services. Figure 6 shows an overview of the MCC and its main features. The architecture consists of three parts, the mobile clients, the middleware and the Cloud services. Since Cloud services are usually controlled by service providers, the middleware performs all the necessary adaptation to the mobile clients. Some services require real-time updates, for example, news, Blogs, and Twitter services. The middleware also pushes updates of service results to mobile clients via HTTP or email immediately after it receives the updates. The purpose of the deployment of these applications is to help the students enhance their understanding about the appropriate design of mobile cloud computing in supporting field experiences. In [17], an education tool is developed based on cloud computing to create a course about image/video processing. Through mobile phones, learners can
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understand and compare different algorithms used in mobile
applications (e.g., de-blurring, de-noising, detection, and image enhancement).
Figure 6 Mobile Cloud Applications Design Architecture
6. Methodology Table 1 Mobile cloud application computing design application tools
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Mobile Cloud Computing Design application is it useful for education. Mobile cloud application platform is it significant enhancing learning tool for education. Is any effective revolution mobile cloud computing for higher education Mobile cloud Application tool platform is it effective academic with Social networking. Do you believe Mobile Cloud application platform in Future trends Are you believe Mobile cloud technology change into HE Landscape.
5 6
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Mobile cloud application computing design application tools used for universities in class rooms (see Table 1). P=Mobile Cloud Computing Design application is it useful for education Q=Mobile cloud application platform is it significant enhancing learning tool for education R= is any effective revolution mobile cloud computing for higher education S=Mobile cloud Application tool platform is it effective academic with Social networking T=Do you believe Mobile Cloud application platform in Future trends U=Are you believe Mobile cloud technology change into Higher Education Landscape Table 2 Mobile cloud application computing design application tools S.No
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Figure 7 Mobile Cloud Learning Environment Software Tool applications using for universities in class room
Acta Eng 2013, 1(1), 7-17
Article AE13204303
Acta Engineering The quantitative research approach is usually used in studies intended to measure lecturer and student attitude towards mobile learning, specifically based on the Mobile Cloud Application Design Process Model for Education with Mobile device. Additionally, if the research problem is identifying factors that influence an outcome, the impact of an intervention, or to understand the best predictors of outcomes, a quantitative approach is preferable. Mobile Cloud Learning Environment Software Tool using classroom (see Figure 7). This study examines the factors that influence the adoption of Cloud Design model, and application technology for educational purposes among the students of the Vaal University of Technology. A survey instrument was developed with six questions that addressed various aspects of Mobile Cloud Application Design Process Models for Education with Mobile Devices and Mobile Cloud application design model with Software Tool application used for Universities in class rooms (see Figure 7).
7. Discussion and Result The present available literature was explored to identify existing Mobile Cloud Application Design Process Model based on Cloud Computing Theory and Mobile cloud Computing, either adopted by learning theorists or by the technological approach of the activity theory [18], and can be identified as comprehensive in the sense that it has taken into account all the necessary factors that concern the users, the learning itself and the environment in which the learning will operate. The process of designing and evaluating a mobile learning system revealed that the Mobile Cloud Application Design Process Model and Cloud Communication of an academic application design model process are important. It is, however, realized that this design model process cannot be utilized in all types of the mobile learning systems. The mobile Cloud application design model learning system is again usable in all kinds of courses offered in information technology. However, this research has not considered specific courses in information technology, for example software engineering or any other project based courses. The Mobile Cloud Application Design Process Model learning system is usable for those students and staff who are on the move most of the time. In this Design model process all students and lecturers have an equal opportunity to have access to the course material and recourses, Text based documents , audio and video files which will be buffered from the cloud to that mobile user and downloaded in the mobile if the memory is available in the mobile(if the user wishes to do so). The user
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Aufau Periodicals can read the documents, look at the video tutorials, listen to lectures or seminars and finally they can take up self-assessments. So, mobile cloud computing application design tool takes the responsibility of data storage and sharing security. Mobile cloud computing application helps to increase the storage space in the cloud service. There are more applications for teaching and learning as opposed to single platform, independent tools and scalable data storage. Mobile cloud computing application design models to helps, in offering the very high quality class education at affordable price. Mobile cloud based application can produce students and lecturer with free of cost .Mobile cloud application tools for many institutes mobile cloud computing application offers a cost effective solution to the problem of how to provide better services , data storage security .In desktop computing which a hardware or hard disk crash can destroy all your valuable data a computer crashing in the cloud should not affect the storage of your data from service even, if your PC crash, or mobile crash all your data still in the cloud in the sever and you can access , hence cloud computing the ultimate in data anywhere, everywhere.
8. Future Conclusion We have given an extensive survey of current mobile cloud computing research in this paper. Highlighting the motivation for mobile cloud computing, we have also presented different definitions of mobile cloud computing in the literature. We have presented a taxonomy of issues found in this area, and the approaches in which these issues have been tackled, focusing on operational level, end user level, service and application level, security and context-awareness The cloud computing has the significant scope to change the whole education system. In present scenario e-learning is getting the popularity and this application in cloud computing will surely help in the development of the education offered to poor people which will increase the quality of education offered to them. Cloud based education will help the students, staff, Trainers, Institutions and also the learners to a very high extent and mainly students from rural parts of the world will get an opportunity to get the knowledge shared by the professor on other part of the world. Even governments can take initiatives to implement this system in schools and colleges in future and we believe that this will happen soon. Mobile cloud computing is one of mobile technology trends in the future since it combines the advantages of both mobile computing and cloud computing, thereby providing optimal services for mobile users. Mobile Cloud Application Design Process Model for Education framework design will surely help in the development of the education offered to students, or people which will increase the quality of education offered. Mobile Cloud Application education will help
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Acta Engineering the students, staff, admin, trainers, Institutions and also the learners to a very high extent and mainly students from rural area parts of the world will get an opportunity to get the knowledge shared by the and on other part of the world.
Aufau Periodicals [7] [8]
9. Conclusion The Mobile cloud computing application data storage has the significant scope to change the whole education system. In present scenario the m-learning is getting the popularity and this application in mobile cloud computing will surely help in the development of the education offered to poor people which will increase the quality of education offered .Mobile Cloud based education will help the students, staff, Trainers, Institutions and also the learners to a very high extent and mainly students from rural parts of the world will get an opportunity to get the knowledge shared by the professor on other part of the world. Even universities and governments can take initiatives to implement. This system in colleges and universities in future and we believe that this will happen soon.
The authors wish to thank, Ms. Edith Terblanche, Mr. Roger Baxter and Mrs. Antoinette Lombard(HoD). This work was supported in part by a grant from ICT Department
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