ndis.gov.au. 87-89 Market St, Wollongong, NSW, 2500. Saturday 23rd. September. Uniting - Wollongong Office. 87-89 Market
Delivering the NDIS in your community
Plan Implementation Workshop Plan Implementation Workshop This is a practical workshop to support participants, carers and their families to prepare for implementing their approved NDIS Plan. This is a practical workshop to support participants, carers and their families to prepare for implementing their approved NDIS Plan. The workshop will cover: Theworkshop will cover: An overview of what Plan Implementation means. Practical steps getPlan ready for Plan Implementation. An overview of to what Implementation means. supports. Understanding the flexibility in using your funded Practical steps to get ready for Plan Implementation. Understanding the flexibility options ofinmanaging your funding. supports. Understanding the using your funded Understanding your role in setting up a service agreement. Understanding the options of managing your funding. How to navigateyour the role myPlace Participant Portal. Understanding in setting up a service agreement. Thisworkshop be delivered by Uniting Local Area Coordinators. A Local Area How to will navigate the myPlace Participant Portal. Coordinator will be available to assist participants, parents, carers and family members This workshop will be delivered by Uniting Local Area Coordinators. A Local Area through the Implementation process and to set up and navigate the myPlace Participant Coordinator will be available to assist participants, parents, carers and family members Portal. through the Implementation process and to set up and navigate the myPlace Participant Portal. Get the most out of your NDIS Plan. Book now. Kathy on 02 4253 6580 OR now. Please theRSVP mostto out of your NDIS Plan. Book Get
[email protected] providing your NDIS Number. Please RSVP to Kathy on 02 4253 6580 OR
[email protected] providing your NDIS Number. Please see reverse for workshop schedule Please see reverse for workshop schedule
ndis.gov.au ndis.gov.au
Tuesday 26th
Uniting - Wollongong Office.
Tuesday 3rd October
Uniting - Wollongong Office. 87-89 Market St, Wollongong, NSW, 2500
Tuesday 10th Date October Tuesday 19th Tuesday 17th September October Saturday 23rd September Saturday 21st
Uniting - Wollongong Office. Location 87-89 Market St, Wollongong, NSW, 2500 Uniting - Wollongong Office. Uniting - Wollongong Office. NSW, 2500 87-89 Market St, Wollongong, 87-89 Market St, Wollongong, NSW, 2500 Uniting - Wollongong Office. 87-89 Market St, Wollongong, Uniting - Wollongong Office. NSW, 2500
6pm-8pm Time
Delivering the NDIS in your community September 87-89 Market St, Wollongong, NSW, 2500
October Tuesday 26th September Tuesday 24th
October Tuesday 3rd October Tuesday 31st
October th Tuesday 10 October 7th Tuesday
November Tuesday 17th October 11th Saturday November Saturday 21st October Tuesday 14th
November Tuesday 24th October Tuesday 21st
November st Tuesday 31 October 28th Tuesday
87-89 Market St, Wollongong, NSW, 2500 Uniting - Wollongong Office. 87-89 Market St, Wollongong, Uniting - Wollongong Office. NSW, 2500
87-89 Market St, Wollongong, NSW, 2500 Uniting - Wollongong Office. 87-89 Market St, Wollongong, Uniting - Wollongong Office. NSW, 2500 87-89 Market St, Wollongong, NSW, 2500 Uniting - Wollongong Office. 87-89 Market St, Wollongong, Uniting - Wollongong Office. NSW, 2500
87-89 Market St, Wollongong, NSW, 2500 Uniting - Wollongong Office. 87-89 Market St, Wollongong, Uniting - Wollongong Office. NSW, 2500 87-89 Market St, Wollongong, NSW, 2500 Uniting - Wollongong Office. 87-89 Market St, Wollongong, Uniting - Wollongong Office. NSW, 2500
87-89 Market St, Wollongong, NSW, 2500 Uniting - Wollongong Office. 87-89 Market St, Wollongong, Uniting - Wollongong Office. NSW, 2500 87-89 Market St, Wollongong, NSW, 2500 Uniting - Wollongong Office. 87-89 Market St, Wollongong, Uniting - Wollongong Office. NSW, 2500
6pm-8pm 10am-12pm 1pm-3pm 10am-12pm 10am-12pm 6pm-8pm 6pm-8pm 10am-12pm 10am-12pm 6pm-8pm 6pm-8pm 10am-12pm 1pm-3pm 10am-12pm 10am-12pm 6pm-8pm 6pm-8pm 10am-12pm
November Tuesday 7th November
87-89 Market St, Wollongong, NSW, 2500 Uniting - Wollongong Office. 87-89 Market St, Wollongong, NSW, 2500
Saturday 11th November
Uniting - Wollongong Office. 87-89 Market St, Wollongong, NSW, 2500
Tuesday 14th November
Uniting - Wollongong Office. 87-89 Market St, Wollongong, NSW, 2500
Tuesday 21st November
Uniting - Wollongong Office. 87-89 Market St, Wollongong, NSW, 2500
Tuesday 28th November
Uniting - Wollongong Office. 87-89 Market St, Wollongong, NSW, 2500
ndis.gov.au ndis.gov.au