to the dress code. All students enter the building through the side. carpool entrance on the PE Hallway. Students may no
PIRATE’S PIPELINE Pizitz Middle School Fall 2015
Character, Excellence, Family ... Where Pirates Lead, Others Follow
OCTOBER 5 PTO Board Meeting, 12:00 p.m. at the BOE 9 End of 1st Nine Weeks 12 No School, Columbus Day 13 No School, Professional Day 16 Report Cards Distributed 19 Pirate Pride Week Begins NOVEMBER 2 PTO Board Meeting, 12:00 p.m. at the BOE 5 Living History Day 25-27 No School, Thanksgiving DECEMBER 18 Class Parties 8:40 a.m. End of 2nd Nine Weeks 21 Christmas Holiday Begins
Fall is here and a great school year is underway. We hope your students are enjoying the classes, extracurricular activities and social gatherings that make middle school exciting. Our football team is having a good season and our cheerleaders and fans help create a great game day atmosphere. The volleyball team continues to have success and, again our fans are second to none! Cross-country season is in full swing and our runners are working hard to achieve success. Pep rallies give everyone a little diversion from school work and are a welcome change of pace. This time of year is always refreshing and action-packed! Our students are continuously learning and it is no different for our teachers. Professional development courses occur twice a month to reinforce the best instructional practices. Our teachers are the best around and their attitudes and desire
to learn are unmatched. I am so proud to be a part of the team! Being new to Pizitz, I have taken a particular interest in the Pirate Creed. In it are words and guidance to help us become good citizens and community members. Family, excellence and character are benchmark traits that serve us at work and at home, at all times. We take seriously our responsibility to give tomorrow’s leaders the skills they need. We sincerely believe that where Pirates lead; others follow. I also want to express our gratitude for our parents and volunteers who give their time and effort to help our school. You provide great examples of the importance of community participation to our students. Without you, none of our achievements would be possible! Warmest Regards!!
LIVING HISTORY DAY LIVING HISTORY DAY IS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5!! Help us continue the Pizitz tradition of honoring our veterans with one of the best Veterans Day programs in America!
special guest to our November 5 event! Please register your veteran by visiting the Pizitz website. Locate the “Living History Day” tab under the parents page.
Any Veteran associated with a Pizitz student or faculty, living or deceased, can be honored in our Living History Day slide show, Hall of Heroes or can be invited as a
If you have questions please contact Jenny Waters (
[email protected]).
FROM THE PRESIDENT’S PEN PARTNERS IN Cindy Cherry, PTO President EDUCATION It is definitely beginning to feel like fall! Football is in full force. The first nine weeks of school are almost complete. And, it is almost time for some of our favorite PTO events at Pizitz Middle School.
First up, Vicki Tuggle and Martha Dazzio have been hard at work planning our Pirate Pride Week. We are excited to introduce our new twist on the former Red Ribbon Week by taking the “Respect Yourself” focus of Red Ribbon and incorporate our Pirate Creed into the activities and focus of the week. This year, all students will be actively involved in the competitions and we have some super fun grade level prizes. You will hear more about this week soon! Next up, Jenny Waters is already preparing our annual Living History Day. You will not want to miss this long standing Pizitz tradition on Thursday, November 5. This is a great day of tribute to our Armed Forces and Veterans. This is a very exciting day ... a huge part of our community participates in this event. Jenny has been busy planning this event along with faculty sponsor, Brent Coleman. And finally, one of the most rewarding tasks of the PTO is to serve on the Budget and Finance Committee. Chaired by Missy Armstrong, this committee will review requests made by the faculty and administration and will make these recommendations at our October PTO meeting for funding approval. A big thank you to our all of our parents for the overwhelming response to the online supply sale and spirit wear, we will be able to fund over $40,000 of teacher and administrative request. Thank you to Megan Gerace, Andrea Parker, Caroline Crenshaw, Kristen Comer and Meredith Hanson for serving on this committee. And, as always, our PTO board meetings are open to all parents, so I encourage you to attend. The fall meetings are posted in the calendar portion of this newsletter.
THANK YOU TO OUR 2015-2016 PIZITZ PARTNERS IN EDUCATION!! If you are interested in becoming a Pizitz Partner in Education, please contact Caroline Crenshaw (
[email protected]). PLATINUM
PIRATE SALUTE & THANK YOU TO OUR VOLUNTEERS! Barbara Bevill is doing a fabulous job keeping our marquee up to date with upcoming announcements. Mary Watson coordinates our office volunteers who support the office staff and greet everyone as they enter our school. Pam Cochran is keeping the Teacher Workroom running smoothly. We appreciate all these volunteers who assist our teachers with copying and other workroom needs. And thank you to Jenny Waters for completing our School Directory. We appreciate getting this so early in the year!
We are going to have a tremendous 2015-16 school year. Following are a few reminders to help us ensure the safety of our children and staff:
Students may be dropped off as early as 7:00 a.m. Please make sure your child’s clothing adheres to the dress code All students enter the building through the side carpool entrance on the PE Hallway Students may not go to lockers or classrooms until they are released from morning intake areas (7:50 a.m.) Students arriving after 8:05 a.m. must be signed in at the Front Desk Campus visitors must provide a driver’s license and be entered into the Raptor security system Please leave any drop-off items at the Front Desk Parent conferences are scheduled by Mrs. Kusta (205.402.5351) Students must be leave campus by 3:45 p.m. each day, unless they are involved in a supervised after school activity Students may walk to and from school For carpool, the side driveway, back loop and lower parking lot are available Please use crosswalks Please do not drop off or pick up students in the adjacent office park areas Feel free to contact me (205.402.5373; callahantj@ Thank you!
Linda Spain & Laura Morrison
Need a red pen? Have you used (or lost) all your pencils? Want a fun pen to use in class? Our Pizitz supply store, The Treasure Chest, is going strong!! We have your basic supplies, but you can also buy pocket dividers, mechanical pencils, notebooks, index cards, book socks, poster board, ear buds, etc. Come check us out before school on Tuesday and Thursday mornings on our mobile cart outside the gym in the front lobby. Save yourself the hassle of going to the store on the way to school ... our prices are very comparable to what you would find in the nearby stores anyway! Happy Shopping!
PIZITZ LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER Button Smith & Sandy Waldrop
The Library Media Center is open before school at 7:30 a.m. each day for students to have a quiet place to work or study. Students are welcome to use the computers during this time and print assignments as needed. Printing costs are $0.25 per side (color) and $0.10 per side (black and white). Please visit our website at us/pizitz-library-media-center/ and stop by the library to see all the materials we have available. Mrs. Button Smith and Ms. Sandy Waldrop are happy to help you!
STUDENT SERVICE CLUB Pizitz Middle School is offering a Student Service Club this year that is open to ALL students. The club is called Pirate C.R.E.W.S. (Community Recruits Engaged and Willing to Serve). We kicked off the year by partnering with the Vestavia Chamber of Commerce, Helping Hands in the Hills on September 12. Students assisted elderly individuals in our community by doing yard work and other home projects. Our next project will be December 5. We will be visiting local nursing homes to make ornaments, deliver cards and play BINGO with the residents. If your child would like to purchase a C.R.E.W.S. T-shirt or if you have questions, please email Ms. Wigley, the club sponsor at wigleykn@
COUNSELOR’S CORNER STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS* With a simple plan to get off on the right foot, your middle schooler can have a great year. Share these ideas for making a successful 2015-2016 school year. GIVE YOUR ALL What is your child looking forward to learning this year? Maybe studying an interesting period in history or doing more science experiments would be of interest. Have your child name ways to learn more and achieve one step higher in a certain area this year. Encourage good study habits such as reviewing notes every day, starting longterm assignments right away, or earning extra credit when it’s available. Suggest that your child write down these commitments in a place that will be seen often, like inside of a binder or on sticky notes by the desk or refrigerator at home. FIND RESOURCES To navigate middle school, your child needs to know where to get information and support. Model how to bookmark school and class websites on your family’s laptop and add teachers’ email addresses to a contact page. Exploring ways to get extra help, like joining an after-school study group or making an appointment with a teacher or counselor are also helpful ideas for success. STAY ON TOP OF GRADES Tell your child to pay attention to how grades are determined. You might explain that homework, tests, and projects may count for different percentages in each class. Encourage your child to check grades online or make a spreadsheet for tracking grades.
BE THERE! Being in school all day, every day, helps your child get the most out of middle school. Encourage good attendance with these ideas: Point out that there is no substitute for being in class. Your child needs to be present to hear teachers explain concepts, to participate in group projects and class discussions, and to ask questions. Schedule doctor, dentist, and orthodontist appointments before or after school hours whenever possible. If you cannot do this, try to arrange them during lunch or study hall. Suggest that getting up on time for school is easier when your child has had at least nine hours of sleep. Set a reasonable bedtime, and make sure electronic devices are put away so the temptation to stay awake to play with them is absent. We hope you have a successful 2015-2016 school year! We are here to support you and our door is always open.
Susie Carlson, 6th grade – 402.5369; Kellie Wigley, 7th grade – 402.5368; Amber Payne, 8th grade – 402.5370; Ann Whitehurst, Secretary – 402.5371 *Strategies for Success are taken from Middle Years, Resources for Educators, Inc., a division of Aspen Publishers Counseling Department.
Congratulations to the Pizitz Middle School Symphonic Band on being selected to perform at the 2015 Midwest International Band and Orchestra Clinic in Chicago, Illinois on December 16. Being selected to perform at the Midwest Clinic is the highest honor a middle school band can receive. Symphonic Band was selected by a blind audition from recordings of last year’s band, and is one of only three middle school bands from across the United States selected by this audition process. The Pizitz Concert and Jazz Bands will be traveling to New Orleans in the spring where they will perform at the World War II Museum. The Beginning Band will be enjoying the Huntsville Space and Rocket Center and a fun show by the Blue Man Group in Huntsville in March. Here are some important upcoming events for all band students: OCTOBER 5 End Fundraiser #2 14 Fundraiser #3 Indian River Fruit kickoff 28 End of Indian River Fruit sale 30 Beginning Band Mini-Concert for parents (during class, both 2nd & 7th periods) NOVEMBER 5 Living History Day – Symphonic Band performs 16-20 Indian River Fruit delivery DECEMBER 1 Band Holiday Concert, 7:00 p.m., Vestavia HS Auditorium 4 Symphonic Band performs at Alys Stephens for UAB Honor Band 8 Symphonic Band performs preview concert in Brock Hall at Samford University 11 Holiday Assembly with choir; ALL band students will perform 14-17 Symphonic Band performs at Midwest International Band and Orchestra Clinic, Chicago, Illinois
The Pizitz Middle School volleyball and wrestling cheerleading squad has been working very hard this year. The girls have cheered at all home volleyball games and have traveled to Mountain Brook, Berry and Bumpus Middle to cheer for the 7th and 8th grade volleyball teams. Coach Boykin, Coach Matchen and Miss Cooper love the way members of the cheer squad collaborate with the volleyball players to pump up the crowd. The volleyball and wrestling cheer squad participated in band cadences, alongside the dance team, majorettes, and eighth grade cheer squad during the Pizitz football game on September 3. Members of the squad serve as leaders at Pizitz Middle by showing spirit and performing at pep rallies.
The 7th and 8th grade cheerleaders have had a wonderful time cheering on our Pirate football team this season and supporting all of our fall athletes at the pep rallies. We are looking forward to our last fall pep rally on Thursday, October 8 when Pizitz will play the Hewitt Trussville Huskies at VHHS. The theme is “Hospitalize Hewitt.” Students are encouraged to dress in hospital scrubs or as an injured player. As always, students can also dress in red, white or blue to show school spirit. The cheerleaders will be participating in a fall mini camp with Universal Cheer Association. UCA instructors come to the school to teach all the squads difficult and fun stunts as well as safety. The cheerleaders will also learn a new dance and new cheers. This is always a beneficial day to the cheerleading squads. The two squads will work hard on communicating, supporting each other, and doing some fun team building activities. SPIRIT GIRL NEWS The cheerleaders have had the privilege of having a Spirit Girl, Grace Davis, for the past two years. Grace is an 8th grader at Pizitz with Down Syndrome and loves to cheer.
We love having her as a part of our team, and she is such a great addition! She always smiles, tries really hard, and supports our school athletic teams. Every year, the cheerleaders participate in the Alabama Buddy Walk to support people in the community with Down Syndrome. We are all very excited to walk with Grace this year on Sunday, October 4! If you would like to donate to DSA, please go to GO PIRATES! The Pizitz Cheerleaders would like to give a special thanks their 2015-2016 sponsors: Andy’s Creekside Nursery; Associated Dermatologists; Barker Advertising; Birmingham Internal Medicine Associates; Carr Allison; Champion Cleaners; ClothesHorse; CraneWorks; Doodle’s Homemade Sorbets and Ices; DMS Digital Marketing Services, Inc.; Gastroenterology Associates N.A. P.C., Dr. Brent Barranco; Jennifer Hagler Photography; Kidz Closet & More; Moe’s Original Bar B Que; Nail World 3, LLC; Results Physiotherapy; The Ridge Eat & Drink; Samford University Sports Marketing Program
Brings National Author
Leigh Anne Tuohy for a Luncheon to Benefit the Vestavia Hills City Schools Foundation
11:30 a.m. Thursday, October 8, 2015 at Vestavia Hills Country Club For TICKETS or MORE INFORMATION: or call 205.978.8808
“Her true life story reminds us that we are capable of doing, being and giving more than we may think. You don’t meet an energy like Leigh-Anne’s, ever.” — Sandra Bullock
The majorettes are off to a great start having performed at the first pep rally and multiple football games! The first ever Little Pirate Twirlers Baton Camp was a success and they had a great performance during halftime of the 7th grade football game against Bragg on September 10th! We look forward to hopefully making this an annual tradition. Thank you for supporting the Pizitz Majorettes!
ATHLETIC SEASON PASSES ARE AVAILABLE! The purchase of a Pizitz Season Pass will save you money while supporting your child’s school. You will receive a card which will entitles your immediate family (parents and children), to free admission and parking to all Pizitz Home athletic events including: football, basketball, volleyball, track, tennis, softball and wrestling. Family membership is $80.00. To purchase, please pick up a form in the office.
The Pizitz “Treasures” have had a great time performing at the football games (especially when our Pizitz band attends and plays), and first fall pep rallies. We are looking forward to many more exciting performances and basketball season! We are also looking forward to our Annual Fall Party with the Cheerleaders, Majorettes, and Pirate Girls! To begin preparing for winter performances and pep rallies, the Dance Team will participate in a Fall One-Day Camp on Sunday, October 25. Our team would like to thank our wonderful 2015-2016 sponsors: Allcomm Wireless, Inc.; Anthony Agency, Inc. (Allstate Insurance); B and D Plumbing Services; Bear Roofing; Bistro V; Mr. and Mrs. Scott Blackmon; Bradford Building Company; Bruster’s Real Ice Cream; Champion Cleaners; The Dermatology and Skin Care Center; Dr. Dominique Backus, Orthodontist; Jackie O’Neal School of Dance; Kidz Closet and More; Leggett Insurance and Financial Services; Medical Center HealthMart Pharmacy; Monogram’s Plus; Mosquito Terminators; Norris Orthodontics; Angelica R. Rohner, DMD; Sarver Orthodontics; Tangles; Taylor Burton Company; The Ridge Eat and Drink; Vestavia Dance; and Yanosky Orthodontics. 6th and 7th grade girls – If you are planning to tryout for the 2016-2017 “Treasures” Dance Team, please note the following: If you are selected as a team member, we will begin having after school practices next spring. These mandatory practices will be every Tuesday beginning after spring break until the last week of school from 3:15-5:00 p.m. Please keep this in mind as you make decisions about after school activities that you participate in. Thank you for continuing to support our fundraising efforts by purchasing Bruster’s Italian Ices on Thursdays after school. Italian Ices are $2.00 each, available in the Concession Stand. We are looking forward to a great Year of Dancing!!
October 3
Jesse Owens Classic
Jesse Owen Park (Moulton, AL) 12:00 p.m.
October 15
Rising Rebel 5K Challenge Veteran’s Park
4:00 p.m.
October 22
Metro Championship*
Veteran’s Park
*Metro Rain date is October 20 at 4:30 p.m. or October 24 at noon. Dates and times are subject to change.
BOYS BASKETBALL TRYOUTS WILL BE OCTOBER 20-22 (TUESDAY-THURSDAY) AT PIZITZ IN THE BACK GYM. Times: 8th grade – 3:05-5:00 p.m. Tuesday & Wednesday; 3:05-4:30 p.m. Thursday 7th grade – 5:00-7:00 p.m. Tuesday & Wednesday; 4:30-6:00 p.m. Thursday You must have a current physical, insurance and concussion form on file in order to tryout. Any questions, contact Coach Wyman (
[email protected]).
October 8
Home (VHHS)
5:00 / 6:45 p.m.
October 14
7th Grade South Seed
6:00 p.m.
October 15
8th Grade South Seed
6:00 p.m.
*Pizitz will be the visiting team vs. Liberty Park. All HOME GAMES will be played at Thompson Reynolds Stadium at Vestavia Hills High School. Home Game Admission: Adults – $5.00; Students – $3.00; Children 5 & Under – Free Parking – $2.00; Free admission & parking to season pass holders
VESTAVIA HILLS CITY SCHOOLS FOUNDATION DREAM BIG! Alissa Padgett, VHCSF Board Member; and Carla Johnson, VHEW Teacher My family and I are so happy to have made Vestavia Hills our home. When deciding where to raise our children, we wanted a community where we could grow roots, and a place where our children would benefit from an exceptional school system. As an active community volunteer, I decided I wanted to get involved in the Vestavia Hills City Schools Foundation (VHCSF). As a VHCSF board member, I am often asked “What would a fully funded Education Endowment do for the schools?” I decided to talk with Carla Johnson, VHEW Librarian, to help me explain why a funded endowment is so important. Carla works with children every day and sees the impact the grants from the VHCSF have in the classroom and the media center. Carla, who has always had a passion for reading and books, has been teaching for 13 years. A previous principal encouraged her to pursue her passion and get a degree in Library Media. “ I am so thankful to Kim Hauser, VHEW Principal, for giving me the opportunity to fulfill my passion each and every day in the VHEW Media Center.” “The VHCSF funds allow teachers the opportunity to support students’ learning in various ways. It is so refreshing to know that we are supported, encouraged to think beyond the normal and to be in a school system that values pursuing excellence. Having a Foundation gives me the confidence to teach without limits. I encourage students to dig deeper and provide students with opportunities to move beyond normal classroom lessons into student driven opportunities. If the VHCSF was fully funded, there would be more opportunities for every student and teacher in the system.” “I think VHCSF is smart to have as one of their grant criteria that the funds must impact as many students as possible. I love that the VHCSF doesn’t limit the dollar amount a teacher can ask for in the grant process. The last school system I worked for limited their Foundation grant asks to $1,000. Last year the VHCSF was able to grant $61,000 to the Vestavia Hills schools and the Board of Education. With a fully funded endowment, that number could be greatly increased. All the grant seekers could receive funds for their innovative educational programs, technology updates and additional professional development.” I asked Carla what would you like to see the VHCSF provide in the future. “I would love to see the VHCSF continue to provide the VHCS with financial assistance. The VHCSF enables schools the opportunity to dream large and pilot new technology, purchase items for classrooms that general funds don’t allow for and provide the latest professional growth for teachers. By continuing to grow the Education Endowment, the VHCSF would have additional funds to make an even larger impact.” “I think the VHCSF allows the teachers and leaders of the system the opportunity to DREAM BIG and to be a major force as the best school system in the state”. It makes me proud to work for a system where the VHCSF sees the importance in supporting its schools”.
DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS AVAILABLE TO PARENTS VIA EMAIL. The Pizitz Powerline Staff provides recorded broadcasts with daily announcements. These announcements are designed to provide information to our students. Parents may receive an emailed copy of our announcements with a subscription to our email list. To subscribe, go to https://webmail. and fill in your email address and your name. You do NOT need to use a password and do NOT need to change the selected “NO” for “Would you like to receive list mail batched in a daily digest?” After you subscribe, you will receive a daily email with the announcements. PLEASE DO NOT reply to this list as your message will be sent to all. Questions should be sent directly to the list moderator, Nancy Turpen (
[email protected]).
PARENT AWARENESS The Parent Awareness Committee has an outstanding roster of speakers and topics for the 2015-2016 school year. All meetings will be held at noon at the Vestavia Hills Board of Education Room 202/203 (enter through side doors of building). Feel free to bring your lunch and invite your friends to hear professional advice and discussion about issues that affect our children as they navigate their teenage years. Both middle school and high school parents are encouraged to attend. We are extremely fortunate to have access to local professionals and laymen who graciously volunteer their time and expertise to address the Vestavia Hills parent community. Their opinions, values and presentation content are their own. PARENT AWARENESS SCHEDULE 2015-2016 October 14 What I Wish My Parents Knew (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th grade perspectives) – Vestavia Hills Youth Leadership Panel November 18 What is “Family Connection” and Why Does My Child Need It? – Mr. Oliver Aaron December 9 Addiction Prevention Coalition January 13 VHHS Course Selection Q&A – VHHS Guidance Department February 10 Why Ferris Bueller Really NEEDED a Day Off: The Realities of Teen Stress and Anxiety – Ms. Alice Churnock, Covenant Counseling
March 9 Town Hall Meeting – Mrs. Sheila Phillips (construction updates, strategic plan, etc.)
April 13 Cultivating a Growth Mindset – Mr. Brad Waguespack This will be a book review of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. Parents are encouraged to read this book in advance of the meeting but will be able to participate without reading it.
May 11 Social Media: What Are Our Kids Using Now? – Mr. Whit McGee
Pirate’s Pipeline is published by the Pizitz PTO to provide information on school activities and events. Please email any questions or comments to
[email protected]. All issues will be on the Pizitz website under the PTO tab.
Vestavia Hills City Schools (VHCS) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Debbie Hargrave, Section 504/Title IX coordinator, at 1204 Montgomery Highway, 205.402.5100. For further information on notice of non-discrimination, visit for the address and phone number of the office that serves your area, or call 800.421.3481.