Plant Pathogenic Bacteria: An Overview

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biology, and physiology. In general, plant diseases are caused by living organisms (called .... Downloaded by [D Nivas] at 22:51 11 September 2015 ..... diseases. We hope that the discussions and reviews that comprise the rest of this book,.
1 An Overview

Plant Pathogenic Bacteria Velu Rajesh Kannan, Kubilay Kurtulus Bastas, and Robert Antony

CONTENTS 1.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................... 2 1.2 Pathogenesis of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria................................................................................ 2 1.3 Epidemiology and Forecasting Systems on Plant Pathogenic Bacteria..................................... 3 1.4 Controlling Strategies to Plant Pathogenic Bacteria.................................................................4 1.5 Agro-Traditional Practices of Plant Pathogen Control..............................................................4 1.6 Antimicrobial Peptides in Plant Pathogenic Bacteria Control.................................................. 4 1.7 Nutrient Supplements in Plant Pathogenic Bacterial Control....................................................5 1.8 Siderophores against Plant Pathogenic Bacteria........................................................................5 1.9 Plant Metabolic Substances in Plant Pathogenic Bacterial Control.......................................... 6 1.10 Host Resistance: SAR and ISR in Plant Pathogenic Bacterial Control.....................................6 1.11 Quorum Sensing in Plant Pathogenic Bacteria..........................................................................7 1.12 Cyanobacteria and Algae in Phytopathogenic Bacteria............................................................7 1.13 Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungi in Plant Pathogenic Bacterial Control...................................... 7 1.14 Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria in Plant Pathogenic Bacterial Control....................... 8 1.15 Bacteriophages in Plant Pathogenic Bacterial Control..............................................................8 1.16 Plant Defense Enzymes in Plant Pathogenic Bacterial Control................................................8 1.17 Plant Pathogenic Bacterial Control through Seed Application.................................................9 1.18 Plant Pathogenic Bacterial Control through Foliar Applications..............................................9 1.19 Modern Trends in Plant Pathogenic Bacterial Control............................................................ 10 1.20 Scientific and Economic Impact of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria............................................... 10 1.21 Conclusion and Future Perspectives........................................................................................ 11 Acknowledgment.............................................................................................................................. 11 References......................................................................................................................................... 11 ABSTRACT  Phytopathology is an interdisciplinary biological science that comprises botany, microbiology, crop science, soil science, ecology, genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, and physiology. In general, plant diseases are caused by living organisms (called pathogens) and by nonliving agents. Plant diseases and changes in existing pathogens remain a constant threat to our forests, food and fiber crops, and landscape plants. However, many economically important pathosystems are largely unexplored and biologically relevant life stages of even familiar systems remain poorly understood. Development of new and innovative ways to control plant diseases is a constant challenge for plant pathologists. The modern mindset in this context favors a broad perspective that considers multifaceted approaches to plant pathogenic bacterial control. This chapter, which discusses impact of plant pathogenic bacterial pathogenesis on scientific and economic levels, introduces the various mechanisms, measuring tools, and controlling strategies that will be elaborated in the following chapters. 1


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KEYWORDS:  plant pathogen, phytopathology, plant bacterial disease, pathosystem, disease-controlling strategy

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1.1 INTRODUCTION The immense diversity of plant pathogens, which include viruses, bacteria, fungi, nematodes, and insects, approximates 7100 species. Among these, roughly 150 are bacterial species that cause diseases to plants. The major ways that bacterial pathogens cause plant diseases are by obtaining nutrients one or more host plants for their own growth; using specific mechanisms to secrete proteins and other molecules to locations on, in, and near their hosts; and by exploiting these proteins and other molecules modulate or avoid plant defense circuitry to enable parasitic colonization (Chisholm et al., 2006; Davis et al., 2008). Bacterial plant diseases are most frequent and severe in tropical and subtropical places, where warm and humid conditions are ideal for bacterial growth. Indeed, consistent annual crop losses are recorded in all countries. The problem of plant diseases, particularly in developing countries, is aggravated by the paucity of resources devoted to pathological studies. This gap in the literature may be the result of an inability to quantify plant diseases, followed closely by an inability to relate information about plant diseases to the failure of crops to reach manageable yields. In general, plant pathogenic bacterial species belonging to Xanthomonadaceae, Pseudomonadaceae, and Enterobacteriaceae families target all types of plants that can supply them with appropriate food and shelter. The most devastating plant pathogens belong to genera such as Erwinia, Pectobacterium, Pantoea, Agrobacterium, Pseudomonas, Ralstonia, Burkholderia, Acidovorax, Xanthomonas, Clavibacter, Streptomyces, Xylella, Spiroplasma, and Phytoplasma.

1.2  PATHOGENESIS OF PLANT PATHOGENIC BACTERIA Plant bacterial diseases are generally characterized by plant morphological symptoms such as leaf and fruit spots, cankers, blights, vascular wilts, rots, and tumors. Phytopathogenic bacteria provoke diseases in plants by penetrating into host tissues (Buonaurio, 2008). Microbial pathogenicity has often been defined as the biochemical mechanisms whereby pathogenic microorganisms cause disease in a host organism (Fuchs, 1998). Microbial virulence is defined as the degree or measure of pathogenicity shown by one or more plants. Pathogenicity and/or virulence of Gram-negative plant pathogenic bacteria are strictly dependent on the presence of secretion apparatuses in host cells, through which they secrete proteins or nucleoproteins involved in their virulence within the apoplast or inject these substances into host cells (Buonaurio, 2008). Bacterial pathogens contain several classes of genes, called virulence genes, that are essential for causing disease or for increasing virulence in one or more hosts. Pathogenicity factors that are encoded by pathogenicity genes (pat) and disease-specific genes (dsp) are crucially involved in the establishment of diseases. Some of these genes are essential for the recognition of a host by a pathogen, attachment of a pathogen to a plant’s surface, formation of infection structures on or within the host, penetration of the host, and colonization of host tissue. The pathogenicity genes that are involved in the synthesis and modification of the lipopolysaccharide cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria may help condition the host range of a bacterium. Plant pathogenic bacterial virulence factors are associated with the bacterial surface or secreted into the surrounding environment. Proteins secreted by bacteria are transported via molecular systems out of bacterial cells; unrelated virulence factors often share the same secretion mechanism (Fuchs, 1998). Bacterial pathogenicity depends upon bacterial secretion systems (types i–iv), quorum sensing (QS), plant cell-wall-degrading enzymes, toxins, hormones, polysaccharides, proteinases, siderophores, and melanin. All of these systems and substances, which are essential for pathogenic infection and virulence, are produced by pathogens during bacterial pathogen–plant interactions (Agrios, 2005). They are all regulated by proteins through signal transduction systems.

Plant Pathogenic Bacteria


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A case study of the infection process of Rhizobium radiobacter (Agrobacterium tumefaciens), the causal agent of crown gall in many fruit and forest trees, vegetables, and herbaceous dicotyledonous plants from 90 families, showed that R. radiobacter is able to genetically transform healthy host cells into tumoral cells by inserting T-DNA from its tumor-inducing (Ti) plasmid into the plant genome. Binding of R. radiobacter to plant surfaces, an essential stage for establishing long-term interaction with host plants, is dependent upon plant factors such as bacterial polysaccharides and bacterial cellulose synthesis. In addition, infected host plants release signals that include specific phytochemicals in combination with acidic pH and temperatures. Cultivar-specific resistance, which generally conforms to the gene-for-gene hypothesis and is genetically determined, may generate unfavorable conditions for bacterial multiplication within the apoplast. Phytopathogenic bacterial strains in which any virulence factor mutates more or less reduce their virulence, but their pathogenicity remains unchanged. Bacterial infection can, in fact, induce structural and biochemical defenses in plants; in turn these defenses can contribute to disease resistance (see Chapter 2).

1.3 EPIDEMIOLOGY AND FORECASTING SYSTEMS ON PLANT PATHOGENIC BACTERIA Plant productivity and corresponding yields are facing greater losses each year due to pathogenic bacteria. Chapter 3 discusses the epidemiology and forecasting of plant pathogenic bacterial diseases and mathematical models for measurement (e.g., multiple regression, nonlinear models, and growth models) that have enabled forecasts to be made of various plant diseases using parametric variables. Plant pathogenic bacterial disease epidemics can cause such huge losses in crop yields that species extinction can occur. Triangulation of epidemic elements include susceptible host, pathogen, and favorable environment; each of these is vital in the occurrence of a disease and the duration of an epidemic. Epidemics can be monocyclic (typically, soil-borne) or polycyclic (typically, airborne). Polyetic epidemics can be caused by both monocyclic and polycyclic pathogens. In such cases, an initial infestation by inocula continues over several growing seasons, causing the same disease each time, because bacteria are able to travel to previously uninfected areas. Plant disease forecasting is a management system that attempts to accurately predict the occurrence of or changes in severity of plant diseases as well as the resultant economic losses. These systems, which help growers make economic decisions about disease management (Agrios, 2004). Although some plant disease forecasts focus on avoiding initial inocula and reducing the seasonal rate of an epidemic, all forecasting systems emphasize plant diseases (Campbell and Madden, 1990; Agrios, 2004). A forecast management system must measure initial inocula or disease, favorable weather conditions for the development of secondary inocula, and the characteristics of both initial and secondary inocula. Plant disease modelers and researchers seek to improve producers’ profitability through model validations based on cost quantifications that involve false-positive and/or false-negative predictions. One example is the multiple disease and/or pest forecasting system called EPIPRE (epidemiology, prediction, prevention), developed for winter season wheat, that focuses on multiple pathogens (Reinink, 1986). The proper validation of a developed model affirms its accuracy and reliability as a plant-disease forecasting system, but false-positive predictions will undermine both of those attributes. False predictions can arise when a forecast is made for a disease at a location in which it cannot possibly develop (false positive), or when a forecast predicts that a disease will not occur yet the disease becomes established; such errors may have different economic effects for producers (Madden, 2006). Certain mathematical models could forecast diseases based on parameters such as temperature, relative humidity, and precipitation. The progress of a disease over time, which is measured by a progress curve, has been modeled and well demonstrated with various bacterial organisms that, along with biotic and abiotic factors, frequently and/or seasonally affect plants and trees.


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1.4  CONTROLLING STRATEGIES TO PLANT PATHOGENIC BACTERIA Chapter 4 begins with certain facts: that plant bacterial pathogens cause considerable loss to the productivity of major crop plants worldwide, that bacterial pathogens cannot be restricted effectively through agrochemicals, and that alternative methods can be both user-friendly and effective. These include early detection in seeds, contamination-free planting materials, and ensuring non-infectious planting materials through rapid diagnostics. Traditional detection protocols, which are based on cultural and biochemical characteristics, can still be used to confirm the exact identity of a causal pathogenic bacterium (Mondal and Shanmugam, 2013). In addition to various diagnostic methods that are grounded in symptomatology, biological assays and molecular detections can be used for accurate and effective control of bacterial diseases at all levels of cultivation (Romeiro et al., 1999; Yamada et al., 2007; Mondal, 2011; Narayanasamy, 2011; De Boer and Lopez, 2012). Various preventive measures for controlling plant pathogenic bacteria, in research conditions as well as in fields, include quarantine, sanitation, and eradication. One of the most important preventive measures to control bacterial diseases is the identical sample inspection method. In the laboratory, an evaluation of the representative sample is made by a certification agency to determine germination percentage, moisture content, weed–seed mixing levels, admixture, purity, and the presence of seed-borne pathogens. The same procedure has been adopted for propagation materials (e.g., seeds, cuttings, rootstocks, buds, tubers, rhizomes, bulbs, and corms). Other preventive practices include producing propagation materials in disease-free or new areas, and inspecting such materials carefully before transporting them into a disease-free new area. This chapter also contains an overview of quarantine and eradication methods to control fire blight disease caused by Erwinia amylovora, a very destructive bacterial pathogen that targets the Rosaceae family in hosts of apple, pear, and quince (Bastas, 2011; OEPP/EPPO, 2014). The chapter concludes with current trends, such as EPPO protocols for plant pathogen detection that combine conventional, serological, and molecular techniques in integrated approaches.

1.5  AGRO-TRADITIONAL PRACTICES OF PLANT PATHOGEN CONTROL Chapter 5 discusses practices that have been developed and adopted over millennia to control plant diseases. These include direct mechanical methods, smoking out and flushing out spore networks, cultivation methods based on religious practices, land use in crop rotation, regular periods of planting and harvesting, sanitation procedures, tillage, and mulching methods (Galindo et  al., 1983; Campbell, 1989; Djumalieva and Vassilev, 1993; Sharma, 2008). Effective control of some crop diseases is achieved through solarization, a physical method; in addition, agrochemicals are still used worldwide. In India, organic farming is based on the traditional approaches of vrikshayurvedha (the ayurveda of plants) and panchagavya (mixtures of animal-produced substances to promote plant growth, immunity, etc.) (Narayanasamy, 2002; Firake et al., 2013). Although twenty-first-century agricultural research provides scientific knowledge, some traditional agricultural practices are still being effectively used; in general, such methods are very simple, feasible, low-cost, and easily adopted (Srivastava et al., 1988; Kotkar et al., 2001; Kiruba et al., 2008). They can maintain soil fertility without damaging the environment, and thereby eliminate the use of synthetic pesticides.

1.6  ANTIMICROBIAL PEPTIDES IN PLANT PATHOGENIC BACTERIA CONTROL Chapter 6 considers antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), which are synthesized as defense molecules by all types of organisms. Peptides are short in length, contain fewer than 50 amino acids, and have broad antimicrobial spectra. AMPs have been ascertained to aid plant protection against phytopathogenic agents (Kessler, 2011) that lead to decreases in crop quality and agricultural losses. In conducive environments, plants contain systematic and structural antibiotic barriers that include

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chemical antimicrobial compounds such as phenolics, terpenoids, and nitrogen-containing compounds, as well as small peptides; all of these can be secreted to infected areas (Castro and Fontes, 2005; Kessler, 2011). Several types of AMPs such as thionins, defensins, lipid-transfer proteins, cyclotides, and snakins have been isolated from diverse plant species, and their AMP structures, mechanisms of action, and activities for the regulation of plant disease resistance have been discovered. Plant protection against phytopathogens via AMPs is based on the expression of AMP-encoding genes by diverse types of organisms. Designing and constructing new synthetic peptides are also used in transgenic research, for the enhancement of plant disease resistance. Understanding the structural bases of AMPs will help to generate new synthetic versions, as well as fusion proteins, to regulate and enhance plant disease resistance against a broad spectrum of phytopathogens.

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1.7  NUTRIENT SUPPLEMENTS IN PLANT PATHOGENIC BACTERIAL CONTROL Because phytopathogens cause such enormous economic damage in agriculture, it is necessary to achieve comprehensive understanding of the factors responsible for flare-ups of plant bacterial diseases in economically important plants. Chapter 7 highlights the major and minor nutrient sources that infect and establish pathogenic bacteria in host plants. Bacterial phytopathogens exhibit specific nutrient preferences for initiating disease (Goto, 1992). Also, the types of available nutrient supplements often dictate virulence factors such as toxin production levels (Gallarato et al., 2012), exopolysaccharides (Kumar et al., 2003), and pathogen-related enzymes and proteins (Smith, 1958), as well as on the function of type III secretion systems (Tang et al., 2006). Proper nutritional supplements also enhance QS mechanisms, which are the key factors that regulates the production of virulence factors such as extracellular polysaccharides cell-wall-degrading enzymes, antibiotic production of competitive saprophytic ability, iron-chelating agents of siderophores, pigments, and the hrp gene expression that regulates disease development in a susceptible host (Arlat et al., 1991; Salmond, 1994; Sunish Kumar and Sakthivel, 2001; Dellagi et al., 2009; Raaijmakers and Mazzola, 2012). Modifications of the nutrient compositions of the majority of plant pathogenic bacteria genetically target the sites of plant exudates in the rhizoplane or phylloplane. This approach aims to modify surface nutrient composition to favor recognition and regulation of a pathogen, rather than inducing its virulence. Other areas of current knowledge that can contribute to devising management strategies against plant pathogenic bacteria include dose-dependent and need-based nutrient supplements that simultaneously promote plant growth and suppress pathogen virulence.

1.8  SIDEROPHORES AGAINST PLANT PATHOGENIC BACTERIA Chapter 8 provides an overview of the significance of siderophores in the inhibition of plant pathogenic bacteria. Siderophores, which are chelating compounds with a high affinity to iron, have mechanisms that can be used in biological control to suppress plant diseases. In general, siderophores are produced in iron-limited conditions to sequester the less-available iron from the environment (Hider and Kong, 2010); depriving a pathogen of iron ultimately leads to its inhibition (Kloepper et al., 1980a,b). Siderophores are divided into three main groups; hydroxymates, catecholates, and mixed. Hydroxymate siderophores are formed from aceylated or formylated hydroxylamines that are usually derived from lysine or ornithine (Miethke and Marahiel, 2007). The catecholate class comprises phenol catecholates, which contain a mono or dihydroxybenzoic acid group to chelate iron (Neilands, 1981; Meneely, 2007); siderophores in this group are derived from salicylate or dihydroxybenzoic acid. Mixed siderophores use multiple functional groups to chelate iron (Meneely, 2007). An example of a mixed siderophore would be the mycobactins produced by Mycobacterium sp., which consist of hydroxymate and phenol-catecholates and are highly lipid-soluble.


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Siderophore production is influenced by fluorescent pseudomonads that involve a great variety of factors such as concentration of iron (Kloepper et al., 1980a,b), nature and concentration of carbon and nitrogen sources (Park et al., 1988), level of phosphates (Barbhaiya and Rao, 1985), pH and light (Greppin and Gouda, 1965), temperature (Weisbeek et al., 1986), degree of aeration (Lenhoff, 1963), presence of trace elements such as magnesium (Georgia and Poe, 1931), zinc (Chakrabarty and Roy, 1964), and molybdenum (Lenhoff et al., 1956). Siderophores also improve plant growthpromoting rhizobacteria and exclude other microorganisms from the ecological niche provided by the rhizosphere (Haas and Défago, 2005), Siderophores that include salicylic acid, pyochelin, and pyoverdine, which chelate iron and other metals, confer a competitive advantage to biocontrol agents for the limited supply of essential trace minerals in natural habitats (Höfte et al., 1992). The stability of the siderophore iron complex is an important factor for the molecule’s efficiency.

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1.9 PLANT METABOLIC SUBSTANCES IN PLANT PATHOGENIC BACTERIAL CONTROL Most plant metabolic substances, particularly secondary metabolic substances, are inhibited by microorganisms. Chapter 9 discusses various plant metabolic compounds, including proteins, that recognize pathogen avirulence determinants and in turn trigger signal transduction cascades that lead to rapid defense mobilization (Hannond-Kosack and Parker, 2003). Secondary metabolites were generally viewed as waste products that are of little importance to plant metabolism and growth, but it has become clear that many secondary products are key components of active and potent defense mechanisms (Bennett and Wallsgrove, 1994). Secondary metabolites comprise three chemically distinct groups (terpenes, phenolics, nitrogen, and/or sulfur-containing compounds) that defend plants against a variety of herbivores, pathogenic microorganisms, and abiotic stresses (Mazid et al., 2011); they also reduce bacterial growth (Tsuchiya et al., 1996; Da Carvalho and Da Fonseca, 2006; Burow et al., 2008; Freeman and Beattie, 2008). Some plant transformation techniques and their contributions to the creation of disease-resistant plants are discussed as well (Mourgues et al., 1998).

1.10 HOST RESISTANCE: SAR AND ISR IN PLANT PATHOGENIC BACTERIAL CONTROL Chapter 10 considers plant–bacteria interactions that result from the activation, by infection, of various mechanisms in plants. This resistance phase in response to bacteria is associated with cell signaling, during which a set of localized responses are elicited by the pathogens themselves in and around the infected plant cells. These localized responses are the primary indicator of incompatible interactions; they include an oxidative burst followed by cell death, depending on the resistance stimulants (Lamb and Dixon, 1997; Baysal et al., 2008). Cell death traps the bacterial pathogen at sites of early infection and prevents the bacteria from spreading. A plant’s initial defense response consists of a pathogen-associated molecular pattern that triggers its immunity. Host plants have also evolved several other defense strategies to prevent bacterial invasions. Studies have shown that bacteria can be inhibited by two types of resistance: one is constitutive, and the other is briefly initiated by chemical and biological stimulants. The key players in this case are bacterial effector proteins, which are delivered through the type III secretion system and have the capability to suppress basal defenses (Alfano and Collmer, 2004). In host plants, varietal resistance to disease is based on the recognition of effectors by the products of resistance (r) genes. When recognized, the effector (in this case, an avirulence or Avr protein) triggers a hypersensitive resistance (HR) reaction, which generates antimicrobial compounds that can inhibit the pathogenic properties. However, this type of gene-for-gene resistance usually fails due to the emergence of virulent strains of the pathogen that no longer trigger the hypersensitive

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resistance reaction. In turn, plants respond to the emergence of virulent strains by developing nonhost resistance, which is a broad-spectrum plant defense that provides sufficient immunity to all members of a plant species against all isolates of a microorganism that is pathogenic to other plant species (Nomura et al., 2005).

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1.11  QUORUM SENSING IN PLANT PATHOGENIC BACTERIA Pathogenic bacteria use small signaling molecules to determine their local population density, an activity known as quorum sensing (QS). The characteristics of certain phenotypes also coordinate bacterial activities that allow pathogens to function as multicellular systems in plant pathogenicity properties in detail is described in Chapter 11 provides a comprehensive overview of QS in bacteria, including mechanisms, autoinducers, quorum quenching (QQ) and its mechanisms, and applications of QS in biological control efforts. Plant pathogenic bacteria use QS signals to regulate genes for epiphytic fitness, such as motility in Ralstonia solanacearum, antibiosis in Erwinia carotovora, and UV-light resistance in Xanthomonas campestris. QS signals are also used by plant pathogenic bacteria to initiate major pathogenicity factors, including exopolysaccharide in Pseudomonas stewartii, X. campestris, and R. solanacearum, type III secretion systems in Ps. stewartii and E. carotovora, and exoenzyme production in E. carotovora, X. campestris, and R. solanacearum (von Bodman et al., 2003). This chapter also discusses QQ as a potential method of plant pathogenic bacterial control (Dong et al., 2000; Uroz et al., 2003; Ma et al., 2013).

1.12  CYANOBACTERIA AND ALGAE IN PHYTOPATHOGENIC BACTERIA Chapter 12 includes detailed evidence on the use of cyanobacteria and macroalgal activities to control plant pathogenic bacteria. Many cyanobacteria and macroalgae naturally exhibit such properties (Ali et al., 2008). Although this chapter sheds some light on the beneficial roles of algae and cyanobacteria in the biological control of phytopathogens, and takes into account several promising results, it also acknowledges that much work remains to be done not only on the exact chemical nature of the bioactive principle but also about the mechanisms of microbicidal/static activity on targeted phytopathogenic organisms (Arunkumar and Rengasamy, 2000a,b; Arunkumar et al., 2005; Kumar et al., 2008).

1.13 ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZA FUNGI IN PLANT PATHOGENIC BACTERIAL CONTROL This chapter is focused on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal symbiosis, which can alleviate the negative effects of plant pathogens and is the preferred choice for control of plant pathogens. Because the effect of mycorrhizae on pathogenic bacteria varies with the host plant, there are several mechanisms by which mycorrhizae control bacterial plant pathogens. In addition, the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal association induces resistivity in host plant against various pathogens (Lingua et al., 2002; Ismail and Hijri, 2010; Kempel et al., 2010). This chapter emphasizes mycorrhizal mechanisms that could be promoted in host plants, such as nutrition improvement, root-damage compensation, reduced competition for photosynthates, changes in the anatomy or morphology of the root system, changes in mycorrhizosphere microbial populations, and activation of plant defense mechanisms (Azcón-Aguilar and Barea, 1996). The primary limitation in exploiting the beneficial effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the control of bacterial diseases of plants is the obligate nature of the symbiont. To date, studies on the control of plant pathogenic bacteria by mycorrhizae have only considered fungi and nematodes. Much more work is needed on the mechanisms involved in the mycorrhizae fungal-mediated control of bacterial plant diseases.


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1.14 PLANT GROWTH-PROMOTING RHIZOBACTERIA ON PLANT PATHOGENIC BACTERIAL CONTROL Chapter 14 discusses the role of plant growth in promoting rhizobacteria to improve plant growth and development through mechanisms such as nutrition improvement, protection from pathogens, induction of plant host defense mechanisms, and others (Kloepper and Schroth, 1978). Microorganisms that are responsible for the activities of the genera Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Bacillus, Burkholderia, Gluconoacetobacter, Pseudomonas, and Paenibacillus include some of the Enterobacteriaceae (e.g., yeasts and actinobacteria). Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria are exhibited in several mechanisms of biocontrol, most of which involve competition and the production of secondary metabolites that affect the pathogen directly; examples of the latter include antibiotics, cell-wall-degrading enzymes, siderophores, and hydrogen cyanide (Kloepper, 1983; Weller, 1988; Enebak et al., 1998). This chapter presents the broad spectrum of plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria, including antibiotics, siderophores, bacteriocin, and induction of ISR. All of these have been reported to be effective, economical, and practical ways to protect plants from bacterial diseases. Globally, many findings have also established that the synergistic activities of numerous mixtures of plant-growth-promoting rhizobacterial isolates have induced strong plant protection against many diseases (Stockwell et al., 2011).

1.15  BACTERIOPHAGES IN PLANT PATHOGENIC BACTERIAL CONTROL Chapter 15, which deals with plant pathogenic bacterial control by bacteriophage, considers existing plant disease control methods, phages as an approach to disease control, and the early development of this approach and its modern usage. Bacterial resistance to antibiotics complicates this disease control strategy, however. Some research has tested the use of lytic phages for the control of phytopathogens.* Conversely, the therapeutic use of phages was started in the year of 1896 by Ernest Hankin, which was against the Vibrio cholera for the causative agent of cholera threats to humans. In 1915, Fredric Twort hypothesized the virus (phage), but the bacteriophages were discovered by Fe’lix d’He’relle in 1917 (Hermoso et al., 2007). Though, the phage therapy has been found to be an effective tool for the control of several phytopathogenic bacteria such as: Xanthomonas spp. (Ceverolo, 1973), Pseudomonas spp. (Kim et al., 2011), Erwinia spp. (Nagy et al., 2012), Pantoea spp. (Thomas, 1935), Ralsotnia spp. (Fujiwara et al., 2011), Streptomyces spp. (Goyer, 2005), Dickeya spp. (Adriaenssens et al., 2012), and Pectobacterium spp. (Lim et al., 2013). In conclusion, the success of phage therapy in controlling plant bacterial disease is pathogen-specific. Therefore, a complete understanding of phage biology is necessary if effective therapy practices are to be developed.

1.16 PLANT DEFENSE ENZYMES IN PLANT PATHOGENIC BACTERIAL CONTROL Chapter 16 provides information on various defense enzymes in the control of plant pathogenic bacteria, particularly the role of defense enzymes induced by pathogenic/nonpathogenic bacteria and the hypothetical defense mechanisms by which plants directly counteract phytopathogenic bacteria. In general, plant pathogens reveal themselves to a host’s immune system through molecules called pathogen-associated/microbe-associated molecular patterns (PAMP or MAMP), such as flagellins or bacterial lipopolysaccharides. Chitinases, peroxidases, and polyphenol oxidases are other


This chapter authors focused to usage of phages for the control of plant pathogens, the existing plant disease control methods, the usage of phages in disease control, the early development and its modern usage in agriculture for controlling the plant pathogens and the complete analysis about disease control strategies of phages in plant disease control.

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defense enzymes that are induced in plants during pathogenesis and participate in plant resistance to phytopathogens (Chen et al., 2000). Abundant proteins are found in plants; their physiological function is strong antimicrobial activity, but they also display lysozymal activity (Majeau et al., 1990; Mauch-Mani and Métraux, 1998) and thus may be involved in conferring resistance to plants against bacterial pathogens. The peroxidases, a group of heme-containing glycosylated proteins that are activated in response to pathogen attacks, are attributed to plant peroxidases in host–pathogen interactions (Chittoor et  al., 1999; Do et al., 2003; Saikia et al., 2006), specifically in the oxidation of phenols (Schmid and Feucht, 1980) and plant protection (Hammerschmidt et al., 1982). Polyphenol oxidases, which are nuclearencoded enzymes of almost ubiquitous distribution in plants (Mayer and Harel, 1979; Mayer, 1987), use molecular oxygen to oxidize common ortho-diphenolic compounds (e.g., caffeic acid and catechol) to their respective quinones. The reactive polyphenol oxidase-generated quinines have been suggested to participate in plant defenses against pests and pathogens. Although the study of plant defense mechanisms against pathogens has made remarkable progress, further efforts are necessary to understand the mechanisms that are responsible for the induction of defence enzymes and the restriction of bacterial growth during resistance.

1.17 PLANT PATHOGENIC BACTERIAL CONTROL THROUGH SEED APPLICATION Chapter 17 covers plant pathogenic bacterial control strategies through seed treatment. Seeds are seldom treated because the risk of damage to them exceeds the expected benefits. Moreover, pesticide registrations are difficult to obtain for extremely limited applications (Taylor and Harman, 1990). The fact that some seeds (e.g., hybrid flower seeds) are very expensive and produced in small quantities is also important. Nonetheless, seed treatments have been used for centuries and for decades have been used widely on a commercial basis. Hypothetically, seed treatments may be profitable for seeds in one crop but may not be economically reasonable for the seeds of another crop. Cleaning seeds before using them can help to reduce pathogen inoculum because seeds can retain soil fragments, plant debris, and pathogen particles after they have been stored or sieved under controlled conditions. Various seed-treatment practices include physical techniques (i.e., hotwater treatments, dry-heat treatments, vapor-heat treatments, and radiation treatments), fermentation processes, and chemical techniques. Several reports have confirmed potentially valuable microorganisms for biological control, including organic amendments, but the developmental process to bring these into commercial use is long and arduous (Cook, 1993). To date, biological control is considered much more variable and less effective than pesticide use. Moreover, biological agents may not be able to survive or compete with other living organisms (Harman, 1991).

1.18 PLANT PATHOGENIC BACTERIAL CONTROL THROUGH FOLIAR APPLICATIONS Chapter 18 focuses on plant pathogenic bacterial control through effective foliar applications. Although the biological control or biocontrol of pathogens by introduced microorganisms has been studied since the 1940s, it is not yet commercially feasible. Plant surfaces provide habitat for epiand saprophytic pathogens that cause foliar disease. According to the relationship between biocontrol agents and pathogens or other microorganisms, mechanisms such as substrate competition and niche exclusion, siderophores, antibiotics, and induced resistance (IR) may be initiated. These mechanisms are dependent on the microclimatic conditions at the plant surface as well as on the chemical environment. Synergistic phenomena have been observed in integrated control approaches that utilize fungicides; in addition, biocontrol agents may be more efficient and longer-lasting than biocontrol agents


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or fungicides alone (Shoda, 2000; Paulitz and Belanger, 2001). Future research will allow essential traits to be altered to make new strains of biocontrol agents more effective.

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1.19  MODERN TRENDS IN PLANT PATHOGENIC BACTERIAL CONTROL Chapter 19, which discusses plant pathogenic bacterial control through modern practices, also discusses conventional control methods such as avoidance, exclusion, eradication, protection, resistance, and therapeutic applications. Modern agricultural scenarios propose sustainable agriculture and related scientific and technological tools (Huang and Wu, 2009). Because sustainable agriculture results may resolve environmental and ecological issues that continue to challenge agriculture, modern technologies developed for crop production must be economically feasible, ecologically sound, environmentally safe, and socially acceptable. New disease-management strategies could include one or more of the following: PGPR (Chernin, 2011), mycorrhizae (Bastas et al., 2006), essential oil and extracts from aromatic plants (McManus et al., 2002), and bacteriophages (Ravensdale et al., 2007) are capable of producing volatile compounds and quorum quenching or QQ (Dong et al., 2007). Plant pathogenic bacteria are also controlled through chemicals (bactericides). These include bronopol, copper hydroxide, copper sulfate, copper oxychloride, cresol, dichlorophen, dipyrithione, dodicin, fenaminosulf, formaldehyde, 8-hydroxyquinoline sulfate, kasugamycin, nitrapyrin, octhilinone, oxolinic acid, oxytetracycline, probenazole, streptomycin, tecloftalam, and thiomersal. These chemicals, which are regularly and repeatedly used on plants to manage disease, cause serious damage to agricultural and natural ecosystems (Gottlieb et al., 2002). The use of genetic engineering to manage plant diseases targets two major immunity systems used by plants to defend themselves against pathogens; these include pathogen-associated molecular patterns and pattern recognition receptors, both of which lead to the activation of defense responses in plants (De Wit, 1997). Integrated strategies for sustainable management of crop diseases include the use of natural toxic substances from plants, soil management techniques such as biofumigation and organic soil amendment, and crop management, as well as the use of pathogen-free seeds or other planting materials, disease-resistant cultivars, biological control agents, and cultural practices such as field sanitation and crop rotation. The development of less toxic and more stable compounds by improving preparative syntheses and biotechnological applications will be crucial for decreasing production costs and thereby encouraging wider use.

1.20 SCIENTIFIC AND ECONOMIC IMPACT OF PLANT PATHOGENIC BACTERIA Chapter 20 considers plant pathogenic bacterial impact in terms of host plant morphology, growth, and development (Jones and Dangl, 2006), as well as yield impacts both economically (Stefani, 2010) and nutritionally. Plant pathogenic bacteria are opportunistic to organisms worldwide. One example, Pantoea spp., is a plant pathogen but is also pathogenic and even deadly to humans, who encounter it on contaminated closures of infusion fluid bottles (Maki et al., 1976), in intravenous fluid, parenteral nutrition or PN (intravenous feeding), blood products, propofol, and transference tubes (Bicudo et al., 2007; Kirzinger et al., 2011). Various wild and cultivated plant species have been reported to host opportunistic human pathogens in their rhizospheres (Berg et al., 2005). In contrast to these methods of invasion of animal hosts, enteric bacteria appear to reside mostly in the apoplastic spaces of plant hosts (Holden et al., 2009). A wide range of plant pathogenic bacteria secrete proteins and other molecules to different cellular compartments of their hosts. Sometimes, these secretions are introduced via the production of a wide spectrum of nonhost-specific phytotoxins to nontarget hosts that offer necessary resources (Buonaurio, 2008). Scientific understanding of the mechanisms of bacterial toxic molecules and the actions of phytotoxins has increased enormously (Schiavo and van der Goot, 2001). However,

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greater understanding and control of plant bacterial disease is of urgent importance for the simple reason that phytopathogen-infested plants produce toxic molecules which, if spread to herbivores and carnivores through the food chain, can collapse the performance of entire ecosystems (Szabòo et al., 2002).

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1.21  CONCLUSION AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES Plant pathogenic bacteria produce diseases most frequently and severely in tropical and subtropical places, where warm and humid conditions are ideal for bacterial growth. All countries record annual and consistent crop losses from such diseases. Such problems are particularly severe in developing countries, where they are aggravated by the paucity of resources devoted to pathological studies. Contributing factors to this literature gap include poor ability to quantify plant diseases, from those that occur during cultivation to those that manifest in storage, and relating such information to the failure of crops to reach manageable yields. Another important fact is that in dayto-day life, humans and animals spread bacterial disease by cultivating, consuming, and excreting low-quality plant-based foods. This overview chapter has provided an overview of plant pathogenic bacterial diseases. We hope that the discussions and reviews that comprise the rest of this book, which cover a wide range of aspects of plant pathogenic bacterial pathogenicity, epidemiology, and impact on the food chain as well as strategies for control, are helpful to students, plant pathogenic bacterial researchers, and policy makers.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors are grateful to all of the contributors to this book.

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