Phytoplankton extracellular release and bacterial ... - Inter Research

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the Northern Adriatic Sea, we might conclude that P limitation provokes elevated PER m ..... 1963), while P-limited prunary pro- duction was ..... Second Act. Mar.

Vol. 116: 247-257'1995

Published January 12

Phytoplankton extracellular release and bacterial growth: dependence on the inorganic N:P ratio Ingrid Obernosterer, Gerhard J. Herndl* Dept of Marine Biology, Institute of Zoology, University of Vienna, Althanstr. 14, A-1090 Vienna, Austria

ABSTRACT: Batch cultures of Chaetoceros affinis grown under nitrogen- (N:P = 5) and phosphorus(N:P = 100) limited conditions exhibited 30 and 100% higher rates of photosynthetic extracellular release (PER), respectively, than C affims grown under balanced nutrient conditions (N.P = 16). Inoculations of natural bacterial assemblages to PER derived from phytoplankton grown under these different nutrient regimes exhibited highest potential bacterial growth yields (- 46 %) on PER derived from balanced growth. Analysis of the dissolved monomeric (MCHO) and polymeric (PCHO) carbohydrate pool and of the dissolved free amino acid (DFAA) fraction of the PER indicated significantly higher specific release rates of these components for phytoplankton grown under P limitation Based on the fluctuation of the MCHO, PCHO and DFAA pool in the batch cultures and on bacterial extracellular enzymatic activity (EEA) and bacterial growth yield we have evidence that under P-limited conditions bacteria are not taking up the available carbon efficiently. Bacteria growing on PER derived from N - l m t e d conditions exhibited high bacterial a- and p-glucosidase activity, while under P limtation low EEA was detectable. Extrapolating our results to the severely P-limited summer conditions of the Northern Adriatic Sea, we might conclude that P limitation provokes elevated PER m exponentially growing phytoplankton which is not utilized efficiently by the natural bacterial consortia. This would allow the PER to coagulate and eventually form mucilage. KEY WORDS: Phytoplankton Bacteria . Extracellular release . Nutrient limitation


Photosynthetic extracellular release (PER) of phytoplankton has been mtensively studied over the last 3 decades. It is now well known that PER is highest during the stationary phase of phytoplankton growth, but it has been disputed whether significant release also takes place in actively growing phytoplankton cells (Fogg 1966, Hellebust 1974, Sharp 1977, Mague et al. 1980, Myklestad et al. 1989). There is also evidence that elevated PER occurs under conditions of nutrient limitation (Myklestad & Haug 1972, Myklestad 1977, Fogg 1983, Lancelot 1983, Watanabe 1980). Moreover, high-molecular-weight material appears to be relatively common among the compounds released (Nalewajko & Schindler 1976, Saunders 1976, Iturriaga & Zsolnay 1983).The tight coupling of primary produc-

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tion and bacterial utilization of phytoplankton extracellular release has been demonstrated by numerous authors (Iturriaga & Hoppe 1977, Wiebe & Smith 1977, Larsson & Hagstrom 1982, Wolter 1982, Bell 1983, Sell & Overbeck 1992). For instance, studies performed over die1 cycles have revealed patterns of bacterial activity similar to primary production: highest bacterial abundance and growth rates during the day and lowest at night (Fuhrman et al. 1985, Herndl & Malacic 1987).Therefore, PER can be considered as one of the primary sources for bacterial growth. In the Northern Adriatic Sea, excessive mucus production is a frequent phenomenon. This mucus basically consists of an amorphous, mucopolysaccharide matrix. During low turbulent conditions of the water column, this gelatinous material tends to aggregate to a size up to 2 m in diameter (Kaltenbock & Herndl 1992). This microenvironment has been shown to be rich in inorganic and organic nutrients as well as in microorganisms (Alldredgre & Silver 1988, Herndl 1988, Kalten-

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Mar, Ecol, Prog, Ser. 116: 247-257, 1995

bock & Herndl 1992). In 1991, occurrence o f marine snow coincided with a high atomic ratio o f inorganic nitrogen versus phosphorus ( m e a n of 70; Kaltenbock & Herndl 1992) indicating severe P limitation, Since marine snow i n the Northern Adriatic Sea is thought to b e predominantly o f phytoplankton origin (Degobbis 1989))w e hypothesized that large a m o m t s of PER are released from phytoplankton under Plimited primary production. This PER released under P-limited conditions was further hypothesized to b e incorporated into bacteria with a lower efficiencythan that produced under either N limitation or under balanced nutrient supply. Due to low bacterial utilization, PER might accumulate and eventually form mucilage during periods of appropriate physical conditions o f the water column i n t h e Northern Adriatic Sea.


Experimental procedure. T h e experimental procedure is outlined i n Fig, 1. Briefly, phytoplankton cultures were grown together with a natural bacterial inoculate under differentN : P ratios. In t h e exponential and stationary growth phase particulate and dissolved primary production were measured. Concurrently, samples for dissolved carbohydrates and free amino acids o f the PER were taken. T h e filtered and acidified radiolabeled dissolved organic carbon produced b y phytoplankton (14C-PER)from each treatment (5 m l ) was mixed with 40 ml o f artificial seawater in acidrinsed 125 ml glass flasks, T h e pH was adjusted to 7.8 with 0 , l N NaOH. T h e n 5 ml of the bacterial assemblage from t h e specific phytoplankton cultures (0.8 pm filtered) were incubated for 24 h i thereafter, samples were taken for estimating bacterial growth rates using the leucine incorporation assay. This transfer o f bacteria from nutrient-amended conditions to nutrientdepleted regimes is aimed to mimic water parcels being diluted with oligotrophic waters from t h e Middle Adriatic as they flow from t h e eutrophic western part eastward across the Northern Adriatic Sea. Phytoplankton culture conditions. Batch cultures o f the diatom Chaetoceros affinis (Culture Collection o f the Dunstaffnage Marine Research Laboratory) were used, This diatom was chosen because o f its widespread occurrence and abundance in the Northern Adriatic Sea. Stock cultures were maintained in a f / 2 medium (Guillard & Ryther 1962).For t h e experiments, non-axenic phytoplankton cultures were prepared with varying N:P ratios (Table 1). To inoculate the experimental cultures, cells from cultures grown i n t h e corresponding m e d i u m were taken i n t h e exponential growth phase (Myklestad 1977) and re-inoculated together with I0 ml o f 0.8 pm filtered natural bacterial


Batch cultures of Chaetoceros affinis



Re-inoculated with I0 ml of natural bacterial community in the exponential phase of phytoplankton

During exponential and stationary growth incubated with 14 C bicarbonate for 4 h. CHO and DFAA concentration determined and EEA measured


[ Particulate and dissolved (PER) primary production measured

5ml of I 4 c - p ~ R 5ml of 14c-p~Fl 5ml of 1 4 c - p ~ R 40 ml of artificial seawater + 5 ml bacterial community


Incubated for 24 h, thereafter BSP determined

Fig. 1. O u t h e of the expenmental setup. CHO: (dissolved) carbohydrates; DFAA: dissolved free amino acids; EEA: extracellular enzymatic activ~ty;PER: photosynthetic extracellular release; BSP: bacterial secondary productlon, Further explanabon in text

consortia collected from t h e Northern Adriatic Sea o f f Rovinj [Croatia);filtration o f the bacterial consortia was performed immediately before moculation. All media were i n artificial seawater (Parsons et al. 1984). T h e continuously stirred cultures were grown at 22 'C i n I 1 Erlenmeyer flasks containing 1 1 o f medium and kept at a 1ight:dark cycle o f 16:8 h . For illummation, white cool light with a photosynthetic active radiation (PAR)o f 180 pE m-2s-I was used, Table 1. Inlbal nutrient concentrations in the ddferent vhvtoplankton cultures used for the experiments A


Obernosterer & Herndl: Bacterial uptake of PER

To determine the growth phases of phytoplankton optical density (OD) of the phytoplankton cultures was measured spectrophotometrically at 550 nm wavelength, When OD doubled within 24 h an exponential growth phase was assumed; when OD remained constant, the culture reached stationary growth phase. Chlorophyll a. The total biomass of phytoplankton present under different nutrient conditions was estimated by measuring the amount of chlorophyll a (chl a ) spectrophotometrically (Parsons et al. 1984). Primary production and photosynthetic extracellular release. Primary produchon was measured by uptake of radiolabeled 14c-sodium bicarbonate and its subsequent conversion into organic compounds (Parsons et al. 1984). The percentage of PER was estimated using the method described by Lignell (1990, 1992). Subsamples of each phytoplankton culture (100 ml) were filled into acid-rinsed glass-stoppered flasks and 2 pCi Na(H14C03)2(specific activity 2 mCi mmol-l; Amersham) were added. Incubation of duplicate light bottles and one dark control was performed at 180 @ m-2 s-I for 4 h. Thereafter, subsamples were filtered onto 0445 pm pore size cellulose membrane filters (Millipore HA, 25 mm diameter filter) by applying a suction pressure not exceeding 20 mbar in order to prevent leakage of D0l4C from the cells. Fdters were rinsed with 5 ml of 0.2 pm filtered seawater and exposed to fumes of concentrated HCl (for 10 min) to remove inorganic carbon. Then the filters were dissolved in 1 ml of ethylacetate (Loba Chemie, Vienna, Austria) and after 10 min, 8 ml of scintillation cocktail (Insta-Gel, Packard) were added. A volume of 3 ml of the filtrates was transferred to scintillation vialsr acidified with 20 pl concentrated H2S04and left open in a fume hood for 24 h. After adding 7 ml of scintillation cocktail, the samples were kept tightly capped for 14 to 16 h before radioactivity was measured in a liquid scintillation counter (Canberra Packard, Tricarb 2000) corrected for quenching by external standard ratio. In all primary productivity calculations dark values were subtracted from corresponding light values. Bacterial density. Bacterial density was determined by acridine orange staining and epifluorescence microscopy on black polycarbonate Nuclepore (0.2 pm pore size, 25 mm diameter filter) membrane filters (Hobbie et al. 1977). Samples (5 ml) were fixed with 0.2 ml of 0.2 pm filtered, concentrated formalin and then stained with a few drops of an acridine orange solution (0.2 p m filtered) for 1 min, After filtration, the filter was embedded in parafin oil and stored at 4'C until counting using a Leitz Laborlux microscope equipped with a Ploemopak epiflourescence unit. Bacterial secondary production. Bacterial secondary production (BSP) was estimated by adding 3H-leucine (specific activity 120 Ci mmolL1, Amer-


sham) to the subsample giving a final concentration of 10 nM (Simon & Azam 1989). Subsamples (5 ml) were incubated in triplicates and 2 blanks in gammaradiated test tubes (Falcon, Inc.); blanks were fixed with concentrated formalin to give a final concentration of 4 % (v/v). After incubating for 30 min, the samples were filtered onto 0.45 pm cellulose nitrate filters (Millipore HA, 25 mm diameter filter) and extracted twice with 10 ml ice-cold 5% trichloracetic acid (Sigma Chemicals) for 5 min. The f~lterswere dissolved in 1 ml ethylacetate and after 10 min, 8 ml of scintillation cocktail were added and radioassayed after 14 to 16 h. Previous tests have shown that the use of cellulose-nitrate filters for BSP measurements result rn higher counting efficiency and lower blanks as compared to polycarbonate filters, probably because polycarbonate filters do not dissolve completely in ethylacetate or scintillation cocktail. Furthermore we did not find differences in BSP measurements between 0.2 pm and 0.45 pm cellulose-nitrate filters. A conversion factor of 0.108 x 1Ol8 cells produced mol-' leucine incorporated was used (Kirchman 1992). This conversion factor has also been shown to be representative for bacterial consortia of the Northern Adriatic Sea (Obernosterer et al. unpubl.). For the conversion of cell number into carbon biomass, a carbon content per cell of 20 fg was assumed (Lee & Fuhrmann 1987). Extracellular enzymatic activity. Extracellular enzymatic activity (EEA) was estimated using fluorogenic substrate analogs as described by Hoppe (1983). The 4-methylumbelliferyl a-D-glucopyranoside (aMUF) and the 4-methylumbelliferyl p-D-glucopyranoside (p-MUF) were used to estimate a-glucosidase and p-glucosidase activity, respectively. According to Hoppe et al, (19881, cleavage of a-MUF and p-MUF reflects hydrolysis of a- and p-glucosidic bonds, respectively. Stock solutions were prepared in cellosolve (Sigma Chemicals) and stored at -20°CWorking solutions of a- and @-MUFwere prepared with double-distilled water and added to 3 ml of sample to give a final concentration of 2.5 pM. In previous experiments different substrate concentrations have been tested; a concentration of 2.5 pM was found to be sufficient to ensure maximum fluorescent yield (data not shown). In order to calibrate fluorophore release, standards were made with known concentrations of 4-methylumbelliferone (MU). An incubation period of 30 to 45 min usually resulted in a sufficient increase in fluorescence. Fluorescence was measured against a sample blank with a Jasco 820 spectrofluorometer at 360 nm excitation and 444 nm emission wavelength. Dissolved organic matter. Samples for dissolved carbohydrates and free amino acids were filtered

Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 116: 247-257, 1995


through precombusted (480° for 4 h) Whatman GF/F glass fiber filters, sealed in precombusted glass ampoules and mmediately frozen at -20°C Within 2 mo, dissolved monomeric (MCHO) and total carbohydrates (TCHO) were determined following the 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone hydrazone (MBTH) method by Johnson & Sieburth (1977) and Burney & Sieburth (lg??), using a modified procedure to hydrolyze the samples (see also Pakulski & Benner 1992). Briefly, samples for TCHO analysis were acidified with 36 YOHCl ( l : l ,v/v) and kept at llO° for 24 h . After hydrolysis, samples were evaporated at 5OC at 200 mtorr and the resulting powder stored in a desiccator not longer than 12 h. Before analysis, the dried samples were re-dissolved in the same volume of double-distilled water. Complete dissolution of salt crystals was achieved by ultrasonication (Labsonic, Brown) for 2 min. After neutralizing with 0.05 N NaOH, samples were analyzed in the same way as MCHO. Dissolved free amino acids (DFAA) were determined by OPA derivatization and HPLC analysis (Mopper & Lindroth 1982). We assumed that TCHO and DFAA comprised a significant fraction of DOM released by phytoplankton; from the concentrations of MCHO and DFAA we calculated their C and N content in order to obtain a rough approximation of the C:N ratio of the readily utilizable DOM-pool present. Statistical analysis. Unless stated otherwise, the Wilcoxon test for matched pairs was used to test treatment effects on variables. Statistics were performed with SYSTAT 5.2 (Wilkinson 1990).

RESULTS Primary production and photosynthetic extracellular release Phytoplankton grown under different N:P ratios showed similar growth curves (Fig. 2). Phytoplankton grown in the N:P=IOO medium reached significantly lower OD during stationary growth (p < 0.05, n = 6) than phytoplankton grown in media of N:P=5 and N:P=l6 (Fig. 2). During exponential growth, specific productivity in pg C pg-I chl a h-I was found to be higher (though not significantly) for phytoplankton grown in the N:P=5 and N:P=16 media than for phytoplankton grown in the N:P=IOO medium (Table 2). During stationary phase, specific productivity ranged from 1 to 1.2 pg C pg-I chl a h-I and was found to be significantly lower in all treatments compared to specific productivity of the exponential growth (p < 0.05, n = 6).

Time (d) Fig. 2. Growth curves of phytoplankton batch cultures under varylng N:P rahos as revealed by ophcal density measurements. Arrows indicate date of sampllng

The proportion of PER as percentage of total primary production (i.e. particulate production + PER) increased in all treatments from exponential to stationary growth, but was highly variable among different experiments, During exponential growth, the percentage of PER in the N:P=lOO culture significantly exceeded the percentage of PER of phytoplankton grown in the N:P=5 and N:P=16 cultures by -60Y0 (p = 0.045, n = 6) and -lOOYo (p = 0,009, n = 61, respectively (Table 2). In the stationary phase, a significantly h g h e r percentage of PER was only detectable for phytoplankton grown in the N:P=IOO medium (p = 0.04, n = 6) as compared to the N:P=16 medium (Table 2)-During exponential growth, PER in terms of carbon and % PER was higher in the N:P=IOO medium. During stationary growth, highest PER in terms of carbon were observed for phytoplankton in the N:P=l6 medium while the % PER was lowest (Table 2lr whereas in the N:P=lOO medium the highest % PER coincided with low absolute PER rates (Table 2). Table 2. Specific produchvity, photosynthetic extracellular release (PER)and PER as % of total pnmary production under dfferent growth regimes; means * SE (n = 6) N:P ratlo

Speclflc prod. PER (pg C pg-I chl a h-l) (pg C 1-I h-I)

Exponential phase 5 4.6 2 1.9 16 4.4 + 1.4 100 3.4 * 1.1

7.0 0.9 7.6 k 2.5 10.2 i 2.6

Stationary phase 5 1.0 0.1 16 1.0 & 0.4 I00 1.2 + 0.3

11.9 3.6 12.3 5.6 6.7 i 1.8




2159 15 6 29 k 10

* *

30 i 8 29 8 37 9

* * *

Obernosterer & Herndl: Bacterial uptake of PER

Carbohydrate and amino acid concentrations o f the P E R released T h e development o f dissolved carbohydrate concentrations i n t h e phytoplankton cultures showed that exudation took place during all phases o f growth. Monomeric ( M C H O ) and polymeric (PCHO; i.e. T C H O - M C H O ) carbohydrate concentrations did not d i f f e r significantly among t h e 3 treatments and only M C H O concentrations increased signdicantly f r o m exponential t o stationary growth i n t h e N:P=lOO treatment ( p = 0.046, n = 7 ) . Related t o chl a< however, distinct patterns w e r e detectable for b o t h M C H O and PCHO (Fig, 3a, b). During stationary growth significantly higher M C H O concentrations per chl a w e r e detectable m t h e N:P=lOO m e d i u m compared t o t h e N:P=5 ( p = 0.021, n = 7 ) and N : P = l 6 ( p = 0,009, n = 7 )m e d i a , respectively (Fig. 3 a ) ; generally, PCHO exhibited similar patterns t o M C H O and w e r e also significantly higher i n t h e N:P=lOO m e d i u m compared t o t h e N:P=5 ( p = 0.047, n = 6 ) and N:P=l6 ( p = 0.013, n = 6 ) m e d i a , respectively (Fig. 3 b ) . D F A A concentrations ranged f r o m 130 t o 170 n M during exponential phase and mcreased towards t h e


stationary phase t o 300 n M in t h e cultures grown i n t h e N:P=lOO m e d i u m . Significantly higher concentrations w e r e found during stationary growth i n t h e N:P=lOO m e d i u m compared t o t h e N:P=5 ( p = 0.021, n = 6 ) and N:P=16 ( p = 0.021, n = 6 ) media. Normalizmg DFAA concentrations t o chl a (nmol D F A A pg-I chl a ) , a 5fold higher specific D F A A production w a s detectable m t h e N:P=lOO culture t h a n i n t h e cultures grown in t h e N:P=5 ( p = 0.034, n = 6 ) and N:P=16 ( p = 0.034, n = 6 ) m e d i a during stationary growth (Fig. 3 c ) . A s s h o w n i n Table 3 , M C H O w e r e highly positively correlated w i t h PCHO i n all treatments w h l e neither M C H O nor PCHO w e r e correlated w i t h DFAA concentrations.

Bacterial secondary production M e a n BSP i n bacterial batch cultures inoculated w i t h PER f r o m phytoplankton i n exponential growth w a s similar for all PER derived f r o m t h e 3 M f e r e n t nutrient conditions (Table whereas BSP mcubated w i t h PER harvested in stationary phase revealed about 20Y0 higher values for t h e N:P=16 and N:P=lOO m e d i a compared t o t h e N:P=5 m e d i u m (Table 4 ) . N o significant d i f f e r e n c e s i n BSP could b e found among h-eatments and growth phases o f phytoplankton. Bacterial turnover rates (BSP/biomass) exhibited highest rates in t h e PER derived f r o m phytoplankton grown i n t h e N:P=5 m e d i u m i n t h e exponential phase, while bacterial turnover rates w e r e smilar w h e n growing o n PER d e n v e d f r o m phytoplankton in stationary phase. Potential bacterial growth yields (%) w e r e highest w i t h PER f r o m phytoplankton o f t h e N:P=16 m e d i u m o f exponential growth (Table 4 ) . PER d e n v e d f r o m stationary phase increased potential growth yields o f t h e N:P=l6 and N:P=lOO media, while PER f r o m t h e N:P=5 m e d i u m decreased potential growth yields. Table 3 , Pearson's Correlahon matrix of different DOM frachons under varying N:P ratios, data from exponentlal and stationary phase are pooled



DOM fraction






5 16 100 5 16 I00 5 16 100

0.981 0.920 0.878 0.085 0.698 0.801 0.216 0 632 0.584

8 8 8 6 6 6 7

0,001 0,001 0.004 0 872 0.123 0 055 0.642 0,128 0.169


N:P Ratio Fig. 3. (a) Specdic monomeric carbohydrate (MCHO),(b)polymeric carbohydrate (PCHO) and (c) dissolved free amino acids (DFAA) concentrations in phytoplankton cultures of different N:P rahos and growth phases. Plain bars: exponential growth; shaded bars: stationary growth



7 7


Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 116: 247-257, 1995

Table 4, Bacterial secondary production (BSP),b a c t e r d turnover rates ( p ) d-' and potentla1 bacterial growth yleld [based on bacter~alcarbon produced d-I and PER (in p g C 1-I d-I) derived from Table 2; lt was assumed that all the PER is used as a substrate for bacterial growth]. Number of expenments g v e n in parenthesis; means k SE N:P ratio

BSP (pg C 1-I d-I)

Exponential phase 5

p (d-l)

Potential growth yield (%)


47.2 5.6 (n = 8) 46.9 6.5 (n = 8) 47.7 9.6 (n = 8)

* *

16 I00

Stationary phase 5

* *

50.1 10 (n = 6) 63.8 8.4 (n = 6) 61.9 & 8.9 (n = 6)

16 100


Exponential Phase

Extracellular enzymatic activity Generally, a-glucosidase activity was highly correlated with p-glucosidase activity under all nutrient conditions (Pearson's r = 0.99, p < O . O O l t n = 10). EEA varied from 0.2 to 39 nM MU released ( l o 5 bacterial cells)-' h-', During exponential growth a- as well as pglucosidase activity was found to be about 4 times higher in the N:P=5 and N:P=16 medium than in the N:P=lOO medium (p < 0.05r n = 7) (Fig. 4a). During stationary phase, EEA decreased remarkably (Fig. 4b); yet enzymatic activity was significantly lower in the N:P=lOO medium (p < 0.05, n = 6) than in the N:P=16 medium. As shown in Table 5, a- and p-glucosidase activity correlated with DFAA concentrations of the PER derived from phytoplankton grown in the N:P=5 medium (p < 0.001). EEA did not correlate with DFAA for the N:P=16 and N:P=lOO media. Highest a- and 0-glucosidase activities coincided with lowest calculated C:N ratios of the PER added to the bacterial batch cultures; this relationship was most pronounced for glucosidase activity in batch cultures to which PER from phytoplankton grown in N:P=5 medium was added (Fig. 5). With increasing N:P ratio of the medium in w h c h the phytoplankton cultures were grown the relationship between the C:N ratio of the readily utilizable DOM fraction of the PER and EEA became less pronounced (Fig. 5).



Stationary Phase



N:P Ratio Fig. 4. Extracellular enzymatic activity of a- and b-glucosidase under varying N:P ratios in (a) exponential and (b) stationary growth phase. Plam bars: a-glucosidase activity; shaded bars: 0-glucos~daseactivity

Recent investigations (Kaltenbock & Herndl 1992) indicate high N:P ratios (-70) to be characteristic for marine-snow-rich waters of the Northern Adriatic Sea. Concurrently, relatively high rates of PER (- 80 %) were obtained for free-living phytoplankton, while marinesnow-attached phytoplankton exhibited much lower PER rates (-30 %) under a more balanced N:P ratio of the inorganic nutrient pool (N:P = 13) (Kaltenbock & Herndl 1992). We have thus raised the hypothesis that the excessive PER produced under severe P limitation of exponentially growing phytoplankton is not utilized efficiently by bacteria and hence accumulates in the water column. Mechanisms of DOM release by phytoplankton include active release (Fogg 1983) and passive permeation (Bj~rnsen19881, cell death and lysis, release during feeding by heterotrophs (Lampert 1978) and virus-induced lysis (Suttle et al. 1990). In our study, active release and passive permeation were assumed to be mainly responsible for exudation. Sharp (1977) pointed out that such studies are particularly susceptible to experimental error. Methodological errors,

Obernosterer & Herndl: Bacterial uptake of PER

Table 5. Relationship between extracellular enzymatic activity (a-and p-glucosidase activity) and dissolved free ammo acids (DFAA) under different N P ratios An exponential model, y = eC+*lx,fit the data best; data from exponential and stationary phase are pooled N'Pratio






a-Glucosidase 5 0.384 16 1.093 100 0.253

0.01 0.00 0.00

0.89 0.00 0.01

7 7 7

0.2 > 0.2

fi-Glucosidase 5 0.503 16 0.871 100 0 246

0.01 0.01 0.00

0.92 0.08 0.01

7 7 7

0.2 >O 2

such as mechanical breakage of cells during filtration (Arthur & Rigler 1967) and contamination with organic MC,are regarded as serious problems in 14Cmeasurements of primary productivity and extracellular release. On the other hand, dense cultures and culture conditions in general are artificial and might give misleading results. We tried to avoid these problems by using low vacuum pressure (