Planning Law Update: Keeping Book your place now - Royal Town ...

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Planning Law Update. Monday 3 March 2014. Halliwell Jones Stadium. I / We would like to book for this event. Please indicate the number of places you require: ...
Planning Law Update: Keeping up and getting ahead Monday 3 March 2014 (9.30 am- 4.15 pm) Halliwell Jones Stadium, Warrington With the Government issuing legislative changes, policy announcements and consultation documents on a weekly basis, it is becoming harder and harder to keep up with planning. This event will bring you up to date on the legal issues and will provide you with a heads-up as to where planning is heading on key themes. The day will include  Ensuring a Town or Village Green Application does not prevent development  CIL Update  Human Rights and Planning  Planning Appeals in the Renewables Sector  NPPF – Case Law Update  The Expansion of the Development Consent Orders Regime – Issues and tips Chairman  Richard Lloyd, Eversheds

Book your place now Please return your completed booking form to [email protected] or Bev Watson, RTPI NW, 2nd Floor, Emerson House, Albert St, Eccles, Salford, M30 0TE

Registered Charity Number 262865, Scottish Registered Charity Number: SC037841 Registered Office Address: Royal Town Planning Institute, 41 Botolph Lane, London, EC3R 8DL

Programme 9.30 am 10.00 am 10.10 am

11.00 am 11.40 am 12.00 noon 12.45 pm 1.45 pm 2.30pm 3.15 pm

3.45 pm 4.15 pm

Registration & refreshments Welcome and Introduction by the Chair Richard Lloyd, Eversheds Ensuring a Town or Village Green Application does not prevent development Ruth Stockley, Kings Chambers CIL Update Stephanie Hall, Eversheds Coffee Break Human Rights and Planning Michael Rudd, Kings Chambers Lunch Planning Appeals in the Renewables Sector Samantha Grange, Eversheds NPPF – Case Law Update Jonathan Easton, Kings Chambers The Expansion of the Development Consent Orders Regime – Issues and tips Michelle Naylor, Eversheds Plenary Close

Booking your place Please fill in the form below, indicating payment method preferred.  RTPI members - £95 +VAT (£114.00)  Non-RTPI members - £100 +VAT (£120.00)  Retired RTPI members - £47.50 +VAT (£57.00)  Limited subsidised places are available for unwaged members and students on full time RTPI accredited courses - £30.00 +VAT (£36.00) Cancellations must be received at least 7 days before the event or may be subject to a £20 cancellation fee. No refund will be given for non-attendance but substitutions are acceptable at any time.  Ring Bev Watson on 0161 604 7799  Email [email protected] or post it to: Bev Watson, RTPI NW Regional Co-ordinator, 2nd Floor, Emerson House, Albert St, Eccles, Salford, M30 0TE Planning Law Update

Monday 3 March 2014

Halliwell Jones Stadium

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 Please invoice me  Cheque enclosed (payable to RTPI North West)