apeutic potency of quercetin and its interaction with piperine; a bioavailabil- ity enhancer against chronic unpredictable stress (CUS) induced cognitive.
Poster Presentations: P1
Table 2 wADDL Immunization in 5XFAD-Memory Data Q 1 (Mean 6 SD derived from 1 probe trial (N ¼ 5) Non-Immunized Lts (Injected with Saline) Non-Immunized Tgs (Injected with Saline) Tgs immunized with antiADDL antibody (ADDL) Tgs immunized with WGA conjugated anti-ADDL antibody (wADDL)
Q 2 (Mean 6 SD derived from 1 probe trial (N ¼ 5)
Q 3 (Mean 6 SD derived from 1 probe trial (N ¼ 5)
PQ (Mean 6 SD derived from 1 probe trial (N ¼ 5)
2.7 6 0.7
2.8 6 0.6
2.8 6 0.6
51.7 6 5.5
10.0 6 1.6
10.3 6 1.9
9.8 6 1.4
27.9 6 4.7
6.3 6 1.8
4.9 6 1.4
5.5 6 1.9
43.3 6 7.9
2.3 6 0.7
2.0 6 0.6
2.1 6 0.8
53.6 6 6.4
Puneet Rinwa, Lalit Machawal, Anil Kumar, University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India.
Task deteriorated by 46% (compared to non-immunized/saline injected Lts) Task improved by 77% (compared to non-immunized/saline injected Tgs) Task improved by 82% (compared to non-immunized/saline injected Tgs)
latency in elevated plus maze and reduced escape latency to reach platform in Morris water maze) as compared to control. Further, quercetin (20 and 40 mg/kg, p.o., 28 days) treatment significantly reversed chronic stress induced decrease in sucrose consumption and body weight, produced antioxidant like effect (reduced malondialdehyde, nitrite concentration and restored reduced glutathione, catalase levels) and restored alterations in AChE activity as compared to control. Further co-administration of piperine (2.5 mg/kg, p.o., 28 days) with quercetin (20 mg/kg, p.o., 28 days) significantly potentiated the protective effect of quercetin as compared to their effect per se.
Background: Chronic stress occurs in everyday life and persistence of the same cause’s cognitive dysfunction. Bioflavonoids like quercetin have been reported to have a therapeutic potential against stress induced cognitive dysfunction including Alzheimer’s disease. However bioflavonoids have poor bioavailability, therefore the present study is an attempt to elucidate the therapeutic potency of quercetin and its interaction with piperine; a bioavailability enhancer against chronic unpredictable stress (CUS) induced cognitive dysfunction. Methods: Male Laca mice were subjected to CUS, which is a battery of tests for 28 days. Drugs were administered daily 30 minutes before CUS. Various behavioral tests (Morris water maze and elevated plus maze, anhedonic like response in sucrose consumption test), acetlycholinestrase (AChE) activity followed by biochemical analysis were done. Results: 28 days CUS significantly impaired memory performance as evidenced by increased latency time in Morris water maze as well as elevated plus maze test, oxidative stress and elevated AChE levels as compared to naive animals. Quercetin (20 and 40 mg/kg, p.o.) treatment for 28 days significantly improved memory performance (shorted transfer
2. Effect of quercetin and its combination with piperine on oxidative parameters CUS control group significantly increased MDA level, nitrite concentration, depleted GSH, catalase, and SOD enzyme activity as compared to naive group. However, quercetin (QUR 20 and 40 mg/kg) and piperine (PRN 2.5 mg/kg) treatment significantly attenuated oxidative stress (decreased MDA, nitrite concentration, restored SOD) in the hippocampus as compared to CUS control animals. Further, combination of QUR (20 mg/kg) with PRN (2.5 mg/kg) significantly potentiated their protective effect (antioxidant like effect) which was significant as compared to QUR (20 mg/kg, p.o) per se. However, treatment of PRN (2.5 mg/kg) per se did not have any significant effect on the acetlycholinestrase activity and was similar to CUS control.
Treatment (mg/kg) Naive CUS Control CUS + QUR (20 mg/kg; p.o) CUS + QUR (40 mg/kg; p.o) CUS + QUR (20 mg/kg; p.o) + Piperine (2.5 mg/kg; p.o) CUS + PRN per se (2.5 mg/kg; p.o) CUS + Piracetam (100 mg/kg; i.p)
LPO (mol of MDA/mgpr)
GSH (mmol of GSH/mgpr)
Nitrite (mg/ml)
Catalase (mmol of H2O2/min/mgpr)
Superoxide dismutase (units/ mgpr)
0.15960.006 0.60760.029 a 0.38360.017 b 0.27660.032 b 0.21660.031 b,c
0.07560.0055 0.02160.004 a 0.04360.0023 b 0.05260.0015 b 0.05960.002 b,c
303.3613.21 777.8616.26 a 577611.83 b 416.6612.16b 371.6613.12 b,c
0.72760.011 0.19560.032 a 0.37560.043 b 0.43360.016b 0.59660.023 b,c
51.2363.51 16.7262.12 a 28.2364.13 b 32.7963.41 b 41.9962.78 b,c
0.58960.028 b 0.18760.013 b,c
0.02260.003 b 0.06960.004 b,c
795.6615.79 b 320.1618.62 b,c
0.18860.044 b 0.69860.036 b,c
17.1661.98 b b,c
Values are mean 6 SEM. aP