UK: Puffin Books. Ahlberg, Janet/Ahlberg, Allan (1999): Chicken, Chips and Peas
. UK: Longman Pearson. Baker, Jeannie (1989): Where the forest meets the ...
Picture books index
Ahlberg, Allan (1999): Happy Families. UK: Penguin UK. Ahlberg, Allan/Andre Amstutz, William (1991): Dinosaur Dreams. Oxford: Heinemann Ltd. Ahlberg, Janet/Ahlberg, Allan (1978): Each Peach, Pear Plum. UK: Penguin Books. Ahlberg, Janet/Ahlberg, Allan (1980): Mrs Wobble the Waitress. UK: Puffin Books. Ahlberg, Janet/Ahlberg, Allan (1980): Mrs Plug the Plumber. UK: Puffin Books. Ahlberg, Janet/Ahlberg, Allan (1980): Please Mrs Butler. UK: Puffin Books. Ahlberg, Janet/Ahlberg, Allan (1980): Miss Brick the Builder’s Baby. UK: Puffin Books. Ahlberg, Janet/Ahlberg, Allan (1981): Peepo. UK: Puffin Books. Ahlberg, Janet/Ahlberg, Allan (1999): Chicken, Chips and Peas. UK: Longman Pearson. Baker, Jeannie (1989): Where the forest meets the sea. London: Walker Books Ltd. Beaton, Clare (2001): There’s a Cow in the Cabbage Patch. Bristol, UK: Barefoot Books. Beaton, Clare (2000): One moose, twenty mice. Bristol: Barefoot Books. Browne, Anthony (2000): Willy’s Pictures. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Candlewick Press. Browne, Anthony (2000): Willy the Dreamer. London, UK: Walker Books. Browne, Anthony (1989): The Tunnel. London: Julia MacRae Books. Browne, Anthony (1994): Zoo. London: Red Fox. Burningham, Jack (1970): Mr Gumpy’s Outing. UK: Puffin Books. Campbell, Rod (1982): Dear Zoo. UK: Puffin Books. Carle, Eric (2002): “Slowly, Slowly, Slowly,” said the Sloth. New York, NY: Penguin, Puffin Books. Carle, Eric (1977): The Bad-Tempered Ladybird. UK: Puffin Books. Carle, Eric (1970): The Very Hungry Caterpillar. UK: Puffin Books. Clark, Dorothy/Dodds, Siobhan (1994): Grandpa’s Handkerchief. London: Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd. Cole, Babette (1985): The Trouble with Dad. UK: Collins Picture Lions. Cook, Trisha/Oxenbury, Helen (1996): So Much. UK: Walker Books. Crowley, Joy (1998): Mrs. Wishy-Washy. Bothell, WA: The Wright Group. Crowley, Joy (1998): Splishy-Sploshy. Bothell, WA: The Wright Group. Cuyler, Margery (2003): Skeleton Hiccups. London: Simon and Schuster. Dallas, Donald (1990): Rabbit’s Friends. Essex: Longman Group UK Limited. Damon, Emma (1995): All kinds of people. London: Sadie Fields Productions Ltd. Dann, Pat (2000): Five in the Bed. London, UK: Little Orchard Books. Dersley, Linda/Rodgers, Frank (1994): Mrs Smith’s Crocodile. London: Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd. Dodds, Siobhan (1988): Sarah Bulldog. UK: Collins Picture Lions. Donaldson, Julia/Scheffler, Axel (2000): Monkey Puzzle. Oxford: Macmillan Children’s Books. Donaldson, Julia/Scheffler, Axel (2001): Room on the Broom. Oxford: Macmillan Children’s Books. Duggleby, John (1995): Artists in Overalls. The Life of Grant Wood. San Francisco: Chronicle Books. Escott, John (1993): Time Bird. UK: Penguin English. Farjeon, Eleanor/Mortimer, Ann (1996): Cats sleep anywhere. London: Frances Lincoln Ltd. Galdone, Paul (1973): The Little Red Hen. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin. Garland, Sarah (1984): Having a Picnic. UK: Puffin Books. Garland, Sarah (1982): Going Shopping. UK: Puffin Books. Gordon, Margaret (1984): The Supermarket Mice. UK: Puffin Books. Picture book Liste MAFF 2006, 28/07/2006 Enever, Janet / Schmid-Schönbein, Gisela (2006): “MAFF – Picture Books and Young Learners of English”. München: Langenscheidt: 165-167.
Hargreaves, Roger (1990): Little Miss Busy. Los Angeles: Price Stern Sloan Publishers, Inc. Hargreaves, Roger (1984): Little Miss Chatterbox. Los Angeles: Price Stern Sloan Publishers, Inc. Hawkins, Colin/Hawkins, Jacqui (1993): Where’s my Mummy? London: Walker Books. Heap, Sue/Sharratt, Nick (2004): Red Rockets and Rainbow Jelly. London: Penguin Books Ltd. Hill, Eric (1985): Spot goes on Holiday. UK: Puffin Books. Hill, Eric (1984): Spot goes to School. UK: Puffin Books. Hill, Eric (1980): Where’s Spot? UK: Puffin Books. Hindley, Judy/Benedict, William (1995): The big red bus. London: Walker Books Ltd. Holzwarth, Werne/Wolf Erlbruch, Wolf (1994): The Story of the Little Mole. London: Chrysalis Children’s Books. Hughes, Annie (2000): The Best Christmas. UK: Penguin Young Readers. Hughes, Shirley (1981): Lucy & Tom’s Christmas. UK: Puffin Books. Hughes, Shirley (1978): Moving Molly. UK: Collins Picture Lions. Hutchins, Pat (1983): You’ll Soon Grow Into Them Titch. UK: Puffin Books. Hutchins, Pat (1976): Don’t Forget the Bacon. UK: Puffin Books. Hutchins, Pat (1968): Rosie’s Walk. UK: Puffin Books. Kent, Jack (1975): There’s no such thing as a Dragon. UK: Blackie. Kitamura, Satoshi (1997): Lily Takes a Walk. London: Happy Cat Books. Martin, Bill (1991): Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What do you hear? New York, NY: Henry Holt and Company. Martin, Bill (1972): Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? New York, NY: Henry Holt and Company. Masurel, Claire/Paparone, Pamela (1997): Ten dogs in the window. Zürich: Gossau Nord-Süd Verlag AG. McKee, David (1997): Elmer and the Wind. UK: Red Fox/Random House Imprint. McKee, David (1980): Not Now, Bernard. UK: Red Fox Picture Book. Monks, Lydia (1999): I wish I were a dog. London: Mammoth. Moore, Caroline J. (1992): The Unhappy Ghost. Oxford: Macmillan Heinemann English Language Teaching. Muller, Hildegard (1999): Mr Cool. UK: Cat’s Whiskers. Nicoll, Helen/Pienkowska, Jan (1982): Mog at the Zoo. UK: Puffin Books. Nicoll, Helen/Pienkowska, Jan (1975): Meg’s Castle. UK: Puffin Books. Nicoll, Helen/Pienkowska, Jan (1972): Meg’s Eggs. UK: Puffin Books. Numeroff, Laura. J. (1985): If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. New York, NY: Harper Collins. O`Connor, Jane (2003): Mary Cassatt. Family Pictures. Illustrated by Jennifer Kalis. New York: Grosset & Dunlap. Prater, John (2002): Number one, tickle your tum. London: Red Fox Books. Puttock, Simon/Lambert, Stephen (2000): Coral goes swimming. London: Hodder Children’s Books. Rosen, Michael (2002): Rover. London, UK: Bloomsbury Paperbacks. Rosen, Michael/Oxenburg, Helen (1989): We’re going on a Bear Hunt. London: Walker Books Ltd. Ross, Tony (1984): I’m Coming to Get You. UK: Puffin Books. Rowe, John (1998): Can you spot the spotty dog? London: Random House Children’s Books. Sage, Angie (2001): Hello ducks! London: Hodder Children’s Books. Sendak, Maurice (1964): Where the Wild Things Are. London: Harper Collins.
Picture book Liste MAFF 2006, 28/07/2006 Enever, Janet / Schmid-Schönbein, Gisela (2006): “MAFF – Picture Books and Young Learners of English”. München: Langenscheidt: 165-167.
Seuss, Dr. (writing as Theo LeSieg) (1968): The Eye Book. New York: Bright & Early Books, Random House Inc. Simmonds, Posy (1991): Lulu and the Flying Babies. London: Puffin Books Souhami, Jesica (1996): Old MacDonald. London: Francis Lincoln Ltd. Su, Lucy (2001): Peek a boo friends. London: Francis Lincoln Ltd. Tushingham, Jill (2001): What Can You Do? London, UK: Octopus Publishing Group. Ullstein, Sue/Price, Brian (1989): Jack and the Beanstalk. London: Ladybird Books Ltd. Van Genechten, Guido (1999): My Daddy. London: Cat’s Whiskers. Viorst, Judith (1978): Alexander who used to be rich last Sunday. New York, NY: Scholastic. Waddell, Martin/Eachus, Jennifer (1994): The big blue sea. London: Walker Books Ltd. Wazowski, Michael (2001): M is for Monster. New York, NY: Random House. Wells, Margery (1993): Is a Blue Whale the biggest thing there is? Morton Grove, Illinois: Albert Whitman & Co. West, Colin (1997): Buzz, buzz, buzz, went the bumble-bee. London: Walker. Williams, Sue (1990): I Went Walking. San Diego, CA: Harcourt Books. Wise-Brown Margaret. (1947): Goodnight Moon. New York, NY: Harper-Collins. Yolen, Jane/Teague, Mark (2000): How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight? New York, NY: Scholastic Books.
Picture book Liste MAFF 2006, 28/07/2006 Enever, Janet / Schmid-Schönbein, Gisela (2006): “MAFF – Picture Books and Young Learners of English”. München: Langenscheidt: 165-167.