Dr. Neville is Associate Dean of Education, FHS. .... educational leadership in all .... Health Sciences students are ab
PIPER News! Your PIPER Team
Volume 1, Issue 1
Bonny Jung-Director
[email protected]
Jenn Salfi-Faculty Lead-Special Projects and Development, Faculty Advisor to IPSC, CHIME
[email protected]
Gillian Schaible-Administrative Assistant and Webmaster
[email protected]
Joshua Smiley and Alisha AggarwalStudent Council Liaisons (IPSC)
[email protected] [email protected]
Newsletter Date January 2011
Welcome to PIPER! Director’s Message-by Dr. Bonny Jung As the Chair of the Program for Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research (PIPER), I am delighted to welcome you to the first issue of our Newsletter. I started this position in the summer of 2010 and have been most impressed with the innovative initiatives undertaken by students, faculty and community educators in advancing interprofessional education (IPE) and collaboration (IPC) within the McMaster community. How IPE and IPC are conceptualized and implemented will vary from setting to setting and between different practice areas reflecting the uniqueness
of each environment. One size does not fit all. This newsletter aims to: -share information on the exciting and innovative ways that IPE and IPC are implemented -provide updates on events -showcase successes as well as work-inprogress initiatives, and -promote dialogue on issues relevant to practice, education and research. We also look forward to hearing from you about how we can make this newsletter most helpful for you. Let’s begin that dialogue now. We have a lot to do and places to go…come along with us!
Dr. Bonny Jung is the new Director of PIPER
A Welcome by Dr. Alan Neville Inside this issue:
PIPER’s History
Interprofessional Student Council (IPSC)
The Physician Assistant Program
Upcoming Events 3 by IPSC Faculty Develop- 3 ment: IPE Faculty Workshops The IPEmanager
Funding for PIPER 4 and more!
Although students from a variety of health professional programs have been rubbing shoulders in McMaster’s Faculty of Health Sciences for many years, true interprofessional education has only become a reality in our faculty since the development of PIPER. The founding director of PIPER, Dr. Patty Solomon, has done a superb job of developing both the research and educational arms of this interprofessional initiative and I feel very privileged to have worked with her and many other colleagues on some of the projects that have developed under the auspices of this innovative program. Dr. Bonny Jung, the new Director of PIPER will provide leadership to build upon the excellent work to date. Like many other educators, I have always been of the view that innovative educational programs geared towards our students are not sustainable unless backed up with a rigorous faculty development effort. I believe that educational materials should be presented in context and for that reason I was delighted when given the opportunity to use re-
search funding from Patty Solomon to develop the first in a series of video vignettes for faculty development. Stimulus videos and a knowledgeable facilitator can provide for a very lively educational workshop that provides credible workplace scenarios which are meaningful for faculty from all the health care professions. These workshops work best when there is a true interprofessional mix of individuals participating in the event. It never ceases to amaze me that as many times as I have now presented these videos at workshops a new audience will identify a new interprofessional issue that had not surfaced in previous discussions. Some people ask, “What is the purpose of interprofessional education beyond instilling the culture of mutual respect amongst the health care professions?” Interprofessional education and interprofessional collaboration go way beyond that. Modern health care delivery which emphasises team work and patient safety demands the development of competencies which are interprofessional in nature.
I have been a very enthusiastic supporter of and participant in PIPER activities since the inception of the program. Interprofessional educational activities are gaining ground across all of the Health Science Professional programs as well as the Bachelors of Health Science program. This has become a very successful as well as essential part of the fabric of the Faculty of Health Sciences and can only gain in importance over the next few years. Dr. Alan Neville-
Dr. Neville is Associate Dean of Education, FHS.
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PIPER’s History In May 2007, the PIPER office was developed. Supported by an IP Advisory Committee,
IPSC Leadership Gala 2010. © IPSC group
the office was responsible for working toward developing, piloting and evaluating IPE events for the mandatory core curriculum. The IPE curriculum evolved to focus on the achievement of IPE competencies, where students could select from a menu of events, rather than specific mandatory courses.
Prior to graduation, students would be required to participate in a minimum of 3 IPE events, which would encompass the Four IPE Core Competencies agreed upon by the educational leadership in all health professional programs at McMaster. By providing a choice of IPE events, students have been more willing to engage in learning what is personally most relevant and meaningful.
The overall goal of PIPER is to serve as an organizational structure to foster a culture of interprofessional education and collaboration across the Faculty of Health Sciences. PIPER works with the educational programs to establish integrated and sustainable interprofessional activities for students, faculty and clinicians alike.
“I wish they had courses like these when I was a student” ~Physiotherapist
The Interprofessional Student Council! by Lindy Luo The IPSC works in conjunction with McMaster’s PIPER and NaHSSA to promote interprofessional education through a variety of team-building events. Certain programs within the Faculty of Health Sciences require students to attend least three IPE events. By attending events organized by the IPSC, Faculty of Health Sciences students are able to fulfill course requirements and earn credits
toward their degree. To register for IPSC events, Faculty of Health Sciences students can visit www.ipemanager.ca. Bachelor of Health Sciences, Social Work, Medical Radiation, and Kinesiology students can sign up for advertised events at
[email protected]. The IPSC comprises an eclectic team of executive members, program-year representatives, and event leads from every program within the Faculty of
Health Sciences and beyond. The executive team, headed by IPSC co-chairs Joshua Smalley (Bachelor of Health Sciences Candidate, Class of 2011) and Alisha Aggarwal (Nursing Candidate, Class of 2011) and supervised by faculty advisors Dr. Alan Neville, Dr. Jenn Salfi, and Dr. Bonny Jung. For more information contact Lindy Luo:
[email protected].
Physician Assistant Program: A Student’s Perspective
IPSC Leadership Gala 2010. © IPSC group
As a first year student of the two year Physician Assistant Education (PA) program, I was introduced to the interprofessional community very early on.
serverships of various Health Care occupations. We learn the role of these professions and what they offer; to then help us better treat our future patients.
PA’s are intrinsically an interprofessional bunch, as we work hand-in-hand with a doctor. This is emphasized in our first year of the two-year program through Longitudinal Placements, which are ob-
The Problem Based Learning (PBL) style of learning is utilized in the PA program. This curriculum is modeled after the MD program and offers exposure to a broad scope of diagnostics
and treatments for various conditions. In working through cases we discuss the condition from multiple perspectives including those of other health team members. We explore our specific role in health care during our Professional Competencies classes to find out where we fit in the big picture.
Volume 1, Issue 1
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Upcoming Events from IPSC by Lindy Luo The IPSC has many exciting events planned for the 2011 academic year: -On Feb 11th, the 5th Annual Interprofessional Day in Aboriginal Health will be held. Students from all disciplines are encouraged to attend. Other IPSC events planned for this year are as follows:
Global Health Disaster Simulation
McMaster Student Health Games (The Health Care Team Challenge TM)
Inner City Health Forum (in collaboration with CHIME)
The Teddy Bear Picnic
Patients as Educators series
Gender and Health Round II
Mini conferences and much more!
For more information about upcoming IPSC events, join the IPSC Leadership Gala 2010. Interprofessional Student © IPSC group Council Facebook group and visit the PIPER website at www.piper.mcmaster.ca.
“Each discipline may
Faculty Development: IPE Faculty Workshops Essentials of IPE I: Expose Yourself (Dec. 7, 2010)- 3.0 hrs. This 1/2 day session provides an introduction to IPE and IPC and allows participants to explore the barriers in their settings and identify learning strategies to promote IPE and IPC. Essentials of IPE II: Immerse Yourself (Feb. 1, 2011)- 3.0 hrs. The follow-up 1/2 day session allows participants to have an in-
depth discussion on issues related to hierarchy and collaboration and develop learning strategies to promote IPE and IPC.
For more information on the other objectives of the Essentials of IPE workshops or if you are interested in attending a workshop, please visit the following link:
Understanding IPE and collaborative patient centered practice Understanding the common barriers and facilitators to IPE in academic and clinical settings;
Understanding group dynamics and knowing how to assist groups in working through conflict
http://www.fhs.mcmaster.ca/facdev/ best.html
have different views, levels of knowledge and reasoning, but still come together as a team respecting these differences and form a very complete and creative plan for a client.” ~Rehabilitation Student
Physician Assistant Education Program: (continued) McMaster has just graduated Ontario’s first civilian PA class in 2010 and Ontario opened it’s doors to PA’s in 2006, employment opportunities are promising. PA’s have a unique opportunity in that we can migrate to different facets of the Health Care system as needs arise. Ultimately, we are here for the same reason others in the health sciences programs are,
to help patients. Physician Assistants offer patients improved access to quality and timely care. We are eager to take our place. Article by Valerie Derbecker, PA Program, First year student. For more information on the Physician Assistant’s role
please go to: http://www.fhs.mcmaster.ca/ physicianassistant/
IPSC Leadership Gala 2010Dr. Bonny Jung (Director). © IPSC group
McMaster University 1400 Main St. West Hamilton, ON, L8S 4L8
Check Out our Website at http://piper.mcmaster.ca/
The IPEmanager: new face for 2011!
The Interprofessional Events Manager (aka IPEMANAGER), is a software developed in order to facilitate the organization of interprofessional events offered by PIPER. Using this software, Faculty of Health Sciences students are able to sign up online for interprofessional events. These events will help students meet their IPE competencies and further their knowledge and understanding of interprofesssionalism. The IPEmanager is also known as MacMeds by the Medical Students. Through the IPEmanager, students will be able to: -View upcoming events and important dates -Sign up for interprofessional events -View and download any mandatory readings or forms required -View and complete evaluation forms or reflections if required For more information on the IPE manager please contact Gillian Schaible at
[email protected] or go to http://www.ipemanager.ca .
And the WINNERS of PIPER’s Requests For Proposals funding are... Project 1: Interprofessional Education Through Cadaver Dissection
Investigators: Bruce Wainman, Director of Program in Anatomy Stephanie Chan, MD Candidate 2012 Karen Tsui, PT Candidate 2011 Vincent Lacharite, PA Candidate 2011
Project 2: Interprofessional Team Observed Structured Clinical Encounter (TOSCE) for Learners in Maternity Care. Investigators: Beth Murray-Davis, RM PhD Patty Solomon, Anne Malott Denise Marshall, Valerie Mueller Elizabeth Shaw
Funding for PIPER...and other news! The Ministry of Health and Long Term Care continued to show their support of the PIPER program at McMaster University by providing funding for 2010-2011. The funding was supplemented by funds from McMaster University. The stipends provided, helped us develop, facilitate and evaluate educational initiatives for students. Funding also supported PIPER’s infrastructure and added to the menu of student events. The funding provided also supported interprofessional education research. Each year, PIPER funds several small projects which provide new, innovative interprofessional education opportunities.
UPCOMING NEWS! PIPER is developing a new awards program for Faculty and Students in order to reward our IPE unsung heroes! Look for information in our upcoming newsletter on how to nominate individuals making a different in IPE.
NEED MORE INFORMATION? For more information about upcoming IPE events offered by the PIPER group please contact Gillian Schaible at
[email protected].
Happy New Year !