PL/SQL Enhancements in Oracle9i

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And some introduce new semantics, either in the language itself or by virtue of ..... The understanding of the PL/SQL features introduced in Oracle9i for cursor ...
PL/SQL ENHANCEMENTS IN ORACLE9i Bryn Llewellyn, PL/SQL Product Manager, Oracle Corp Chris Racicot, PL/SQL Development Director, Oracle Corp Delivered as paper #129 at Oracle OpenWorld, San Francisco, Tue 4-Dec-2001

SUMMARY OF ENHANCEMENTS A number of important enhancements have been made to PL/SQL in Oracle9i in each of these areas: its implementation (i.e. that which effects the execution characteristics of a given system of source code); language features (i.e. the addition of new syntax to express powerful new semantics); and Oracle supplied PL/SQL library units. Some of the enhancements are transparent, for example: the change to use the same parser for compile-time checked embedded SQL as is used for compiling SQL issued from other programming environments; or the reimplementation of the Utl_Tcp package (moving from java to native C). No user action is required to enjoy these (beyond installing Oracle9i). Some are semi-transparent, for example the new option to compile PL/SQL source to native C. Small declarative steps are required to enjoy these, while existing application code remains unchanged. And some introduce new semantics, either in the language itself or by virtue of new APIs in the supplied PL/SQL library units. Study and thought is required in order to design and implement changes to existing code or creation of new code to leverage these enhancements. The following enhancements have been selected for detailed description… •

Native compilation of PL/SQL

CASE statements and CASE expressions

Bulk binding enhancements: exception handling with bulk binding; bulk binding in native dynamic SQL

Table functions and cursor expressions

Multilevel collections

Enhancements to the Utl_Http package

Extensive complete code samples are listed in the appendix to provide working demonstrations for all these features. The remaining enhancements are: either completely transparent; or need no special explanation from a PL/SQL perspective (since they are new SQL language features which PL/SQL supports in an obvious way); or are objectoriented features which are scoped out of this paper; or are features of supplied packages and as such are less interesting from a PL/SQL language viewpoint. These will be listed briefly in the last sections… •

Transparent enhancements

New SQL features

Object oriented features

New or enhanced supplied packages

Fast Track to Oracle9i

Thus PL/SQL at Oracle9i delivers improved performance and functionality for the application and improved usability for the developer.

1. NATIVE COMPILATION OF PL/SQL 1.1. OVERVIEW PL/SQL is often used as a thin wrapper for executing SQL statements, setting bind variables and handling result sets. See code sample A.1.1 in the Appendix. In such cases the execution speed of the PL/SQL code is rarely an issue. It is the execution speed of the SQL that determines the performance. (The efficiency of the context switch between the PL/SQL and the SQL operating environments might be an issue, but that’s a different discussion. See the sections on bulk binding and table functions.) However, we see an increasing trend to use PL/SQL for computationally intensive database independent tasks. It is after all a fully functional 3GL. See code sample A.1.2. Here it is the execution speed of the PL/SQL code that determines the performance. In pre-Oracle9i versions, compilation of PL/SQL source code always results in a representation (usually referred to bytecode) which is stored in the database and interpreted at run-time by a virtual machine implemented within ORACLE which in turn runs natively on the given platform. Oracle9i introduces a new approach. PL/SQL source code may optionally be compiled into native object code which is linked into ORACLE. (Note however that an anonymous PL/SQL block is never compiled natively.) The A.1.2 program runs about 33% faster when compiled in NATIVE mode than when compiled in interpreted mode while the A.1.1 program runs about 3% faster when compiled in NATIVE mode. (Each measurement was for about 12 million iterations.) While for data intensive programs native compilation may give only a marginal performance improvement, we have never seen it give performance degradation.

1.2. ONE-TIME DBA SETUP Native PL/SQL compilation is achieved by translating the PL/SQL source code into C source code which is then compiled on the given platform. The compiling and linking of the generated C source code is done using 3rd party utilities whose location has been specified by the DBA, typically in init.ora. The DBA should ensure that all these utilities are owned by the ORACLE owner (or a correspondingly trusted system user) and that only this user has write access to them. The object code for each natively compiled PL/SQL library unit is stored on the platform’s filesystem in directories, similarly under the DBA’s control. Thus native compilation does take longer than interpreted mode compilation. Our tests have shown a factor of about times two. This is because it involves these extra steps: generating C code from the initial output of the PL/SQL compilation; writing this to the filesystem; invoking and running the C compiler; and linking the resulting object code into ORACLE. Oracle recommends that the C compiler is configured to do no optimization. Our tests have shown that optimizing the generated C produces negligible improvement in run-time performance but substantially increases the compilation time.



The compiler mode is determined by the session parameter plsql_compiler_flags. The user may set it thus… alter session set plsql_compiler_flags = 'NATIVE' /* or 'INTERPRETED' */;

…to set the compilation mode for subsequently compiled PL/SQL library units. The mode is stored with the library unit’s metadata, so that if it is implicitly recompiled as a consequence of dependency checking then the mode the user intended will be used. It may be inspected thus…


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select o.object_name name, s.param_value comp_mode, from user_stored_settings s, user_objects o where o.object_id = s.object_id and param_name = 'plsql_compiler_flags' and o.object_type in ( 'PACKAGE', 'PROCEDURE', 'FUNCTION' ); Note however that Dbms_Utility.Compile_Schema uses the current value of plsql_compiler_flags rather than the stored compilation mode.

Oracle recommends that all the PL/SQL library units that are called from a given top-level unit are compiled in the same mode. This is because there is a cost for the context switch when a library unit compiled in one mode invokes one compiled in the other mode. Significantly, this recommendation includes the Oracle-supplied library units. (These are always shipped compiled in interpreted mode.)

1.4. UPGRADING A WHOLE DATABASE TO NATIVE The simplest way to honor the recommendation above (Oracle recommends that all the PL/SQL library units that are called from a given top-level unit are compiled in the same mode) is to upgrade the whole database so that all PL/SQL library units are compiled NATIVE. A release soon after Oracle9i Database Version 9.2.0 will include such a script together with its partner to downgrade a whole database so that all PL/SQL library units are compiled INTERPRETED. Meanwhile, these are posted on OTN here…

1.5. ORACLE9i


170 Systems, Inc ( have been an Oracle Partner for eleven years and participated in the Beta Program for the Oracle9i Database with particular interest in PL/SQL Native Compilation. They have now certified their 170 MarkView Document Management and Imaging System™ against Oracle9i and have updated the install scripts to optionally turn on Native Compilation. They have observed a performance increase of up to 40% for computationally intensive routines, and no performance degredation, in line with our observations using code samples A.1.1 and A.1.2 (see Appendix). The 170 MarkView Document Management and Imaging System provides Content Management, Document Management, Imaging and Workflow solutions – all tightly integrated with the Oracle9i Database, Oracle9i Application Server and the Oracle E-Business Suite. Enabling businesses to capture and manage all of their information online in a single, unified system – regardless of original source or format – the 170 MarkView solution provides scalable, secure, production-quality Internet B2B and intranet access to all of an organization’s vital information, while streamlining the associated business processes and maximizing operational efficiency. A large-scale multi-user, multi-access system, 170 MarkView™ supports the very large numbers of documents, images, concurrent users, and the high transaction rates required by 170 Systems customers. Therefore performance and scalability are especially important. 170 Systems customers include organizations such as British Telecommunications, E*TRADE Group, the Apollo Group and the University of Pennsylvania. 170 MarkView uses several different mechanisms to interface to the Oracle9i Database. Part of the business logic, including preparation of data for presentation, is implemented in the database in PL/SQL. The computation involves string processing supported by stacks and lists of values modeled as PL/SQL collections. Several PL/SQL modules implement complex logic and include intensive string manipulation and processing. PL/SQL collections are leveraged in this complex processing.



Increased speed and scalability

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2. THE CASE KEYWORD: CASE STATEMENTS AND CASE EXPRESSIONS 2.1. CASE STATEMENT While CASE constructs don’t offer any fundamentally new semantics, they do allow a more compact notation and some elimination of repetition with respect to what otherwise would be expressed with an IF construct. Consider the implementation of a decision table whose predicate is the value of a particular expression. These two fragments… case n when 1 then when 2 then when 3 then else end case;

Action1; Action2; Action3; ActionOther;

…and… if n = 1 then Action1; elsif n = 2 then Action2; elsif n = 3 then Action2; else ActionOther; end if;

…are semantically almost identical. But coding best practice gurus generally recommend the CASE formulation because it more directly models the idea. By pulling out the decision expression n to the start and by mentioning it only once the programmer’s intention is clearer. This is significant both to the proof reader and to the compiler, which therefore has better information from while to generate efficient code. For example, the compiler knows immediately that the decision expression needs to be evaluated just once. And, since the IF formulation repeats the decision expression for each leg, there’s a greater risk of typographical error which can be difficult to spot. Moreover, the CASE formulation makes it explicit that the coded cases are the only ones that need handling (see the discussion of the case_not_found exception below). CASE constructs are available in most programming languages. Oracle9i introduces them in PL/SQL (and in SQL).

2.2. CASE EXPRESSION Consider these two semantically almost identical fragments text := case when when when else end;

n 1 then one 2 then two 3 then three other

…and if n = 1 then text := elsif n = 2 then text := elsif n = 3 then text := else text := end if;


one; two; three; other;

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The CASE formulation makes it explicit that the intention of the fragment is to provide a value for text.

2.3. SEARCHED CASE STATEMENT AND SEARCHED CASE EXPRESSION For both the CASE statement and the CASE expression, the searched variant tests each leg on an arbitrary boolean expression, rather than on equality on a single expression common for all legs, thus case when n = when n = when n = when ( n else end case;

1 2 3 > 3 and n < 8 )

then then then then

Action1; Action2; Action3; Action4through7; ActionOther;

…and… text := case when when when when else end;

n n n (

= = = n

1 2 3 > 3 and n < 8 )

then then then then

one two three four_through_seven other

Note: With the CASE formulation as with the IF formulation, the leg which is selected for particular data values will in general depend on the order in which the legs are written. Consider… case when this_patient.pregnant = 'Y' when this_patient.unconscious = 'Y' when this_patient.age < 5 when this_patient.gender = 'F' else end case;

then then then then

Action1; Action2; Action3; Action4; ActionOther;

An unconscious pregnant woman will receive Action1.

2.4. THE CASE_NOT_FOUND EXCEPTION A subtle difference between the CASE construct and the corresponding IF construct occurs when the ELSE leg is omitted. With the IF consruct, if none of the legs is selected then there is no action. But with the CASE construct, if none of the legs is selected then the case_not_found exception (ORA-06592: CASE not found while executing CASE statement) is raised, thus… ... p:=0; q:=0; r:=0; case when p = 1 then Action1; when r = 2 then Action2; when q > 1 then Action3; end case; exception when case_not_found


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then Show ( 'Trapped: case_not_found' ); ...


Increased usability for the developer and code reviewer

3. BULK BINDING ENHANCEMENTS 3.1. HANDLING AND REPORTING EXCEPTIONS Consider a program to insert the elements in a PL/SQL collection into a database table. It’s possible that some elements might fail and that the designer would regard this as a non-fatal error and want to continue to insert subsequent elements. The explicit row by row implementation would handle the exception, and probably record it for subsequent review thus… declare /* relies on... create table t ( text varchar2(3) ) */ type words_t is table of varchar2(10); words words_t := words_t ( 'dog', 'fish', 'cat', 'ball', 'bat', 'spoke', 'pad' ) /* 'ball' and 'spoke' will raise ORA-01401 */; n integer := 0; type error_indexes_t is table of integer index by binary_integer; error_indexes error_indexes_t; type error_codes_t is table of varchar2(255) index by binary_integer; error_codes error_codes_t; begin for j in words.first..words.last loop begin insert into t ( text ) values ( words(j) ); exception when others then n := n+1; error_indexes(n) := j; error_codes(n) := SQLERRM; end; end loop; for j in 1..n loop Show ( error_indexes(j), error_codes(j) ); end loop; end;

Pre-Oracle9i there was no way to continue after a row-wise exception in the bulk binding approach… forall j in words.first..words.last insert into t ( text ) values ( words(j) );

…and the effect of the ORA-01401 on [what would be] just some of the rows meant that no rows are inserted. Oracle9i introduces the save exceptions syntax and the corresponding “ORA-24381: error(s) in array DML” exception. This allows the implied loop to continue after row-wise failure… forall j in words.first..words.last save exceptions /* new at 9i */ insert into t ( text ) values ( words(j) );

…resulting in the successful insert of 'dog', 'cat', 'bat', 'pad'. To complement this construct, the sql%bulk_exceptions collection allows reporting of the erroring rows in the


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exception handler for ORA-24381 thus… declare ... bulk_errors exception; pragma exception_init ( bulk_errors, -24381 ); begin forall j in words.first..words.last save exceptions insert into t ( text ) values ( words(j) ); exception when bulk_errors then for j in 1..sql%bulk_exceptions.count loop Show ( sql%bulk_exceptions(j).error_index, Sqlerrm(-sql%bulk_exceptions(j).error_code) ); end loop; end;

…which produces… 2: ORA-01401: inserted value too large for column 4: ORA-01401: inserted value too large for column 6: ORA-01401: inserted value too large for column

The construct is also supported in native dynamic SQL thus… forall j in words.first..words.last save exceptions execute immediate 'insert into t ( text ) values ( :the_word )' using words(j);

3.2. BULK BINDING IN NATIVE DYNAMIC SQL 3.2.1. DEFINING Consider a program to populate elements of a PL/SQL collection from a SELECT query thus… declare type employee_ids_t is table of employees.employee_id%type index by binary_integer; employee_ids employee_ids_t; n integer:=0; begin for j in ( select employee_id from employees where salary < 3000 ) loop n := n+1; employee_ids(n) := j.employee_id; end loop; end;

Each explicit row by row assignment of the collection element to the cursor component causes a context switch between the PL/SQL engine and the SQL engine resulting in performance overhead. The following formulation (one of a family of constructs generically referred to as bulk binding and available pre-Oracle9i)… begin select employee_id bulk collect into employee_ids from employees where salary < 3000;


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…substantially improves performance by minimizing the number of context switches required to execute the block. (The above fragments work pre-Oracle 9i.) There are many application implementation situations that require dynamic SQL. Native dynamic SQL (execute immediate and related constructs) is usually preferred over Dbms_Sql because it’s easier to write and proof read and executes faster. However, pre-Oracle9i, only Dbms_Sql could be used for dynamic bulk binding. Oracle9i introduces the following syntax for bulk binding in native dynamic SQL … begin /* new at 9i */ execute immediate 'select employee_id from employees where salary < 3000' bulk collect into employee_ids; end;

3.2.2. IN-BINDING The same progression (explicit row by row processing, bulk binding, bulk binding in native dynamic SQL) is supported for DML (insert, update and delete) thus… for j in employee_ids.first..employee_ids.last loop update employees set salary = salary*1.1 where employee_id = employee_ids(j); end loop;

…then… forall j in employee_ids.first..employee_ids.last update employees set salary = salary*1.1 where employee_id = employee_ids(j);

…then… forall j in employee_ids.first..employee_ids.last execute immediate 'update employees set salary = salary*1.1' || ' where employee_id = :the_id' using employee_ids(j) /* new at 9i */;

3.2.3. OUT-BINDING The progression is also supported for implicit query in a DML statement via the returning keyword… for j in employee_ids.first..employee_ids.last loop update employees set salary = salary*1.1 where employee_id = employee_ids(j) returning salary into salaries(j); end loop;

…then… forall j in employee_ids.first..employee_ids.last update employees set salary = salary*1.1 where employee_id = employee_ids(j) returning salary bulk collect into salaries /* this is not a typo: employee_ids is subscipted but salaries isn’t */;


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…then… forall j in employee_ids.first..employee_ids.last execute immediate 'update employees set salary = salary*1.1' || ' where employee_id = :the_id' || ' returning salary into :the_salary' using employee_ids(j) returning bulk collect into salaries /* new at 9i */;

3.2.4. ORACLE9i ENHANCEMENT FOR BULK FETCH FROM CURSOR VARIABLE ASSIGNED BY NATIVE DYNAMIC SQL This is described in the section “Table Functions and Cursor Expressions” below.


Increased speed and scalability for appropriate applications

Improved functionality by virtue of better exception handling

4. TABLE FUNCTIONS AND CURSOR EXPRESSIONS 4.1. OVERVIEW Cursor expressions (sometimes known as cursor subqueries) are an element of the SQL language and pre-Oracle9i were supported in SQL and by certain programming environments but not by PL/SQL. Oracle9i introduces PL/SQL support for cursor expressions. For example, a cursor expression can be used in the SELECT statement used to open a PL/SQL cursor, and manipulated appropriately thereafter. It can also be used as an actual parameter to a PL/SQL procedure or function, which has great significance in connection with table functions. Table functions were also supported (in rudimentary form) in pre-Oracle9i, but a number of major enhancements have been made at Oracle9i. A table function can now be written to deliver rows pipeline fashion as soon as they are computed, dramatically improving response time in a “first rows” scenario. It can now be written to accept a SELECT statement as input, allowing an indefinite number of transformations to be daisy-chained, avoiding the need for storage of intermediate results. And it can now be written so that its computation can be parallelized to leverage Oracle’s parallel query mechanism. The enabling of parallel execution of a table function means that it’s now possible to leverage the power of PL/SQL in the ETL phase of data warehouse applications without serialization.

4.2. CURSOR VARIABLES – RECAP This PL/SQL language feature was available pre-Oracle9i. A cursor variable is a pointer (declared as type ref cursor) to an actual cursor. Code which is written to manipulate a cursor variable can be reused for successive assignments to different actual cursors. The understanding of the PL/SQL features introduced in Oracle9i for cursor expressions and table functions depends on understanding cursor variables. Consider this procedure… create or replace procedure Fetch_From_Cursor ( p_cursor in sys_refcursor ) is the_name varchar2(4000); begin loop fetch p_cursor into the_name;


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exit when p_cursor%notfound; Show ( the_name ); end loop; end Fetch_From_Cursor;

It can be invoked with a cursor variable which has been assigned to any SELECT statement against any table whose select list is a single VARCHAR2, for example… declare the_cursor sys_refcursor; begin open the_cursor for select last_name from employees order by last_name; Fetch_From_Cursor ( the_cursor ); close the_cursor; open the_cursor for select department_name from departments order by department_name; Fetch_From_Cursor ( the_cursor ); close the_cursor; end;

Note: the available type sys_refcursor, defining a generic weak cursor, is a usability enhancement, new at Oracle9i. Pre-Oracle9i it would be necessary to define at type, for example… create or replace package My_Types is type Weak_Cursor is ref cursor; ... end My_Types;

…and then to declare p_cursor in My_Types.Weak_Cursor and the_cursor My_Types.Weak_Cursor.

4.3. ORACLE9i ENHANCEMENT FOR BULK FETCH FROM CURSOR VARIABLE ASSIGNED BY NATIVE DYNAMIC SQL Consider modifying the Fetch_From_Cursor procedure to use bulk fetch, thus… create or replace procedure Bulk_Fetch_From_Cursor ( p_cursor in sys_refcursor ) is type names_t is table of varchar2(4000) index by binary_integer; the_names names_t; begin fetch p_cursor bulk collect into the_names; for j in the_names.first..the_names.last loop Show ( the_names(j) ); end loop; end Bulk_Fetch_From_Cursor;

It can be invoked with a cursor variable which has been assigned using native dynamic SQL, thus… declare the_cursor sys_refcursor;


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begin open the_cursor for 'select last_name from employees order by last_name'; Bulk_Fetch_From_Cursor ( the_cursor ); close the_cursor; open the_cursor for 'select department_name from departments order by department_name'; Bulk_Fetch_From_Cursor ( the_cursor ); close the_cursor; end;

If this is attempted in a pre-Oracle9i environment (making appropriate substitution for sys_refcursor), then: either bulk fetch can be used when the cursor variable is assigned using static SQL; or explicit row by row fetch can be used when the cursor variable is assigned using native dynamic SQL. But the attempt to do bulk fetch when the cursor variable is assigned using native dynamic SQL causes “ORA-01001: invalid cursor”.

4.4. MANIPULATING CURSOR EXPRESSIONS IN PL/SQL Consider the task: list the department names, and for each department list the names of the employees in that department. It can be simply implemented by a classical sequential programming approach thus… begin for department in (

select department_id, department_name from departments order by department_name )

loop Show ( department.department_name ); for employee in ( select last_name from employees where department_id = department.department_id order by last_name ) loop Show ( employee.last_name ); end loop; end loop; end;

The following SELECT expresses the query requirement in a single SQL statement … select department_name, cursor ( select last_name from employees e where e.department_id = d.department_id order by last_name ) the_employees from departments d order by department_name;

…and runs at SQL*Plus pre-Oracle9i. (This implies of course that a corresponding cursor can be manipulated in the programming language used to implement SQL*Plus.) However, an attempt to associate such a SELECT statement


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with a PL/SQL cursor pre-Oracle9i fails to compile (with PLS-00103). Oracle9i introduces support for this thus… declare cursor the_departments is select department_name, cursor ( select last_name from employees e where e.department_id = d.department_id order by last_name ) from departments d where department_name in ( 'Executive', 'Marketing' ) order by department_name; v_department_name the_employees

departments.department_name%type; sys_refcursor;

type employee_last_names_t

is table of employees.last_name%type index by binary_integer; employee_last_names_t;

v_employee_last_names begin open the_departments; loop fetch the_departments into v_department_name, the_employees; exit when the_departments%notfound; Show ( v_department_name ); fetch the_employees bulk collect into v_employee_last_names; for j in v_employee_last_names.first..v_employee_last_names.last loop Show ( v_employee_last_names(j) ); end loop; end loop; close the_departments; end;

Though this is more lines of code, and arguably less easy to proof read, than the sequentially programmed implementation it has this advantage: there is only one SQL statement, and so it can be optimized more effectively than (what the SQL engine sees as) two unconnected SQL statements. Note: Bulk fetch is used for the_employees cursor. This is not currently available for the_departments cursor because the appropriate collection type cannot be declared… declare type department_r is record ( department_name departments.department_name%type, the_employees sys_refcursor ); begin null; end;

…causes “PLS-00989: Cursor Variable in record, object, or collection is not supported by this release”.

4.5. USING A CURSOR EXPRESSION AS AN ACTUAL PARAMETER TO A PL/SQL FUNCTION A cursor variable (i.e. a variable of type ref cursor) points to an actual cursor, and may be used as a formal parameter to a PL/SQL procedure or function. A cursor expression defines an actual cursor, and as we have seen is a construct that’s legal in a SQL statement. (Both these statements are true pre-Oracle9i.) So we would expect that it


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would be possible to invoke a PL/SQL procedure or function which has a formal parameter of type ref cursor with a cursor expression as its actual parameter, thus… My_Function ( cursor ( select my_col from my_tab ) )

In fact, this was not allowed under any circumstances pre-Oracle9i (ORA-22902 ). New at Oracle9i it is now allowed under certain circumstances: when the function (it cannot be a procedure) is invoked in a top level SQL statement. Given a function that can be invoked thus… declare the_cursor sys_refcursor; n number; begin open the_cursor for select my_col from my_tab; n := My_Function ( the_cursor ); close the_cursor; end;

…it can now be invoked… select 'My_Function' My_Function from dual where My_Function ( cursor ( select my_col from my_tab ) ) = 1;

…or… select 'My_Function' My_Function from dual order by My_Function ( cursor ( select my_col from my_tab ) );

Most significantly, this syntax is now allowed in the invocation of a table function in the FROM list of a SELECT statement, see below. Note: the following syntax… begin My_Function ( cursor ( select my_col from my_tab ) ); end;

…is not allowed. (It fails with “PLS-00405: subquery not allowed in this context”.)

4.6. “YOUNG MANAGERS” SCENARIO Consider the requirement to find those managers in the employees table, the majority of whose direct reports were hired before the manager. The algorithm depends on finding the direct reports for each manager and comparing the number who were hired before him with the number who were hired after him. This can be programmed straightforwardly in PL/SQL using classical techniques. See code sample A.4.1.1 in the Appendix. (Note that, seeking to use enhanced Oracle9i functionality, this is implemented using a single SQL SELECT which has a cursor subquery for the reports of a given manager.) This approach allows the production of a report, or as is illustrated, populating a table with the results. But suppose the requirement is more subtle: to create a VIEW to represent managers as specified, so that it can be leveraged in ad hoc queries representing the current state of the underlying data. In fact, the requirement in this scenario can be implemented in pure SQL using only SQL functions such as SUM and DECODE. See code sample A.4.1.2. There are some rules that are too complex to implement by DECODE, in which case the user could write his own fucntion.


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But the approach in A.4.1.2, thought it works, feels back to front! Unlike A.4.1.1, it does not model the simple statement of the algorithm, and is therefore hard to write and to proof read. A more comfortable approach is to define a view thus… create view young_managers as select ... from employees managers where Most_Reports_Before_Manager( < stuff for this manager > ) = 1;

We can do this classically (see A.4.1.3) thus… create view young_managers as select ... from employees managers where Most_Reports_Before_Manager ( managers.employee_id, managers.hire_date ) = 1;

…or by passing a cursor expression as the actual parameter to a function whose formal parameter is of type ref cursor (see A.4.1.4) thus… create view young_managers as select ... from employees managers where Most_Reports_Before_Manager ( cursor ( < select hire date stuff for this manager’s reports > ), managers.hire_date ) = 1;

The A.4.1.4 approach is not possible before Oracle9i. Its advantage over the A.4.1.3 approach is marginal rather than dramatic: it offers greater potential for reuse in that its logic is expressed in terms of, and depends only on, the select list for an arbitrary SELECT whereas the A.4.1.3 approach hard-codes the SELECT; and, since there is only one SQL statement, this can be optimized more effectively than (what the SQL engine sees as) two unconnected SQL statements (as discussed above). The dramatic benefit of the new Oracle9i feature allowing a cursor expression as an actual parameter to a PL/SQL function come is connection with table functions, discussed below.

4.7. TABLE FUNCTIONS – RECAP Suppose we have two schema-level types, a tuple analogous to a table row and a table of these, defined thus… create type lookup_row as object ( idx number, text varchar2(20) ); create type lookups_tab as table of lookup_row;

We can then write a PL/SQL function which returns an instance of the table thus… create or replace function Lookups_Fn return lookups_tab is v_table lookups_tab; begin /* To extend a nested table, you must use the built-in procedure EXTEND, but to extend an index-by table, you just specify larger subscripts. */


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v_table := lookups_tab ( lookup_row ( 1, 'ONE' ) for j in 2..9 loop v_table.Extend; if j = 2 then v_table(j) := lookup_row ( 2, elsif j = 3 then v_table(j) := lookup_row ( 3, elsif j = 4 then v_table(j) := lookup_row ( 4, elsif j = 5 then v_table(j) := lookup_row ( 5, elsif j = 6 then v_table(j) := lookup_row ( 6, elsif j = 7 then v_table(j) := lookup_row ( 7, else v_table(j) := lookup_row ( j, end if; end loop; return v_table; end Lookups_Fn;


'two' 'THREE' 'four' 'FIVE' 'six' 'SEVEN' 'other'

); ); ); ); ); ); );

We can then invoke it in the FROM list of a SELECT statement thus… select * from table ( cast ( Lookups_Fn() as lookups_tab ) );

This allows a table to be synthesized by computation. For example, the function might call Utl_File procedures (to parse data that cannot be handled by the SQL*Loader utility or by the external table feature), or might call C routines (via the callout framework) which access arbitrary external data sources. Or it might access database tables and perform transformations which cannot be expressed with pure SQL and SQL functions. The SELECT statement can be used to define a view, and/or combined with other tables in the FROM list in an arbitrarily complex SQL statement. A table function, then, is a PL/SQL function which can be invoked in the FROM clause of a SQL SELECT clause. We’ll see below that a table function which exploits new Oracle9i functionality, which we expect all table functions to do, can only be invoked in the FROM clause of a SQL SELECT clause.

4.8. PIPELINED TABLE FUNCTIONS – NEW IN ORACLE9i The above functionality is available pre-Oracle9i. However, it has the limitation that the function must run to completion, storing all the rows it computes in the PL/SQL table before even the first row can be delivered. (There are other limitations, see below.) Oracle9i introduces the pipelined construct which allows the procedure to be rewritten thus… create or replace function Lookups_Fn return lookups_tab pipelined is v_row lookup_row; begin for j in 1..10 loop v_row := case j when 1 then lookup_row ( 1, 'one' ) ... when 7 then lookup_row ( 7, 'seven' ) else lookup_row ( j, 'other' ) end; pipe row ( v_row ); end loop; return; end Lookups_Fn;


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Thus each row is delivered as soon as it is ready, so that the response time characteristics of a table function are symmetrical with those of a rowsource based on a table scan or an index scan. (For performance, the PL/SQL runtime system delivers the rows from a pipelined table function in batches.) Note: the procedure body now mentions only rows (i.e. not the table), and the table is just implied by the return type. (For elegance, the IF construct has been replaced with the new CASE formulation.) The same syntax as above can be used to select from the table function, but it can now be simplified thus… select * from table ( Lookups_Fn );

(The invocation will be written Lookups_Fn() in the following to emphasize its status as a function.) Oracle9i also introduces the possibility to create a table function which returns a PL/SQL type thus… create or replace package My_Types is type lookup_row is record ( idx number, text varchar2(20) ); type lookups_tab is table of lookup_row; end My_Types; create or replace function Lookups_Fn return pipelined is v_row My_Types.lookup_row; begin for j in 1..10 loop case j when 1 then v_row.idx := 1; v_row.text ... when 7 then v_row.idx := 7; v_row.text else v_row.idx := j; v_row.text end case; pipe row ( v_row ); end loop; return; end Lookups_Fn;


:= 'one'; := 'seven'; := 'other';

In the limit, a PL/SQL type may be defined in the declare section of an anonymous block and hence have no persistence. However, to be useful in connection with table functions, the PL/SQL types must be declared in a package, and so when discussing table functions they are usually referred to as package-level types (in contrast to schema-level types). Note: A table function which returns a package-level type must be pipelined. Moreover, the simpler SELECT syntax (without the CAST) must be used.

4.9. PIPING DATA FROM ONE TABLE FUNCTION TO THE NEXT – NEW IN ORACLE9i A table function may now be defined with an input parameter of type ref cursor and invoked with a cursor expression as the actual parameter. Consider the following… create or replace function Mappings_Fn ( p_input_rows in sys_refcursor ) return My_Types.lookups_tab pipelined is v_in_row My_Types.lookup_row; v_out_row My_Types.lookup_row; begin /*


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The following causes... PLS-00361: IN cursor 'P_INPUT_ROWS' cannot be OPEN'ed (The system opens the cursor on invoking the function.) */ --open p_input_rows; loop fetch p_input_rows into v_in_row; exit when p_input_rows%notfound; case v_in_row.idx when 1 then v_out_row.idx := 1*2; when 2 then v_out_row.idx := 2*3; when 3 then v_out_row.idx := 3*4; when 4 then v_out_row.idx := 4*5; when 5 then v_out_row.idx := 5*6; when 6 then v_out_row.idx := 6*7; when 7 then v_out_row.idx := 7*8; else v_out_row.idx := v_in_row.idx*10; end case; pipe row ( v_out_row ); end loop; close p_input_rows; return; end Mappings_Fn;

v_out_row.text v_out_row.text v_out_row.text v_out_row.text v_out_row.text v_out_row.text v_out_row.text

:= := := := := := :=

'was 'was 'was 'was 'was 'was 'was

one'; TWO'; three'; FOUR'; five'; SIX'; seven';

v_out_row.text := 'was other';

Suppose t is a table which supports a select list compatible with My_Types.lookup_row. We can now invoke the table function thus… select * from table ( Mappings_Fn ( cursor ( select idx, text from t ) ) );

Of course, t might have been a view defined thus… create or replace view t as select * from table ( Lookups_Fn() );

…which implies the more compact syntax… create or replace view v as select * from table ( Mappings_Fn ( cursor ( select * from table ( Lookups_Fn() ) ) ) );

Data can be piped from one to the next of an arbitrary number of table functions daisy-chained in succession. And due to the pipelining feature storage of intermediate results is avoided. Table functions can thus be used to implement the extraction, load and transformation operation (a.k.a. ETL) for building a datawarehouse from OLTP data. In the limit, the extraction table function would access a foreign data source as discussed above.

4.10. THE “YOUNG MANAGERS” SCENARIO REVISITED – TABLE FUNCTION APPROACH We can now use yet another approach! The complete solution can be implemented in a table function. This has the usability advantage of keeping all the logic in one place, and the performance advantage of invoking the function only once rather than once per row in the table. See code sample A.4.1.5 in the Appendix. This was derived “mechanically” from code sample A.4.1.1 simply by creating an appropriate PL/SQL table type and by creating the block as a pipelined function to return that type, substituting pipe row ( manager_employee_id ) for insert into young_managers values ( manager_employee_id ). The function can be made more general by giving it a ref cursor input parameter and by passing in the cursor expression as the actual parameter. See code sample A.4.1.6. This would allow it to be “pointed at” any table which 17

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expressed a hierarchy where both parent and child have a date.

4.11. FANOUT: USING TABLE FUNCTIONS WITH SIDE EFFECTS Sometimes the specification for the transformation to be implemented as a table function explicitly excludes source data with certain characteristics. In such cases, it’s useful to report on the excluded source data and often most convenient to direct the report to the database for further analysis. A table function may do DML, provided that this is within an autonomous transaction, thus… create or replace function Lookups_Fn_With_Side_Effect return My_Types.lookups_tab pipelined /* uses... create table exclusions ( n number ); */ is pragma autonomous_transaction; v_row My_Types.lookup_row; begin for j in 1..15 loop case when j < 11 then case j when 1 then v_row.idx := 1; v_row.text := 'one'; when 2 then v_row.idx := 2; v_row.text := 'TWO'; when 3 then v_row.idx := 3; v_row.text := 'three'; when 4 then v_row.idx := 4; v_row.text := 'FOUR'; when 5 then v_row.idx := 5; v_row.text := 'five'; when 6 then v_row.idx := 6; v_row.text := 'SIX'; when 7 then v_row.idx := 7; v_row.text := 'seven'; else v_row.idx := j; v_row.text := 'other'; end case; pipe row ( v_row ); else insert into exclusions values ( j ); end case; end loop; commit; return; end Lookups_Fn_With_Side_Effect;

4.12. PARALLELIZING TABLE FUNCTION EXECUTION – NEW IN ORACLE9i It is beyond the scope of this paper to describe the details of Oracle’s parallel query feature. Suffice it to say that when certain environment conditions are met (especially a hardware environment that supports multiple concurrently executing processes making concurrent disk accesses, and a user environment close to single-user) and when the objects referenced in a query have appropriate parallel attributes, then the elapsed time for long-running queries can be cut in direct proportion to the number of available CPUs. This is especially significant in decision support systems (a.k.a. DSS) both at query time and in the extraction, transformation and load (a.k.a. ETL) operations to populate them. Oracle9i introduces table function features to allow their execution to be parallelized. These features require (with one small exception, see below) that the table function has exactly one strongly typed ref cursor input parameter.


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4.12.1. SPECIAL CASE: FUNCTION BEHAVIOR IS INDEPENDENT OF THE PARTITIONING OF THE INPUT DATA Consider a function which processes each row from its input cursor individually. (Such a transformation which generates two or more output rows from each input row – generically referred to as piviotting - benefits particularly from a table function implementation.) The syntax to parallelize this is straightforward thus… create or replace function Rowwise_Xform_Fn ( p_input_rows in sys_refcursor ) return My_Types.xforms_tab pipelined parallel_enable ( partition p_input_rows by any ) is v_in_row My_Types.input_row; v_out_row My_Types.xform_row; begin loop fetch p_input_rows into v_in_row; exit when p_input_rows%notfound; v_out_row.n := v_in_row.n*2; v_out_row.typ := 'a'; pipe row ( v_out_row ); v_out_row.n := v_in_row.n*3; v_out_row.typ := 'b'; pipe row ( v_out_row ); end loop; close p_input_rows; return; end Rowwise_Xform_Fn;

See code sample A.4.2.1 in the Appendix for the complete working example. They keyword any expresses the programmer’s assertion that the results are independent of the order in which the function gets the input rows. When this keyword is used, the runtime system randomly partitions the data among the query slaves. This keyword is appropriate for use with functions that take in one row, manipulate its columns, and generate output row(s) based on the columns of this row only. (Of course if this assertion doesn’t hold, then the output will not be predictable.) This is the small exception referred to above: the input ref cursor need not be strongly typed to be partitioned by any.) The ability to exploit the parallel potential of a table function depends on whether the source can be parallelized.

4.12.2. GENERAL CASE: FUNCTION BEHAVIOR DEPENDS ON THE PARTITIONING OF THE INPUT DATA Consider a transformation along the lines of… select avg ( salary ), department_id from employees group by department_id;

…where the aggregation operation to be performed on the set of salaries for a given department is arbitrarily complex such that a classical SQL implementation is impossible, slow by virtue of a function invocation for each row of the source table, or prohibitively challenging to write and debug. For example, it might be that the cost to the employer of paying a given salary depends on the hire date because of changes in benefits packages that affect only employees hired after the date of change. This is illustrated in code sample A.4.2.2 in the Appendix, but to avoid obscuring it with a complicated algorithm, the aggregation is simply the sum for the salary for each distinct department. This has the general form… create or replace function Aggregate_Xform ( p_input_rows in My_Types.cur_t ) return My_Types.dept_sals_tab pipelined is ... begin Get_Next_Row(); while Got_Next_Dept() /* relies on assumption that


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all rows for given dept are delivered consecutively */ loop v_total_sal := 0; while Got_Next_Row_In_Dept() loop v_total_sal := v_total_sal + g_in_row.sal; Get_Next_Row(); end loop; g_out_row.sal := v_total_sal; g_out_row.dept := g_current_dept; pipe row ( g_out_row ); end loop; close p_input_rows; return; end Aggregate_Xform;

Given that the input rows will be partitioned between different slaves, the integrity of the algorithm requires that all the rows for a given department go to the same slave, and that all these rows are delivered consecutively. (Strictly speaking, the requirement for consecutive delivery is negotiable, but the design of the algorithm to handle this case would need to be much more elaborate. For that reason, Oracle commits to consecutive delivery.) We use the term clustered to signify this type of delivery, and cluster key for the column (in this case “department”) on which the aggregations done. But significantly, the algorithm does not care in what order of cluster key it receives each successive cluster, and Oracle does not guarantee any particular order here. This allows the possibility of a quicker algorithm than if rows were required to be clustered and delivered in order of the cluster key. It scales as order N rather than order N.log(N), where N is the number of rows. The syntax is… create or replace function Aggregate_Xform ( p_input_rows in My_Types.cur_t ) return My_Types.dept_sals_tab pipelined cluster p_input_rows by (dept) parallel_enable ( partition p_input_rows by hash (dept) ) is...

We can choose between hash (dept) and range (dept) depending on what we know about the distribution of the values. (hash will be quicker than range and is the natural choice to be used with cluster... by.) Here, to be partitioned by a specified column, the input ref cursor must be strongly typed. cluster... by is not allowed without parallel_enable ( partition... by. Note: at version 9.0.1 it is necessary to include ORDER BY on the cluster key in the SELECT used to invoke the table function thus… select * from table ( Aggregate_Xform ( cursor ( select salary, department_id from employees where department_id is not null order by department_id

) ) );

…to preserve correctness of behavior, but this restriction will be removed when the order N clustering algorithm is productized.

4.12.3. ORDER BY VERSUS CLUSTER BY This alternative syntax is also allowed… create or replace function My_Fn ( p_input_rows in My_Types.cur_t )


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return My_Types.items_tab pipelined order p_input_rows by (c1) parallel_enable ( partition p_input_rows by range (c1) ) is...

This means that those rows that are delivered to a particular slave as directed by partition... by will be locally sorted by that slave, thus parallelizing the sort. Therefore there should be no ORDER BY in the SELECT used to invoke the table function. (To have one would subvert the attempt to parallelize the sort.) Thus it’s natural to use the range option together with the order by option. This will be slower than cluster by, and so should be used only when the algorithm depends on it. Note: the cluster... by construct cannot be used together with the order... by in the declaration of a table function. This means that an algorithm which depends on clustering on one key, c1, and then on ordering within the set row for a given value of c1 by, say, c2 would have to be parallelized by using the order... by in the declaration in the table function. (The algorithm in code sample A.5.5 has this character.) Here we would use… create or replace function Median ( p_input_rows in My_Types.cur_t ) return My_Types.items_tab pipelined order p_input_rows by (c1,c2) parallel_enable ( partition p_input_rows by range (c1) ) is...

The current restriction preventing using cluster... by together with order... by implies no loss of functionality, but only a missed opportunity to leverage the order N sort. Caution: It is possible to design an algorithm for a table function which would deliver a different number of rows according to the degree of parallelism. The simplest example is a function which returns a table of NUMBER representing the count of the rows its input cursor delivered. A non-parallelized version would deliver just one row giving count(*) for the input table. A parallelized version would deliver N rows (where N is the degree of parallelism), the sum of whose values would give count(*) for the input table. However, this breaks the parallel query abstraction. Oracle recommends against programming this way.

4.12.4. PERFORMANCE EXPERIMENT Oracle Corp compared pre-Oracle9i and Oracle9i performance using a Sun Ultra-Enterprise 4500 machine with 3 GB RAM and 10 CPUs at 168 MHz. A 1,000,000 row source table was used for a 1 row in to 7 rows out pivot transform. The pre-Oracle9i approach was a PL/SQL cursor loop with 7 INSERTs. The Oracle9i approach was a table function with 7 PIPE ROWs. The experiment is described in Performance and Scalability in DSS Environment with Oracle9i, by Neil Thombre, on The pre-Oracle9i approach took 87 minutes. The Oracle9i approach with no parallelization took 37 minutes (ie improvement factor 2.4x). The Oracle9i approach with parallelization degree 20 took 12 minutes (ie improvement factor 7.5x over the pre-Oracle9i baseline).

4.13. SYNTAX FOR TABLE FUNCTION BASED ON SCHEMA-LEVEL TYPE When a table function is written to return a schema-level type, the syntax required to invoke it is somewhat verbose. For completeness it is illustrated in code sample A.4.3 in the Appendix.


Cursor expressions allow encapsulation of logic for re-use in compatible query situations, giving increased Paper # 129

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developer productivity and application reliability. •

Table functions give increased functionality by allowing sets of tuples from arbitrary external data sources and sets of tuples synthesized from arbitrary computations to be invoked (as if they were a table) in the FROM list of a SELECT clause. For convenience they can be used to define a VIEW, giving new functionality.

Table functions can be used to deliver the rows from an arbitrarily complex PL/SQL transformation sourced from Oracle tables (including therefore other table functions) as a “VIEW”, without storage of the calculated rows. This gives increased speed and scalability. And increased developer productivity and application reliability.

Taking the “VIEW” metaphor a step further, the input parameters to the table function allow the “VIEW” to be parameterizable, increasing code re-usability and therefore increasing developer productivity and application reliability.

A table function with a ref cursor input parameter can be invoked with another table function as the data source. Thus table functions can be daisy-chained allowing modular program design and hence increased ease of programming, re-use and application robustness.

Table function execution can be parallelized giving improved speed and scalability. This, combined with the daisy-chaining feature, makes table functions particularly suitable in datawarehouse applications for implementing Extraction, Transformation and Load operations.

Fanout (DML from an autonomous transaction in the table function) adds functionality of particular interest in datawarehouse applications.

A table function allows data stored in nested tables to be queried as if it were stored relationally, and data stored relationally to be queried as if it were stored as nested tables. (This will be illustrated in the code samples for the next section). This allows genuine independence between the format for the persistent storage of data and the design of the applications which access it. (A VIEW can be defined on a table function, and INSTEAD OF triggers can be created on the VIEW to complete the picture.)

5. MULTILEVEL COLLECTIONS 5.1. COLLECTIONS - RECAP There are two schema-level collection prototypes: VARRAY and (nested) TABLE. Both define one-dimensional ordered arrays of elements of a specified type, and can be leveraged in the creation of user-defined schema-level types thus… create type Arr_t is varray(255) of number;

…or… create type Tab_t is table of varchar2(2000);

If appropriate, the element type can be an object type thus… create type Obj_t is object ( a number, b varchar2(4000), c date );

Instances of schema-level types based on VARRAY or TABLE can be stored as fields of a column in a relational database table thus… create create insert ( 1, insert


type Arr_t is varray(255) of Obj_t; table t (id number, arr Arr_t); into t ( id, arr ) values Arr_t ( Obj_t ( 1, 'one', '1-Jan-01' ), Obj_t ( 2, 'two', '2-Jan-01' ) ) ); into t ( id, arr ) values

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( 5, Arr_t ( Obj_t ( 5, 'five', '5-Jan-01' ), Obj_t ( 6, 'six', '6-Jan-01' ) ) );

The main difference between VARRAY and TABLE is that the former has a defined upper bound whereas the latter is unbounded. A VARRAY field is stored inline for small sizes ( )

The we populate a second table for the nested representation, n2 by… insert into n2 ( select * from < R_to_N_Tab_Fn selecting from r > )

…and then populate a second table for the relational representation, r2 by running N_to_R_Tab_Fn on n2, leveraging the fact that N_to_R_Tab_Fn has a ref cursor input parameter. Then we do… select * from r2 minus select * from r; select * from r minus select * from r2;

…and confirm that the two tables r and r2 are identical.

5.4. BUSINESS BENEFITS Storing data as collection instances in a column of a database table is a pre-optimization to favor certain access paths (typically accessing all the elements of the collection for each selected row). PL/SQL is needed to populate and query such collection instances. Modeling data as a collection in a PL/SQL program is essential for the implementation of certain algorithms (see for example the perfect triangles algorithm in code sample A.1.1 in the Appendix). A collection can be used as the target of a bulk bind improve the performance of data transfer between the database and the PL/SQL processing. •

Previously only one-dimensional phenomena could leverage the above benefits. Multilevel collections now offer them for an arbitrarily enlarged set of real-world problems.

6. ENHANCEMENTS TO THE UTL_HTTP PACKAGE 6.1. BACKGROUND The B2B component of eBusiness depends on automatic communication between business sites across the public internet. The HTTP transport mechanism is used to send the request and to receive the reply. Though partners in a particular B2B relationship could define standards for their protocols from scratch, the de facto standard is emerging to use XML for both request and reply. Of course we can expect increasing standardization in future, extending to cover the specifics of the XML encoding. Oracle has technology to allow both the sender and the receiver straightforwardly to implement their services backed by an Oracle9i database, and using only PL/SQL on top of productized APIs. The simplest way to code the receiver is to use mod_plsql, either directly via the HTTP listener component of the Oracle9i database or via Oracle9iAS and to write a PL/SQL database procedure which is exposed as the URL representing the request. The XML document expressing the request is decoded, the database is accessed to supply the reply information and is updated appropriately, and the reply is encoded and sent using Htp.Print or similar. This end of the dialogue is beyond the scope of this paper. The request is typically sent (or more likely queued and then sent later) in the body of a database trigger which fires on an event like a stock level falling below the defined threshold for reordering. The XML document expressing the request is encoded by accessing current database values and sent, typically using the “POST” method to ensure that an arbitrarily large XML request can be sent piecewise. Authentication information (e.g. username and password) is likely to be required as part of the request. And possibly the request header will need to be explicitly set to reflect an agreed protocol. Then the response is (started to be) fetched and its status code is checked for errors and its header is checked for protocol compliance. Then the arbitrarily large XML document expressing the response itself is fetched piecewise, decoded, and the information is used to update the database. A robust implementation is likely to have a component which automatically sends a generated email to a system administrator in the event of an error. Oracle has


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features for encoding and decoding XML, and for sending email from the database, but these are beyond the scope of this paper. Depending on the design of the workflow, state may need to be represented. For example, a customer might request a price and delivery date for a given quantity of items from several vendors. Each vendor would reply with price and delivery date and with an “offer good to” date. When the customer site sends a request to the selected vendor to place a definite order, it will need to refer to the specific offer. If such a scheme is used within a single organization, for example to communicate between databases at local offices in different countries, then the communication protocol can be designed from scratch, and most likely an offer reference number will be exchanged as part of the XML encoding. However, if the partners in the B2B relationship are completely independent, and especially if the relationship is casual, then the requestor will have to follow whatever protocol the receiver has defined. It might be that the receiver has implemented the state which represents an ongoing dialogue using cookies. In this case the sender will need to handle these programmatically.

6.2. ORACLE9i ENHANCEMENTS 6.2.1. GENERAL The Utl_Http package pre-Oracle9i allowed a basic implementation of the sending site. It allowed an arbitrarily large response to be handled piecewise in a PL/SQL VARCHAR2. But it supported just the “GET” method, i.e. did not support sending arbitrarily large messages in the body of the request. And it did not support authentication, setting the header of the request, inspecting the status code and header of the response, or dealing with cookies. Oracle9i adds support for all these (including optionally fetching the response “as is” into a PL/SQL RAW), and beyond that provides full support for the semantics that can be expressed via HTTP. For example, persistent HTTP connections are now supported. Use of these gives dramatic speed and scalabilty improvement for applications that repeatedly and frequently make HTTP requests to the same site. And users now have full control over the encoding of character data, see below. HTTP relies on an underlying transport layer. Thus the Utl_Http package (written in PL/SQL) is implemented on top of the Utl_Tcp package. (The Utl_Smtp package for sending email from the database is the same.) PreOracle9i, Utl_Tcp was implemented in Java. At Oracle9i it has been reimplemented natively, i.e. in C directly on top of the socket layer to improve its performance. The code sample in A.6 in the Appendix shows how to model the message sender at SQL*Plus, and can be used to inspect the return status and content of an arbitrary password protected URL. A code sample implementing both the sending site and the receiving site in a complete self-contained B2B simulation is available for download under Sample Code link on the PL/SQL homepage on OTN, here…

6.2.2. ENCODING OF CHARACTER DATA In the classical client/server architecture, the database and the client may use different encoding schemes to represent character data. For example in a Japanese application, the database might use (a variety of) EUC character set and the client might use (a variety of) SJIS character set. Thus character encoding conversion is required. The solution is well known and long established: Oracle Net transparently handles the conversion (as specified by the database character set and the NLS_LANG client environment variable). A corresponding issue exists for Utl_Http. When a request is sent it might need to be encoded differently than the database character set (because the sender knows that the target URL requires this). And when a response is received, it may again be encoded differently from the database character set (because that’s the non-negotiable behavior of the target URL). There are two areas of concern when sending a request: the URL and the request body. When sending by the “GET” method, all request parameterization is via the URL itself, typically after the ? delimiter. Search terms for example are normally handled this way. HTTP defines no convention for specifying different character sets for the URL and expects that everything is 7-bit ASCII. Other character encoding schemes should be represented as the hex codes of


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their bytes using the %nn notation. (The sender of the request must know from documentation what character set the URL expects to decode from the hex representation.) Oracle9i introduces the Utl_Url package which has functions to convert from the database character set to a hex coded representation of a specified character set, and vice versa. In addition, these functions handle the conversion of the reserved symbols: percent (%), semi-colon (;) slash (/), question mark (?), colon (:), at sign (@), ampersand (&), equals sign (=), plus sign (+), dollar sign ($), and comma (,). When sending by the “PUT” method, the character set of the request body should be set via the charset attribute of the Content-Type in the request header, using the new Utl_Http.Set_Header procedure. If this is done, it gives Oracle sufficient information to transform appropriately when sending a character request body (by using Utl_Http.Write_Text). If the charset attribute is not set in the request header, then no character set conversion takes place unless the user has catered for it via the overloaded procedure Utl_Http.Set_Body_Charset. The variant Set_Body_Charset(charset varchar2) – a.k.a. the global variant - allows the user to set a fallback character set, to be assumed, if no other information is provided, for both requests and responses for the session. The variant Set_Body_Charset(r Utl_Http.Req, charset varchar2) – a.k.a the request variant, allows the user to insist on a character set for the body for this request. (A record of PL/SQL type Utl_Http.Req is returned when the HTTP request is begun with Utl_Http.Begin_Request.) The choice made via the request variant will not only override that made via the global variant but will also override that made via the charset attribute of the request header. For this reason, the recommended way to specify the character set conversion for the request body is via the charset attribute of the header. Only if the user has a special reason for leaving this unspecified in the request header would he use the request variant of Set_Body_Charset. There is just one area of concern when receiving the response: the response body. If the implementation of the URL is well-mannered, then the character set of the response body will be specified correctly in the charset attribute of the Content-Type in the response header, accessible to the user via the procedure Utl_Http.Get_Header. Oracle will implicitly perform the appropriate conversion in connection with calling Utl_Http.Read_Text. However, this is often not set. In this case the user can use the global variant of Set_Body_Charset to determine the character set conversion. However, the charset attribute of the response header is sometimes set wrong. (This is likely when pages in different character sets are served up as files from the filesystem seen by the webserver, since the Content-Type header information will often be set globally for the server with no mechanism to make it file specific.) For this reason a third overloaded variant Set_Body_Charset(r Utl_Http.Resp,charset varchar2) is provided – a.k.a. the response variant. (A record of PL/SQL type Utl_Http.Resp is returned when the HTTP response is got with Utl_Http.Get_Response.) The choice made via the response variant will override that made via the global variant and that expressed via the charset attribute of the response header. Note: from Oracle8i v8.1.6 and pre-Oracle9i, Oracle detected the charset of the response body (if this was specified) and used the information to do the character set conversion. And if the charset attribute of the response body was not specified then no conversion took place and no overriding or fallback mechanism was provided. Under special circumstances (eg fetching a SJIS Japanese response where the charset attribute is not specified into a EUC database) problems arose pre-Orcale9i. Thus the user now has full control over all character set conversion issues. In an extreme case, where the response body is Content-Type text/html and where the HTML tag is used to specify the character set, the user can retrieve the response body into a PL/SQL RAW with Utl_Http.Read_Raw and then write custom code to parse the HTML and to convert to the database character set in a PL/SQL VARCHAR2 once the response character set is discovered.


Substantially increased functionality allowing implementation of fully functional B2B applications

7. TRANSPARENT ENHANCEMENTS Record construction and copying is now faster in Oracle9i. Benchmarks designed to stress this feature improved by up to 5 times. Less focused benchmarks improved by 5 to 10%. 29

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There is considerable improvement in the execution of PL/SQL programs that reference subprograms that are part of another package. Benchmarks specifically designed to test this feature showed a speedup of over 50%. In more generic benchmarks an improvement of 5% has been seen. There is a 60%, or more, reduction in overhead of calling PL/SQL procedures from SQL statements. Thus the execution of SQL statements that reference subprograms is faster. The SQL parser replaces PL/SQL’s compile-time analysis of a static SQL statement with analysis using a SQL component shared with the RDBMS. Therefore duplication of SQL analysis is reduced. PL/SQL is allowed to pick up new SQL features as they are implemented in the RDBMS. Errors due to differences in SQL analysis between SQL and PL/SQL are also eliminated. The Utl_Tcp package has been reimplemented (moving from java to native C) to deleiver increased performance. Though not strictly speaking transparent changes, we list here for convenience restrictions that have been removed: it’s now possible to assign (for example) a variable of type VARCHAR2 to one of type NVARCHAR2 and enjoy implicit conversion; it’s now possible to assign aVARCHAR2 to a CLOB and (provided the CLOB isn’t too big) vice versa, and to use substr and instr with CLOB variables.


Increased speed and scalability

Improved usability for the developer

8. NEW SQL FEATURES SQL has some new language features and new functions in Oracle9i. which are reflected in PL/SQL as expected: the MERGE keyword; the datatypes TIMESTAMP (WITH TIME ZONE and WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE variants) and INTERVAL (YEAR TO MONTH and DAY TO SECOND variants); the functions nullif and coalesce.


Seamless access to SQL features

9. OBJECT ORIENTED FEATURES Oracle8 introduced support for objects in the server along with relational tables to enable the same data-model across all tiers. In Oracle9i, Oracle’s Object-Relational vision achieves functional and operational completeness with the introduction of features such as inheritance, multi-level collections, type evolution and so on. Inheritance and multi-level collections bring the server’s modeling capabilities closer to that provided by Java, C++ or XML, making it easy to model business objects in the database and achieve uniformity of data models across tiers. PL/SQL now supports the notion of substitutable variables: a variable intended to hold a supertype (or a REF to one) can be assigned a subtype (or a REF to one). It is also possible to dispatch overloaded methods polymorphically. A method invoked on an object is dispatched (‘virtually’) to the specific implementation based on the runtime type. declare person_var person_type; begin person_var := person_type(...); person_var.some_method();


/* can denote an object of this type or of any of its subtypes


/* invokes some_method() of person


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person_var := employee_type(...); /* employee_type inherits from person type and overrides some_method() person_var.some_method(); /* invokes some_method() of employee end;

*/ */


functional and operational object oriented completeness

Note: The full treatment of Oracle’s object oriented functionality is beyond the scope of this paper.

10. NEW OR ENHANCED SUPPLIED PACKAGES New packages: Dbms_Xmlgen (creates an XML document from any SQL query, returning the result as a CLOB); Dbms_Metadata (provides interfaces for extracting complete definitions of database objects either as XML or as SQL DDL); dbms_aqelm, dbms_encode, dbms_fga, dbms_flashback, dbms_ldap, dbms_libcache, dbms_logmnr_cdc_publish, dbms_logmnr_cdc_subscribe, dbms_odci, dbms_outln_edit, dbms_redefinition, dbms_transform, dbms_url, dbms_wm, dbms_xmlquery, dmbs_xmlsave, utl_encode.

New Types: XMLtype, UriType, DBUriType, and HttpUriType, dbms_types, anydata_type, anydataset_type, anytype_type. Enhanced packages: Utl_Raw (enhanced with these new APIs: Cast_To_Number, Cast_From_Number, Cast_To_Binary_Integer, Cast_From_Binary_Integer); Utl_File; Utl_Http (as discused at length above).


Increased out-of-the-box functionality

APPENDIX : CODE SAMPLES Note: several of the following code samples depend on the employees and departments tables. These are in the hr sample schema. Scripts to create and populate this are provided with Oracle9i, and it is included in the standard pre-built database. The samples are complete. They can be copied and pasted as is into SQL*Plus. (Don’t forget that SQL*Plus requires that anonymous blocks and CREATE statements for PL/SQL library units and for types must be terminated with a “/”.) The main sections below are numbered in correspondence to the main sections above which they illustrate, and so there are gaps in the numbering.

A.1. SAMPLES TO TEST PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT FROM PL/SQL NATIVE COMPILATION A.1.1. THIN WRAPPER FOR EXECUTING SQL STATEMENTS Constructs like the following (especially which invoke Htp.Print and similar) are commonly used for presenting results in a way that can be difficult using only SQL. begin for department in ( select department_id d, department_name from departments order by department_name ) loop Dbms_Output.Put_Line ( Chr(10) || department.department_name ); for employee in ( select last_name from employees where department_id = department.d order by last_name )


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loop Dbms_Output.Put_Line ( '- ' || employee.last_name ); end loop; end loop; end;

This example when run against prepared data to give 12 million iterations, i.e. approximately the same number as A.1.2 below runs about 3% faster when compiled in native mode. Note: the example could be re-written to run more efficiently by using a single SELECT with a CURSOR subquery as described in the section on cursor expressions. There are many examples of this formulation throughout this paper.

A.1.2. COMPUTATIONALLY INTENSIVE ALGORITHM WITH NO DATABASE ACCESS Consider the task of finding all right-angled triangles with all side lengths integer (a.k.a. perfect triangles). We must count only unique triangles, i.e. those whose sides are not each the same integral multiple of the sides of a perfect triangle already found. The following implements an exhaustive search among candidate triangles with all possible combinations of lengths of the two shorter sides, each in the range 1 to a specified maximum. Each candidate is coarsely filtered by testing if the square root of the sum of the squares of the two short sides is within 0.01 of an integer. Triangles which pass this test are tested exactly by applying Pythagoras’s theorem using integer arithmetic. Candidate perfect triangles are tested against the list of multiples of perfect triangles found so far. Each new unique perfect triangle is stored in a PL/SQL table, and its multiples (up to the maximum length) are stored in a separate PL/SQL table to facilitate uniqueness testing. The implementation thus involves a doubly nested loop with these steps at its heart: several arithmetic operations, casts and comparisons; calls to procedures implementing comparisons driven by iteration through a PL/SQL table (with yet more arithmetic operations); and extension of PL/SQL tables where appropriate. The elapsed time was measured for p_max=5000 (i.e. 12.5 million repetitions of the heart of the loop) using interpreted and natively compiled versions of the procedure. The times were 548 sec and 366 sec respectively (on a Sun Ultra60 with no load apart from the test). Thus the natively compiled version was about 33% faster. create or replace procedure Perfect_Triangles ( p_max in integer ) is t1 integer; t2 integer; long integer; short integer; hyp number; ihyp integer; type side_r type sides_t unique_sides dup_sides

is record ( short integer, long integer ); is table of side_r index by binary_integer; sides_t; n integer:=0 /* curr max elements in unique_sides */; sides_t; m integer:=0 /* curr max elements in dup_sides */;

procedure Store_Dup_Sides ( p_long in integer, p_short in integer ) is mult integer:=2; long_mult integer:=p_long*2; short_mult integer:=p_short*2; begin while ( long_mult < p_max ) or ( short_mult < p_max ) loop n := n+1; dup_sides(n).long := long_mult; dup_sides(n).short := short_mult; mult := mult+1; long_mult := p_long*mult; short_mult := p_short*mult; end loop; end Store_Dup_Sides; function Sides_Are_Unique ( p_long in integer, p_short in integer ) return boolean is begin for j in 1..n loop if ( p_long = dup_sides(j).long ) and ( p_short = dup_sides(j).short )


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then return false; end if; end loop; return true; end Sides_Are_Unique; begin /* Perfect_Triangles */ t1 := Dbms_Utility.Get_Time; for long in 1..p_max loop for short in 1..long loop hyp := Sqrt ( long*long + short*short ); ihyp := Floor(hyp); if hyp-ihyp < 0.01 then if ( ihyp*ihyp = long*long + short*short ) then if Sides_Are_Unique ( long, short ) then m := m+1; unique_sides(m).long := long; unique_sides(m).short := short; Store_Dup_Sides ( long, short ); end if; end if; end if; end loop; end loop; t2 := Dbms_Utility.Get_Time; Dbms_Output.Put_Line ( chr(10) || To_Char( ((t2-t1)/100), '9999.9' ) || ' sec' ); end Perfect_Triangles;

A.4. SAMPLES TO ILLUSTRATE TABLE FUNCTIONS AND CURSOR EXPRESSIONS A.4.1. “YOUNG MANAGERS” SCENARIO Find those managers in the employees table, the majority of whose direct reports were hired before the manager. A.4.1.1. CLASSICAL PROCEDURAL APPROACH cursor managers is select employee_id, hire_date, cursor ( select hire_date from employees reports where reports.manager_id = managers.employee_id ) from employees managers; manager_employee_id manager_hire_date reports type report_hire_dates_t

employees.employee_id%type; employees.hire_date%type; sys_refcursor; is table of employees.hire_date%type index by binary_integer; report_hire_dates report_hire_dates_t; before integer; after integer; begin open managers; loop


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before:=0; after:=0; fetch managers into manager_employee_id, manager_hire_date, reports; exit when managers%notfound; fetch reports bulk collect into report_hire_dates; if report_hire_dates.count > 0 then for j in report_hire_dates.first..report_hire_dates.last loop null; case report_hire_dates(j) < manager_hire_date when true then before:=before+1; else after:=after+1; end case; end loop; end if; if before > after then insert into young_managers values ( manager_employee_id ); end if; end loop; close managers; end;

A.4.1.2. PURE SQL APPROACH create or replace view report_hire_dates as select managers.employee_id manager_employee_id, managers.hire_date manager_hire_date, reports.hire_date report_hire_date from employees managers, employees reports where managers.employee_id = reports.manager_id; create or replace view young_managers as select manager_employee_id from ( select manager_employee_id, sum ( Decode ( sign ( report_hire_date - manager_hire_date ), /* when */ -1, /* then */ 1, /* when */ 0, /* then */ 1, /* else */ -1 ) ) s from report_hire_dates group by manager_employee_id ) where s > 0;

A.4.1.3. USING CLASSICAL FUNCTION IN WHERE CLAUSE create or replace function Most_Reports_Before_Manager ( p_manager_id in number, p_manager_hire_date in date ) return number is report_hire_date date; before integer:=0; after integer:=0; begin for report in ( select hire_date, employee_id from employees where manager_id = p_manager_id ) loop


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case report.hire_date < p_manager_hire_date when true then before:=before+1; else after:=after+1; end case; end loop; case ( before > after ) and ( before+after > 0 ) when true then return 1; else return 0; end case; end Most_Reports_Before_Manager; create or replace view young_managers as select employee_id manager_employee_id from employees managers where Most_Reports_Before_Manager ( employee_id, hire_date ) = 1;

A.4.1.4. USING FUNCTION WITH REF CURSOR PARAMETER IN WHERE CLAUSE create or replace function Most_Reports_Before_Manager ( report_hire_dates_cur in sys_refcursor, manager_hire_date in date ) return number is type report_hire_date_t is table of employees.hire_date%type index by binary_integer; report_hire_dates report_hire_date_t; before integer:=0; after integer:=0; begin fetch report_hire_dates_cur bulk collect into report_hire_dates; if report_hire_dates.count > 0 then for j in report_hire_dates.first..report_hire_dates.last loop case report_hire_dates(j) < manager_hire_date when true then before:=before+1; else after:=after+1; end case; end loop; end if; case before > after when true then return 1; else return 0; end case; end Most_Reports_Before_Manager; create or replace view young_managers as select managers.employee_id manager_employee_id from employees managers where Most_Reports_Before_Manager ( cursor ( select reports.hire_date from employees reports where reports.manager_id = managers.employee_id ), managers.hire_date ) = 1;

A.4.1.5. USING A TABLE FUNCTION create or replace package My_Types is


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type employee_ids_tab is table of employees.employee_id%type; end My_Types; create or replace function Young_Managers_Fn return My_Types.employee_ids_tab pipelined is cursor managers is select employee_id, hire_date, cursor ( select hire_date from employees reports where reports.manager_id = managers.employee_id ) from employees managers; manager_employee_id manager_hire_date reports type report_hire_date_t

employees.employee_id%type; employees.hire_date%type; sys_refcursor; is table of employees.hire_date%type index by binary_integer; report_hire_dates report_hire_date_t; before integer; after integer; begin open managers; loop before:=0; after:=0; fetch managers into manager_employee_id, manager_hire_date, reports; exit when managers%notfound; fetch reports bulk collect into report_hire_dates; if report_hire_dates.count > 0 then for j in report_hire_dates.first..report_hire_dates.last loop case report_hire_dates(j) < manager_hire_date when true then before:=before+1; else after:=after+1; end case; end loop; end if; if before > after then pipe row ( manager_employee_id ); end if; end loop; close managers; return; end Young_Managers_Fn; create or replace view young_managers as select column_value manager_employee_id from table ( Young_Managers_Fn() );

A.4.1.6. USING A TABLE FUNCTION WITH A REF CURSOR INPUT PARAMETER create or replace function Young_Managers_Fn ( managers in sys_refcursor ) return My_Types.employee_ids_tab pipelined is manager_employee_id employees.employee_id%type; manager_hire_date employees.hire_date%type; reports sys_refcursor;


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type report_hire_date_t

is table of employees.hire_date%type index by binary_integer; report_hire_dates report_hire_date_t; before integer; after integer; begin loop before:=0; after:=0; fetch managers into manager_employee_id, manager_hire_date, reports; exit when managers%notfound; fetch reports bulk collect into report_hire_dates; if report_hire_dates.count > 0 then for j in report_hire_dates.first..report_hire_dates.last loop case report_hire_dates(j) < manager_hire_date when true then before:=before+1; else after:=after+1; end case; end loop; end if; if before > after then pipe row ( manager_employee_id ); end if; end loop; close managers; return; end Young_Managers_Fn; select column_value manager_employee_id from table ( Young_Managers_Fn ( cursor ( select employee_id, hire_date, cursor ( select hire_date from employees reports where reports.manager_id = managers.employee_id ) from employees managers ) ) );

Note: An attempt to create a view as the above select statement currently fails with “ORA-22902: CURSOR expression not allowed” where the exception is raised because the SELECT statement which is the argument of the CURSOR formal parameter to the table function itself has a cursor expression (a.k.a. cursor subquery). A view can be created when SELECT statement does not have a cursor subquery (see the Mappings_Fn example above).

A.4.2. PARALLELIZING TABLE FUNCTION EXECUTION A.4.2.1. ALGORITHM IS INDEPENDENT OF THE ORDERING OF THE SOURCE ROWS create or replace package My_Types is type input_row is record ( n number ); type cur_t is ref cursor return input_row; type xform_row


is record ( n number, typ char(1) );

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type xforms_tab is table of xform_row; end My_Types; create table t ( n number ); begin for j in 1..1000 loop insert into t ( n ) values ( commit; end;


); end loop;

create or replace function Rowwise_Xform_Fn ( p_input_rows in sys_refcursor ) return My_Types.xforms_tab pipelined parallel_enable ( partition p_input_rows by any ) is v_in_row My_Types.input_row; v_out_row My_Types.xform_row; begin loop fetch p_input_rows into v_in_row; exit when p_input_rows%notfound; v_out_row.n := v_in_row.n * 2; v_out_row.typ := 'a'; pipe row ( v_out_row ); v_out_row.n := v_in_row.n * 3; v_out_row.typ := 'b'; pipe row ( v_out_row ); end loop; close p_input_rows; return; end Rowwise_Xform_Fn; select * from table ( Rowwise_Xform_Fn ( cursor ( select n from t ) ) ) where rownum < 11;

A.4.2.2. ALGORITHM REQUIRES ONLY THAT THE SOURCE ROWS ARE CLUSTERED Note: in order to avoid having to make the algorithm distractingly complex, this DELETE should be issued... delete from employees where department_id is null;

…before continuing thus… create or replace package My_Types is type dept_sal_row is record ( sal number(8,2), dept number(4) ); type cur_t is ref cursor return dept_sal_row; type dept_sals_tab end My_Types;

is table of dept_sal_row;

create or replace function Aggregate_Xform ( p_input_rows in My_Types.cur_t ) return My_Types.dept_sals_tab pipelined --parallel_enable -- ( partition p_input_rows by [ hash / range] (dept) ) --[ cluster / order ] p_input_rows by (dept) is g_in_row My_Types.dept_sal_row; g_out_row My_Types.dept_sal_row; g_first_time boolean := true; g_last_dept number := null;


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g_got_a_row g_new_dept g_current_dept g_prev_dept v_total_sal

boolean; boolean; employees.department_id%type; employees.department_id%type; number;

procedure Get_Next_Row is begin fetch p_input_rows into g_in_row; g_got_a_row := not p_input_rows%notfound; if g_got_a_row then case g_first_time when true then g_first_time := false; g_new_dept := false; else g_new_dept := g_prev_dept g_in_row.dept; end case; g_prev_dept := g_in_row.dept; end if; return; end Get_Next_Row; function Got_Next_Dept return boolean is begin g_current_dept := g_in_row.dept; g_new_dept := false; return g_got_a_row; end Got_Next_Dept; function Got_Next_Row_In_Dept return boolean is begin return ( not g_new_dept ) and g_got_a_row; end Got_Next_Row_In_Dept; begin Get_Next_Row(); while Got_Next_Dept() loop v_total_sal := 0; while Got_Next_Row_In_Dept() loop v_total_sal := v_total_sal + g_in_row.sal; Get_Next_Row(); end loop; g_out_row.sal := v_total_sal; g_out_row.dept := g_current_dept; pipe row ( g_out_row ); end loop; close p_input_rows; return; end Aggregate_Xform;

A.4.3. THE LOOKUPS_FN AND MAPPINGS_FN EXAMPLE RE-WRITTEN TO RETURN SCHEMA-LEVEL TYPES Since the query syntax for an object table is rather verbose, we recap it here using a table. create insert insert insert


table t of lookup_row; into t values ( lookup_row ( into t values ( lookup_row ( into t values ( lookup_row (

1, 'one' ) ); 2, 'TWO' ) ); 3, 'three' ) );

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insert into insert into insert into insert into insert into insert into insert into commit;

t t t t t t t

values values values values values values values

( ( ( ( ( ( (

lookup_row lookup_row lookup_row lookup_row lookup_row lookup_row lookup_row

( 4, ( 5, ( 6, ( 7, ( 8, ( 9, ( 10,

'FOUR' 'five' 'SIX' 'seven' 'other' 'other' 'other'

) ) ) ) ) ) )

); ); ); ); ); ); );

/* this is how an object query should be written */ select VALUE(a) rec from t a; /* because it’s verbose, it’s convenient to define a view */ create or replace view v as select value(a) rec from t a; /* test the view */ select * from v;

Now the example proper... create type lookup_row as object ( idx number, text varchar2(20) ); create type lookups_tab as table of lookup_row; create or replace function Lookups_Fn return lookups_tab pipelined is v_row lookup_row; begin for j in 1..10 loop v_row := case j when 1 then lookup_row ( 1, 'one' ) when 2 then lookup_row ( 2, 'TWO' ) when 3 then lookup_row ( 3, 'three' ) when 4 then lookup_row ( 4, 'FOUR' ) when 5 then lookup_row ( 5, 'five' ) when 6 then lookup_row ( 6, 'SIX' ) when 7 then lookup_row ( 7, 'seven' ) else lookup_row ( j, 'other' ) end; pipe row ( v_row ); end loop; return; end Lookups_Fn;

Note the syntax of the query. Since the table function returns an object, it follows from the syntax against an object table above. Again, it’s convenient to encapsulate it in a view. select value(a) rec from table ( cast ( Lookups_Fn() as lookups_tab ) ) a; create or replace view lookups as


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select value(a) rec from table ( cast ( Lookups_Fn() as lookups_tab ) ) a; select * from lookups; create or replace function Mappings_Fn ( p_input_rows in sys_refcursor ) return lookups_tab pipelined is v_in_row lookup_row; /* always initialize an object type using a type constructor or user defined constructor */ v_out_row lookup_row := lookup_row( 1, 'x' ); begin loop fetch p_input_rows into v_in_row; exit when p_input_rows%notfound; case v_in_row.idx when 1 then v_out_row.idx := 1*2; v_out_row.text := 'was when 2 then v_out_row.idx := 2*3; v_out_row.text := 'was when 3 then v_out_row.idx := 3*4; v_out_row.text := 'was when 4 then v_out_row.idx := 4*5; v_out_row.text := 'was when 5 then v_out_row.idx := 5*6; v_out_row.text := 'was when 6 then v_out_row.idx := 6*7; v_out_row.text := 'was when 7 then v_out_row.idx := 7*8; v_out_row.text := 'was else v_out_row.idx := v_in_row.idx*10; v_out_row.text := 'was end case; pipe row ( v_out_row ); end loop; close p_input_rows; return; end Mappings_Fn;

one'; TWO'; three'; FOUR'; five'; SIX'; seven'; other';

Note the syntax of the query. It’s most compactly expressed using the views v or lookups defined above. select value(b) from table ( cast ( Mappings_Fn ( cursor ( select * from lookups ) ) as lookups_tab ) ) b;

For completeness, here’s how it looks without the view… select value(b) from table ( cast (


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) ) b;

Mappings_Fn ( cursor ( select value(a) from table ( cast ( Lookups_Fn() as lookups_tab ) ) a ) ) as lookups_tab

For convenience, we can now establish the whole thing as a view… create or replace view mapped_lookups as select value(b) rec from table ( cast ( Mappings_Fn ( cursor ( select value(a) from table ( cast ( Lookups_Fn() as lookups_tab ) ) a ) ) as lookups_tab ) ) b;

We can now access the from PL/SQL without restriction, for example… declare cursor table_fn_cur is select * from mapped_lookups; rec lookup_row; begin open table_fn_cur; loop fetch table_fn_cur into rec; exit when table_fn_cur%notfound; Print ( rec.idx, rec.text ); end loop; close table_fn_cur; end;

Note the syntax for the implicit cursor for loop… begin for j in ( select * from mapped_lookups ) loop Show ( j.rec.idx, j.rec.text ); end loop; end;


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A.5.1.DEFINE THE DATASTRUCTURES create type run_t as object ( distance number, pace number ); create type weeks_running_t is varray(20) of run_t not null; create type training_log_t is varray(255) of weeks_running_t not null; create or replace package My_Types is type reln_training_log_row_t is record ( first_name varchar2(20), week number, run number, distance number, pace number ); type cur_t is ref cursor /* strong cursor type for table function partitioning */ return reln_training_log_row_t; type reln_training_logs_tab_t is table of reln_training_log_row_t; type nested_training_log_row_t is record ( first_name varchar2(20), training_log training_log_t ); type nested_training_logs_tab_t is table of nested_training_log_row_t; end My_Types; create table nested_training_logs ( first_name varchar2(20) primary key, training_log training_log_t ); create table nested_training_logs_2 ( first_name varchar2(20) primary key, training_log training_log_t ); create table reln_training_logs ( first_name varchar2(20) not null, week number not null, run number not null, distance number not null, pace number not null ); alter table reln_training_logs add constraint reln_training_logs_pk primary key (first_name,week,run) using index; create table reln_training_logs_2 ( first_name varchar2(20) not null, week number not null, run number not null, distance number not null, pace number not null ); alter table reln_training_logs_2 add constraint reln_training_logs_2_pk primary key (first_name,week,run) using index;



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create or replace procedure Populate_Nested_Training_Logs is v_training_log training_log_t; begin v_training_log := training_log_t ( weeks_running_t ( run_t ( 0, 0 ) ) ); v_training_log(1) := weeks_running_t ( run_t ( 1, 6 ), run_t ( 7, 7 ), run_t ( 3, 6 ), run_t ( 9, 9 ), run_t ( 3, 6 ), run_t ( 18, 10 ) ); v_training_log.extend; v_training_log(2) := weeks_running_t ( run_t ( 5, 7 ), run_t ( 9, 8 ), run_t ( 3, 7 ), run_t ( 9, 9 ), run_t ( 3, 7 ) ); v_training_log.extend; v_training_log(3) := weeks_running_t ( run_t ( 5, 7 ), run_t ( 9, 8 ), run_t ( 3, 7 ), run_t ( 9, 9 ), run_t ( 3, 7 ) ) ; insert into nested_training_logs ( first_name, training_log ) values ( 'fred', v_training_log ); v_training_log := training_log_t ( weeks_running_t ( run_t ( 0, 0 ) ) ); v_training_log(1) := weeks_running_t ( run_t ( 2, 10 ), run_t ( 3, 11 ), run_t ( 3, 11 ), run_t ( 4, 12 ) ); v_training_log.extend; v_training_log(2) := weeks_running_t ( run_t ( 1, 10 ), run_t ( 2, 11 ), run_t ( 3, 12 ),


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run_t ( 2, 10 ), run_t ( 1, 9 ), run_t ( 4, 12 ) ); insert into nested_training_logs ( first_name, training_log ) values ( 'sid', v_training_log ); end Populate_Nested_Training_Logs;

A.5.3.REPORT ON THE CONTENTS OF THE NESTED TABLE begin for v_row in ( select first_name, training_log from nested_training_logs ) loop Dbms_Output.Put_Line ( v_row.first_name ); for week in v_row.training_log.first.. v_row.training_log.last loop Dbms_Output.Put_Line ( '. week #' || To_Char(week) ); for run in v_row.training_log(week).first.. v_row.training_log(week).last loop Dbms_Output.Put_Line ( '. run #' || To_Char(run) || ': ' || Lpad ( v_row.training_log(week)(run).distance, 3, ' ' ) || ' /' || Lpad ( v_row.training_log(week)(run).pace, 3, ' ' ) ); end loop; end loop; end loop; end;

A.5.4.TABLE FUNCTION TO “VIEW” THE CONTENTS OF THE NESTED TABLE AS A RELATIONAL TABLE create or replace function Reln_Training_Logs_Fn ( p_nested_training_logs in sys_refcursor ) return My_Types.reln_training_logs_tab_t /* The algorithm handles each row in isolation and thus is amenable to the simplest form of parallelism */ parallel_enable ( partition p_nested_training_logs by any ) is v_in_row My_Types.nested_training_log_row_t; v_out_row My_Types.reln_training_log_row_t; begin loop fetch p_nested_training_logs into v_in_row; exit when p_nested_training_logs%notfound;


for week in v_in_row.training_log.first.. v_in_row.training_log.last loop for run in v_in_row.training_log(week).first.. v_in_row.training_log(week).last


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loop v_out_row.first_name := v_out_row.week := := v_out_row.distance := v_out_row.pace := pipe row ( v_out_row ); end loop; end loop; end loop; close p_nested_training_logs; return; end Reln_Training_Logs_Fn;

v_in_row.first_name; week; run; v_in_row.training_log(week)(run).distance; v_in_row.training_log(week)(run).pace;

A.5.5.TABLE FUNCTION TO “VIEW” THE CONTENTS OF THE RELATIONAL TABLE AS A NESTED TABLE create or replace function Nested_Training_Logs_Fn ( p_reln_training_logs My_Types.cur_t ) return My_Types.nested_training_logs_tab_t /* The algorithm depends on assuming that it receives rows ordered by first_name, week, then run, and that all the rows for a particular runner go consecutively to the same slave. These declarations ensure this and remove the need for an ORDER BY clause in the SELECT that's used to invoke this fucntion. */ order p_reln_training_logs by ( first_name, week, run ) parallel_enable ( partition p_reln_training_logs by range ( first_name ) ) pipelined is g_in_row My_Types.reln_training_log_row_t; g_out_row My_Types.nested_training_log_row_t; g_weeks_running weeks_running_t; g_training_log training_log_t; g_first_time boolean := true; g_got_a_row boolean; g_new_week boolean; g_new_runner boolean; g_current_first_name reln_training_logs.first_name%type; g_prev_first_name reln_training_logs.first_name%type; g_current_week reln_training_logs.week%type; g_prev_week reln_training_logs.week%type; procedure Get_Next_Row is begin fetch p_reln_training_logs into g_in_row; g_got_a_row := not p_reln_training_logs%notfound; if g_got_a_row then case g_first_time when true then g_first_time := false; g_new_runner := false; g_new_week := false; else g_new_runner := g_prev_first_name g_in_row.first_name; g_new_week := case g_new_runner when true then true else g_prev_week g_in_row.week


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end; end case; g_prev_first_name := g_in_row.first_name; g_prev_week := g_in_row.week; end if; return; end Get_Next_Row; function Got_Next_Runner return boolean is begin g_current_first_name := g_in_row.first_name; g_new_runner := false; return g_got_a_row; end Got_Next_Runner; function Got_Next_Week return boolean is begin g_current_week := g_in_row.week; g_new_week := false; return ( not g_new_runner ) and g_got_a_row; end Got_Next_Week; function Got_Next_Run return boolean is begin return ( not g_new_week ) and g_got_a_row; end Got_Next_Run; procedure New_Training_Log is begin g_training_log := null; end New_Training_Log; procedure New_Weeks_Running is begin g_weeks_running := null; end New_Weeks_Running; procedure Store_This_Run is begin if g_weeks_running is null then g_weeks_running := weeks_running_t ( run_t ( 0, 0 ) ); else g_weeks_running.extend; end if; g_weeks_running ( ):= run_t ( g_in_row.distance, g_in_row.pace ); end Store_This_Run; procedure Store_This_Weeks_Running is begin if g_training_log is null then g_training_log := training_log_t ( weeks_running_t ( run_t ( 0, 0 ) ) ); else g_training_log.extend; end if; g_training_log ( g_current_week ):= g_weeks_running; end Store_This_Weeks_Running; procedure OutPut_This_Runner is begin g_out_row.first_name := g_current_first_name; g_out_row.training_log := g_training_log; end OutPut_This_Runner; begin Get_Next_Row();


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while Got_Next_Runner() loop New_Training_Log; while Got_Next_Week() loop New_Weeks_Running; while Got_Next_Run() loop Store_This_Run; Get_Next_Row(); end loop; Store_This_Weeks_Running; end loop; OutPut_This_Runner; pipe row ( g_out_row ); end loop; close p_reln_training_logs; return; end Nested_Training_Logs_Fn;

A.5.6. END-TO-END TEST truncate table nested_training_logs; execute Populate_Nested_Training_Logs truncate table reln_training_logs; insert into reln_training_logs ( select * from table ( Reln_Training_Logs_Fn ( cursor ( select first_name, training_log from nested_training_logs ) ) ) ); truncate table nested_training_logs_2; insert into nested_training_logs_2 ( select * from table ( Nested_Training_Logs_Fn ( cursor ( select * from reln_training_logs ) ) ) ); truncate table reln_training_logs_2; insert into reln_training_logs_2 ( select * from table (


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Reln_Training_Logs_Fn ( cursor ( select first_name, training_log from nested_training_logs_2 ) )

select * from reln_training_logs_2 minus select * from reln_training_logs; select * from reln_training_logs

minus select * from reln_training_logs_2;

A.6. USING UTL_HTTP The following block shows: how to send an HTTP request, setting the proxy information, setting the method to “GET”, providing username/password authentication information, and setting the request header; and how to get the response, retrieving the status code, the header information, and the response body. The “GET” method is suitable for non-parameterized URLs or for URLs with a manageable volume of parameter name-value pairs. The maximum length of the URL string is limited by the capacity of the PL/SQL VARCHAR2 variable used to pass it. The “POST” method is suitable for parameterizing the request with an arbitrarily large volume of data, especially for example as might be the case when the request is expressed as an XML document. declare req Utl_Http.Req; resp Utl_Http.Resp; name varchar2(255); value varchar2(1023); v_msg varchar2(80); v_url varchar2(32767) := ''; begin /* request that exceptions are raised for error Status Codes */ Utl_Http.Set_Response_Error_Check ( enable => true ); /* allow testing for exceptions like Utl_Http.Http_Server_Error */ Utl_Http.Set_Detailed_Excp_Support ( enable => true ); Utl_Http.Set_Proxy ( proxy => '', no_proxy_domains => '' ); req := Utl_Http.Begin_Request ( url => v_url, method => 'GET' ); /* Alternatively use method => 'POST' and Utl_Http.Write_Text to build an arbitrarily long message */ Utl_Http.Set_Authentication ( r => req, username => 'SomeUser', password => 'SomePassword', scheme => 'Basic', for_proxy => false /* this info is for the target web server */ ); Utl_Http.Set_Header ( r => req,


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name => 'User-Agent', value => 'Mozilla/4.0' ); resp := Utl_Http.Get_Response ( r => req ); Dbms_Output.Put_Line ( 'Status code: ' || resp.status_code ); Dbms_Output.Put_Line ( 'Reason phrase: ' || resp.reason_phrase ); for i in 1..Utl_Http.Get_Header_Count ( r => resp ) loop Utl_Http.Get_Header ( r => resp, n => i, name => name, value => value ); Dbms_Output.Put_Line ( name || ': ' || value); end loop; begin loop Utl_Http.Read_Text ( r => resp, data => v_msg ); Dbms_Output.Put_Line ( v_msg ); end loop; exception when Utl_Http.End_Of_Body then null; end; Utl_Http.End_Response ( r => resp ); exception /* The exception handling illustrates the use of "pragma-ed" exceptions like Utl_Http.Http_Client_Error. In a realistic example, the program would use these when it coded explicit recovery actions. Request_Failed is raised for all exceptions after calling Utl_Http.Set_Detailed_Excp_Support ( enable=>false ) And it is NEVER raised after calling with enable=>true */ when Utl_Http.Request_Failed then Dbms_Output.Put_Line ( 'Request_Failed: ' || Utl_Http.Get_Detailed_Sqlerrm ); /* raised by URL */ when Utl_Http.Http_Server_Error then Dbms_Output.Put_Line ( 'Http_Server_Error: ' || Utl_Http.Get_Detailed_Sqlerrm ); /* raised by URL */ when Utl_Http.Http_Client_Error then Dbms_Output.Put_Line ( 'Http_Client_Error: ' || Utl_Http.Get_Detailed_Sqlerrm ); /* code for all the other defined exceptions you can recover from */ when others then Dbms_Output.Put_Line (SQLERRM); end;


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