pilot CV template example - Dayjob

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Pilot CV. PERSONAL SUMMARY. A confident and capable airline pilot with experience of flying aircraft of different sizes, for various leading airline companies.
Linda Harris Pilot CV AREAS OF EXPERTISE Aircraft maintenance Commercial flying Supervising cabin crew Liaising with passengers

PERSONAL SUMMARY A confident and capable airline pilot with experience of flying aircraft of different sizes, for various leading airline companies. In good physical condition with excellent vision and hearing, and a willingness to continuously learn new routes, rules and regulations. Possessing a proven ability to work closely with the cabin crew and fellow co-pilots to deliver a safe journey and first class service to passengers. A multi-tasker who is able to remain calm under pressure and who has extensive experience of flying within both the commercial & cargo sectors.

Weather patterns

Currently looking for a suitable position that offers variety and the opportunity to develop both personally and professionally.

Cockpit instrumentation

WORK EXPERIENCE National Airline – Coventry AIRLINE PILOT June 2008 - Present

PROFESSIONAL Commercial Pilot Licence Multi-Crew Operation Certificate Instrument Rating Ability to speak multiple languages

PERSONAL SKILLS Teamwork Attention to detail

Working as part of a team alongside the captain and cabin crew to ensure a fast, safe, smooth and memorable flight for passengers. Also responsible for providing leadership and making sure that rules and regulations are strictly followed. Duties: Choosing the safest & most efficient altitude and route to reach a destination. Responsible for the safety of the plane, passengers, crew, and cargo. Managing sure the aeroplane is flown safety and also economically. Before a flight examining the airplane's control equipment for any faults. Making sure that luggage and cargo have been correctly loaded. Involved in flying both passenger and cargo planes. Studying flight plans prior to departure. Involved in selecting the flight path, route, altitude and speeds. Communicating with air traffic control just before take off. Checking the weather reports to make sure it’s safe to fly. Filing a flight report after landing. Liaising with the aircraft maintenance crews. During the flight monitoring the planes fuel consumption and engine performance. Checking the serviceability of the plane & making sure safety instruments work. Supervising and monitoring the performance of other crew members.


PERSONAL DETAILS Linda Harris 34 Made Up Road Coventry CV66 7RF

Comfortable with working with different people on a daily basis. Patient and with a good sense of humour. Experience of both long haul and short haul flights. Experienced in landing aeroplanes in poor visibility and using instruments. Able to react quickly and professionally to emergency situations.


T: 02476 000 0000 M: 0887 222 9999 E: [email protected]

BSc (Hons) Logistics Nuneaton University 2005 - 2008

DOB: 12/09/1985 Driving license: Yes Nationality: British

A levels: Maths (A) English (B) Technology (B) Science (C) Coventry North School 2000 - 2005 REFERENCES – Available on request.

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