Whoops! There was a problem loading this page. PK Updated ENROLLMENT AGREEMENT[1].pdf. PK Updated ENROLLMENT AGREEMENT[1
International Baccalaureate World School 12 Winslow Street Provincetown, MA 02657 508-487-5020 Dr. Beth Singer Superintendent
Kim Pike, M.Ed. District Principal
2017-2018 Preschool Program Tuition Agreement I,____________________________________________________________________, agree to enroll my child, ____________________________________________________, in the Provincetown Schools Preschool Program as indicated below. Child’s Date of Birth:________________________________________________________ Monday
Morning Care 8:30-12:15 Full Day Care 8:30-3:00 st
I agree to pay the monthly tuition by the 1 of each month in advance of the coming month. Tuition for the first month of entry:_________________________________________________ First month payment must accompany the Tuition Agreement. Please make check payable to: Provincetown Schools The Preschool program follows the Provincetown Schools calendar. There is no refund for illness or absence. Payment is due in advance. Student will begin school when registration is complete and payment has been made for the coming month. Payments should be made to Provincetown Schools, 12 Winslow St. in person or by mail. Failure to meet your financial obligation may result in the forfeiture of your child’s placement in the program.
Parent/Guardian Signature:____________________________________________________Date__________ Address:_____________________________________________________Phone:______________________ Provincetown Schools Preschool Fee Schedule School Year 16-17 Full day $45.00 $38.00 $27.00
Regular Sliding Fee Scale 1 Sliding Fee Scale 2
AM only $38.00 $32.00 $25.00
Sliding Fee Scales are based on free/reduced lunch benefit guidelines Sliding Fee Scale 1 = reduced lunch benefit Sliding Fee Scale 2 = free lunch benefit Provincetown Resident discount-$5.00 per day In addition to the sliding scale we have other scholarship opportunities available. Please call Kim Pike at 508487-5200 for more information. Start Date: __________________ ____Copy to Betty White