Tanaka, Kiyoshi. 601. Tanaka, Kunisuke. 1449 ..... Science Press, Inc., Tokyo. Black, K. T. and A. Kurosawa (1963) Translocation of photosynthetic products.
PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief Yukito OOTA National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki
Editors Takashi AKAZAWA Faculty of Agriculture, Nagoya University, Nagoya
Masaki FURUYA Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo
Hidemasa IMASEKI Faculty of Agriculture, Nagoya University, Nagoya
Shigetoh MIYACHI Institute of Applied Microbiology, University of Tokyo, Tokyo
Naohiko YANAGISHIMA Faculty of Science, Nagoya University, Nagoya
Members Tsuneyoshi KUROIWA
Hiroshi SUGE
Department of Botany University of Nottingham, Nottingham
National Institute for Basic Biology, Okazaki
Institute for Agricultural Research Tohoku University, Sendai
Faculty of Science Osaka University, Osaka
Department of Horticulture University of Wisconsin, Madison
William S. HILLMAN Department of Biology Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, New York
Kozo IWASA College of General Education Osaka University, Osaka
Seiichiro KAMISAKA Faculty of Science Osaka City University, Osaka
Tetzuya KATOH Faculty of Science Kyoto University, Kyoto
College of General Education University of Tokyo, Tokyo
National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Tokyo
Itaru TAKEBE Faculty of Science Nagoya University, Nagoya
Shigeyuki TANIFUJI Faculty of Science Hokkaido University, Sapporo
Masashi TAZAWA
Faculty of Science Kanazawa University, Kanazawa
Faculty of Science University of Tokyo, Tokyo
Mitsuhiro YAMADA
Department of Vegetable Crops Mann Laboratory University of California, Davis, California
College of General Education Osaka University, Osaka
Faculty of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo
Faculty of Science University of Tokyo, Tokyo
Eiichi TAKAHASHI Faculty of Agriculture Kyoto University, Kyoto
College of General Education University of Tokyo, Tokyo
Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu University, Fukuoka
Tateo YAMANAKA Faculty of Science Osaka University, Osaka
Faculty of Science Tohoku Univesity, Sendai
Volume 21 1 980 Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists Kyoto, Japan
The publication of this journal has been supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture for the publication of scientific research results.
No. 1, February, 1980 John, W. W. and R. W. Curtis: Stimulation and inhibition of respiration by malformin: Relationship to enhanced ethane production 1 Saito, K., A. Kawaguchi, S. Okuda, Y. Seyama, T. Yamakawa, Y. Nakamura and M. Yamada: Stereospecificity of hydrogen transfer by pyridine nucleotide-dependent enoyl reductases in fatty acid synthesis: Studies with enzymes obtained from developing castor bean seeds and Chlorella vulgaris 9 Kaihara, S. and A. Takimoto: Studies on the light controlling the time of flower-opening in Pharbitis nil 21 Malis-Arad, S., M. Friedlander, R. Ben-Arie and A. E. Richmond: Alkalinity-induced aggregation in Chlorella vulgaris I. Changes in cell volume and cell-wall structure 27 Mimuro, M. and Y. Fujita: Comparison of main emmissions at — 196°G from phycobilisomes of two blue-green algae Anabaena cylindrica and Anacystis nidulans 37 Nishida, K., F. Sato and Y. Yamada: Photosynthetic carbon metabolism in photoautotrophically and photomixotrophically cultured tobacco cells 47 Gepstein, S. and I. Ilan: Evidence for the involvement of cytokinins in the regulation of proteolytic activity in cotyledons of germinating beans 57 Kuroiwa, T. and K. Takahashi: Studies of mitochondrial migration in Physarum polycephalum I. Reversible induction of mitochondrial migration by cytochalasin B 65 Shinohara, K. and H. Sakurai: ^-Naphthyl oligophosphates: Inhibitors of photophosphorylation and H+-ATPase of spinach chloroplasts 75 Uemura, M. and A. Sakai: Survival of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) shoot apices frozen to the temperature of liquid nitrogen 85 Kondo, T. and T. Tsudzuki: Phase progress under low temperature treat95 ment of the potassium uptake rhythm in a duckweed, Lemnagibba G3 Goto, N. and M. Suzuki: Far red light control of elongation in light-grown bean hypocotyl: Effect on different age zones and interaction with indole3-acetic acid 105 Katayama, N. and H. Suzuki: Possible effect of gibberellin on phytate degradation in germinating barley seeds 115 Shimazaki, K. and K. Sugahara: Inhibition site of the electron transport system in lettuce chloroplasts by fumigation of leaves with SO2 125 Sato, T., M. Ishizuka, A. Watanabe and H. Imaseki: The synthesis and properties of polysomal RNA in potato tuber slices during the early stage of aging 137
Miura, Y., H. Yokoyama, K. Kanaoka, S. Saito, K. Iwasa, M. Okazaki and S. Komemushi: Hydrogen evolution by a thermophilic blue-green alga Adastigocladus laminosus 149 Ohmiya, M., I. Hara and H. Matsubara: Pumpkin {Cucurbita sp.) seed globulin IV. Terminal sequences of the acidic and basic peptide chains 157 and identification of a pyroglutamyl peptide chain Nishitani, K. and Y. Masuda: Modifications of cell wall polysaccharides during auxin-induced growth in azuki bean epicotyl segments 169 Matsumoto, H., K. Teraoka and T. Kawasaki: Repression of nitrate reductase in cucumber leaves caused by calcium deficiency 183 Short communications
Goldschmidt, E. E.: Abscisic acid in citrusflowerorgans as related to floral development and function 193 Mukherjee, I.: Genotypic differences in potassium response and proline accumulation in maize during wilting 197 Okamoto, K., H. Kitano and T. Akazawa: Biosynthesis and excretion of hydrolases in germinating cereal seeds 201 Sawada, E. and T. Satoh: Periplasmic location of dissimilatory nitrate and nitrite reductases in a denitrifying phototrophic bacterium, Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides forma sp. denitrificans Usuda, H.: Diurnal changes in malate-decarboxylation activity in the leaves of a CAM plant, Bryophyllum daigremontiana
205 211
No. 2, April, 1980 Hara, I. and H. Matsubara: Pumpkin {Cucurbita sp.) seed globulin V. Proteolytic activities involved in globulin degradation in ungerminated seeds Hara, I. and H. Matsubara: Pumpkin {Cucurbita sp.) seed globulin VI. Proteolytic activities appearing in germinating cotyledons Hara, I. and H. Matsubara: Pumpkin {Cucurbita sp.) seed globulin VII. Immunofluorescent study on protein bodies in ungerminated and germinating cotyledon cells Konishi, S. and H. Yokota: Promotion of tea pollen tube growth by incubated solution of rapeseed cakes Sasaki, K., M. Maeda and K. Ohira: Comparative studies of the neutral sugar composition of cell wall polysaccharides between cultured cells and mother plant tissues of soybean and carrot Yoshii, H., A. Watanabe and H. Imaseki: Biosynthesis of auxin-induced ethylene in mung bean hypocotyls Hori, H. and T. Fujii: Purification and some properties of the membranebound hydroxyproline-containing glycoprotein from tobacco cells cultured in suspension Takahashi, H. and H. Suge: Sex expression in cucumber plants as affected by mechanical stress
219 233 247 255 265 2 79 293 303
Shibata, H. and H. Ochiai: Chloroplast development in 4-thiouridinecultured radish seedlings III. Photochemical activities in isolated plastids Shibata, H., H. Ochiai and A. Shimizu: Chloroplast development in 4-thiouridine-cultured radish seedlings IV. Properties of cellular organelles Ozawa, T. and M. Yamaguchi: Increase in cellulase activity in cultured soybean cells caused by Rhizobiumjaponicum Kao, C. H.: Retardation of senescence by low temperature and benzyladenine in intact primary leaves of soybean Sharma, R., S. K. Sopory and S. Guha-Mukherjee: Phytochrome regulation of peroxidase activity in maize V. Role of RNA and protein synthesis
311 321 331 339 345
Short communications
Igaue, I., M. Shimizu and S. Miyauchi: Formation of a series of myo-inositol phosphates during growth of rice plant cells in suspension culture Malek, L. and Y. Oda: Germination oiSpirodelapolyrhiza turions: the role of culture conditions during turion development Hasegawa, K. and K. Miyamoto: Raphanusol A: a new growth inhibitor of light-grown radish seedlings Ames, I. H., R. A. Richman and J. P. Weiss: Is cyclic GMP involved in the regulation of tumorigenesis in the Nicotiana genetic tumor system?
351 357 363 367
No. 3, May, 1980 Yamamoto, R., N. Sakurai, K. Shibata and Y. Masuda: Effects of auxin on 373 the structure of hemicelluloses of Avena coleoptiles Nishinari, N. and K. Syono: Identification of cytokinins associated with mitosis in synchronously cultured tobacco cells 383 Mizuno, A., K. Katou and H. Okamoto: Structure and function of the elongation sink in the stems of higher plants I. Effects of anoxia and IAA on the growth rate and the spatially separate electrogenic ion pumps 395 Takamiya, K., K. Kimura, M. Doi and M. Nishimura: NADH2- and succinate-dependent O2 uptake in chromatophores from Ckromatium vinosum ... 405 Simpson, R. S., A. K. Chakravorty and K. J. Scott: Messenger and ribosomal RNA hydrolysis by rinonucleases I. The action of two barley leaf ribonucleases on the messenger and ribosomal RNA of isolated polysomes 413 Chakravorty, A. K., R. S. Simpson and K. J. Scott: Messenger and ribosomal RNA hydrolysis by ribonucleases II. Changes in ribonuclease activities and ribosomes of barley leaves during the early stages of powdery mildew infection 425 Kondo, T. and T. Tsudzuki: Energy supply for potassium uptake rhythm in 433 a duckweed, Lemna gibba G3 Samuelsson, G. and G. Oquist: Effects of copper chloride on photosynthetic electron transport and chlorophyll-protein complexes ofSpinacia oleracea 445 Curtis, R. W. and E. Schafer: Effect of malformin on phytochrome reactions in Vigna and Avena
Samejima, M. and T. Sibaoka: Changes in the extracellular ion concentration in the main pulvinus of Mimosa pudica during rapid movement and recovery 467 Short communications
Matsuura, K. and M. Nishimura: Ionophore-sensitive spectral shift of carotenoid induced by ferricyanide in chromatophores from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides 481 Ohyama, K. and S. Oka: Bud and root formation in hypocotyl segments of Broussonetia kazinoki Sieb. in vitro 487 Nishizawa, N. and S. Mori: Electronmicroscope-autoradiographical evidence for the incorporation of exogenous protein into rice root cells 493 No. 4, June, 1980 Yoshida, K. and I. K. Takeuchi: Cytological studies on mitochondriainduced cytoplasmic transformation in yeasts 497 Hoson, T. and S. Wada: Role of hydroxyproline-rich cell wall protein in growth regulation of rice coleoptiles grown on or under water 511 Takahashi, H., H. Suge and T. Saito: Sex expression as affected by N6525 benzylaminopurine in staminate inflorescence ofLuffa cylindrica Abe, S., J. Takeda and M. Senda: Resting membrane potential and action 537 potential of Nitella expansa protoplasts Kawamura, G. and M. Tazawa: Rapid light-induced potential change in Chora cells stained with neutral red in the absence of internal Mg-ATP 547 Kojima, H. and Y. Oota: Promotion by gibberellin of lettuce seed germination as a function of presoaking period 561 Fuhr, G., W. Bleiss and H. Goring: Phytochrome-regulated growth of excised coleoptile tips of Triticum aestivum induced by blue, red and far-red light 571 Kishinami, I. and K. Ojima: Accumulation of y-aminobutyric acid due to adding ammonium or glutamine to cultured rice cells 581 Yamaki, S.: A sorbitol oxidase that converts sorbitol to glucose in apple leaf 591 Tanaka, K. and K. Sugahara: Role of superoxide dismutase in defense against SO2 toxicity and an increase in superoxide dismutase activity with SO2 fumigation 601 Calleja, G. B., B. F. Johnson and B. Y. Yoo: Macromolecular changes and commitment to sporulation in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe 613 Kondo, T. and T. Tsudzuki: Participation of a membrane system in the 627 potassium uptake rhythm in a duckweed, Lemnagibba G3 Tateyama, M., A. Wakizaka and E. Okuhara: Purification and some properties of Moniliniafructicola DNase 637 Sopory, S. K., M. Puri-Avinashi, N. Deka and A. Datta: Early protein synthesis during germination of barley embryos and its relationship to RNAsynthesis 649
Jacobsen, H.-J.: Analysis of RNase isozymes in germinating pea cotyledons by polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis Tanaka, I., T. Taguchi and M. Ito: Studies on microspore development in liliaceous plants II. The behavior of explanted microspores of the lily, Lilium longiflorum Tsuzuki, M., Y. Shiraiwa and S. Miyachi: Role of carbonic anhydrase in photosynthesis in Chlorella derived from kinetic analysis 14CC>2 fixation Tomomatsu, A. and T. Asahi: An enzyme in mung bean leaves that damages cell organelles which leads to loss of their matrix enzymes Ogawa, M.: Changes in cell wall composition of rice mesocotyls in relation to growth and treatment with 4-ethoxy-l-(/»-tolyl)-^-triazine-2,6(lH, 3H)-dione Priestley, D. A. and H. W. Woolhouse: The chloroplast envelope of Phaseolus vulgaris L.: Enzymic characteristics Cossins, E. A., S. H. Y. Pang and P.-Y. Chan: Glycine synthesis in a Neurospora mutant deficient in serine hydroxymethyltransferase Heenan, D. P. and L. C. Campbell: Soybean nitrate reductase activity influenced by manganese nutrition
667 677 689
699 709 719 731
No. 5, August, 1980 Hoist, R. W., W. E. Schmid and J. H. Yopp: Beryllium uptake by excised barley roots Kawamura, M., S. Yoshida, N. Takahashi and Y. Fujita: Pyrone derivatives: effective inhibitors of photosynthetic electron flow system Kim, C. K. and D. J. Weber: Isolation and characterization of adenosine triphosphatase from Salicorniapacifica var. utahensis Nakamura, Y. and S. Miyachi: Effects of temperature and CO2 concentration on photosynthetic CO2 fixation by Chlorella Naiki, N.: Role of superoxide dismutase in a copper-resistant strain of yeast Boudet, A. M.: Studies on quinic acid biosynthesis in Quercus pedunculate Ehrh. seedlings Graziana, A. and A. M. Boudet: 3-Deoxy-D-arabino heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase from Zea mays: General properties and regulation by tryptophan Tsurumi, S. and S. Wada: Transport of shoot- and cotyledon-applied indole-3-acetic acid to Viciafaba root Kondo, N., I. Maruta and K. Sugahara: Effects of sulfite and pH on abscisic acid-dependent transpiration and on stomatal opening Rikin, A., D. Atsmon and C. Gitler: Chilling injury in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.): Effects of antimicrotubular drugs Suzuki, T., H. Fujiwake and K. Iwai: Intracellular localization of capsaicin and its analogues, capsaicinoid, in Capsicum fruit 1. Microscopic investigation of the structure of the placenta of Capsicum annuum var. annuum cv. Karayatsubusa
737 745 755 765 775 785
793 803 817 829
Shimazaki, Y. and M. Furuya: Effects of divalent cations and EDTA on spectral properties of phytochrome in particulate fractions from etiolated pea epicotyls Koshiba, T. and T. Minamikawa: Effect of growth temperature on reserve mobilization and hydrolytic enzyme activities in Vigna mungo cotyledons Itoh, S.: Correlation between the time course of millisecond delayed fluorescence and that of promptfluorescenceat low temperature in uncoupled spinach chloroplasts Itoh, S.: Electron donor pool of photosystem II in Tris-washed chloroplasts in a study of low temperature delayed fluorescence Foster, J. G. and G. E. Edwards: Localization of superoxide dismutase in leaves of C3 and C4 plants Satoh, K. and S. Katoh: Light-induced changes in chlorophyll a fluorescence and cytochrome/in intact spinach chloroplasts: The site of light dependent regulation of electron transport
855 ... 865 873 885 895 907
Short communications
Takeuchi, A., K. J. Scott, K. Oba and I. Uritani: Possible role of the cytosol pathway of acetyl-CoA supply in terpene biosynthesis in sweet potato infected with CeratocystisJimbriata Khurana, J. P. and S. C. Maheshwari: Some effects of salicylic acid on growth andfloweringin Spirodelapolyrrhiza SP20 Yasuda, T., T. Hashimoto, F. Sato and Y. Yamada: An efficient method of selecting photoautotrophic cells from cultured heterogeneous cells
917 923 929
No. 6, September, 1980 Katsumi, M., H. Kazama and N. Kawamura: Osmotic potential of the epidermal cells of cucumber hypocotyls as affected by gibberellin and cotyledons Satoh, S. and Y. Esashi: a-Aminoisobutyric acid: A probable competitive inhibitor of conversion of 1-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylic acid to ethylene Matsumoto, H. and S. Morimura: Repressed template activity of chromatin of pea roots treated by aluminium Hirota, H.: Endogenous factors affecting the curved growth of seminal roots of Zeamays L. seedlings grown in liquid culture Tezuka, T., H. Sekiya and H. Ohno: Physiological studies on the action of CCC in Kyoho grapes Takamiya, K. and H. Hanada: Cytochrome 6560 in chromatophores from Chromatium vinosum Saijo, R.: Effect of shade treatment on biosynthesis of catechins in tea plants ... Hayashi, R., H. Morikawa, N. Nakajima, Y. Ichikawa and M. Senda: Oriented structure of pectic polysaccharides in pea epidermal cell walls Shimmen, T. and M. Tazawa: Dependency of H+ efflux on ATP in cells of Chara australis
933 939 951 961 969 979 989 999 1007
Doi, M., K. Takamiya and M. Nishimura: Light- and thiosulfate-dependent reduction of nicotinamide adenine dinudeotides in whole cells otChromatium vinosum 1015 Fuji wake, H., T. Suzuki and K. Iwai: Intracellular localization of capsaicin and its analogues in Capsicum fruit II. The vacuole as the intracellular 1023 accumulation site of capsaicinoid in the protoplast of Capsicum fruit Atsumi, S.: Relation between auxin autotrophy and tryptophan content in sunflower crown gall cells in culture 1031 Atsumi, S.: Induction, selection and isolation of auxin-heterotrophic and auxin-resistant mutants from cultured crown gall cells irradiated with gamma rays 1041 Ito, N.: Effects of hydroxylamine and molybdate on the formation of nitrate reductase in the yeast Rhodotorula 1053 Takahashi, Y. and K. Furuhashi: Properties of glutamate dehydrogenase purified from green tobacco callus tissue 1067 Sado, M., S. Asami, M. Nishimura and T. Akazawa: Glycine-serine transformation in the photosynthetic bacterium Chromatium vinosum 1077 Suzuki, Y. and H. Yanagisawa: Purification and properties of maize polyamine oxidase: a flavoprotein 1085 Yoshida, F., S. Shimizu and H. Kohno: Mineral nutrition of cultured chlorophyllous cells of tobacco VII. Effects of the NH4/NO3 ratio and of Cl in the media on the growth and ionic balance of cells 1095 Ogawa, Y. and R. W. King: Flowering in seedlings of Pharbitis nil induced by benzyladenine applied under a non-inductive daylength 1109 Okabe, K. and G. A. Codd: Structural and regulatory studies on the ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase of Anabaena cylindrica 1117 Short communication
Sugiura, M. and Y. Hotta: Eco RI analysis of nuclear and plastid ribosomal DNAsinlily
No. 7, November, 1980 Nanda, B. K.: Histological responses of isolated leaves to hormones applied across a transverse gradient Nishinari, N. and K. Syono: Biosynthesis of cytokinins by tobacco cells Ojima, K. and K. Ohira: The exudation and characterization of ironsolubilizing compounds in a rice cell suspension culture Graziana, A., A. Boudet and A. M. Boudet: Association of the quinate : NAD+ oxidoreductase with one dehydroquinate hydro-lyase isoenzyme in corn seedlings Satoh, S. and Y. Esashi: Stimulation of ethylene production by hydroxamic acid, in particular, by benzohydroxamic acid Suge, H.: Inhibition offloweringand growth in Pharbitis nil by the growth retardant Ancymidol
1133 1143 1151 1163 1175 1187
Shimazaki, K., T. Sakaki, N. Kondo and K. Sugahara: Active oxygen participation in chorophyll destruction and lipid peroxidation in SC>2-fumigated leaves of spinach 1193 Kaku, S., M. Iwaya and M. Kunishige: Supercooling ability of Rhododendron flower buds in relation to cooling rate and cold hardiness 1205 Yamada, T., S. Aibara and Y. Morita: Accumulation pattern of arachin 1217 and its subunits in the maturation of groundnut seeds Atsumi, S.: Studies on the production of indole-3-acetic acid with auxinheterotrophic mutants derived from cultured crown gall cells 122 7 Das, B. K. and S. P. Sen: Relationship between a mineral deficiency and metabolic processes: The effects of N-, P- and K-deficiencies on RNA rice 1233 metabolism in TN-1 Das, B. K. and S. P. Sen: The nature of N,- P- and K-deficiency effects in rice 1243 Kao, C. H.: Senescence of rice leaves IV. Influence of benzyladenine on chlorophyll degradation 1255 Oh-hama, T. and E. Hase: Formation of protochlorophyll(ide) in wild type 1263 and mutant C-2A' cells of Scenedesmus obliquus Fleischmacher, O. L., F. E. Prado and A. R. Sampietro: Cell wall invertases from apex and callus tissues of sugar cane 1273 Harashima, K., J. Hayasaki, T. Ikari and T. Shiba: (^-Stimulated synthesis of bacteriochlorophyll and carotenoids in marine bacteria 1283 Nakano, Y. and K. Asada: Spinach chloroplasts scavenge hydrogen peroxide on illumination 1295 Suzuki, T., Y. Shimazaki, T. Fujii and M. Furuya: Photoreversible and photoirreversible absorbance changes in the red and far-red spectral 1309 regions in Zea primary roots Short communications
Kawabe, S., T. Fukumorita and M. Chino: Collection of rice phloem sap from stylets of homopterous insects severed by YAG laser 1319 Ohsugi, R. and T. Murata: Leaf anatomy, post-illumination CO2 burst and NAD-malic enzyme activity ofPanicum dickotomiflorum 1329 Ohtani, T. and T. Kumagai: Spectral sensitivity of the flowering response in green and etiolated Lemnapaucicostata T-101 1335 Matsuda, Y.: Occurrence of wall-less cells during synchronous gametogenesis 1339 in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Abdullah, Z. and R. Ahmad: Effect of ABA and GA3 on tuberization and some chemical constituents of potato 1343 No. 8, December, 1980 Hasegawa, P. M., R. A. Bressan and A. K. Handa: Growth characteristics of NaCl-selected and nonselected cells of Nicotiana tabacum L Gowda, S. and D. T. N. Pillay: Phosphorylation of ribosomal proteins by cyclic AMP independent protein kinase (ribosomal casein kinase) from soybean cotyledons (Glycine max'L.)
1347 1357
Yoneyama, T., K. Arai and T. Totsuka: Transfer of nitrogen and carbon 1367 from a mature sunflower leaf— 15NC>2 and 13CO2 feeding studies Nakamura, N., K. Yoshida and H. Suzuki: Hemicellulose of the pollen tube wall of Camellia japonica 1383 Hagimori, M., T. Matsumoto and T. Kisaki: Studies on the production of Digitalis cardenolides by plant tissue culture I. Determination of digitoxin and digoxin contents in first and second passage calli and organ redifferentiating calh' of several Digitalis species by radio-immunoassay 1391 Hayashi, T., Y. Kato and K. Matsuda: Xyloglucan from suspensioncultured soybean cells 1405 Naito, K., K. Ikeda, T. Saito, H. Suzuki, M. Yamada and S. Kuraishi: Importance of RNA synthesis within the lag phase preceding benzyladenine-induced growth of cucumber cotyledons in the dark 1419 Takahashi, M., Y. Kono and K. Asada: Reduction of plastocyanin with O%~ and superoxide dismutase-dependent oxidation of plastocyanin by H2O2 1431 Katsumi, M. and N. Kawamura: Physiological effects of cotyledons on gibberellin-induced cucumber hypocotyl elongation 1439 Yamagata, H., K. Tanaka and Z. Kasai: Purification and characterization of acid phosphatase in aleurone particles of rice grains 1449 Matoh, T., S. Ida and E. Takahashi: Isolation and characterization of 1461 NADH-glutamate synthase from pea (Pisum sativum L.) Hara, A., K. Kawamoto and T. Funaguma: Inorganic pyrophosphatase from pollen of Typha latifolia 1475 Kohli, R. K., N. Sawhney and S. Sawhney: Photo-induced changes in pro1483 teins associated withfloralinduction in Amaranthus Sugimura, Y., K. Wada and H. Matsubara: Studies on algal cytochromes II. Some physical and chemical properties of further purified Petalonia cytochrome c-553 1491 Matsumoto, H. and K. Teraoka: Accumulation of sugars in cucumber leaves during calcium starvation 1505 Tsurumi, S. and S. Wada: Metabolism of indole-3-acetic acid and natural 1515 occurrence of dioxindole-3-acetic acid derivatives in Vicia roots Tazawa, M. and T. Shimmen: Direct demonstration of the involvement of chloroplasts in the rapid light-induced potential change in tonoplast-free cells of Chara australis. Replacement of Chara chloroplasts with spinach chloroplasts 1527 Tazawa, M. and T. Shimmen: Demonstration of the K+ channel in the 1535 plasmalemma of tonoplast-free cells of Chara australis Nakamura, Y. and S. Miyachi: Effects of temperature on glycolate metabolism in Chlorella 1541 Takamiya, K.: Interaction between antimycin and cytochrome iseo in Chromatium chromatophores — The red shift of the absorption spectrum and photoreduction of cytochrome 6560 in the presence of antimycin 1551 Hashimoto, T. and M. Tajima: Effects of ultraviolet irradiation on growth and pigmentation in seedlings 1559
Iwasaki, H., T. Saigo and T. Matsubara: Copper as a controlling factor of anaerobic growth under N2O and biosynthesis of N2O reductase in denitrifying bacteria Tanaka, M. and H. Sakurai: Ultraviolet absorption spectrum change induced by the interaction between chloroplast coupling factor 1 and ADP or ATP Ohnishi, J. and M. Yamada: Glycerolipid synthesis in Avena leaves during greening of etiolated seedlings I. Lipid changes in leaves Ohnishi, J. and M. Yamada: Glycerolipid synthesis in Avena leaves during greening of etiolated seedlings II. a-Linolenic acid synthesis Shimazaki, Y., Y. Inoue, K. T. Yamamoto and M. Furuya: Phototransformation of the red-light-absorbing form of undegraded pea phytochrome by laser flash excitation Takeba, G.: Changes revealed by a tracer technique in the amino acid metabolism of thermodormant and non-dormant New York lettuce seeds Takeba, G.: Accumulation of free amino acids in the tips of non-thermodormant embryonic axes accounts for the increase in the growth potential of New York lettuce seeds Takeba, G.: Effect of temperature, red light and hormones on the accumulation of free amino acids in osmotically growth-inhibited embryonic axes of New York lettuce seeds Takeba, G.: Phytochrome-mediated accumulation of free amino acids in embryonic axes of New York lettuce seeds
1573 1585 1595 1607 1619 162 7 1639 1645 1651
Short communications
Mukherjee, I.: The effect of acetylcholine on hypocotyl elongation in soybean 1657 Terao, H. and J. Inouye: Effect of low water potential of the culture medium on mesocotyl elongation of rice seedlings 1661 Takahama, U.: Stimulation of light-induced lipid peroxidation by salts in isolated chloroplasts in the presence of carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone 1667 Gupta, R. and S. C. Maheshwari: Preliminary characterization of a cholin1675 esterase from roots of Bengal gram — Cicer aristinum L Shin, M., Z. Yokoyama, R. Oshino, M. Sukenobu and Y. Kitazume: Further characterization of Nostoc verrucosum ferredoxins 1681
AUTHOR INDEX Abdullah, Z Abe, S Ahmad, R Aibara, S Akazawa, T Ames, I . H Arai, K Asada, K Asahi, T Asami, S Atsmon, D Atsumi, S Ben-Arie, R Bleiss, W Boudet, A Boudet, A. M Bressan, R. A Calleja, G. B Campbell, L. C Chakravorty, A. K Chan, P.-Y Chino, M Codd, G. A Cossins, E. A Curtis, R. W Das, B. K Datta, A Deka, N Doi, M Edwards, G. E Esashi, Y Fleischmacher, O. L Foster, J. G Friedlander, M Fuhr, G Fujii, T Fujita, Y Fujiwake, H Fukumorita, T Funaguma, T Furuhashi, K Furuya, M Gepstein, S Gitler, C Goldschmidt, E. E Goring, H Goto, N Gowda, S Graziana, A Guha-Mukherjee, S Gupta, R Hagimori, M Hanada, H Handa, A. K
1343 537 1343 1217 201, 1077 367 1367 1295, 1431 689 1077 829 1031, 1041, 1227 27 571 1163 785, 793, 1163 1347 613 731 413, 425 719 1319 1117 719 1, 455 1233, 1243 649 649 405, 1015 895 939, 1175 1273 895 27 571 293, 1309 37, 745 839, 1023 1319 1475 1067 855, 1309, 1619 57 829 193 571 105 1357 793, 1163 345 1675 1391 979 1347
Hara, A Hara, 1 Harashima, K Hase, E Hasegawa, K Hasegawa, P. M Hashimoto, Takashi Hashimoto, Tohru Hayasaki.J Hayashi, R Hayashi, T Heenan, D. P Hirota, H Hoist, R. W Hori, H Hoson, T Hotta, Y Ichikawa, Y Ida, S Igaue, 1 Ikari, T Ikeda, K Ilan, 1 Imaseki, H Inoue, Y Inouye, J Ishizuka, M Ito, M Ito, N Itoh, S Twai, K Twasa, K Iwasaki, H Iwaya, M Jacobsen, H.-J John, W. W Johnson, B. F Kaihara, S Kaku, S Kanaoka, K Kao, C. H Kasai, Z Katayama, N Kato, Y Katoh, S Katou, K Katsumi, M Kawabe, S Kawaguchi, A Kawamoto, K Kawamura, G Kawamura, M Kawamura, N Kawasaki, T
1475 157, 219, 233, 247 1283 1263 363 1347 929 1559 1283 999 1405 731 961 737 293 511 1129 999 1461 351 1283 1405 57 137, 279 1619 1661 137 667 1053 873, 885 839, 1023 149 1573 1205 659 1. 613 21 1205 149 339, 1255 1449 115 1405 907 395 933, 1439 1319 9 1475 547 745 933, 1439 183
Kazama, H 933 Khurana, J. P 923 Khurana, J. P 923 Kim, C. K 755 Kimura, K 405 King, R. W 1109 Kisaki, T 1391 Kishinami, 1 581 Kitano, H 201 Kitazume, Y 1681 Kohli, R. K 1483 Kohno, H 1095 Kojima, H 561 Komemushi, S 149 Kondo, N 817, 1193 Kondo, T 95, 433, 627 Konishi, S 255 Kono, Y 1431 Koshiba, T 865 Kiimagai, T 1335 Kunishige, M 1205 Kuraishi, S 1419 Kuroiwa, T 65 Maeda, M 265 Maheshwari, S. C 923, 1675 Malek, L 357 Malis-Arad, S 27 Maruta, 1 817 Masuda, Y 169, 373 Matoh, T 1461 Matsubara, H 157, 219, 233, 247, 1491 Matsubara, T 1573 Matsuda, K 1405 Matsuda, Y 1339 Matsumoto, H 183,951, 1505 Matsumoto, T 1391 Matsuura, K 481 37 Mimuro, M ; Minamikawa, T 865 Miura, Y 149 Miyachi, S 677, 765, 1541 Miyamoto, K 363 Miyauchi, S 351 Mizuno, A 395 Mori, S 493 Morikawa, H 999 Morimura.S 951 Morita, Y 1217 Mukherjee, 1 197, 1657 Murata, T 1329 Naiki, N 775 Naito, K 1419 Nakajima, N 999 Nakamura, N 1383 Nakamura, Y 9, 765, 1541 Nakano, Y 1295 Nanda, B. K 1133 Nishida, K 47 Nishimura, Mitsuo 405, 481, 1015
Nishimura, Mikio Nishinari, N Nishitani, K Nishizawa, N Oba, K Ochiai, H Oda, Y Ogawa, M Ogawa, Y Oh-hama, T Ohira, K Ohmiya, M Ohnishi.J Ohno, H Ohsugi, R Ohtani, T Ohyama, K Ojima, K Oka, S Okebe, K Okamoto, H Okamoto, K Okazaki, M Okuda, S Okuhara, E Oota, Y Oquist, G Oshino, R Ozawa, T Pang, S. H. Y Pillay.D.T. N Priestley, D. A Prado, F. E Puri-Avinashi, M Richman, R. A Richmond, A. E Rikin, A Sado, M Saigo, T Saijo, R Saito, K Saito, S Saito, Takamasa Saito, Takashi Sakai, A Sakaki, T Sakurai, H Sakurai, N Samejima, M Sampietro, A. R Samuelsson, G Sasaki, K Sato, F Sato, T Satoh, K Satoh, S Satoh, T Sawada, E Sawhney, N
1077 383, 1143 169 493 917 311, 321 357 699 1109 1263 265, 1151 157 1595, 1607 969 1329 1335 487 581, 1151 487 1117 395 201 149 9 637 561 445 1681 331 719 1357 709 1273 649 367 27 829 1077 1573 989 9 149 1419 525 85 1193 75, 1585 373 467 1273 445 265 47, 929 137 907 939, 1175 205 205 1483
Sawhney, S Schafer, E Schmid, W. E Scott, K. J Sekiya, H Sen, S. P Senda, M Seyama, Y Shanna, R Shiba, T Shibata, H Shibata, K Shimazaki, K Shimazaki, Y Shimizu, A Shimizu, M Shimizu, S Shimmen, T Shinohara, K Shin, M Shiraiwa, Y Sibaoka, T Simpson, R. S Sopory, S. K Sugahara, K Suge, H Sugimura, Y Sugiura, M Sukenobu, M Suzuki, H Suzuki, M Suzuki, T Suzuki, Y Syono, K Taguchi, T Tajima, M Takahama, U Takahashi, E Takahashi, H Takahashi, K Takahashi, M Takahashi, N Takahashi, Y Takamiya, K Takeba, G Takeda,J Takeuchi, A Takeuchi, I. K
1483 455 737 413, 425, 917 969 1233, 1243 537, 999 9 345 1283 311, 321 373 125, 1193 855, 1309, 1619 321 351 1095 1007, 1527, 1535 75 1681 677 467 413, 425 345, 649 125, 601, 817, 1193 303,525, 1187 1491 1129 1681 115, 1383, 1419 105 839, 1023, 1309 1085 383, 1143 667 1559 1667 1461 303, 525 65 1431 745 1067 405, 979, 1015, 1551 1627, 1639, 1645, 1651 537 917 497
Takimoto, A Tanaka, 1 Tanaka, Kiyoshi Tanaka, Kunisuke Tanaka, M Tateyama, M Tazawa, M Terao, H Teraoka, K Tezuka, T Tomomatsu, A Totsuka, T Tsudzuki, T Tsurumi, S Tsuzuki, M Uemura, M Uritani, 1 Usuda, H Wada, K Wada, S Wakizaka, A Watanabe, A Weber, D. J Weiss, J. P Woolhouse, H. W Yamada, M Yamada, T Yamada, Y Yamagata, H Yamaguchi, M Yamakawa, T Yamaki, S Yamamoto, K. T Yamamoto, R Yanagisawa, H Yasuda, T Yokota, H Yokoyama, H Yokoyama, Z Yoneyama, T Yoo, B. Y Yopp.J.H Yoshida, F Yoshida, Kazuo Yoshida, Koji Yoshida, S Yoshii, H
21 667 601 1449 1585 637 547, 1007, 1527, 1535 1661 183, 1505 969 689 1367 95, 433, 627 803, 1515 677 85 917 .• 211 1491 511,803, 1515 637 137, 279 755 367 709 9, 1419, 1595, 1607 1217 47, 929 1449 331 9 591 1619 373 1085 929 255 149 1681 1367 613 737 1095 497 1383 745 279
Index of Key Words
ATPase 755 Atropa belladonna 929
ABA (abscisic acid) 193, 817, 829, 1343 Accumulation 1505 Accumulation site 839 Acetyl-CoA supply 917 Acetylcholine 1657, 1675 Acid phosphatase 1449 Action potential 467, 537 Action spectrum 1335 Active oxygen 1295 5-Adenosylmethionine 279 Aerobic bacteria 1283 Age 105 Ageing 357 Alcaligenes faecalis IAM 1015 1573
Alcaligencs sp. NCIB 11015 1573 Aleurone layer 115,201 Aleuron particle 1449 Algal biomass 27 Alicyclic acid 785 Aluminium 951 Amaranthus 1483
Amino acids 1255 Amino acid composition 1681 a-Amino nitrogen 1255 y-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) 581 1-Aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylic acid 279, 939, 1175 a-Aminoisobutyric acid 939 5-Aminolevulinate 1236 Amino-terminal sequence 157 Ammonium 581, 1095 cAMP independent casein kinase 1357 Amylase 865 a-Amylase 201 Anabatna
Autospores 27 Auxin 279, 373, 961, 1031, 1041 Auxin heterotrophy 1041 Auxin resistant 1041 Avena 455 Avena coleoptile 373 Avena saliva 1595, 1607
Azuki bean epicotyl 169 B BA (benzyladenine, benzylaminopurine) 525, 1255 Bacterial photosynthesis 481 Bacteriochlorophyll aP 1283 Bacteriochlorophyll synthesis 1283 Barley 115,201,649,737 Bean hypocotyl 105, 395 Bean seedlings 57 Bengal gram 1675 Benzohydroxamic acid 1175 Af-a-Benzoyl D,L-arginine /j-nitroanilide hydrolytic enzyme 233 Benzylodenine 339 Beryllium uptake 737 Binding site 1551 Biophotolysis 149 Biosynthesis 785, 1143, 1227 Blue dextran 497 Blue light 571 Blue-green alga(e) 37, 149, 1117 Blue-Sepharose 1461 Bud formation 487 Bundle sheath strands 895
cylindrica 1 1 1 7
Anaerobic growth 511 Ancymidol 1187 Anoxia 395 An thesis 193 Anthocyanin 923, 1559 Antimicrotubular drugs 829 Antimycin 979, 1551 Aphid technique 1319 Apple 591 Apple leaf 591 Arachin subunits 1217 Arachis hypogaea L. 1217 Argyreia nervosa (A. speciosa) 1133
Artifact 659 Asparagine 1627 ATP synthesis 405
C1-C3 Carboxylation 47 Calcium deficiency 183, 1505 Calcium effect 537 Callose 1383 Callus 487 Callus tissue 1273 Calvin cycle 47 Camellia japonica 1383 Camellia sinensis 255, 989
Capsaicin and it's analogues 839, 1023 Carbon transfer 1367 Carbonic anhydrase 677 Cardenolides 1391 Carnation shoot apices 85 Carotenoid band shift 481 Carotenoids 1283
Carotenoid destruction 1193 Carrot 265 Castor been seeds 9 Catabolite repression 613 Catechin biosynthesis 989 CCC 969 Cell aggregation 27 Cell contact 331 Cell culture 1031, 1095, 1143, 1151, 1227 Cell differentiation markers 1273 Cell division 667 Cell extension 169 Cell growth 1405 Cell selection 1347 Cell wall(s) 27, 373, 699, 999, 1273 Cell wall polysaccharides 169, 265 Cell wall protein 511 Cellulase 331 CFi 1585 CFi(H+-ATPase) 75 Cereal seeds 201 K+-Channel 1535 Chara 547, 1007, 1527, 1535 Chilling injury 829
Copper 445, 775, 1573 Copper-resistant mechanism 775 Cotyledon(s) 57, 659, 933, 1439 Cotyledon growth 1419, 1559 Crassulacean acid metabolism plant 211 Crown gall 1031, 1227 Cryoprotectant 85 Crystalloid 247 Cucumber 183, 303, 993, 1419, 1439 Cucumber leaf 1505 Cultivar 197 Culture 667 Cultured cells 265, 351 Cultured rice cells 581 Curved growth 961 Cyanide-insensitive respiration 1175 Cyanobacterium 37, 149, 1117 Cycic guanosine 3':5'-monophosphate (cyclic GMP) 367 Cytochromo b5eo 979, 1551 Cytochrome e-553 1493 Cytochrome c reductase 1053 Cytochrome/ 907 Cytokinin(s) 57, 339, 1109, 1143
Chlamydomonas 1339 Chlorella 27, 677, 765, 1541 Chlorella vulgaris 9
Datura stramonium 929
Chloride 1095 Chlorophyll 969, 1255, 1559 Chlorophyll a 37 Chlorophyll content 923 Chlorophyll destruction 1193 Chlorophyll formation 321 Chlorophyll synthesis 1263 Chlorophyll-protein complexes 445 Chloroplast(s) 125, 689, 709, 873, 885, 895, 1527, 1667 Chloroplast and cytoplasmic ribosomal subunits 413 Chloroplast ATPase 1585 Chloroplast development 311, 321, 1595 Chloroplast polysomal mRNA 425 Cholinesterase 1675 Chromatin 951, 1243 Chromatium vinosum 405, 979, 1015, 1077, 1551 Chromatophores 405, 481, 979, 1551
Degradation enzyme 689 3-Dehydroquinate hydro-lyase 1163 Delayed fluorescence 873, 885 Denitrification 1573 Denitrifying phototrophic bacterium 205 3-Deoxy-D-araiino heptulosonic acid 7phosphate synthase 793 Diethyldithiocarbamate 601 Digitalis callus 1391 Digitoxin 1391 Digoxin 1391 Dioxindole-3-acetic acid 1515 Distribution and redistribution 1367 Diurnal change 211 Divalent cations 855 DNA and RNA syntheses 1419 DNase 637 Dormancy 1627, 1639, 1645, 1651 Duckweed 95, 357
Cicer arietinum \ 675
Orcadian rhythm 21, 95, 433, 627 Citrus 193 COz fixation 677, 765, 1541 " C O 2 fixation 47 Colchicine 829 Cold hardiness 1205 Coleoptile(s) 511, 1661 Coleoptile tips 571 Competitive inhibition 939 Conditioned medium 1151 Conjugation 613 Cooling rate 85, 1205
EcoRI 1129 EDTA 855 Effect of SO2 125, 1193 Effect of temperature 865 Electrogenic electron flow 481 Electrogenic ion pumps 395 Electron transport 907 Electron transfer 125, 979 Electronmicroscope-autoradiography 493 Elongation 105 Endocytosis 497
Endonudease 637, 1243 Endoribonuclease 413 Envelope 709 Enzyme complex 1163 Enzyme localization 895 Enzyme regulation 1163 Enzyme repression 183 Epithelium 201 Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei 425
Ethane 1 4-Ethoxy-l-(/>-tolyl)-.r-triazine-2,6-(lH,3H)dione 699 Ethrel 1657 Ethylene 1, 939 Ethylene biosynthesis 279 Ethylene formation 1175 Etiolated pea shoot 1461 Excised roots 737 Excitation energy transfer 37 Exonuclease 1243 Extracellular Cl~ concentration 467 Exudation 1151
Glycine 1077 Glycine max 731, 1357
Glycine synthesis 719 Glycolate 765, 1541 Glycolate pathway 1077 Glycoprotein 293 Gossypium hirsutum 829
Grapes 969 Green tobacco callus 1067 Greening leaves 1595, 1607 Groundnut protein accumulation 1217 Growth 1187 Growth inhibitor 363 Growth rate 395 Growth regulation 511 Growth regulators 961 H H+-efflux 1007 3 H-labeled hemoglobin 493 H+-pump 1007 Halophytes 755 Heat stability 1681 Hemicellulose 373, 1383 Heterocyst 149 Heterophagy 493 High performance liquid chromatography 383 High temperature 627 Histological responses 1133
FAD 1085 Far red light 105, 571 Fatty acid composition 1595 Fatty acid desaturation 1607 Fatty acid synthetase 9 Feedback inhibition 793 Ferredoxin 1681 Ferredoxin-glutamate synthase 1461 Flocculation 613 Flower 193 Flower induction 1109 Flower opening 21 Flowering 923, 1187, 1335, 1483 Fluorescence 37, 873, 885, 907 Fluorescent antibody 247 Fluorescent DNA strain 497 Formate-requiring mutant 719 Fusion 497
Hypocotyl 487 Hypocotyl elongation 933, 1439, 1657
GABA (y-Aminobutyric acid) 581 Gamma rays 1041 Galactans 169 Galactolipids 709 Genotype 197 Germination 357, 865 Gibberellic acid 115, 561, 1133, 1343, 1657 Gibberellin 933, 1439 Gibbosity 923 Globulin degradation 219, 233 Glucan 373, 1383 Glucose-polymer 765, 1541 Glutamate dehydrogenase 1067 Glutamine 581, 1627, 1639
IAA (indole-3-acetic acid) 105, 169, 395, 1031, 1227 IAA metabolism 803, 1515 IAA transport 803 Identification of cytokinin 383 In vivo 1309 Indolebutyric acid 1133 Induction 907 Infrared analysis 999 Inhibitor of photophosphorylation and ATPase 65 Inhibitors of ATPase 755 Inhibitors of mRNA and rRNA syntheses 1419
Hordeum vulgare L. 413, 425
Hormonal regulation 57 Host-parasite interactions 425 Host specificity 331 Hot pepper(fruits) 839, 1023 Hydrogen evolution 149 Hydrogen peroxide 1295 Hydroxamic acids 1175 Hydroxylamine 293, 1053 Hydroxyproline 293, 511 Hyoscyamus niger 929
Inorganic pyrophosphatase 1475 myo-Inositol phosphates 351 myo-Inositol phosphorylating activity 351 Intact spinach chloroplasts 907 Intact chloroplasts 1295 Interaction with adenine nucleotide 1585 Intermediate 1619 Intracellular localization 839 Invertase 1273 Ion uptake 737 Iron-solubilizing compounds 1151 K Kinetic analysis 677 Lactuca saliva L. 561
Laser 1319 Laser flash photolysis 1619 Lateral gradient 1133 Lateral root initiation 803, 1515 Lateral shoot 969 Leaf anatomy 1329 Leaf senescence 339, 1255 Leafhopper 1319 Lemna 1335 Lerma gibba 433, 627
Less aerobic culture 65 Lettuce 1627, 1639, 1645, 1651 Light 961 Light effect 1077 Light-induced potential change 547, 1527 Light inhibition 363 Lily 667, 1129 Limit digestion 413 Limited proteolysis 219 a-Linolenic acid 1595 a-Linolenic acid synthesis 1607 Lipid changes 1595 Lipid peroxidation 1193, 1667 Liquid nitrogen 85 Long distance transport 1367 Low temperature 95, 873, 885 Luffa cylindrica 525 M Maize 345 Malate decarboxylation 211 Malformin 1, 455 Malic acid 1151 Manganese deficiency 731 Manganese toxicity 731 Mannitol 1661 Marine bacteria 1283 Mastigocladus laminosus 149
Mechanical stress 303 Membrane(s) 627, 709 Membrane-bound 293 Membrane ATPase 1007
Membrane potential(s) 395, 481, 537, 1535 Mesocotyl 1661 Mesocotyl elongation 699 Mesophyll protoplasts 895 Metabolic inhibitors 433 Methionine 279 Methylation analysis 373 Microspore 667 Microtubules 829 Migration 65 Mimosa pvdica 467
Mineral deficiency 1233, 1243 Mineral nutrition 1095 Mitochondoria 497, 689 Molecular properties 1491 Molecular weight 1405 Molybdate 1053 Moniliniafructicola 637
Monogalactosyldiglyceride 1607 Mother plant tissues 265 Mung bean 279, 689 Mutant isolation 1041 Mutation 1227 N NaCl 1347 NAD-malic enzyme 1329 NAD+ photoreduction 1015 NADH-glutamate synthase 1461 /S-Naphthyl oligophosphates 75 Near-isogenic lines 413 Neostigmine 1675 Neurospore 719
Neutral red 547 Neutral sugar composition 265 Nicotiana 367 Nicotiana tabacum 293, 1143, 1347 Nitella expansa 537
Nitrate 1095 Nitrate reductase 183, 205, 731, 1053 Nitrite reductase 205 Nitrogen transfer 1367 Nitrogenase 149 N2O reductase 1573 Nostoc verrvcosum 1681
Nucleic acids 345 02-stimulation of bacteriochlorophyll synthesis 1283 O2 uptake 405 Oligosaccharide units 1405 Organic fertilizr 255 Oriented structure 999 Oryzasativa 699, 1151, 1449 Osmotic potential 933 Osmotic substance 1639, 1645, 1651 Oxidation-reduction (redox) titration 979 Oxygen toxicity 601, 1193
Paniaan dichotomiflorwn 1329
Partial sequence 1491 Pea 659, 1619 Pea root 951 Pea steins 999 Peanut protein accumulation 1217 Pectic polysaccharides 999 Pelletable phytochrome 855 Periplasmic enzymes 205 Peroxidase 345, 1295 Peroxisomes 689 Pelalonia fascia 1491
pH 817 Pharbitis 21 Pharbitisnil 1109, 1187 Phaseolus vulgaris 1, 709
Phenylalanine ammonia lyase 989 Phloem sap 1319 Phosphatidylcholine 1607 Phosphon-D 1675 Phosphorylation of ribosomal proteins 1357 Photoautotrophic culture 929 Photoautotrophically cultured cells 47 Photochemical activity 311 Photoirreversible spectral change 1309 Photomixotrophically cultured cells 47 Photoperiod 1483 Photoreversible spectral change 1309 Photosynthesis 47, 125, 547, 677, 969 Photosynthesis inhibitor 745 Photosynthetic bacteria(rium) 405, 1015 Photosynthetic electron transport 445 Photosystem II 125, 873, 885 Phototransformation 1619 Phycobilisomes 37 Physarum mitochondria 65 Physostigmine 1675 Phytate degradation 115 Phytase 1449 Phytochrome 21, 105, 345, 455, 561, 571, 1309, 1335, 1651 Phytopathogene 637 Phytotoxicity 1559 Pisum 939, 1175 Pisum satiuum 855, 1461
Plant hormone 1645 Planthopper 1319 Plastocyanin reduction 1431 Plastoquinone 745 Podophyllotoxin 829 Pollen 667 Pollen enzyme 1475 Pollen tube 255 Pollen tube cell wall 1383 Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis 659 Polyadenylate-containing messenger RNA 649
Polyadenylated RNA 137 Polyamine oxidase 1085 Polyphenylalanine synthesis 413 Polyribosomes 345 Polysomal RNA 137 Poplar-SO2 resistance 601 Post-illumination CO2 burst 1329 Potassium uptake 95, 433, 627 Potato 1343 Presoaking of seed 561 Primary leaves 339 Proline 197 Promotive substance 255 Properties of DNase 637 Protease 57, 865 Protein body 247 Protein incorporation 493 Proteinase 201 Proteins 1483 Proteolytic enzymes 219, 233 Protochlorophyll 1263 Protoplasts 497, 537 Pulvinus 467 Pumpkin seed 157, 219, 233, 247 Purification of DNase 637 Pyridine nucleotide 9 Pyroglutamyl peptide chain 157 Pyrone derivative 745 Quercus 785 Quinate:NAD+oxidoreductase 1163 Quinic acid 785 Radioimmunoassay 1391 Radish 311,321 Rapeseed cake 255 Rapid movement 467 Raphanusol A 363 Raphanus sativus 363
Red light 571 Red shift of absorption spectrum 1551 Redifferentiated organ 1391 Regulation 907 Reserve protein 1217 Respiration 1 Respiratory deficient mutant 497 Respiratory inhibitors 405 Reversed electron flow 1015 Rewarming rate 85 Rhizobium japonicwn 331 Rhododendron flower buds 1205 Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides 481 Rhodotorula 1053
Rhythmic growth 785 Ribosomal casein kinase 1357 Ribosomal DNA 1129 Ribosomal proteins 1357
Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylaseoxygenase 1117 Rice 351,511, 1233, 1255, 1661 Rice blue protein 1431 Rice plant 1319 Rice root 493 RNA-ase 201 RNA metabolism 1233 RNase isozymes 659 RNA polymerase 649 RNA synthesis 137, 1243 Root 1309 Root growth 803, 961, 1515
Salicylic acid 923 Sakurajima radish 363
Sugar 1505 Sugar cane 1273 Sugar composition 999 Sugar metabolism 591 Sulifite 817 Sulfur dioxide 125, 817, 1193 Sunflower 1367 Supercooling ability 1205 Superoxide anion 1667 Superoxide dismutase 775, 895, 1431 Superoxide radical 1431 Surface charges 1667 Survival 85 Suspension culture 293 Sweet potato 917 Synchronous cell division 383 Synchronous gametogenesis 1339
Salicornia pacifica var. utahensis 755
Scavenger for hydrogen peroxide 1295 Scenedesmus 1263
Screening (photosynthetic pigments) 1335 Schizosaccharotnyces pombe 613
Seed germination 115, 219, 233, 247, 561, 649, 1627, 1639, 1645, 1651 Seed globulin 157, 219, 233, 247 Seed protein 1217 Seedlings 311,321 Selection method 929 Serine 1077 Serine hydroxymethyltransferase 719 Sex expression 303 Sex modification 525 Shade treatment 989 Shikimate pathway 785, 989, 1163 Shoot 969 Shoot elongation 1559 Silica sol density gradient centrifugation 1023 Solarium tuberosum 137
Sorbitol 591 Sorbitol dehydrogenase 591 Sorbitol oxidase 591 Soybean 265, 331, 339, 731, 1657 Soybean cotyledons 1357 Soybean suspension culture 1405 Spectral distortion 855 Spectral sensitivity 1335 Spermidine 1085 Spinach 873, 885 Spinach chloroplasts 75, 1585 Spinach-superoxide dismutase 601 Spinacia oleracea 445 Spirodela polyrrhiza 357, 923
Sporulation 613 Staminate inflorescence 525 Starch phosphorylase 865 Stereospecificity 9 Stomata opening 817 Style 193 Sucrose 357, 765, 1541
Tea plant 255, 989 Temperature 339, 765, 1541 Temperature interaction 731 Terpene biosynthesis 917 Tetraethylammonium 1535 Thiosulfate 1015 4-Thiouridine 311, 321 Three kinds of xyloglucan 1405 Time constants 571 Tissue culture 331 Tobacco 1095 Tobacco cultured cell 383 Tonoplast-free cell 1535 Total glycoalkaloids 1343 Toxicity 951 Transformation 497 Translation in vitro 137 Transmission electron microscopy 839, 1023 Transpiration 817 Triticum aeslivum 571
Tryptophan 793, 1031 Tryptophan transaminase 1031 Tuberization 1343 Tumorigenesis 367 Turion 357 Typha latifolia 1475 U Undegraded phytochrome 1619 Ultraviolet irradiation 1559 Ultraviolet microscopy 839 UV difference spectrum 1585
Vacuole 1023 Viciafaba 803 Vicia roots 1515 Vigna 455 Vigna mungo 865
W Wall-less cell 1339 Wall lytic enzyme 1339 Wall polysaccharides 699 Water stress 1661 Woody plant 487 Wound response 137 X Xanthium 939, 1175
Y Yeast(s) 497, 775, 1053 z
Zca mays 197, 793, 961, 1085, 1163, 1309 Zeatin 383
Instructions for Contributors to PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY (Revised October, 1980) 1. PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY is an international journal devoted to the publication of original papers pertaining to physiology, biochemistry and cell biology of plants and microorganisms. Manuscripts that contain new and significant findings are welcome with the understanding that the contents have not been published in any other journal. The category of Short Communication is provided for concise reports representing significant contributions to plant physiological knowledge. A Short Communication should not be considered to be a rapid publication. 2. Contributors to PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY must hold membership in the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists. Manuscripts should be written in clear, concise and grammatical English. The original manuscript and two sets of its copy should be sent to: Professor Masaki Furuya Editor-in-Chief, Plant and Cell Physiology c/o Biology Department, Faculty of Science The University of Tokyo, Hongo, Tokyo 113, Japan 3. The maximum length of a full paper is 12 printed pages and that of a short communication is 4 printed pages. If a paper exceeds these limits, the author will be charged at cost for the excess pages. Manuscripts should be typewritten on white bond paper in double space throughout, leaving liberal margins of at least 3 cm. Location of the figures and tables to be inserted should be indicated in the margin of the text. 4. Manuscripts should be arranged in the following order: (a) A cover page containing i) Running title, not exceeding 50 characters including letters and spaces, ii) The name and address for editorial correspondence, iii) The number of figures and tables. (b) Title of article. (c) Author's full name and institution with a proper address. (About 5 cm space should be left between the author's address and abstract if they are typed on the same page). (d) Abstract (100 to 200 words for a full paper, less than 50 words for a short communication). (e) Key words. (f) Text. (g) Acknowledgements, (h) References. (i) Tables, (j) Legends to figures, (k) Figures. Number all pages consecutively, including tables and legends, in the upper margin. 5. Author's address. Multiple authors with different addresses must write their respective addresses separately by using superscript numbers: Taro Tanaka1 and Jiro Yamamoto2 •Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Taiheiyo University, Shizuhama 432, Japan Environmental Engineering Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokuriku University, Kanayama 234, Japan 6. Texts. Full papers should be prepared with the headings of Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion. Short Communications should follow the style of full papers but the headings such as Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion should
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Abbreviations that can be used without definition in PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY Unit absorbance (absorbance at 260 nm) ampere Curie degree Celcius Kelvin
A (A2C0) Amp Ci C C K
gram(s) gravitational acceleration hour(s) joule liter(s)
meter(s) Michaelis constant minute(s) molar(s) (concentration) mole(s) (gram molecule) normal (concentration) second (s) Svedberg unit volt(s) watt(s)
5(5000X5) hr
J Spell out. When combined with prefixes of fractions, 1 is used, thus ml, fi\, nl, etc. m Km mm M
mol N
sec 5 V W
Following prefixes indicating fractions may be combined with the units: mega M' kilo k (108) deci d (10- 1 ) centi c (10~2) milli m (10"s) micro ft (10~6) nano ni pico Specific abscisic acid ABA 5'-monophosphate of adenosine, cytidine, AMP, CMP, guanosine and undine GMP and UMP adenosine 5'-diphosphate, etc. ADP, CDP, GDP, UDP adenosine 5'-triphosphate, etc. ATP, CTP, GTP, U T P N,N-bis (2-hydroxyethyl)glycine Bicine Coenzyme A and its acyl derivatives CoA, and acyl-CoA concentration (in table) cone counts per minute cpm Cyt cytochrome DNase deoxyribonuclease deoxyribonucleic acid DNA 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1 -dimethylurea DCMU diethylaminoethyl DEAE disintegrations per minute dpm dry wt dry weight (in table, and as a measure of material) EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid FAD flavine-adenine dinucleotide and its reduced form FADH 2 FMN flavine mononucleotide fr wt fresh weight (in tables and as a measure of material) gibberellin Spell out. For specific gibberellin, use GA n . glutathione and its oxidized form GSH and GSSG JV-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-.y'-2-ethanesulfonic acid HEPES
indole-3-acetic acid molecular weight 2-(iV-morpholino)-ethanesulfonic acid nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide and its reduced form nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate and its reduced form orthophosphate photosystem I or II phytochrome, far-red light absorbing form phytochrome, red light absorbing form precipitate (in table) pyrophosphate revolutions per minute ribonuclease ribonucleic acid messenger RNA ribosomal RNA transfer RNA sodium dodecylsulfate supernatant (in table) tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane JV-tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid Ar-tris(hydroxymethyl)methylglycine ultraviolet volume/volume weight/volume weight/weight For isotopes, use 1 4 C, 3 5 S, 3 H, etc. The metric system is adopted as standard, valents must be described in parentheses.
IAA mol wt
ppt PPi rpm RNase RNA mRNA rRNA tRNA SDS sup Tris TES Tricine UV v/v w/v w/w
If English measures are used for any reason, metric equi-