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Page 1 of 11. Application Status: Received FORMULA Application ID: 0019250285920002. SAS#: PREKAA16. Organization: MANOR

Application Status: Received


Application ID: 0019250285920002

Organization: MANOR ISD

County District: 227907

Campus/Site: N/A

ESC Region: 13

Vendor ID: 1746003097

School Year: 2015-2016

2015-2017 High-Quality Prekindergarten Grant Program Certify and Submit Amendment # 00

Application ID:




TEA Due Date:

4/23/2016 5:00:00 PM

Application Type:






SAS #:



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Form Description


Version # 02

Last Updated

General Information G GS S2 21 10 00 0 -- Applicant Applicant Information Information


4/18/2016 4/18/2016 10:44 10:44 AM AM


4/7/2016 4/7/2016 4:38 4:38 PM PM

G GS S2 23 30 00 0 -- Negotiation Negotiation Comments Comments and and Confirmation Confirmation

Program Description PPS S4 47 70 00 0 -- Program Program Narrative Narrative

Program Budget 6/18/2016 6/18/2016 4:33 4:33 PM

B BS S6 60 01 17 7 -- Program Program Budget Budget Summary Summary and and Support Support

Provisions Assurances and Certifications C CS S7 70 00 00 0 -- Provisions, Provisions, Assurances Assurances and and Certifications Certifications


4/7/2016 4/7/2016 10:39 AM AM

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Application Status: Received


Application ID: 0019250285920002

Organization: MANOR ISD

County District: 227907

Campus/Site: N/A

ESC Region: 13

Vendor ID: 1746003097

School Year: 2015-2016

2015-2017 High-Quality Prekindergarten Grant Program Certify and Submit Amendment # 00

Version # 02

Certification and Incorporation Statement I hereby certify that the information contained in this application is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and that the organization named above has authorized me as its representative to obligate this organization in a legally binding contractual agreement. I further certify that any ensuing program and activity will be conducted in accordance with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations; application guidelines and instructions; the general provisions and assurances, debarment and suspension certification, lobbying certification requirements, special provisions and assurances, and the schedules submitted. It is understood by the applicant that this application constitutes an offer and, if accepted by the Texas Education Agency or renegotiated to acceptance, will form a binding agreement. Authorized Official First Name Erin Telephone 512-278-4421


Submitter Information First Name Glenda

26 of 30 Fax 512-278-4017


Last Name

24 of 30


Exec Director 36 of 60 Confirm E-Mail [email protected]

E-Mail [email protected] Last Name Wilkerson

Only the legally responsible party may submit this report.


Approval ID gwilker0311

27 of 40 36 of 60

Submit Date and Time 6/18/2016 4:33:23 PM Certify Certify and and Submit Submit

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Schedule Status: Complete


Application ID: 0019250285920002

Organization: MANOR ISD

County District: 227907

Campus/Site: N/A

ESC Region: 13

Vendor ID: 1746003097

School Year: 2015-2016

2015-2017 High-Quality Prekindergarten Grant Program General Information GS2100 - Applicant Information Part 1: Organization Information  Applicant Organization Name MANOR ISD Mailing Address Line 1

Mailing Address Line 2

10335 HWY 290E Part 2: Applicant Contact Primary Contact First Name

26 of 30

ERIN Telephone




Last Name



17 of 35

[email protected] Mailing Address 2

10335 US HWY 290 E


19 of 30 Ext.

Mailing Address 1 10335 US HWY 290 E





Last Name Harvey


512-278-4017 17 of 35


24 of 30 Title

22 of 40


[email protected] Mailing Address 2

36 of 60

[email protected] 35 of 35 City 30 of 35 MANOR

Secondary Contact First Name Christopher 512-278-4454

State Zip Code

36 of 60 Confirm E-Mail



Mailing Address 1



State TX

Zip Code 78653

24 of 30 Title Federal Programs Coordinator 29 of 60 Confirm E-Mail

12 of 40 29 of 60

[email protected] 35 of 35 City 30 of 35 MANOR

State TX

Zip Code 78653


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Schedule Status: New


Application ID: 0019250285920002

Organization: MANOR ISD

County District: 227907

Campus/Site: N/A

ESC Region: 13

Vendor ID: 1746003097

School Year: 2015-2016

2015-2017 High-Quality Prekindergarten Grant Program General Information GS2300 - Negotiation Comments and Confirmation General Comments (TEA Use Only)

This schedule is for TEA to document any required changes and communications to the applicant in the event this application requires negotiation. It will also require applicants to acknowledge that they have made the change requested. # Date Negotiation Note 1


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c Accepted by TEA d e f g

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Page 4 of 11


Schedule Status: Complete


Application ID: 0019250285920002

Organization: MANOR ISD

County District: 227907

Campus/Site: N/A

ESC Region: 13

Vendor ID: 1746003097

School Year: 2015-2016

2015-2017 High-Quality Prekindergarten Grant Program Program Description PS4700 - Program Narrative How will the LEA select and implement a curriculum that addresses the Prekindergarten Guidelines established by the agency?


106 of 4000 Based on the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines (updated 2015), the curriculum we will select will address the social & emotional development of the child, language & communication, emergent literacy reading and writing, mathematics, science, social studies, fine arts, physical development, health, and technology. Manor ISD will select a curriculum to purchase from the Texas Education Agency Instructional Materials Current Adoption Bulletin 2015-2016. Based on the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines (updated 2015), the curriculum we will select will address the social & emotional development of the child, language & communication, emergent literacy reading and writing, mathematics, science, social studies, fine arts, physical development, health, and technology. Manor ISD will select a curriculum to purchase from the Texas Education Agency Instructional Materials Current Adoption Bulletin 2015-2016. Manor ISD currently uses the Pearson Opening the World of Learning (OWL) curriculum. The district intends to use grant funds to supplement OWL with Creative Curriculum (Teaching Strategies) to build a more robust integrated curriculum. Both OWL and Creative Curriculum are on the list of approved Prekindergarten curricula, and the combination of the two will fully cover all 10 domains of the Texas Prekindergarten Guidelines. Moreover, this integrated curriculum approach supports strong gains in Kindergarten-readiness measures. OWL and Creative Curriculum are comprehensive, research-based programs that integrate instruction across developmental domains and early learning disciplines. Creative Curriculum provides special attention to science, social- emotional, physical, cognitive, and language development, while OWL excels in mathematics. With the purchase of Creative Curriculum, we will be able to update and replace old classroom supplies and bring in new instructional materials to ensure all necessary resources for high quality learning are available in all Pre-K classrooms. Additionally, we will be able to supply all of our partner-based classrooms (e.g., Head Start classroom with a MISD teacher) with the same curriculum. We chose one Creative Curriculum based on but not limited to: Developmental appropriateness for children ages 3 - 5 years (with extended support of children with a developmental age that is younger than three and older than five); Provides consistent opportunities for authentic learning experiences through relevant theme; Quality and authenticity of bilingual materials and literature; Level of support for student guided learning; Integrated STEM curriculum; Provides an authentic (product -based) assessment tool; Teacher friendly formatting and packaging (i.e. does not require multiple; TE’s for planning, provides written support for unseasoned Pre-k Teachers); Clearly supports the amended Pre-k Guidelines (April 2016). In addition, we will supplement this resource with the online CIRCLE Activity Collection. The CIRCLE Activity Collection offers a variety of hands-on activities that preschool teachers can implement during large group, small group, centers, and one-on-one instruction. Language, literacy, social emotional skills, mathematics, and science are the core concepts covered. The activities incorporate a gradual release model, where a teacher models, demonstrates, and “thinks aloud� so that children understand the concepts behind what the teacher is modeling. Children then practice the skills or concepts with the teacher’s guidance. The updated collection includes new and expanded activities, videos of select activities performed in real classrooms, and direct links to activities from Children’s Learning Institute's CIRCLE Progress Monitoring system, through CLI Engage. The newly updated collection includes more than 350 classroom activities, with 25 percent of activities incorporating a video.

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Schedule Status: Complete


Application ID: 0019250285920002

Organization: MANOR ISD

County District: 227907

Campus/Site: N/A

ESC Region: 13

Vendor ID: 1746003097

School Year: 2015-2016

2015-2017 High-Quality Prekindergarten Grant Program Program Description PS4700 - Program Narrative How will the LEA measure the progress of students in meeting the recommended learning outcomes? 114 of 4000


Manor ISD will select the CIRCLE Progress Monitoring System by the Children’s Learning Institute as a tool for progress monitoring students. The Texas School Ready child progress monitoring tool, the CIRCLE Progress Monitoring System, is a userfriendly, technology-driven tool that enables teachers to assess a children’s progress in a particular skill area almost instantly. This simplistic yet reliable data collection prompts teachers to focus on lessons that target their students’ least developed skill areas. CIRCLE Progress Monitoring is aligned with the Head Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework. In March 2016, the CIRCLE Progress Monitoring System was approved for the 2016-2017 Commissioner's List of Approved Progress Monitoring Instrument. Direct Assessments with this tool include: language & literacy screener, rapid vocabulary naming, rapid letter naming, letter-sound correspondence, phonological awareness, book & print knowledge, story retell and comprehension, and SSTEM screeners (social studies, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). CIRCLE Progress Monitoring is a standardized, criterion-referenced measure that relates well to established standardized tests and is sensitive to growth in children's skills over time. The data used to support the reliability and validity of CIRCLE Progress Monitoring came from numerous research studies done by the Children's Learning Institute over a five-year span. CIRCLE Progress Monitoring is available for free to all TSR participants, Texas public school districts, charter schools, Head Start programs, and Texas Rising Star Certified Providers through the CLI Engage e-learning platform. Teachers receive student and classroom reports, as well as automatic small group reports and recommended classroom activities based on student scores. Teachers will monitor and adjust lessons and instruction informally and formally. Each week teachers will make observations on student progress. Every three weeks, teachers will assess data to drive instructional interventions. We will formatively assess students six times throughout the school year, every six weeks. We plan to assess students three times throughout the school year with a summative assessment: Beginning of the Year (BOY) - September; Middle of the Year (MOY) - January; End of the Year (EOY) - April/May. After each assessment, formative and summative, our staff will: Review/Evaluate - Evaluate where students are in the developmental continuum of the tested skills. (What are the scores? What are the trends? Are there any surprises?); Organize and plan for intervention lessons to be given whole or small group, depending on the number of students needing the intervention. Respond Execute targeted whole and small group lessons using research-based teaching strategies and systematically record various ways in which students respond to these interventions. The observations made during these interventions will be reviewed regularly and used to determine student progress and needs; Repeat - The steps above will be repeated upon the complete of each scheduled universal screener date. To determine first year effectiveness and beyond, students entering Kindergarten (95% or more will be those who attended Pre-K in MISD) will be assessed at the beginning of the year using the TPRI Early Reading Assessment tool by the Children’s Learning Institute. The TPRI is a highly reliable early reading assessment designed to identify the reading development of students in kindergarten through third grade. This diagnostic instrument is an easy to use one-on-one assessment, which helps teachers provide targeted instruction so that students improve as readers. The TPRI benchmark assessment is given 3 times per year. At all four grade levels, the TPRI consists of both a screening section and an inventory section.

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Schedule Status: Complete


Application ID: 0019250285920002

Organization: MANOR ISD

County District: 227907

Campus/Site: N/A

ESC Region: 13

Vendor ID: 1746003097

School Year: 2015-2016

2015-2017 High-Quality Prekindergarten Grant Program Program Description PS4700 - Program Narrative How will the LEA ensure each teacher of a prekindergarten class meets qualifications outlined in the grant program guidelines? 994 of 4000


The Manor ISD Early Childhood Education Department with work collaboratively with the Human Resources Department, Federal & State Programs Department, Curriculum and Instruction Department, Special Education Department, Bilingual Department, and Technology Department for all aspects of this grant. Below Manor ISD has already matched teachers to the additional criteria listed as requisite for the High-Quality Prekindergarten classroom. Currently we have 41 staff in our Pre-K program. 18 of our teachers have a graduate or undergraduate degree in early childhood education or early childhood special education. 13 of our teachers have documented completion of the Texas School Ready Training Program (TSR Comprehensive). 10 of our teachers who have not completed the required training prior to assignment in a prekindergarten class will complete the first 30 hours before the end of the 2016-2017 school year and complete the additional CPE hours in the subsequent four years in order to continue providing instruction in a High-Quality Prekindergarten program classroom. The Early Childhood Education Department provides professional development for the team and also researches outside training opportunities. Moving forward, Human Resources will construct a job description that matches the High-Quality Pre-K teacher needs. All Pre-K teacher hiring for the 2016-2017 school year and beyond will have credentials that match the grant requirements. We will identify four Teacher Leaders (TL) to support new Pre-K teachers. The TL will have monthly meetings on their campus regarding the district’s initiatives and support to the new teachers. The TL will be teamed with a campus close to their campus as well as their campus, and this will cover all eight campuses in our district. The TLs will also be sent to some local conferences for their professional growth and for them to turn around to fellow Pre-K teachers in the district.The SPLASH conference is considerably close to Manor and it traditionally offers trainings on topics that are currently being discussed in the community as well as trainings on topics that are always needing more information. The TLs will be notified of the SPLASH Conference soon so they can plan to attend. The grant will pay for the attendance to SPLASH for the TLs. Various opportunities for professional development during the summer as well as the 20162017 school year will be shared with all the Pre-K teachers as well as the TLs. Many opportunities are located at https://tecpds.org/Events.aspx, Region XIII’s Elementary Extravaganza, as well as Texas School Ready Institute: http://www.texasschoolready.org/2016-institute/ These opportunities will be shared with all Early Childhood educators and they will be able to determine what PD opportunity fits their needs. The TLs will receive a stipend for their extra duties and will be able to grow as a teacher stemming from the experiences and professional learning opportunities afforded them.

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Schedule Status: Complete


Application ID: 0019250285920002

Organization: MANOR ISD

County District: 227907

Campus/Site: N/A

ESC Region: 13

Vendor ID: 1746003097

School Year: 2015-2016

2015-2017 High-Quality Prekindergarten Grant Program Program Description PS4700 - Program Narrative How will the LEA develop and implement a family engagement plan to achieve and maintain high levels of family involvement and positive family attitudes toward education?


367 of 4000 Parents will be surveyed to determine their needs or desires for their child’s education in the beginning of the school year, in the middle of the year to determine how we are meeting their needs and towards the end of the year to see if there is a need that we can meet for them before the year ends. Manor currently has several staff that are trained to administer the Parent Leadership Academy. This program has been a pilot this year and will be implemented in 2-4 more campuses for the 2016-2017 school year. This program empowers parents by taking them through classes and as a result, the classes equip them with better parenting skills. This program is facilitated by the Student and Family Support Services Department. Next year, campuses with PreK programs will be priority for the PLA program. The following grant components are also addressed in the PLA program: family to family support, increasing parents participation in decision making, and equipping families with tools to enhance and extend learning. Manor ISD will partner with Ready Rosie, a new online video-based readiness curriculum for early childhood parents. This tool is based on the latest evidence based components for literacy learning. This resource can be put on a mobile device such as a parent’s phone or computer and it will supply parents with meaningful activities, information that can be done in reallife environments. An additional resource that we will contract for our families is with Book Spring. This organization will get books into the hands of our students. Manor ISD is in a community that does not have a public library. Book Spring allows children to participate in a literacy activity with the Book Spring representative and then choose a book. This process will occur twice with the opportunity to do a book swap at the end of the year and be exposed to a third book. In addition to the resources and training that our parents will receive, our teachers will receive training to assist them in being culturally responsive. The training that the teachers will receive will be provided during a designated staff development day in the 2016-2017 school year. In an effort to know more about the specific cultures of the Pre-K children in the Pre-K Center, the parents will be given an opportunity to share important characteristics of their culture with the class, through school potlucks. The school potlucks will be a time when parents can come together and discuss various topics. We will also determine the cultures that will be explored more in-depth. Teachers will be able to attend cultural training that is relevant to the children that are enrolled in the Pre-K center. Regular correspondence with parents will be done through folders. Each child will be given a folder and the folder will be the method used to communicate between parents and the teacher. The folder will be sent home on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Parents will know to expect the folder and the expectation will be to return so that teachers can collect the information and be ready to return by the following communication day. This process will be shared at the Back to School Parent Night. Our Student and Family Support Services Department (SFSS) provides community resources to our parents in our district. We also have a community health center our students and parents can visit. SFSS currently evaluates parent engagement for the district. We’ll be sure to modify the instrument to meet the grant needs. In addition, our Federal and State Programs Department will also provide oversight and evaluation for all grant activities.

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Schedule Status: Complete


Application ID: 0019250285920002

Organization: MANOR ISD

County District: 227907

Campus/Site: N/A

ESC Region: 13

Vendor ID: 1746003097

School Year: 2015-2016

2015-2017 High-Quality Prekindergarten Grant Program Program Description PS4700 - Program Narrative How does the LEA intend to use the grant funding to improve the quality of the LEA’s prekindergarten programs? 3032 of 4000 Currently Manor ISD offers half-day PRE-K (4-year olds) in 7 of the 8 elementary schools. One campus is currently hosting full-day Pre-K as a pilot. The High Quality Pre-K Grant will afford Manor ISD the opportunity to host full-day Pre-K (4-year olds) throughout the district as well as access to the teacher training needed to support the High Quality Pre-K Grant. The grant would also provide the stipends for the Teacher Leaders that will be identified to assist new teachers in the district. The Teacher Leaders will also be allowed to attend conferences in preparation to support new teachers and the cost of them attending the conferences will be funded by the High Quality Pre-K Grant. The funding needed for training to assist the teachers in being more culturally responsive and support costs for parents to participate in the Parent Leadership Academy. Grant funds will also help secure supplemental instructional curriculum technology, and manipulatives.


Page 9 of 11


Schedule Status: Complete


Application ID: 0019250285920002

Organization: MANOR ISD

County District: 227907

Campus/Site: N/A

ESC Region: 13

Vendor ID: 1746003097

School Year: 2015-2016

2015-2017 High-Quality Prekindergarten Grant Program Program Budget BS6017 - Program Budget Summary and Support Statutory Authority

Fund Code

House Bill 4, and the General Appropriations Act, Article IX, Section 18.32, 84th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2015


Part 1: Available Funding Final Amount for 2015-2016


Final Amount for 2016-2017 Grand Total Total Available Funds


Page 10 of 11


Schedule Status: Complete


Application ID: 0019250285920002

Organization: MANOR ISD

County District: 227907

Campus/Site: N/A

ESC Region: 13

Vendor ID: 1746003097

School Year: 2015-2016

2015-2017 High-Quality Prekindergarten Grant Program Provisions Assurances CS7000 - Provisions, Assurances and Certifications General and Fiscal Guidelines b c d e f g

I certify my acceptance and compliance with all General and Fiscal Guidelines.

Program Guidelines b c d e f g

I certify my acceptance and compliance with all Program Guidelines.

General Provisions and Assurances b c d e f g

I certify my acceptance and compliance with all General Provisions and Assurances requirements.

Debarment and Suspension Certification b c d e f g

I certify I am not debarred or suspended. I also certify my acceptance and compliance with all Debarment and Suspension Certification requirements.

Program-Specific Provisions and Assurances b c d e f g

I certify my acceptance and compliance with all Program-Specific Provisions and Assurances requirements.

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