PLANT PHENOTYPING AND PHENOMICS FOR PLANT BREEDING EDITED BY : Gustavo A. Lobos, Anyela V. Camargo, Alejandro del Pozo, Jose L. Araus, Rodomiro Ortiz and John H. Doonan PUBLISHED IN : Frontiers in Plant Science
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Frontiers in Plant Science
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July 2018 | Plant Phenotyping and Phenomics for Plant Breeding
PLANT PHENOTYPING AND PHENOMICS FOR PLANT BREEDING Topic Editors: Gustavo A. Lobos, Universidad de Talca, Chile Anyela V. Camargo, National Institute of Agricultural Botany, United Kingdom Alejandro del Pozo, Universidad de Talca, Chile Jose L. Araus, University of Barcelona, Spain Rodomiro Ortiz, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden John H. Doonan, Aberystwyth University, United Kingdom
Plant phenotyping under controlled conditions. Image: National Plant Phenomics Centre (NPPC, Aberystwyth University, United Kingdom).
As a consequence of the global climate change, both the reduction on yield potential and the available surface area of cultivated species will compromise the production of food needed for a constant growing population. There is consensus about the significant gap between world food consumption projected for the coming decades and the expected crop yield-improvements, which are estimated to be insufficient to meet the demand.
Frontiers in Plant Science
July 2018 | Plant Phenotyping and Phenomics for Plant Breeding
The complexity of this scenario will challenge breeders to develop cultivars that are better adapted to adverse environmental conditions, therefore incorporating a new set of morpho-physiological and physico-chemical traits; a large number of these traits have been found to be linked to heat and drought tolerance. Currently, the only reasonable way to satisfy all these demands is through acquisition of high-dimensional phenotypic data (high-throughput phenotyping), allowing researchers with a holistic comprehension of plant responses, or ‘Phenomics’. Phenomics is still under development. This Research Topic aims to be a contribution to the progress of methodologies and analysis to help understand the performance of a genotype in a given environment. Citation: Lobos, G. A., Camargo, A. V., del Pozo, A., Araus, J. L., Ortiz, R., Doonan, J. H., eds. (2018). Plant Phenotyping and Phenomics for Plant Breeding. Lausanne: Frontiers Media. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88945-532-4
Frontiers in Plant Science
July 2018 | Plant Phenotyping and Phenomics for Plant Breeding
First Latin-American Conference on Plant Phenotyping and Phenomics for Plant Breeding November 30, December 1 & 2, 2015 Hosted by Universidad de Talca, Talca, Chile Conveners Dr. Gustavo A. Lobos
Dr. Anyela Camargo
Plant Breeding and Phenomic Center
National Plant Phenomics Centre
Facultad de Ciencia Agrarias
IBERS, Plas Gogerddan
Universidad de Talca
Aberystwyth University
United Kingdom
Frontiers in Plant Science
July 2018 | Plant Phenotyping and Phenomics for Plant Breeding
Table of Contents EDITORIAL 08
Editorial: Plant Phenotyping and Phenomics for Plant Breeding Gustavo A. Lobos, Anyela V. Camargo, Alejandro del Pozo, Jose L. Araus, Rodomiro Ortiz and John H. Doonan
Latin America: A Development Pole for Phenomics Anyela V. Camargo and Gustavo A. Lobos Breeding Blueberries for a Changing Global Environment: a Review Gustavo A. Lobos and James F. Hancock
2. CHARACTERIZATION OF THE PLANT: FROM THE GENE TO POPULATION RESPONSES BY REMOTE SENSING 31 The qTSN Positive Effect on Panicle and Flag Leaf Size of Rice is Associated With an Early Down-Regulation of Tillering Dewi E. Adriani, Tanguy Lafarge, Audrey Dardou, Aubrey Fabro, Anne Clément-Vidal, Sudirman Yahya, Michael Dingkuhn and Delphine Luquet 48 High-Throughput Non-Destructive Phenotyping of Traits That Contribute to Salinity Tolerance in Arabidopsis Thaliana Mariam Awlia, Arianna Nigro, Jirˇí Fajkus, Sandra M. Schmoeckel, Sónia Negrão, Diana Santelia, Martin Trtílek, Mark Tester, Magdalena M. Julkowska and Klára Panzarová 63 Genotype × Environment Interactions of Yield Traits in Backcross Introgression Lines Derived From Oryza Sativa cv. Swarna/Oryza Nivara Divya Balakrishnan, Desiraju Subrahmanyam, Jyothi Badri, Addanki Krishnam Raju, Yadavalli Venkateswara Rao, Kavitha Beerelli, Sukumar Mesapogu, Malathi Surapaneni, Revathi Ponnuswamy, G. Padmavathi, V. Ravindra Babu and Sarla Neelamraju 82 Temporally and Genetically Discrete Periods of Wheat Sensitivity to High Temperature Henry M. Barber, Martin Lukac, James Simmonds, Mikhail A. Semenov and Mike J. Gooding 91 Determining Phenological Patterns Associated With the Onset of Senescence in a Wheat MAGIC Mapping Population Anyela V. Camargo, Richard Mott, Keith A. Gardner, Ian J. Mackay, Fiona Corke, John H. Doonan, Jan T. Kim and Alison R. Bentley 103 Four Tomato FLOWERING LOCUS T-Like Proteins Act Antagonistically to Regulate Floral Initiation Kai Cao, Lirong Cui, Xiaoting Zhou, Lin Ye, Zhirong Zou and Shulin Deng 116 Physiological Traits Associated With Wheat Yield Potential and Performance Under Water-Stress in a Mediterranean Environment Alejandro del Pozo, Alejandra Yáñez, Iván A. Matus, Gerardo Tapia, Dalma Castillo, Laura Sanchez-Jardón and José L. Araus
Frontiers in Plant Science
July 2018 | Plant Phenotyping and Phenomics for Plant Breeding
129 Linking Dynamic Phenotyping With Metabolite Analysis to Study Natural Variation in Drought Responses of Brachypodium Distachyon Lorraine H. C. Fisher, Jiwan Han, Fiona M. K. Corke, Aderemi Akinyemi, Thomas Didion, Klaus K. Nielsen, John H. Doonan, Luis A. J. Mur and Maurice Bosch 144 Public Availability of a Genotyped Segregating Population May Foster Marker Assisted Breeding (MAB) and Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) Discovery: An Example Using Strawberry James F. Hancock, Suneth S. Sooriyapathirana, Nahla V. Bassil, Travis Stegmeir, Lichun Cai, Chad E. Finn, Eric Van de Weg and Cholani K. Weebadde 148 Utilization of Molecular, Phenotypic, and Geographical Diversity to Develop Compact Composite Core Collection in the Oilseed Crop, Safflower (Carthamus Tinctorius L.) Through Maximization Strategy Shivendra Kumar, Heena Ambreen, Murali T. Variath, Atmakuri R. Rao, Manu Agarwal, Amar Kumar, Shailendra Goel and Arun Jagannath 162 Trichome-Related Mutants Provide a New Perspective on Multicellular Trichome Initiation and Development in Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus L) Xingwang Liu, Ezra Bartholomew, Yanling Cai and Huazhong Ren 171 Interactive Effects of Elevated [CO2 ] and Water Stress on Physiological Traits and Gene Expression During Vegetative Growth in Four Durum Wheat Genotypes Susan Medina, Rubén Vicente, Amaya Amador and José Luis Araus 188 SNP-Based QTL Mapping of 15 Complex Traits in Barley Under Rain-Fed and Well-Watered Conditions by a Mixed Modeling Approach Freddy Mora, Yerko A. Quitral, Ivan Matus, Joanne Russell, Robbie Waugh and Alejandro del Pozo 199 Glutamine Synthetase in Durum Wheat: Genotypic Variation and Relationship With Grain Protein Content Domenica Nigro, Stefania Fortunato, Stefania L. Giove, Annalisa Paradiso, Yong Q. Gu, Antonio Blanco, Maria C. de Pinto and Agata Gadaleta 210 The Nitrogen Contribution of Different Plant Parts to Wheat Grains: Exploring Genotype, Water, and Nitrogen Effects Rut Sanchez-Bragado, M. Dolors Serret and José L. Araus 224 Transcriptomic Analysis for Different Sex Types of Ricinus Communis L. During Development From Apical Buds to Inflorescences by Digital Gene Expression Profiling Meilian Tan, Jianfeng Xue, Lei Wang, Jiaxiang Huang, Chunling Fu and Xingchu Yan 240 Physiological Mechanisms Underlying the High-Grain Yield and High-Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Elite Rice Varieties Under a Low Rate of Nitrogen Application in China Lilian Wu, Shen Yuan, Liying Huang, Fan Sun, Guanglong Zhu, Guohui Li, Shah Fahad, Shaobing Peng and Fei Wang 252 Overexpression of OsDof12 Affects Plant Architecture in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Qi Wu, Dayong Li, Dejun Li, Xue Liu, Xianfeng Zhao, Xiaobing Li, Shigui Li and Lihuang Zhu
Frontiers in Plant Science
July 2018 | Plant Phenotyping and Phenomics for Plant Breeding
263 Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci and Water Environmental Interactions for Developmental Behaviors of Leaf Greenness in Wheat Delong Yang, Mengfei Li, Yuan Liu, Lei Chang, Hongbo Cheng, Jingjing Chen and Shouxi Chai 279 VaERD15, a Transcription Factor Gene Associated With Cold-Tolerance in Chinese Wild Vitis Amurensis Dongdong Yu, Lihua Zhang, Kai Zhao, Ruxuan Niu, Huan Zhai and Jianxia Zhang
3. NOVEL METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES AND SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT 292 Methodology for High-Throughput Field Phenotyping of Canopy Temperature Using Airborne Thermography David M. Deery, Greg J. Rebetzke, Jose A. Jimenez-Berni, Richard A. James, Anthony G. Condon, William D. Bovill, Paul Hutchinson, Jamie Scarrow, Robert Davy and Robert T. Furbank 305 Assessing Wheat Traits by Spectral Reflectance: Do We Really Need to Focus on Predicted Trait-Values or Directly Identify the Elite Genotypes Group? Miguel Garriga, Sebastián Romero-Bravo, Félix Estrada, Alejandro Escobar, Iván A. Matus, Alejandro del Pozo, Cesar A. Astudillo and Gustavo A. Lobos 317 Precision Automation of Cell Type Classification and Sub-Cellular Fluorescence Quantification From Laser Scanning Confocal Images Hardy C. Hall, Azadeh Fakhrzadeh, Cris L. Luengo Hendriks and Urs Fischer 330 Phenotyping of Eggplant Wild Relatives and Interspecific Hybrids With Conventional and Phenomics Descriptors Provides Insight for Their Potential Utilization in Breeding Prashant Kaushik, Jaime Prohens, Santiago Vilanova, Pietro Gramazio and Mariola Plazas 346 A Direct Comparison of Remote Sensing Approaches for High-Throughput Phenotyping in Plant Breeding Maria Tattaris, Matthew P. Reynolds and Scott C. Chapman 355 A Novel Remote Sensing Approach for Prediction of Maize Yield Under Different Conditions of Nitrogen Fertilization Omar Vergara-Díaz, Mainassara A. Zaman-Allah, Benhildah Masuka, Alberto Hornero, Pablo Zarco-Tejada, Boddupalli M. Prasanna, Jill E. Cairns and José L. Araus
Frontiers in Plant Science
July 2018 | Plant Phenotyping and Phenomics for Plant Breeding
EDITORIAL published: 22 December 2017 doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.02181
Editorial: Plant Phenotyping and Phenomics for Plant Breeding Gustavo A. Lobos 1*, Anyela V. Camargo 2*, Alejandro del Pozo 1 , Jose L. Araus 3 , Rodomiro Ortiz 4 and John H. Doonan 5 1
PIEI Adaptación de la Agricultura al Cambio Climático, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Plant Breeding and Phenomic Center, Universidad de Talca, Talca, Chile, 2 The John Bingham Laboratory, Genetics and Breeding, National Institute of Agricultural Botany, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 3 Plant Physiology Section, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 4 Department of Plant Breeding, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp, Sweden, 5 National Plant Phenomics Centre, Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, United Kingdom Keywords: Latin America, high-throughput phenotyping, forward phenomics, reverse phenomics, software development
Editorial on the Research Topic Plant Phenotyping and Phenomics for Plant Breeding
Edited by: Chengdao Li, Murdoch University, Australia Reviewed by: Saleh Alseekh, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology (MPG), Germany *Correspondence: Gustavo A. Lobos
[email protected] Anyela V. Camargo
[email protected] Specialty section: This article was submitted to Plant Breeding, a section of the journal Frontiers in Plant Science Received: 27 September 2017 Accepted: 12 December 2017 Published: 22 December 2017 Citation: Lobos GA, Camargo AV, del Pozo A, Araus JL, Ortiz R and Doonan JH (2017) Editorial: Plant Phenotyping and Phenomics for Plant Breeding. Front. Plant Sci. 8:2181. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.02181
A major challenge for food production in the coming decades is to meet the food demands of a growing population (Beddington, 2010). The difficulty of expanding agricultural land, along with the effect of climate change and the increase in world population are the current societal changes that make necessary to accelerate research to improve yield-potential and adaptation to stressful environments (Lobos et al., 2014; Camargo and Lobos). Increasing yields will require implementing novel approaches in gene discovery and plant breeding that will significantly increase both production per unit of land area and resource use efficiency (Parry and Hawkesford, 2010; Tanger et al., 2017). A critical component for accelerating the development of new and improved cultivars is the rapid and precise phenotypic assessment of thousands of breeding lines, clones or populations over time (Fu, 2015) and under diverse environments. The only reasonable way to satisfy all these demands is through acquisition of high-dimensional phenotypic data (high-throughput phenotyping) or “phenomics” (Houle et al., 2010). This approach may predict complex characters that are relevant for plant selection (forward phenomics), and will also provide explanations as to why given genotypes stands out in a specific environment (reverse phenomics) (Camargo and Lobos). Phenotype can be defined as the characteristics of an organism resulting from the interaction between genotype, environment and crop management. Phenomics involves the gathering of appropriate phenotypic data at multiple levels of organization, to progress toward a more complete characterization of phenotypic space generated by a particular genome or set of genomes (Dhondt et al., 2013). Thus, plant phenotyping can operate at different levels of resolution and dimensionality, from the molecular to the whole plant, and in different environments, from controlled to field conditions. Although, each level focuses on particular traits, the ultimate goal is to integrate knowledge from the bottom up to produce cultivars with higher performance. In that regard, the use of plant phenotyping methods as part of breeding programs has become a powerful research tool to help breeders generate cultivars more adaptable to diverse challenging environmental scenarios (Camargo and Lobos). This Research Topic (RT) issue is based on contributions from invited speakers to the First Latin-American Conference on Plant Phenotyping and Phenomics for Plant Breeding carried out during 2015 at Universidad de Talca (Talca, Chile), and from other scientists who are currently researching on phenomics and plant breeding.
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December 2017 | Volume 8 | Article 2181
Lobos et al.
Editorial: Plant Phenotyping and Phenomics for Plant Breeding
Thus, the categories and scope are diverse (review, perspective, and original research) and address different objectives through various levels of resolution and dimensionality. Interestingly, even though most of the phenotyping and phenomics for plant breeding research have been developed for model plants and cereals (Lobos and Hancock; Camargo and Lobos), this RT highlights the feasibility of implement these approaches on breeding programs targeted to other crop species.
Integration of molecular analyses with whole plant phenotyping deepens our understanding of responses to environmental variables as demonstrated by Sanchez-Bragado et al. who proposed the combination of δ15 N and N content as an affordable tool to phenotype the relative contribution of different plant parts to the grain N in wheat under contrasting water and nitrogen conditions. Similarly, as selection criteria in breeding N-efficient rice cultivars, Wu et al. suggested that promoting pre-heading growth could increase total nitrogen uptake at maturity, while high biomass accumulation during the grain filling period and large panicles are important for higher nitrogen use efficiency for grain production. Nigro et al. also suggested the use of glutamine synthetase activity and expression as a candidate proxy to select genotypes having high grain protein content in wheat. Fisher et al. found that at early stages of drought stress, metabolic profiling could be used as an efficient tool to discriminate among tolerant or susceptible genotypes of the model plant Brachypodium distachyon. Medina et al. concluded for wheat that the combination of phenotyping and gene expression analysis is a useful approach to identify phenotype-genotype relationships and their behavior in response to different environments, which mostly follows from the combination of water regimes and CO2 levels during vegetative stages. Kumar et al. used molecular, phenotypic, and geographical diversity to develop a compact composite core collection in the oilseed crop safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) that will facilitate the identification of genetic determinants of trait variability. Mora et al. emphasized that large number of spurious QTL could be detected when the genetic covariance matrix is ignored in the mixed model analysis, increasing the rate of false-positives. In strawberry breeding programs, Hancock et al. proved that much of the cost associated with DNA marker discovery for markeraided breeding (MAB) can be eliminated if a diverse, segregating population is generated, genotyped, and made available to the global breeding community. Tan et al. proposed the use of Digital Gen Expression (DGE) as an efficient tool to find differences in transcriptional responses of different tissues/organs of castor plants (Ricinus communis L.) subjected to stress, but also to understand molecular mechanisms associated to sex variation. Among approaches to improve yield potential, delayed leaf senescence or stay-green attributes were also addressed in this RT (Balakrishnan et al., 2016; Camargo et al.; Fisher et al.; Wu et al.; Yang et al.; del Pozo et al.).
CHARACTERIZATION OF THE PLANT: FROM THE GENE TO POPULATION RESPONSES BY REMOTE SENSING Many of the articles comment on knowledge gained from model plants that was applied to crops. For example, Liu et al. proposed a pathway model for trichome development in cucumber and compared it with the model from Arabidopsis thaliana. Yu et al. identified VaERD15 as a transcription factor gene associated with cold-tolerance in Chinese wild Vitis amurensis, and the expression levels increased after lowtemperature treatment, enhancing cold tolerance. Cao et al. analyzed gene expression on transgenic material to unveil the functional roles of four expressed FT-like genes in tomato. These authors also demonstrated the functional differentiation between FT-like genes in controlling flowering through overexpression in A. thaliana and VIGS-mediated knocking down in tomato. Awlia et al. were able to show further that phenotyping multiple quantitative traits in one experimental setup can provide new insights into the dynamics of plant responses to stress, suggesting the use of forward genetics studies to identify genes underlying early responses to stress. The small grain cereals are very well represented in this RT issue. For example, Wu et al. found that overexpressing OsDof12 in rice could lead to reduced plant height, erected leaf, shortened leaf blade, and smaller panicle resulted from decreased number of primary and secondary branches. Barber et al. performed 1-day transfers of pot-grown wheat to replicated controlled environments, providing strong evidence that the key phases susceptible to heat stress at booting and anthesis in wheat are discrete and that genotypes vary with regards to the most susceptible growth stage; at anthesis, the north European allele Rht-D1b was related with higher tolerance to heat stress. Adriani et al. analyzed the effect of different quantitative trait loci (QTL) and their interaction with growing conditions on panicle size and number in rice. Their results showed that grain production was enhanced by qTSN only under shading conditions, where panicle number was not affected while photosynthesis and starch storage in internodes were enhanced. Similarly, Camargo et al. established the value of systematically phenotyping genetically unstructured populations to reveal the genetic architecture underlying morphological variation in commercial wheat, QTL with phenological characters such as heading, and the onset of flag leaf senescence, as well as morphological traits such as stem height. In order to have consistency between stress conditions and seasons, del Pozo et al. highlighted the importance of defining and deeply characterizing the target environment before determining the set of phenotyping traits for selection. Frontiers in Plant Science |
NOVEL METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES AND SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT This issue also considers methodological approaches to characterize and classify cells and to quantify fluorescence at sub-cellular level (Hall et al.). Likewise, using a wheat panel of elite cultivars and non-adapted genetic resources growing under different adverse environments, Tattaris et al. compared on-ground proximal assessments of canopy temperature (CT) and NDVI with data collected from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and satellite; considering statistical analyses, cost and the feasibility of performing measurements of a high number of 9
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Editorial: Plant Phenotyping and Phenomics for Plant Breeding
genotypes at any moment, the authors recommend the use of UAV for plant breeding purposes. Vergara-Díaz et al. highlighted the advantages of using spectral reflectance indices (SRI) derived from Red-Green-Blue (RGB) digital images as a low-cost tool for prediction of several traits (e.g., grain yield, leaf N concentration and the ratio of carbon to nitrogen) that are highly valuable for maize breeders. Likewise, Garriga et al. proposed the use of classification methods (PLS-DA) as an efficient tool to directly identify the elite genotypes group instead to focus on the estimation of predicted trait-values. Software developments were also highlighted in this RT. For example, Deery et al. showed the efficiency of a customdeveloped airborne thermography image processing software (ChopIt), used for plot segmentation and extraction of canopy temperature from each individual plot by a non-technical user. Kaushik et al. performed a deep characterization of eggplant using the Tomato Analyzer (Rodríguez et al., 2010). Using Spectral Knowledge (SK-UTALCA; Lobos and PobleteEcheverría, 2017), Garriga et al. performed an exploratory analysis of high-resolution spectral reflectance data, testing 255 SRI at the same time. RGB images were filtered by a retina filter (Benoit et al., 2010), which enhanced the contrast between plant and background, improving color consistency and providing spatial noise removal and luminance correction (Fisher et al.). Awlia et al. used the PlantScreenTM Compact System (PSI, Czech Republic) equipped with chlorophyll fluorescence and RGB imaging, as well as with automatically weighing and watering of plants to test the response of A. thaliana to salinity. The open source Breedpix 0.2 software (Casadesus et al., 2007) was used by Vergara-Díaz et al. for the calculation of several RGB vegetation indices based on the different properties of color inherent in RGB images.
Lobos, G. A., and Poblete-Echeverría, C. (2017). Spectral Knowledge (SK-UTALCA): software for exploratory analysis of high-resolution spectral reflectance data on plant breeding. Front. Plant Sci. 7:1996. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01996 Parry, M. A. J., and Hawkesford, M. J. (2010). Food security: increasing yield and improving resource use efficiency. Proc. Nutr. Soc. 69, 592–600. doi: 10.1017/S0029665110003836 Rodríguez, G. R., Moyseenko, J. B., Robbins, M. D., Morejón, N. H., Francis, D. M., and van der Knaap, E. (2010). Tomato analyzer: a useful software application to collect accurate and detailed morphological and colorimetric data from two-dimensional objects. J. Vis. Exp. 37:e1856. doi: 10.3791/1856 Tanger, P., Klassen, S., Mojica, J. P., Lovell, J. T., Moyers, B. T., Baraoidan, M., et al. (2017). Field-based high throughput phenotyping rapidly identifies genomic regions controlling yield components in rice. Sci. Rep. 7:42839. doi: 10.1038/srep42839
This RT highlights the importance of a holistic characterization of the crop, from the cell to the plant level using for that current available tools for plant phenotyping. Gathering, integrating, and making inferences on these data will help breeding programs to speed up the release of cultivars tolerant to stress environments. Alongside more data, training programs should be established to guarantee the use and adoption of new technologies. In addition to aspects associated to phenomics and breeding, the RT also discussed future challenges such as the need for multidisciplinary research and the better and deeper characterization of the environment. The progress of forward and reverse phenomics has great potential to accelerate the improvement of yield potential and we expect to see that rapid developments will continue in this subject area, especially in Latin America.
AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS GL, AC, AdP, JA, RO, and JD co-wrote this editorial based on the various contributions to this Research Topic.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank all the companies supporting the First Latin-American Conference on Plant Phenotyping and Phenomics for Plant Breeding (Phenospex, LemnaTec, Photon Systems Instruments-PSI, and Ivens Chile). In Chile, this editorial was supported by the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research CONICYT (FONDEF IDEA 14I10106 & 14I20106) and the Universidad de Talca (research programs “Adaptation of Agriculture to Climate Change-A2C2” and “Núcleo Científico Multidisciplinario”).
Balakrishnan, D., Subrahmanyam, D., Badri, J., Raju, A. K., Rao, Y. V., Beerelli, K., et al. (2016). Genotype × environment interactions of yield traits in backcross introgression lines derived from Oryza sativa cv. Swarna/Oryza nivara. Front. Plant Sci. 7:1530. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01530 Beddington, J. (2010). Food security: contributions from science to a new and greener revolution. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B Biol. Sci. 365, 61–71. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2009.0201 Benoit, A., Caplier, A., Durette, B., and Herault, J. (2010). Using human visual system modeling for bio-inspired low level image processing. Comput. Vis. Image Underst. 114, 758–773. doi: 10.1016/j.cviu.2010.01.011 Casadesus, J., Kaya, Y., Bort, J., Nachit, M. M., Araus, J. L., Amor, S., et al. (2007). Using vegetation indices derived from conventional digital cameras as selection criteria for wheat breeding in water–limited environments. Ann. Appl. Biol. 150, 227–236. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-7348.2007.00116.x Dhondt, S., Wuyts, N., and Inzé, D. (2013). Cell to whole-plant phenotyping: the best is yet to come. Trends Plant Sci. 18, 428–439. doi: 10.1016/j.tplants.2013.04.008 Fu, Y.-B. (2015). Understanding crop genetic diversity under modern plant breeding. Theor. Appl. Genet. 128, 2131–2142. doi: 10.1007/s00122-015-2585-y Houle, D., Govindaraju, D. R., and Omholt, S. (2010). Phenomics: the next challenge. Nat. Rev. Genet. 11, 855–866. doi: 10.1038/nrg2897 Lobos, G. A., Matus, I., Rodriguez, A., Romero-Bravo, S., Araus, J. L., and del Pozo, A. (2014). Wheat genotypic variability in grain yield and carbon isotope discrimination under Mediterranean conditions assessed by spectral reflectance. J. Integr. Plant Biol. 56, 470–479. doi: 10.1111/jipb.12114
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Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. Copyright © 2017 Lobos, Camargo, del Pozo, Araus, Ortiz and Doonan. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.
December 2017 | Volume 8 | Article 2181
PERSPECTIVE published: 06 December 2016 doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01729
Latin America: A Development Pole for Phenomics Anyela V. Camargo 1* and Gustavo A. Lobos 2* 1
The National Plant Phenomics Centre, Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences, Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth, UK, 2 Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Plant Breeding and Phenomic Center, PIEI Adaptación de la Agricultura al Cambio Climático (A2C2), Universidad de Talca, Talca, Chile
Edited by: Susana Araújo, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal Reviewed by: Sebastien Carpentier, KU Leuven, Belgium Biswapriya Biswavas Misra, Texas Biomedical Research Institute, USA *Correspondence: Anyela V. Camargo
[email protected] Gustavo A. Lobos
[email protected] Specialty section: This article was submitted to Crop Science and Horticulture, a section of the journal Frontiers in Plant Science Received: 12 May 2016 Accepted: 02 November 2016 Published: 06 December 2016 Citation: Camargo AV and Lobos GA (2016) Latin America: A Development Pole for Phenomics. Front. Plant Sci. 7:1729. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01729
Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) has long been associated with the production and export of a diverse range of agricultural commodities. Due to its strategic geographic location, which encompasses a wide range of climates, it is possible to produce almost any crop. The climate diversity in LAC is a major factor in its agricultural potential but this also means climate change represents a real threat to the region. Therefore, LAC farming must prepare and quickly adapt to an environment that is likely to feature long periods of drought, excessive rainfall and extreme temperatures. With the aim of moving toward a more resilient agriculture, LAC scientists have created the Latin American Plant Phenomics Network (LatPPN) which focuses on LAC’s economically important crops. LatPPN’s key strategies to achieve its main goal are: (1) training of LAC members on plant phenomics and phenotyping, (2) establish international and multidisciplinary collaborations, (3) develop standards for data exchange and research protocols, (4) share equipment and infrastructure, (5) disseminate data and research results, (6) identify funding opportunities and (7) develop strategies to guarantee LatPPN’s relevance and sustainability across time. Despite the challenges ahead, LatPPN represents a big step forward toward the consolidation of a common mind-set in the field of plant phenotyping and phenomics in LAC. Keywords: LAC, climate change, genomic, phenotyping, plant breeding, LatPPN
WHY PHENOMICS IS KEY TO FACE CLIMATE CHANGE AND FOOD SECURITY? In the past decades, climatic variations related to El Niño or La Niña phenomena have brought serious challenges to the agricultural sector in LAC. While drought is the main threat to food production associated to La Niña, El Niño can cause heavy rains, flooding or extremely hot or cold weather (Allen and Ingram, 2002). In the last 150 years, earth’s temperature increased at a rate of 0.045◦ C per decade, with almost four-fold (0.177◦ C) in the last 25 years (IPCC, 2007), and will continue to raise by another 1.1–6.4◦ C over the next century (Jin et al., 2011). This increase in temperature can lead to several agricultural associated problems such as yield reduction as a results of droughts, and the emergence and spreading of plant diseases and pests (FAO, 2016). Therefore, a better use of plant genetic resources and plant breeding (Borrás and Slafer, 2008), are key to tackling the imminent impact of climate change in food security. Further, a multidisciplinary approach that includes disciplines such as omics technologies (e.g., genomics, phenomics, proteomics, and metabolomics), plant physiology, eco-physiology, plant pathology and entomology, and soil science will be critical to increase crop resilience to climate change (Reynolds et al., 2016).
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Undoubtedly, public and private breeding programs have the challenge of producing stress tolerant cultivars whose yield potential and quality are also high. In order to increase the chances of producing desirable cultivars, breeders make a high number of crosses (e.g., Chilean wheat breeding programs generate ∼800 crosses per year) and screen them under a limited number of environmental conditions (Araus and Cairns, 2014). Line crossing is a common experimental design for mapping quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in plant breeding. Crosses are initiated from at least two inbred lines, such as backcrosses, F2, and more derived generations (Xie et al., 1998). To increase the statistical inference space of the estimated QTL variance and ensure that polymorphic alleles are present in the parental gene pool, a sufficient number of parents must be sampled (Muranty, 1996). The number of traits measured per plot is normally limited to the size of the population. Increasing the number of traits to be measured requires additional time, resources and the use of skilled labor (Kipp et al., 2014). This represents a limitation toward the understanding of the interaction genotype × environment (G × E) (Furbank and Tester, 2011; Yang et al., 2014; Großkinsky et al., 2015; Rahaman et al., 2015). Although, genome sequencing has become relatively fast, cheap, and easy to produce, plant phenomics still lags behind. This unbalance has become a bottleneck in the understanding of G × E and it also limits the possibility of carrying out tests under field conditions (Lobos and Hancock, 2015). Therefore, there is a need to incorporate the evaluation of multiple morphophysiological and physico-chemical traits at the high-throughput level to be able to understand for example pleiotropy or genomic variants that gave rise to a particular phenotype (Houle et al., 2010; Fahlgren et al., 2015). Due to the cost of high-throughput plant phenotyping, several international phenotyping networks have been established with the idea of joining efforts and produce research with impact. Some of the most prominent networks are: the European Plant Phenotyping Network (EPPN), Food and Agriculture COST Action FA1306, the International Plant Phenotyping Network (IPPN), the Australian Phenomics Network (APN), the German Plant Phenotyping Network (DPPN) and the U.K. Plant Phenomics Network (UKPPN). In Asia, the 1st Asia-Pacific Plant Phenotyping will be held in Beijing, China in October 2016 and the 3rd International Plant Phenotyping Symposium was held in Chennai, India in 2014. More recently in North America, the United States of America recently launched the North American Plant Phenotyping Network (NAPPN).
cultural traditions. Out of a total of 17 megadiverse countries identified by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre (, six are in Latin American, namely Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela. Furthermore, from the eight primary centers of origin and diversity, numbers VII (South Mexican and Central American) and VIII (South America Andes region: Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador; VIIIa The Chilean Center, and VIIIb Brazilian-Paraguayan Center) are based in the region (Vavilov, 1992). Due to LAC’s diverse geography, climate change will impact the region severely. Compared to pre-industrial times, it is estimated that the mean temperature on the region will increase about 4.5◦ C by the end of the century (Reyer et al., 2015). Temperatures are expected to increase dramatically in the tropics and moderate at the subtropical regions in the north (Mexico) and south (southern Chile, Argentina and Uruguay) (Reyer et al., 2015). Annual precipitations are also likely to increase in Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia and decrease in the rest of the countries (Reyer et al., 2015). These changes have a direct impact on agricultural crop yields. It’s expected that crops such as wheat, soybean and maize will reduce its yield potential, while others such as rice and sugar cane will increase it (Fernandes et al., 2012; Marin et al., 2012). The economic development of the regions where plant phenotyping and phenomics have been developed in the last 10 years (high-income countries) is completely different to that of LAC. According to the World Bank, around 37% of the LAC population lives under poverty or extreme poverty (World Bank, 2014), and near 60% of the people living in rural areas is under extreme poverty (RIMISP, 2011). Therefore, besides the climate change effects impacting LAC agriculture, there is also a significant knock-on the region economy, affecting particularly the lower socioeconomic strata (Ortiz, 2012). Although, LAC countries are wealthier, government efforts are mainly focused on priority areas such as education, health, employability, and infrastructure. Research and innovation in areas such as agriculture has been given a low priority. As a result, most Latin American farmers do not have the resources or the support to effectively adapt to a changing climate that is already showing its negative impact in agriculture (Lobos and Hancock, 2015). Therefore, LAC scientists and private sector must work together to develop strategies aiming at moving toward a more resilient agriculture, and one of them is the use of plant phenomics and phenotyping for breeding. Phenomics has become a powerful research tool to help breeders to generate cultivars adaptable to more challenging environmental scenarios. In the past decade, phenomics has been focused mainly on breeding of grain crops, but their application in other species of relevance for LAC (e.g., fruit, vegetables, forage and others) is almost absent (Lobos and Hancock, 2015). The potential of recent advances in phenomics encouraged the Plant Breeding and Phenomic Center (Dr. Gustavo A. Lobos, Universidad de Talca, Talca, Chile) and the National Plant Phenomics Centre (Dr. Anyela Camargo, IBERS, Aberystwyth University, U.K.) to organize the First Latin American Conference on Plant Phenotyping and Phenomics for Plant Breeding (November 30st to December 2nd 2015,
DOES LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN NEED TO WORRY ABOUT PHENOMIC DEVELOPMENT? Latin America is a region that includes Mexico, the Spanish/Portuguese speaking countries in Central America and the whole of South America, as well as the Caribbean (Latin America and the Caribbean—LAC). The region is highly heterogeneous in terms of climate, ecosystems, human population distribution, politics, economy and incomes, and
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Talca, Chile). This event had three main goals: (1) bring to Latin American researchers and students, international keynote speakers and plant breeding companies from around the world, to present their ongoing work on plant phenomics and phenotyping for plant breeding; (2) perform a workshop to train Latin American scientists and postgraduate students in the use of key plant phenotyping tools, the analysis of data and the mapping of traits to the genome; and (3) set up the Latin American Plant Phenomics Network (LatPPN), conceived to facilitate the training on high-throughput phenotyping and pre-breeding methodologies, scientific exchange of young/senior researchers and students, and to improve access to resources and research facilities. The conference covered a broad range of topics such as pre-breeding and breeding strategies, methods to measure and analyse trait data for plant breeding and the strategies to translate research from the bench to the field. International keynote speakers gave seminal talks and chaired the track of their expertise. Challenges and opportunities were also explored such as the handling of the high amount of data generated through high-throughput phenotyping. Multiple ideas were discussed to deal with every particular challenge. Participants also had the opportunity to attend five workshops that covered aspects such as the use of software and equipment for plant phenotyping (mainly by remote sensing), and data handling and manipulation. The LatPPN, which is chaired for two years by Chile (Dr. Gustavo A. Lobos) and Colombia (Dr. Anyela Camargo), had it first reunion during the 3rd day of the conference. Representatives from LAC (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, and Uruguay) and from other countries (Australia, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Spain, U.K., and U.S.A.) got together to discuss what LAC’s breeding programs needed to do to become more efficiency in terms of plant phenotyping and phenomics. They also discussed the differences between phenotyping and the more complex concept of phenomics. This discussion helped to define where LAC currently stands (more focused on the phenotyping of few traits and low number of genotypes) and where it needs to be in the future (mostly oriented to the multidimensional approach of phenomics, considering a high number of genotypes assessed). For example, the wheat breeding program of INIA Chile, used to consider a classical approximation where the numbers of traits evaluated increases insofar the number of generation progresses: ∼9 traits at F2–F5: susceptibility to Puccinia triticina, P. graminis, and P. striiformis, plant height, tillering capacity, type of spike, grain color, type of grain, and black point or other grain defects; ∼16 at F6–F8: previous ones plus heading date, grain yield, and some grain characteristics such as test weight, protein and gluten content, sedimentation, and seed hardiness; and ∼19 at F9–F10 where less than 5% of the original crosses are evaluated: previous ones plus some other required by millers such as W flour value, falling number, and some bakery aptitudes. Today, using spectrometry and thermography, this breeding program is aimed to predict some of these traits but also to consider other 30 morphophysiological and physico-chemical characters (some examples covered in next section), screening ∼800 genotypes per day.
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Due to resources’ availability such as equipment, skills and infrastructure, LAC has mainly focused on plant phenotyping. Although phenomics in LAC has not yet had a proper expansion, there are some good examples of institutions focusing on it: (i) The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT—Mexico) routinely uses remote sensing and high spec sensor technologies to screen for wheat and maize’s responses to biotic and abiotic stresses, among them yield and its components, biomass, senescence (stay-green), water stress, and water use efficiency, canopy cover, photosynthetic capacity and activity (Zaman-Allah et al., 2015). Special emphasis is also put on 3D reconstruction for plant height, spike number and biomass determination; (ii) The Plant Breeding and Phenomic Center (University of Talca—Chile) have focused its efforts on the prediction of physiological traits by spectrometry and thermography (e.g., gas exchange, modulated chlorophyll fluorescence, pigments concentration, stem water potential, hydric and osmotic cell potential, cell membrane stability, lipid peroxidation, proline content, C and O isotopic composition) on several breeding programs (wheat, blueberries, alfalfa, strawberries, and quinoa) oriented to abiotic stresses (salt, water deficit and high temperature) (Garriga et al., 2014; Lobos et al., 2014; Estrada et al., 2015; Hernandez et al., 2015), developing also a software for exploratory analysis of high-resolution spectral reflectance data on plant breeding (Lobos and PobleteEcheverría, in press). In terms of phenotyping, most research institutes across the region have done some form of low to medium throughput phenotyping, for example: (i) The International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT—Colombia) is screening root architecture to identify markers associated to drought stress tolerance in beans and grasses (Villordo-Pineda et al., 2015; Rao et al., 2016); (ii) Embrapa (Brazil) uses traditional phenotyping to screen for root morphology in wheat (Richard et al., 2015); (iii) Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Brazil, uses traditional phenotyping tools (e.g., gas exchange measurements) to look for photosynthetic responses of tree species to seasonal variations in hydrology in the Brazilian Cerrado and Pantanal (Dalmagro et al., 2016); (iv) Researchers from Argentina uses conventional phenotyping equipment to investigate the response of seed weight and composition to changes in assimilate supply from leaves, to the incident solar radiation reaching the pods and to the combination of both, changes in assimilate supply from the leaves and incident solar radiation on pods of soybean plants (Bianculli et al., 2016), they are also trying to develop low cost tools in order to make that technology accessible to researches from LAC; (v) The International Potato Center (Peru) have improved the screening of potato breeding lines by spectroscopy (Ayvaz et al., 2016); and (vi) INIA (Uruguay) in collaboration with INIA (Chile) and the Plant Breeding and Phenomic Center (University of Talca—Chile), applied genotyping-by-sequencing to identify single-nucleotide polymorphisms, in the genomes of 384 wheat genotypes that were field tested in Chile under three different water regimes (Lado et al., 2013).
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future LatPPN webpage; (vi) distribute efforts on common goals (e.g., researchers from different countries working on the same species or problem), it will be necessary to standardize measurements and protocols; (vii) sharing of equipment and infrastructure; and (viii) LatPPN visibility and presence. To avoid early disenchantment, LatPPN needs to carry out activities to promote the network (e.g., events, postgraduate grants or proposal calls). In relation to weaknesses, the lack of a permanent budget to run network activities is one of LatPPN’s main concerns. Currently, the Director and Co-Director, the executive committee (Dr. Paulo Hermann from EMBRAPA—Brazil and Dr. Gustavo Pereyra from INTA-CONICET—Argentina), and the representative members (three per country in charge of meet the local demands, thematic promotion, and economic resources leveraging) devote part of their time and resources to consolidate the network. However, they are looking into sources of support within LAC and worldwide. At the country level, there are a number of countries that have access to grants provided by their own governments. At regional level, there are a number of organizations such as PROCISUR and PROCITROPICOS, which provide regular grant support for agricultural research initiatives. At international level, there are several organizations such as FAO (the Food and Agricultural Organization), EU (the European Union), and IBS (the InterAmerican Development Bank) who support agricultural research in LAC. Another weakness is LAC’s low publication rate and the lack of accessibility of LAC institutions to main bibliographic databases. According to the World Bank, the number of publications produced by the most important economies in LAC in 2012 was 48,622 from Brazil, 13,112 from Mexico, 8,053 from Argentina, 5,158 from Chile and 4,456 from Colombia. Brazil is the only country whose output is equivalent to high-income countries where phenomics have been developing in the last 10 years; U.S.A. (412,542), Germany (101,074), U.K. (97,332), France (72,555), Spain (53,342), and Australia (47,806) (World Bank, 2012). In term of access to bibliographic databases, most of the institutions in the region have limited or no access to main bibliographic databases such as Scopus and Web of Knowledge. This is serious limitation to the dissemination of the work developed in LAC, especially if we are aiming at improving plant breeding programs through the use of plant phenotyping and phenomics. Despite the weaknesses, currently there are several international research institutes who are already formally collaborating with LAC on plant phenotyping and phenomics. Some of them are, Lemnatec (Germany), CSIRO (Australia), IBERS (U.K.), Universidad de Barcelona (Spain), the Julich Plant Phenomics Centre (German), and the James Hutton Institute (U.K.). The establishment of LatPPN represented a big step forward toward the consolidation of a common mind-set in the field of plant phenotyping and phenomics across LAC. Clearly there are more opportunities than disadvantages, and each weakness needs to be addressed having in mind a regional approach.
The conference served as a platform to showcase LAC capabilities, investigate strengths, and weaknesses, and thereby identify where the challenges lie and what the knowledge and the technological gaps between the region and the rest of the world are. Given LAC’s high heterogeneity in terms of climate, ecosystems and genetic diversity, as well as the differences of each country vulnerability to climate change, it was agreed how important it is for LAC’s agri-food chain to take a more proactive role in the development of strategies leading to the selection of crops capable to withstand the impact of climate change. With the aim of identifying what LatPPN needed to do to strength LAC’s plant phenotyping and phenomics research, the panel of participants identified the following key challenges: (i) develop LatPPN’s own tailored identity: there is not a common crop but rather a wide diversity of them, from grasses to forest species. As previously mentioned, plant phenotyping and phenomics has been developed almost exclusively on cereal improvement, however LatPPN needs to focus on other breeding programs that are important for particular countries. For example: blueberries for Chile (Chile is the biggest exporter of fresh blueberries in the world, ∼90,000 ton during 2015/16), potato for Peru (production was estimated to be 4.5 million tons for 2015), tangerines for Uruguay (production was ∼6000 tons in 2014), pineapple for Costa Rica (since 2000, pineapple production has increased by nearly 300%, however production is very inefficient, each plant only produces two fruit over a period of 18–24 months, and requires significant amount fertilizer to do so) and Coffee for Colombia (exports account for ∼810,000 ton in 2015) and Brazil (exports account for ∼2.6 million tons in 2014). The production of these cash crops will face serious challenges (e.g., post-harvest life, or the incidence of physiological disorders, pests and diseases) in the coming decades due to the sensitivity of them to water shortages and heat stress. In this meeting, it was also highlighted: (ii) training on plant phenomics and phenotyping using strategies that allow the participation of several countries at the same time. We are aiming at finding resources to implement distance-training courses using currently available technologies such as webinars and teleconferences; (iii) learn from experienced researchers and current plant phenotyping and phenomics initiatives. In order to facilitate the interaction between researchers and institution, senior researchers on plant phenotyping and phenomics were invited to participate in the first meeting; (iv) since highthroughput phenotyping requires a broad range of capabilities (e.g., programmers, bioinformaticians, statisticians, biologists, agronomists, geneticists, physiologists), is important to promote interdisciplinary work between researchers; (v) identify the state of art of plant phenotyping and phenomics in LAC. In order to identify strengths, opportunities and weaknesses and develop targeted strategies, key information such as breeding programs, researchers, equipment and infrastructure, regional and local financial sources, and capabilities should be surveyed. All this information should be included on the
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other networks will be crucial to build on the foundations laid.
Phenomics can complement the potential of new molecular/ genotyping technologies, and together with agronomy and plant breeding efforts would be a real contribution to develop new strategies to help mitigate the impact of climate change in agriculture. There are major opportunities for phenomics in LAC, not only because it has been adopted in isolated initiatives, but also as worldwide development has focused mainly on grain breeding programs. LAC researchers have identified the need to collaborate to exploit the opportunities and gathered together to organize the Latin American Plant Phenomics Network (LatPPN). Currently, LatPPN has prioritized the work on several fronts to consolidate the network (e.g., grant application to CYTED and Procisur, LatPPN’s second meeting in April 2016 (Balcarce, Argentina) and planning a second regional conference organized by EMBRAPA during 2017, drafting of LatPPN’s survey, drafting of LatPPN’s white paper, and construction of LatPPN’s webpage). What follows next is the development of strategies leading to the sustainability of the network. We are aware of the work ahead of us and know that the collaboration within LatPPN members and with
AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS Both authors contributed equally.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Our special gratitude to Dr. Carolina Saint Pierre (Wheat Phenotyping Coordinator at CIMMYT—Mexico) for valuable information and discussion about Latin American reality and challenges, and to Dr. Ivan Matus (INIA—Chile) for technical definitions and valuable discussion about national wheat breeding program. In Chile, this activity was supported by Universidad de Talca (research programs “Adaptation of Agriculture to Climate Change (A2C2)” and “Núcleo Científico Multidisciplinario”), and the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research CONICYT-CHILE (FONDEF IDEA 14I10106). In the U.K., this work was supported by the “National Capability for Crop Phenotyping” grant. Award number BB/J004464/1.
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drought-tolerant-associated SNPs in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Front. Plant Sci. 6:546. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00546 World Bank (2012). Scientific and Technical Journal Articles. Available online at: [Accessed June 08, 2016]. World Bank (2014). Social Gains in the Balance—A Fiscal Policy Challenge for Latin America and the Caribbean. Washington, DC: LAC Poverty and Labor Brief (February), World Bank. Xie, C., Gessler, D. D., and Xu, S. (1998). Combining different line crosses for mapping quantitative trait loci using the identical by descent-based variance component method. Genetics 149, 1139–1146. Yang, W., Guo, Z., Huang, C., Duan, L., Chen, G., Jiang, N., et al. (2014). Combining high-throughput phenotyping and genome-wide association studies to reveal natural genetic variation in rice. Nat. Commun. 5:5087. doi: 10. 1038/ncomms6087 Zaman-Allah, M., Vergara, O., Araus, J. L., Tarekegne, A., Magorokosho, C., ZarcoTejada, P. J., et al. (2015). Unmanned aerial platform-based multi-spectral imaging for field phenotyping of maize. Plant Methods 11:35. doi: 10.1186/ s13007-015-0078-2 Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. Copyright © 2016 Camargo and Lobos. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.
December 2016 | Volume 7 | Article 1729
REVIEW published: 30 September 2015 doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00782
Breeding blueberries for a changing global environment: a review Gustavo A. Lobos 1, 2* and James F. Hancock 2 1
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Plant Breeding and Phenomic Center, Universidad de Talca, Talca, Chile, 2 Department of Horticulture, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
Edited by: Edmundo Acevedo, University of Chile, Chile Reviewed by: Margherita Irene Beruto, Istituto Regionale per la Floricoltura, Italy Carlos E. Muñoz Schick, Universidad de Chile, Chile *Correspondence: Gustavo A. Lobos, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad de Talca, 2 Norte 685, Talca 3460000, Chile
[email protected];
[email protected] Specialty section: This article was submitted to Crop Science and Horticulture, a section of the journal Frontiers in Plant Science Received: 06 July 2015 Accepted: 10 September 2015 Published: 30 September 2015 Citation: Lobos GA and Hancock JF (2015) Breeding blueberries for a changing global environment: a review. Front. Plant Sci. 6:782. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00782
Today, blueberries are recognized worldwide as one of the foremost health foods, becoming one of the crops with the highest productive and commercial projections. Over the last 100 years, the geographical area where highbush blueberries are grown has extended dramatically into hotter and drier environments. The expansion of highbush blueberry growing into warmer regions will be challenged in the future by increases in average global temperature and extreme fluctuations in temperature and rainfall patterns. Considerable genetic variability exists within the blueberry gene pool that breeders can use to meet these challenges, but traditional selection techniques can be slow and inefficient and the precise adaptations of genotypes often remain hidden. Marker assisted breeding (MAB) and phenomics could aid greatly in identifying those individuals carrying adventitious traits, increasing selection efficiency and shortening the rate of cultivar release. While phenomics have begun to be used in the breeding of grain crops in the last 10 years, their use in fruit breeding programs it is almost non-existent. Keywords: Vaccinium, drought, heat, UV, phenotype, highbush, MAB, phenomics
Introduction Over the last 100 years, the geographical area where highbush blueberries are grown has expanded dramatically (Retamales and Hancock, 2012). The northern highbush blueberry (NHB) is native to the eastern and mid-western portions of the USA, where winters are very cold, summers are moderate and chilling hours are high (Table 1). The Industry was first established in New Jersey (1910), but within a few decades had expanded to North Carolina (1920), Michigan (1930), and the Pacific Northwest (1940). From there it leapfrogged to Europe (1970s), New Zealand/Australia (1980s), central Chile (1980s), and most recently China (2000s). The expansions into the Pacific Northwest, Mexico, and Chile were into climates with much less severe winters, while the introductions into China were into much colder regions. Cultivars developed in Michigan and New Jersey have generally thrived in the milder climates of the Pacific Northwest, but many of them suffer from the high irradiance in Chile and the cold of China. Southern highbush blueberry (SHB) types were originally developed in the 1980s by incorporating genes from native species from the southern US to reduce the chilling requirement of NHB. SHB were first established in Florida and Georgia (1980s) and then moved to north central Chile (1980), Argentina and Spain (1990), California (2000) and most recently Mexico, Peru and Ecuador (2010s). The introductions of SHB into California, north Central Chile, and Spain were into hotter and dryer climates than those in Florida and Georgia (Table 1), and in southern Chile with much higher UV levels (Huovinen et al., 2006). The expansions into Mexico and Ecuador were from low to
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September 2015 | Volume 6 | Article 782
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South America
Pacific Rim
Santiago Osorno Buenos Aires
Chile, south-central
Chile, north-central
New Zealand
778 810
Coffs Harbor
Rainfall (mm)
Bordeaux Huelva
Warsaw Hamburg
Guadalajara Cape Town
South Africa
Washington Bakersfield
British Columbia
North America (Southwestern)
North America (Northwestern)
Alma Poplarville
North America (Southeastern)
Holland Gainesville
North America (Midwestern)
New Jersey
North America (Northeastern)
Florida, north
N. Carolina
North America (Atlantic)
Florida, central
Mid-summer high
Mid-summer low
450–600 1000+
256 170
1000+ 1000+
200–400 −0.9
1000+ 1000+
−4.8 −1.4 2.8
1000+ 450–550
150–350 400–500
285 315
Chilling hours (7◦ C)
−0.9 9.8
−2.0 22.0
182 156
1.5 −4.5
Mid-winter low
Frost-free days
Mid-winter high
Temperature (◦ C)
TABLE 1 | Climates of major global highbush and rabbiteye blueberry production regions (adapted from Retamales and Hancock, 2012).
Lobos and Hancock Blueberry breeding and climate change
September 2015 | Volume 6 | Article 782
Lobos and Hancock
Blueberry breeding and climate change
Environmental Challenges to Blueberry Cultivation
moderate chill conditions to regions with few to no hours under 7◦ C. In general, the cultivars that have done well in Florida and Georgia have also performed well in the hotter, drier production regions of California, central Chile, and Spain. However, only a few low chill cultivars have performed well in Mexico and Peru, and many of them suffer under the high UV levels of Chile. During the last couple of decades, a constant stream of successful cultivars has been released from a number of breeding programs. These programs have focused on releasing cultivars with reduced chilling hours in warmer regions, increased cold hardiness in colder regions, and higher performance under high pH, temperature and radiative stress, but there is still much room for improvement. To achieve these goals, blueberry breeders have incorporated genes from many species within the Vaccinium genus through inter-specific hybridization (Table 2), which should prove to be a rich genetic pool for further improvements. In this paper, we review the environmental challenges facing blueberry cultivation due to global warming. We describe the state of the art of blueberry breeding and outline how future varietal development can be enhanced by marker assisted breeding (MAB) and phenomics.
The expansion of highbush blueberry growing into colder and warmer regions will be challenged by the alterations in global temperature and rainfall patterns, both associated with increases in atmospheric CO2 concentrations. From the “Industrial Revolution” carbon dioxide has increased in a significant way and will continue to do so. It is estimated that under the most conservative scenario, atmospheric CO2 concentrations at the end of the century will be at least double to the preindustrial era, increasing by 35% from year 2005 (IPCC, 2007b). As atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases rise due to the human activity, worldwide climatic patterns are being greatly altered (United Nations, 2010). The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), reports that during the past 150 years, global mean temperatures raised 0.045◦ C per decade, but in the last 25 years have increased almost four times (0.177◦ C) (IPCC, 2007a). Two separate analyses done recently by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) have concluded that 2014 was the warmest year since 1880 (NASA, 2015). It is
TABLE 2 | Genetic composition of some of the cultivated blueberries. Cultivar
Specie composition (%) VC
Elliott, Brigitta, Liberty, Aurora, Lateblue, Jersey
Hannah’s Choice
Bluetta, Patriot, Sunrise
Cara’s Choice
6.3 3.1
25.0 25.0 6.3 0.2
12.5 11.3
VC, V. corymbosum; VA, V. angustifolium; VD, V. darrowii; Va, V. ashei; VT, V. tenellum; Vc, V. constablei; VE, V. elliottii (Hancock and Siefker, 1982; Ehlenfeldt, 1994; Clark et al., 1996; Hancock et al., 1997; Brevis et al., 2008; Lee et al., 2012; Rowland et al., 2013).
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September 2015 | Volume 6 | Article 782
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Blueberry breeding and climate change
in 2012 lead to very early floral development, and as a result, when temperatures returned to normal later in the spring, a high percentage of flowers were damaged by frost. An unusually hot summer in the Pacific Northwest in 2012, resulted in the fruit of most cultivars being too soft for extended storage. This was followed by an unusually cold winter in 2013–2014, where high percentages of the floral buds were heavily damaged. In Chile, falls and winters are becoming progressively milder in many areas, causing some cultivars to bloom out of season (O’Neal, Snowchaser and Misty, among others). To maintain and extend the geographic range where blueberries are grown, breeders will need to be much more cognizant of the potential range of environments that the cultivars will face. They will need to take care not to release cultivars that are narrowly adapted to average conditions. Among the environmental challenges faced by blueberry breeders are:
expected that during the next century global temperatures will be increased by an additional 1.1–6.4◦ C (Jin et al., 2011). The increases in temperature are associated with extreme variations in weather patterns, resulting in severe droughts, unusually heavy rains and atypically hot temperatures (Allen and Ingram, 2002). Since the 1970s, the frequency of warm nights and days is increasing dramatically (IPCC, 2007a). For example, in the main blueberry production area in Chile (approximately between 35 and 38◦ Latitude S), precipitation diminished around 25% during the 20th Century, and it is estimated that there will be a further reduction of 5–15% over the next 30 years (Meza et al., 2003; Santibañez and Santibañez, 2007, 2008; United Nations, 2010). These dramatic changes led Friend (2010) to suggest that “Quantifying and explaining the current global distribution of plant production, and predicting its future responses to climate change and increasing atmospheric CO2 , are therefore major scientific objectives.” High temperatures and drought can significantly reduce the productivity and the quality of the harvested organ (Moretti et al., 2010), restricting the areas (latitudes and soils) where economically important species can be grown. The activity and development of humanity has not only increased atmospheric CO2 levels but also levels of chlorofluorocarbons from aerosols, refrigerators, and other equipment that conditions the air. These compounds destroy the ozone layer, which selectively absorbs ultraviolet light. Ozone absorbs 100% of UV-C, prevents the passage of UV-B (near 90%) but does not affect the UV-A transmission (de Gruijl and van der Leun, 2000). In the southern (35–60◦ ) and northern (35–60◦ ) hemisphere, the annual mean ozone quantities during 2006–2009 were lower than between 1964 and 1980 (6 and 3.5%, respectively) (WMO, 2011). The average UV erythemal irradiance, which indicates potential biological damage to human skin from solar ultraviolet radiation, has steadily risen as the amount of ozone has decreased (WMO, 2011). Compared with the 1970s, surface erythemal UV radiation has increased 7% in winter-spring and 4% in summer-fall in the northern hemisphere mid-latitudes, 6% yearround in the mid-southern hemisphere latitudes, and 22% in the Antarctic and Arctic in the spring (Madronich et al., 1998). In the summertime, erythemal UV irradiance in the southern hemisphere is up to 40% higher than values in the northern hemisphere (Madronich et al., 1998). If the Montreal Protocol is followed, it is possible that UV values will return to 1980 levels by the middle of this century, but this is dependent on multifaceted global cooperation (Kazantzidis et al., 2010; McKenzie et al., 2011).
Winter Cold The range of the highbush blueberry has been limited by extreme winter cold. Cold hardiness is a complex interaction between rate of acclimation (development of freezing tolerance) and deacclimation (loss of developed freezing tolerance), as well as degree of mid-winter tolerance. This is extremely important since unseasonably warm midwinter spells can trigger a premature deacclimation, exposing the bush to freeze damage (Arora and Rowland, 2011). In general, northern highbush cultivars survive much colder mid-winter temperatures than southern highbush ones, although considerable variability exists within groups and among Vaccinium species (Hancock et al., 1997; Ehlenfeldt et al., 2003, 2006, 2007; Dhanaraj et al., 2004; Rowland et al., 2004; Ehlenfeldt and Rowland, 2006; Hanson et al., 2007). In full dormancy, northern highbush genotypes have been found to range in tolerance from −20 to −30◦ C. Few southern highbush have been evaluated, although “Legacy” tolerates temperatures to −17◦ C and “Ozarkblue” to −26◦ C. US 245, an inter-species hybrid of US 75 (“Bluecrop” × V. darrowii “Fla 4B”) × “Bluecrop,” is tolerant to at least −24◦ C. To date, the primary approach to developing more cold tolerant blueberries has been to hybridize lowbush with highbush to produce “half-high” types (Trehane, 2004; Hancock et al., 2008a). However, the shorter stature of the half-highs and the fact they become covered and protected with snow may be the primary basis of their increased tolerance (El-Shiekh et al., 1996). Due to the lack of formal comparisons of flower bud tolerance to winter cold in highbush, lowbush and half-highs, it is unknown how much more cold tolerant highbush can be made through introgression. It would be productive to determine if several other wild species carry useful genes for cold hardiness including V. boreale, V. constablaei, and V. myrtilloides (Galletta and Ballington, 1996; Ehlenfeldt and Rowland, 2006). Ehlenfeldt et al. (2007) showed that when V. ashei was hybridized with V. constablaei, cold hardiness was positively associated with the percentage of V. constablaei genes. Little formal genetic analysis of cold tolerance of tetraploid blueberry has been performed. Arora et al. (2000) found
Implications of Climate Change on Blueberry Breeding The aspect of global warming that most needs attention from blueberry breeders is the dramatic seasonal fluctuations now occurring in rainfall and temperature patterns. Cultivars well adapted to “average conditions,” often do not have sufficient plasticity to perform well under the range of conditions now being faced. For example, an unusually warm spring in Michigan
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September 2015 | Volume 6 | Article 782
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Blueberry breeding and climate change
Identifying late bloom or slower deacclimating genotypes will be useful for breeding spring-frost tolerant cultivars (Rowland et al., 2005). Because of the chances of frosts and the direct relation between the stage of floral development and the relative bud hardiness, those cultivars with late bloom dates tend to suffer less frost damage than those flowering earlier (Spiers, 1976; Hancock et al., 1987; Patten et al., 1991; Lin and Pliszka, 2003). When Hancock et al. (1987) assessed flower bud injury in 18 highbush blueberry cultivars after two spring frosts in Michigan, they found significant differences in proportion of brown ovaries among cultivars, ranging from 25 to 94%. Most of the variation was associated with stage of bud development. Bloom date is strongly correlated with ripening date, but early ripening cultivars have been developed that have later than average flowering dates such as the NHB “Duke,” “Huron” and “Spartan,” and the SHB “Santa Fe” and “Star.” Bloom date, ripening interval and harvest dates are highly heritable in blueberry populations (Lyrene, 1985; Hancock et al., 1991) with strong genotype by environmental interactions (Finn et al., 2003). Finn and Luby (1986) found additive genetic variation was more important than non-additive effects for date of 50% bloom, 50% ripe fruit and for length of fruit development interval in populations from hybrids between V. angustifolium and V. corymbosum. Where spring frosts are a problem, breeders can focus on developing cultivars with late bloom dates and where earliness is premium, selection will need to be made on ripening interval as well. Flower buds also can be damaged by rapid freezes in the fall. The flower buds of SHB cultivars are generally considered to acclimate more slowly in the fall than those of NHB ones, and as a result are more subject to late fall freezes; however, few formal screens of germplasm have been conducted on this characteristic (Rowland et al., 2005, 2013; Hanson et al., 2007). Leaf retention in the fall does not appear to be a good predictor of rate of DA, as Hanson et al. (2007) found that “Ozarkblue” and US 245 retain their leaves until the very late fall, but they are just as hardy as the mid-season standard “Bluecrop.” Bittenbender and Howell (1975) also found no correlation between flower bud hardiness and fall leaf retention. There are not many studies that have evaluated the effect of the spring frost on open flowers, and most of them have been done on RE (Spiers, 1976; Gupton, 1983; NeSmith et al., 1999). Among RE cultivars, “Southland” proved to be more frost-tolerant than “Delite,” “Woodard,” “Climax,” and “Tifblue” (Gupton, 1983). Nevertheless, interspecific crosses with RE would not be recommended to increase bud tolerance to frost since, at similar stages of floral bud development, RE tend to be more sensitive than NHB and SHB (Patten et al., 1991). Rowland et al. (2013), studying the sensitiveness of five northern highbush blueberries cultivars (“Bluecrop,” “Elliott,” “Hannah’s Choice,” “Murphy,” and “Weymouth”) to frost damage of open flowers, concluded that “Hannah’s Choice” and “Murphy” were the most tolerant whereas “Bluecrop” was the most susceptible. Among the cultivars analyzed by Rowland et al. (2013), female parts from “Elliott” (styles), “Hannah’s Choice” (styles and exterior ovaries) and “Murphy” (styles) were more frost-tolerant than those structures of “Bluecrop,” and the male organs from
in diploid populations that the cold hardiness data fit a simple additive-dominance model of gene action, with the additive effects being greater than the dominance ones. During cold acclimation, specific genes are expressed in floral buds that increase cold tolerance (Naik et al., 2007). Arora et al. (1997a), working with “Bluecrop,” “Tifblue,” and “Gulfcoast,” found a close relationship between floral bud dehydrin concentration and the level of cold hardiness. Similar results were found by Rowland et al. (2004) and Dhanaraj et al. (2005). This suggests that dehydrin concentration might be a way to predict the cold hardiness of selections in a breeding program. It is important to note that studies of cold hardiness under field or artificial conditions can lead to different conclusions. When “Bluecrop” (NHB) and “Tifblue” (Rabbiteye blueberry— RE) flower buds were assessed in the field, LT50 (maximum level of cold-hardiness) were close to −27 and -25◦ C (respectively), whereas the same cultivars in cold room conditions (4◦ C) reached maximums around −24 and −17◦ C, respectively (Arora et al., 1997b; Arora and Rowland, 2011). There were almost twice as many “Bluecrop” genes expressed in the cold room than in the field, suggesting that many of the genes induced in the cold room were responding to low temperature (specifically 4◦ C) and were not contributing to freezing tolerance per se. In contrast, more “Tifblue” genes were expressed in the field than under the controlled conditions. This suggests that there is a strong genotype × environment interaction associated with cold tolerance and any screen designed to select cold hardy genotypes, must be conducted under field conditions or under realistic controlled protocols (Arora and Rowland, 2011). It may be possible to determine when a plant is approaching full dormancy by measuring the expression of the β-amylase gene. Lee et al. (2012) showed in the NHB “Jersey” and the SHB “Sharpblue” that there was an abrupt reduction in starch in shoots in the middle of cold acclimation, which was associated with an increase in the expression of the β-amylase gene. This change was positively correlated with the total amount of soluble solids in the wood, which likely served as osmoprotectants able to reduce the freezing point. Inter-species differences in the level of expression of β-amylase genes in northern and southern highbush were described by Rowland et al. (2008).
Spring and Fall Frost Freezing damage to developing flowers in the spring is a major problem in most blueberry production regions, with both NHB and SHB. It is a rare year when at least a fraction of the flower buds is not damaged. Rate of deaclimation likely plays a role in early spring flower bud tolerance. Ehlenfeldt (2003) found the northern highbush “Duke” deacclimated the fastest in a mixed group of 12 cultivars, while the southern highbush “Magnolia,” the northern highbush × rabbiteye pentaploid hybrid “Pearl River,” the rabbiteye × V. constablaei “Little Giant” and the half-highs “Northcountry” and “Northsky” were the slowest. Northern highbush “Bluecrop” and “Weymouth,” southern highbush “Legacy” and “Ozarkblue” were intermediate. While there is evidence of considerable variability, no formal genetic studies have been done on deaclimation rates.
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September 2015 | Volume 6 | Article 782
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Blueberry breeding and climate change
showed a decrease in photosynthesis between 22 and 27% whereas for “Spartan,” “Bluejay,” and “Patriot” it was between 41 and 51%. Trehane (2004) describes “Ozarkblue” and “Jubilee” as varieties that perform well in hot summers. Chen et al. (2012) found that at high temperatures, up to 40–45◦ C, a number of photosynthetic parameters were damaged in “Brigitta,” but they stayed largely intact in “Sharpblue,” and “Duke”; “Misty” performed in the middle. In this study, at high temperatures, there were increases in hydrogen peroxide, super oxide radical and F0 (minimum fluorescence in the dark-adapted state), while Fv/Fm (maximum photochemical quantum yield of photosystem II) and ÔPS II (quantum efficiency of PSII photochemistry) decreased. Southern highbush cultivars may have obtained higher photosynthetic heat tolerance from Vaccinium darrowii (Lyrene, 2002). Moon et al. (1987a) found that CO2 assimilation (A) in Fla 4B of V. darrowii was similar at 20 and 30◦ C, while A in the pure northern highbush “Bluecrop” dropped by almost 30% across this same range. Transpiration rates were also much lower in Fla 4B than “Bluecrop.” This difference was found to be heritable, with a tetraploid F1 hybrid actually having higher A than the two parents (Moon et al., 1987b; Hancock et al., 1992). The selection, Fla 4B has been used to generate many of the important southern highbush cultivars including “Biloxi,” “Emerald,” “Legacy,” and “Star” (Lyrene and Sherman, 2000; Draper and Hancock, 2003). There may also be additional sources of heat tolerance in the native southern species V. tenellum, V. myrsinites, V. pallidum, V. ashei, V. elliottii, V. stamineum, Vaccinium arboreum, southern diploids and tetraploids of V. corymbosum (Luby et al., 1991). It would seem likely that the photosynthetic heat tolerance of both NHB and SHB types can be increased by crossing the most heat tolerant genotypes, since there is considerable genetic variability for this trait both within and among blueberry species. High temperatures also negatively impact fruit quality and storage life of highbush blueberries. Temperatures higher than 32◦ C during the maturation of the fruit can give rise to smaller, soft fruits and with waxes that have greater susceptibility of being lost by means of the rubbing (by leaves or during the harvest) (Mainland, 1989). Blueberries have a relatively inefficient water conducting systems, characterized by the lack of root hairs (Gough, 1994). Root anatomy and architecture should be a key trait, but unfortunately it is almost unexplored, e.g., V. arboreum is drought tolerant specie because it has deep tap roots in contrast to the spreading, shallow root systems of highbush blueberry. Hence, drought tolerance of highbush blueberries might also be enhanced by using species material in breeding. In his screens of wild species material, Erb et al. (1988a,b) found V. elliottii, V. darrowii, and V. ashei to be the most drought tolerant species and this characteristic was transmitted to hybrid progeny. Moon et al. (1987a) found transpiration rates and leaf conductance (gs) to water vapor to be much lower in V. darrowii than “Bluecrop” at high temperature. This suggests that V. darrowii may have higher drought tolerance through decreased stomatal opening and subsequent restriction of water loss.
“Murphy” (filaments and anthers) were more frost-tolerant than “Bluecrop.” These differences need to be studied in other cultivars and exploited for breeding.
Chilling Requirement Expanding the range of adaptation of the NHB by reducing its chilling requirement has been a major breeding goal over the last 50 years (Hancock et al., 2008a). This was largely accomplished by incorporating genes from the southern diploid species V. darrowii into V. corymbosum via unreduced gametes, although hybridizations with native southern V. corymbosum and V. ashei also played a role. Cultivars with an almost a continuous range of chilling requirements (hours below 7◦ C) are now available from 0 to 1000 h. Most SHB are grown in areas with 250–600 chilling hours each winter. SHB cultivars vary widely in their performance without any chilling hours. Surprisingly, one of the best adapted cultivars to this system is “Biloxi,” which requires 500 chilling hours ( 0.90; A and gs > 0.65). During the last decade, spectrometry and thermography have begun to be used in the breeding of grain crops, but their use in fruit breeding programs is almost non-existent. Even in the grain crops, their use has been limited to the evaluation of small numbers of genotypes, in general 70% (Blue) = ecotypes classified as tolerant (TOL); PWC 55–70% (red) = ecotypes classified as intermediate (INT); PWC < 55% (green) = ecotypes classified as susceptible (SUS). Error bars indicate standard deviation.
FIGURE 2 | Plant Phenotyping and image processing. Setup of high-throughput phenotyping system. A total of 600 Brachypodium plants (10 genotypes) where phenotyped over 12 days (A). Each tray holds four replicate individuals. The tray will be rotated four times with an angle of 90◦ . Therefore, each individual plant can have two side views from two orthogonal angles. The top view image is taken when the tray is at 0◦ (B). The image processing is to segment the plant from background, such as the panels and wall. The program automatically finds the central separating panel to setup two regions of interests (ROI). The measurement happens in each ROI. The program copes with various lighting conditions and image quality (C). The top view image processing finds the panels and uses them to separate those four plants in the tray. Then the total pixels of each plant are acquired. These plants are denoted by different colors (D).
Frontiers in Plant Science |
November 2016 | Volume 7 | Article 1751
Fisher et al.
Natural Variation Brachypodium Drought Response
FIGURE 3 | Normalized shoot area curves. Shoot areas for each of the 10 ecotypes for each treatment (0, 15, and 75% SWC) as extracted from RGB side images of the plants from day 34 to day 45 after sowing. Data was normalized against the values at 34 das (days after sowing). Error bars are not included to enable visual identification of the individual ecotypes (a list of normalized data including standard deviations are included in Supplementary Table S3. Blue colored lines = ecotypes classified as TOL; Red colored lines = ecotypes classified as INT; Green colored lines = ecotypes classified as susceptible (SUS).
Indeed, glutamate, glutamine, and the drought responsive amino acid proline were significantly elevated in both TOL and INT phenotypes. With alanine, significant increases were only associated with the TOL phenotypes. Considering m/z tentatively linked with the biosynthesis of jasmonate or salicylate, HCA separated clustered TOL genotypes (Figures 6C,D). The TOL phenotypes exhibited significant increases in key oxylipins, linolenic acid, and the active jasmonate hormones, jasmonic acid (JA) and jasmonate-isoleucine (JAIle) (Figure 6C). With the salicylate pathway only salicylic acid (SA) itself (Figure 6D) was significantly increased in TOL phenotypes.
clusters in the metabolite profiles of the three pre-defined phenotypic groups (Figure 5A). However, distinct clusters linked to relative drought tolerance emerge for the metabolites extracted from plants exposed to 15% SWC (Figure 5B), in particular for the TOL ecotypes. More severe drought to 0% SWC resulted in three clearly distinct clusters corresponding to TOL, SUS, and INT phenotypes (Figure 5C). The major source of variation were extracted for treatments to 15 and 0% SWC based on PCA loading vectors and significant differences as identified using ANOVA. These were tentatively identified by database interrogating based on high-resolution MS of the targeted m/z. For the 15% SWC samples the major sources of variation were tentatively associated with tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediates malate and citrate, the phospholipidderived hormone jasmonate, and unidentified metabolites with m/z of 236.01 and 386.9. HCA suggested that these metabolites alone could discriminate between the TOL and other groups at 15% SWC (Figure 5D). All with the exception of 236.01 m/z were relatively increased in the TOL grouping. Upon more severe drought (0% SWC) more metabolites were targeted which again could discriminate the TOL genotypes from the others (Figure 5E). These metabolites included jasmonate as well as other plant hormones gibberellin (GA17) and salicylate, metabolites associated with amino acid metabolism (aspartate, glutamate), chorismate, and lipid metabolism (caprylate). In each case, accumulation of the metabolites was relatively increased in the TOL lines. To further highlight the possible importance of the pathways, m/z corresponding to metabolites within the pathways were extracted (Figure 6). In the case of the TCA cycle (Figure 6A), the putative TCA metabolites allowed the separate clustering of the TOL genotypes from other phenotypic classes. These data, as well as box and whisker plots, suggested significant increases in the TCA cycle in TOL genotypes. The TCA intermediates 2-oxoglutarate and oxaloacetate also contribute carbon skeletons for amino acid biosynthesis and examination of m/z tentatively linked to amino acid, suggested that lower levels of amino acid accumulation might be linked to a SUS phenotype (Figure 6B).
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Correlation between Metabolite and Phenotypic Traits Since both the phenotypic data and the metabolite analyses reveal distinct clusters that match the designation of the different drought tolerance groups established during the initial screening, we wished to determine potential correlation between the metabolite pathway data and phenotypic variables. To assess this, a new matrix was derived which incorporated both metabolite and phenotypic data. Given the very different types of data, data was mean-centered and divided by the standard deviation of each variable. The data from the resulting matrix were established to be normally distributed. The outcome of multivariate correlation analyses (based on Pearson’s r as a distance measure) is provided in Supplementary Figure S3. These analyses suggested that the putative jasmonate pathway correlated only with itself and no phenotypic measure. However, a key cluster (arrowed in Supplementary Figure S3) suggested positive correlations with phenotypic and metabolite indicators and a negative correlation with “Grey”/“Yellow” pixel counts. To facilitate visualization of these trends, key variables in this cluster were extracted and separately analyzed (Figure 7). This highlighted that plant area (“top” and “side”) and height positively correlated with the relative concentrations
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FIGURE 4 | Phenotypic descriptions of drought responses by Brachypodium accessions. Principal Component Analyses of phenotypic data derived for conditions of (A) 75%, (B) 15%, and (C) 0% SWC. Data points are annotated according to genotypes and drought tolerance classes TOL (blue) = tolerant (Pal = Pal6; A8 = ABR8; Mur = Mur3); INT (red) = intermediate (Luc = Luc21; A3 = ABR3; A4 = ABR4) and SUS (green) = susceptible (Koz = Koz1; Gal = Gal10; Per = Per3). Larger circles indicate 95% confidence intervals for each phenotypic group that are appropriately color-coded. Inset within B is a box and whisker projection of the only statistically significant variable for 15% SWC conditions; “area side.” (D) Hierarchical cluster analyses (HCA) and (E) box and whisker projections of phenotypic data derived from 0% SWC condition. Levels of significance are indicated for each phenotypic character.
of TCA intermediates, alanine and the hormone salicylate. This would suggest that tolerance in these Brachypodium genotypes was related to the accumulation of these metabolites. Linked to this, negative correlations were observed with grey and yellow pixel contents- features linked to susceptibility to drought.
better the potential for the species to overcome and adapt to changes in the environment, such as drought. Brachypodium displays considerable phenotypic variation across its geographic range, and is a key model species for cereals, forage grasses and energy grasses (Brkljacic et al., 2011). Its extensive natural variation encompasses many traits of agronomic or adaptive significance and, together with genetic and genomic tools available, is therefore well positioned for improving agronomic traits.
DISCUSSION The Poaceae (or grasses), including cereals and grasses of grasslands and pastures, constitute the major source of dietary calories for human and livestock, are increasingly important as lignocellulosic biomass for biofuels, and define many natural ecosystems and agricultural landscapes. Drought is an important environmental factor limiting the productivity of crops worldwide. The greater the diversity within a species, the
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Screening and Ecotype Selection To assess the natural variation to drought stress and select ecotypes for further detailed studies, we performed two successive screens in which, respectively, 138 and 48 diploid Brachypodium ecotypes, sourced from different geographical locations, were exposed to progressive drought stress. These screens
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FIGURE 5 | Metabolomic responses to drought by Brachypodium accessions. Principal Component Analyses of metabolomic data derived for conditions of (A) 75%, (B) 15%, and (C) 0% SWC. Data points are annotated according to genotypes and drought tolerance classes TOL (blue) = tolerant (Pal = Pal6; A8 = ABR8; Mur = Mur3); INT (red) = intermediate (Luc = Luc21; A3 = ABR3; A4 = ABR4) and SUS (green) = susceptible (Koz = Koz1; Gal = Gal10; Per = Per3). Larger circles indicate 95 % confidence intervals for each phenotypic group that are appropriately color-coded. Major source of variation in the datasets as defined by ANOVA for (D) 15% and (E) 0% SWC.
demonstrated the natural variation among Brachypodium ecotypes, in terms of morphology, biomass accumulation and response to drought stress. For instance, final dry weight biomass of the watered control replicates ranged from 0.032 to 0.317 g in the first screen and from 0.183 to 0.318 g in the second screen (data not shown). This was in line with the large phenotypic variation in response to drought stress observed amongst 57 Brachypodium ecotypes that mostly originated from Turkey (Luo et al., 2011). When assessed for wilting, leaf water content (LWC) and chlorophyll fluorescence (F v /F m ), these Brachypodium ecotypes were classified into four different groups ranging from TOL to most-SUS to drought stress (Luo et al., 2011). Assessment of genotypic variation has suggested greater genetic diversity in wild Brachypodium individuals from the Western Mediterranean region compared to those from the Eastern (Mur et al., 2011). Here we screened geographically more diverse ecotypes (101 lines collected in Spain, 31 in Turkey, 3 in Iraq, and 1 each from
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France, Italy, and Croatia), with our second screen only having six ecotypes (Adi10, Bd21, Koz1, Gaz8, Kah6, and Bd2-3) in common with the study by Luo et al. (2011). Ecotypes were tentatively classified as TOL when exhibiting a PWC higher than 70% and SUS with a PWC lower than 55% with the ecotypes in-between classified as INT (Figure 1A). Brachypodium is found in many climate zones throughout temperate regions, spanning habitats near sea level to over 1800 m altitude (Des Marais and Juenger, 2016), suggesting that populations are locally adapted. It was therefore anticipated that similarly classified ecotypes might share similarities with regards to ecological niche. However, based on highland/lowland descriptions or altitude, such shared responses were not apparent in our screens. For example, two out of the three selected drought resistant ecotypes (Mur3 and Pal6) were from the highlands in Spain (ABR8 was from a hillside origin close to Siena in Italy), as were three of the four selected drought-susceptible ecotypes (ABR3, Per3 and Gal10; Koz1 is from the highlands in Turkey).
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FIGURE 6 | Responses to drought by targeted biochemical pathways in Brachypodium accessions. Previous analyses had targeted metabolites as major sources of variation. Mass-ions (m/z) tentatively linked to pathways where these key metabolites were components were extracted from the metabolomics data matrix. Metabolites tentatively linked to (A) the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, (B) amino acid accumulation, (C) jasmonate and (D) salicylate biosynthesis were compared by hierarchical cluster analyses. Metabolites in each pathway which exhibited significant changes between the TOL, INT and SUS phenotypic groups as defined by ANOVA are displayed using box and whisker plots.
division and cell elongation, is reduced under drought owing to impaired enzyme activities, loss of turgor, and decreased energy supply (Farooq et al., 2012). Most studies on drought are performed by withholding water, leading to progressive drought stress. However, under natural conditions plants are often exposed to moderate drought stress, in particular in temperate climates. As such, enhanced survival of Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) under severe drought was shown not to be a good indicator for improved growth performance under mild drought conditions (Skirycz et al., 2011). In addition to progressive drought (0% SWC), we therefore exposed Brachypodium ecotypes to mild drought stress (15% SWC), utilizing the gravimetric watering control of the NPPC. Image based projected shoot area allows estimation of above ground biomass and, when assessed over time, can serve as a useful proxy for overall plant growth (Honsdorf et al., 2014; Neilson et al., 2015). On average, based on projected shoot area, exposure to moderate drought
A study looking at root phenotypes amongst 81 Brachypodium accessions also found no correlation between the phenotypic diversity and geographical origins (Chochois et al., 2015). This lack of correlation may suggest that the phenotypic plasticity of Brachypodium to changing environmental conditions (i.e., acclimation responses, Des Marais and Juenger, 2016) prevails over ecotypic differentiation (local adaptation, or within-species niche divergence leading to ecotypic differentiation, Liancourt and Tielbörger, 2009). It should be noted, however, that other features associated with ecological niches, such as soil type, acidity, and climate may still attribute to a shared drought response, but these parameters were not identified in this study.
Phenotypical Characteristics of the Different Tolerance Groups Maintaining plant growth and yield under drought represents a major objective for plant breeding. Growth, caused by cell
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induced senescence in the TOL lines. Overall, our phenotypic data analyses upon exposure to progressive drought confirm the classification of the selected ecotypes into TOL, SUS, and INT, and therefore the robustness of the preceding drought screens.
Metabolites Associated with Drought Stress The interaction between genotype and environment is complex. The ability for metabolites to integrate these two components reflects an increasing tendency to use metabolites as selection markers in crop breeding programs to accelerate the development of improved cultivars tolerant to drought (Sanchez-Martin et al., 2015). Metabolites with a higher or indeed lower relative accumulation in the TOL lines when exposed to drought not only provide insights into the regulation of metabolic networks under drought stress, but could also lead to metabolite marker development. In this study, we used our well-established metabolomic analyses pipeline (e.g., Lloyd et al., 2011) to mine high-resolution FIE-MS datasets using multivariate approaches to identify major sources of variation in the experimental parameters. Through interrogation of the loading vectors linked to PCA, coupled with ANOVA of the datasets, we identified metabolites which exhibited differential accumulation in the TOL class in response to 0% SWC. Database interrogation with the highly resolved (to 1ppm) m/z suggested that these metabolites included three phytohormones, metabolites associated with amino acid metabolism and putative TCA cycle metabolites. Phytohormones play critical roles in regulating plant responses to stress. Expression profiling of markers for defense-related phytohormones showed that Brachypodium has phytohormone responses more similar to those of rice than of Arabidopsis, suggesting that monocots share a common defense system that is different from that of dicots (Kouzai et al., 2016). Our analyses identified relative higher levels of GA, SA, and JA in the TOL ecotypes when exposed to severe drought with the latter also higher in TOL lines under mild drought. A central role for the GA class of growth hormones in the response to abiotic stress is becoming increasingly evident (Colebrook et al., 2014). For instance exogenous application of GA can alleviate drought-imposed adverse effects in maize (Akter et al., 2014), although application of GA has also been shown to increase shoot height of dwarf Barley lines, negating the increased stress tolerance exhibited by the dwarf plants (Vettakkorumakankav et al., 1999). SA accumulation has been reported to improve drought tolerance in Arabidopsis by inducing stomatal closure (Khokon et al., 2011) and inhibiting stomatal opening (Okuma et al., 2014). Similarly, in oats, tolerance to drought has been at least partially associated with the accumulation of SA, again by influencing stomatal opening (Sanchez-Martin et al., 2015). However, like for GA, the effect of SA on drought tolerance is complex and others have reported a reduction of drought tolerance by SA application (Miura and Tada, 2014). Since no differential effect on stomatal closure was observed upon progressive drought between the Brachypodium ecotypes, SA may be involved in alternative drought-induced regulatory mechanisms.
FIGURE 7 | Correlation analyses of phenotypic and metabolomic data. Metabolites tentatively linked to four key pathways as targeted by unbiased chemometric analyses were correlated with phenotypic datasets (Supplementary Figure S3), based on which key relationships were identified. These form the basis of this Pearson’s correlation analyses the strength of which are indicated based on the intensity of red (positive) or green (negative) color. r 2 values are provided in Supplementary Table S4.
stress resulted in 85% more biomass accumulation during the treatment compared to exposure to severe stress (ranging from 43% for Pal6 to 211% for Gal10). Similarly, moderate drought imposed an average yield penalty of 38% (ranging from 28% for Mur3 to 46% for Gal10) when compared to well-watered controls. Results suggest that under mild drought stress, assessment of plant height, another parameter used to estimate plant biomass in several crop species (Tilly et al., 2015), could be a good predictor for ecotypes that perform well under more severe drought stress. However, the phenotypic features measured after exposure to moderate drought were unable to separate the Brachypodium ecotypes in the TOL, INT, and SUS groups. In contrast to mild drought, PCA on the phenotypic data after progressive drought showed a clear differentiation between TOL and SUS genotypes. The TOL group was not only characterized by having significantly increased measures for height and side area, but also showed distinct color-related properties with significantly reduced proportions of yellow and grey pixels. While leaf ‘greenness’ has been shown to correlate with foliar nitrogen and chlorophyll, the relative proportion of yellow pixels is indicative of leaf senescence characterized by yellowing or chlorosis (Rajendran et al., 2009; Li et al., 2014; Neilson et al., 2015). Interestingly, we also identified a “grey” pixel color range that reflected the relationship between greenness and red and blue color pixels. The physical basis of this trait was not determined but could be due to altered pigmentation or water content. Thus, our results suggest reduced or delayed drought
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role for these hormones. Clearly, cross-talk between these and other hormones (including ABA, ethylene, and auxins) and their associated signal transduction elements may play important roles in the response to drought stress. Further studies are necessary to confirm that increases in GA, SA, and JA are indeed involved in establishing the drought tolerance phenotype exhibited by the TOL Brachypodium ecotypes. In particular, the possible role of JA in influencing primary metabolism to confer drought tolerance in grasses needs to be assessed. Since analysis of both phenotypic and metabolite data, obtained from the same plant material upon progressive drought, revealed the TOL-SUS-INT clusters, there was an opportunity to assess potential correlations between the two data-sets to suggest metabolic events that could be contributing to the phenotypic changes. Biomass yield and delayed leaf senescence (stay-green) rank among the most important traits for improvement of crop plants under drought stress (Rivero et al., 2007; Salekdeh et al., 2009). Importantly, our analyses identified a number of metabolites (TCA-cycle intermediates, alanine, and SA; as well as JA; see Supplementary Figure S3) that correlate positively with phenotypic measures for biomass yield (area and height) and negatively with measures for stress (yellow and grey pixels). These observations would strongly suggest that SA and JA stress hormone signaling is important for maintaining some plant growth and reducing stress phenotypes. Although there is limited biological replication of the metabolite data, such conclusions highlight the value of integrative ‘omic’ approaches in providing novel insights into plant phenomena.
An interesting question is how far SA could be influencing the two primary metabolism pathways targeted in our study; the TCA cycle and amino acid metabolism. The TCA cycle is a crucial component of respiratory metabolism and is often altered in plants experiencing stress. Drought induced accumulation of TCA cycle metabolites (Urano et al., 2009) and the upregulation of TCA cycle-related genes in Arabidopsis shoots (Cavalcanti et al., 2014), have been reported. Metabolic differences in the stress tolerance of four different lentil genotypes were related to a reduction in the levels of TCA cycle intermediates suggesting an impaired energy metabolism with consequences on the ability of seedlings to acquire water and to support transport processes (Muscolo et al., 2015). SA has a well-characterized role in maintaining mitochondrial electron flow under stress conditions by inducing the expression of alternative oxidase (AOX) (Feng et al., 2009). This will influence the NADH oxidation by mitochondrial complex I which is coupled to the TCA cycle (Vanlerberghe, 2013). Thus, TOL Brachypodium genotypes could be exhibiting a SA-AOX mechanism of maintaining bioenergetic metabolism during drought. Amino acid accumulation, in particular proline, is considered a protective mechanism in many water-stressed plants (Rai, 2002). Proline has been shown to increase in several different plant species under drought stress, including maize, wheat, and Miscanthus (Rampino et al., 2006; Witt et al., 2012; Ings et al., 2013), and is thought to function primarily as an osmoprotectant, thereby protecting cells from damage caused by stress (Delauney and Verma, 1993). Indeed, overproduction of proline has been shown to result in increased tolerance to osmotic stress in transgenic plants (Kishor et al., 1995; Zhu et al., 1998; Yamada et al., 2005). The lower levels of both proline and glutamate, which can act as the precursor for proline, in the SUS class, suggests increased sensitivity to drought induced osmotic damage to the ecotypes within this class. In this context, there is evidence suggesting SA can influence the accumulation of some amino acids upon drought stress. A recent study focusing on drought in Creeping Bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) showed that SA conferred drought tolerance and also the accumulation of proline, serine, threonine and alanine (Li et al., 2016). However, an SA-influenced increased accumulation of carbohydrates, as noted in the Li et al. (2016) study was not prominent in our results. Despite increasing evidence for the involvement of JA in drought stress, there is little knowledge about its actual role in drought stress signaling, particularly when compared to its involvement in the response to biotic stresses (Du et al., 2013). In some studies, JA seems to improve drought tolerance while in others it has been reported to cause a reduction in growth and yield (Riemann et al., 2015). Interestingly, JA was one of the five metabolites contributing to the discrimination between TOL and SUS/INT under mild stress. A JA-synthesizing lipoxygenase was among the most interacting genes in a regulatory interaction network analyses of Arabidopsis exposed to mild drought stress (Clauw et al., 2015), in agreement with a role of JA in response to mild drought. Higher levels of GA, SA and JA in the TOL Brachypodium ecotypes when exposed to severe drought might suggest a protective
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CONCLUSION Drought screens of a diverse Brachypodium ecotype collection, integrated with phenotypic and metabolite profiling of selected Brachypodium ecotypes, highlight the variation in the response of Brachypodium ecotypes to water stress. Combined with its genotypic diversity (Gordon et al., 2014), this confirms the value of Brachypodium as a powerful model for the improvement of cereal, bioenergy, forage, and turf grasses to changing environmental conditions, including drought stress. The combination of phenotypic analysis and metabolite profiling revealed a remarkable consistency in separating the selected ecotypes into their pre-defined drought tolerance groups, highlighting the value of multivariate analysis as a robust approach to analyze complex phenotypic and metabolite data sets. The relative abundance of several metabolites, including for the phytohormones SA and JA, appear to correlate with biomass yield and reduced stress features. Although further studies are necessary to validate these findings, the results highlight the potential advantage of combining the analyses of phenotypic and metabolic responses to identify key mechanisms and markers associated with drought tolerance in crops. Overall, this work shows that different phenotyping assays could reliably identify drought-tolerant and sensitive Brachypodium lines, while
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support of Ray Smith and Tom Thomas (Aberystwyth, UK) for maintaining many of the plants used in the work and staff at the National Plant Phenomics Centre.
metabolite analysis may be predictive. Whilst the current study only provides correlations, future work will be aimed at gaining a better understanding of the genetic basis of the observed differences in the responses to drought stress between selected Brachypodium ecotypes and to investigate causation using recombinant inbred populations (Bettgenhaeuser et al., 2016) and reverse genetics approaches.
SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: full#supplementary-material
FIGURE S1 | Stomatal performance in selected Brachypodium ecotypes. At 5 weeks old, the nine Brachypodium accessions were either watered on a daily basis or droughted through non-watering. Stomatal conductance was determined at mid-point in the light period for each plant using a porometer every other day. Results are presented as mean conductance (n = 5 plants ± SE). Results are presented in three registers corresponding to susceptible (SUS), intermediate (INT) and tolerant (TOL) genotypes, respectively.
MB and LM conceived and designed the experiments. LF carried out drought screening and associated analyses and helped with phenotyping. FC and JD supervised plant phenotyping and JH performed image processing and extraction of phenotypic measures. AA performed stomatal conductance measurements. LM supervised metabolite profiling and performed data analyses. TD and KN helped with project design and provided project resources. MB and LM wrote the manuscript and LF, FC, TD, KN, and JD provided critical comments for manuscript improvement. All authors have read the manuscript and agree with its content.
FIGURE S2 | Brachypodium ecotypes 12 days after initiation of treatments (45 das). Side image photographs show two out of the four plants harvested for metabolite profiling for each of the ecotypes. TOL, tolerant; INT, intermediate; SUS, susceptible. FIGURE S3 | Correlation analyses of phenotypic and metabolomic data. Metabolites tentatively linked to four key pathways as targeted by unbiased chemometric analyses were correlated with phenotypic datasets. The degree of Pearson’s correlation is indicated as the intensity of red (positive) or green (negative) color. r 2 values are provided in Supplementary Table S4.
FUNDING Funding for this research was provided by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) in the form of an industrial CASE Ph.D. studentship (BB/I016872/1) with DLF Seeds A/S as industrial partner. Access to the National Plant Phenomics Centre (BB/J004464/1) was enabled through a Transnational Access European Plant Phenotyping Network (EPPN) grant (EPPN, Grant Agreement No. 284443) to TD and KN funded by the FP7 Research Infrastructures Programme of the European Union.
TABLE S1 | Overview of the Brachypodium distachyon germplasm collection used for the two drought screens. Origin and further geographical information available is listed for each of the 138 ecotypes. All accession are from IBERS collection, except ∗ Benavente Collection; ∗∗ ABR collection; ˆ Garvin collection; ˆˆ Vogel collection. Ecotypes included in second drought screen are highlighted in grey. TABLE S2 | Mean wilting scores obtained for each ecotype included in first drought screen. Scores are averages of three individual plants except ∗ , based on two plants. Ecotypes included in second drought screen are highlighted in grey. SD, standard deviation. TABLE S3 | Normalized shoot area data. Normalized shoot area data, derived from side images, used to prepare graphs shown in Figure 3. Standard deviation of the measurements is included (SD). Abbreviations: das, days after sowing; S-area, side area; SWC, soil water content.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to thank Manfred Beckmann and Kathleen Taillard (IBERS, Aberystwyth University) for excellent technical assistance with FIE-MS. We would also like to acknowledge the
TABLE S4 | Multivariate regression analyses (R2 ) of phenomic and metabolomics data.
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November 2016 | Volume 7 | Article 1751
ORIGINAL RESEARCH published: 09 May 2016 doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00619
Public Availability of a Genotyped Segregating Population May Foster Marker Assisted Breeding (MAB) and Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) Discovery: An Example Using Strawberry James F. Hancock 1*, Suneth S. Sooriyapathirana 2 , Nahla V. Bassil 3 , Travis Stegmeir 4 , Lichun Cai 1 , Chad E. Finn 5 , Eric Van de Weg 6 and Cholani K. Weebadde 7 1
Edited by: Alejandro Del Pozo, Universidad de Talca, Chile Reviewed by: Richard Jonathan Harrison, East Malling Research, UK Peter Douglas Savaria Caligari, Verdant Bioscience, Indonesia *Correspondence: James F. Hancock
[email protected] Specialty section: This article was submitted to Crop Science and Horticulture, a section of the journal Frontiers in Plant Science Received: 04 December 2015 Accepted: 22 April 2016 Published: 09 May 2016 Citation: Hancock JF, Sooriyapathirana SS, Bassil NV, Stegmeir T, Cai L, Finn CE, Van de Weg E and Weebadde CK (2016) Public Availability of a Genotyped Segregating Population May Foster Marker Assisted Breeding (MAB) and Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) Discovery: An Example Using Strawberry. Front. Plant Sci. 7:619. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00619
Department of Horticulture, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA, 2 Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Science, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 3 United States Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Research Service, National Clonal Germplasm Repository, Corvallis, OR, USA, 4 Lassen Canyon Nursery Breeding Program, Redding, CA, USA, 5 United States Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Research Service, Horticultural Crops Research Unit, Corvallis, OR, USA, 6 Wageningen UR Plant Breeding, Wageningen, Netherlands, 7 Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
Much of the cost associated with marker discovery for marker assisted breeding (MAB) can be eliminated if a diverse, segregating population is generated, genotyped, and made available to the global breeding community. Herein, we present an example of a hybrid, wild-derived family of the octoploid strawberry that can be used by other breeding programs to economically find and tag useful genes for MAB. A pseudo test cross population between two wild species of Fragaria virginiana and F. chiloensis (FVC 11) was generated and evaluated for a set of phenotypic traits. A total of 106 individuals in the FVC 11 were genotyped for 29,251 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) utilizing a commercially available, genome-wide scanning platform (Affymetrix Axiom IStraw90TW ). The marker trait associations were deduced using TASSEL software. The FVC 11 population segregating for daughters per mother, inflorescence number, inflorescence height, crown production, flower number, fruit size, yield, internal color, soluble solids, fruit firmness, and plant vigor. Coefficients of variations ranged from 10% for fruit firmness to 68% for daughters per mother, indicating an underlying quantitative inheritance for each trait. A total of 2,474 SNPs were found to be polymorphic in FVC 11 and strong marker trait associations were observed for vigor, daughters per mother, yield and fruit weight. These data indicate that FVC 11 can be used as a reference population for quantitative trait loci detection and subsequent MAB across different breeding programs and geographical locations. Keywords: Fragaria × ananassa, F. chiloensis, F. virginiana, association mapping, quantitative trait analysis (QTL)
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May 2016 | Volume 7 | Article 619
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and F. chiloensis ssp. pacifica from California (Scotts Creek, PI 612490). This population likely contains as much diversity as is possible in a single octoploid strawberry family as it is composed of four different subspecies from four distant ecological regions spanning two continents.
INTRODUCTION The expense of developing a dense linkage map of single sequence repeats (SSRs) (Sargent et al., 2012) and/or single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) (Bassil et al., 2015) to conduct marker assisted breeding (MAB) (Collard and Mackill, 2008) is prohibitive for many breeding programs, particularly in the developing countries. Much of this cost can be circumvented; however, if a diverse, segregating population is made available to the global breeding community that has already been genotyped using markers from a published linkage map. That segregating population could be evaluated by the recipient breeding program in situ for the traits of interest and then the published linkage map could be used to search for markers associated with traits of interest. The only costs incurred by the recipient breeding program would be those associated with the phenotyping and computer analysis and use of only the relevant markers. The high costs associated with the generation of a dense linkage map of a segregating population could be avoided, saving the recipient breeding program hundreds of thousands of dollars in development costs. Costs could be further reduced by utilizing publicly available association mapping software such as ‘Tassel’ (Bradbury et al., 2007; Khan, 2011). In this paper, we describe a hybrid population of the octoploid strawberry that should be a rich source of novel genes for the global breeding community. We have genotyped this population for 29,251 SNPs that were previously mapped in another segregating population (Bassil et al., 2015). The objective of this paper is to show how this population can be used by other breeding programs to economically find and tag useful genes for MAB. A similar approach could be used in all crops to make MAB much more available to breeding programs with limited resources.
Marker Development We genotyped 106 individuals in the FVC 11 family utilizing a commercially available, genome-wide scanning platform (Affymetrix Axiom IStraw90TW ), according to manufactures instructions (Affymetrix, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA). This platform was developed as part of the international RosBREED project, focused on enabling marker-assisted breeding through identification and validation of QTLs for traits of importance to breeders (Iezzoni et al., 2010; Bassil et al., 2015). Short-read sequences from one diploid and 19 octoploid accessions were aligned to the diploid F. vesca ‘Hawaii 4’ reference genome to identify SNPs and indels for incorporation into the array. A total of 95,062 marker loci (SNPs, indels, and haploSNPs) were included on the array. After removing monomorphic, segregation wise distorted and ambiguous markers by applying necessary data filters in excel, we identified polymorphisms in the FVC 11 family in a subset of 6,594 SNPs that had already been placed in a dense genetic linkage map of the full sib-family ‘Holiday’ × ‘Korona’ (van Dijk et al., 2014; Bassil et al., 2015). This gave us the physical positions of our segregating markers to do a subsequent association analysis.
Phenotypic Data Seventy-eight genotypes of the FVC 11 population were evaluated at Benton Harbor, MI in 2007 and 2008 for their daughter plant production, inflorescence number, inflorescence height, crown production, flower number, fruit size, yield, internal color, soluble solids, and fruit firmness. In June 2007, two to three replicates (runner plants) of each genotype were planted in the field in Benton Harbor, MI, in a randomized complete block design. Plants were set in rows at 1.2 m × 1.2 m spacing and all runners were trained by cross-cultivation into a 0.5 m wide square. A total of three random inflorescences were selected per mother and daughter plant and their heights were measured from crown to tip and their flower numbers were counted. The number of crowns was also counted on each mother plant and the three daughter plants as well as the total number of daughters produced by each mother plant (original plants set in field). Overall plant vigor was estimated on a 1–7 (least to most vigorous) scale based on plot fill and individual plant vigor. The first five ripe fruit were harvested to determine an average fruit weight, and after another five fruits had ripened all ripe and unripe fruits were picked to determine yield. Fruit firmness (g mm−2 ) was measured on five ripe fruit per plot (when available) using the compression test of BioWorks’ FirmTech 2 (Wamego, KS, USA). Two ripe fruits from each replication were cut in half and percent internal color was estimated visually based on how deep the color penetrated the flesh. Soluble solids were taken by squeezing one drop of juice onto the handheld refractometer from the two fruits for two separate readings. These data were previously reported by Stegmeir et al. (2010).
MATERIALS AND METHODS Segregating Population We have generated a hybrid population of the octoploid strawberry consisting of four subspecies. The primary cultivated strawberry, Fragaria × ananassa Duchesne ex Rozier, initially arose from a hybridization between F. chiloensis (L.) Miller subsp. chiloensis forma chiloensis and F. virginiana Miller subsp. virginiana in Europe 250 years ago (Hancock, 1999). Wildcollected clones of both species have been evaluated in multiple locations to identify the possible beneficial traits that could be incorporated into the cultivated strawberry and thereby select elite germplasm (Hancock et al., 2001a,b). Elite selections of F. virginiana and F. chiloensis were intercrossed in 23 combinations and evaluated in the field in Michigan and Oregon (Hancock et al., 2010). The most impressive family was FVC11 [(Frederick 9 × LH 50–4) × (Scotts Creek × 2 MAR 1A)], which had the best combination of fruit size, color, and yield and was composed of four different subspecies: F. virginiana ssp. virginiana from Ontario (Frederick 9, PI 612493), F. virginiana ssp. glauca from Montana (LH 50-4, PI 612495), F. chiloensis ssp. chiloensis forma patagonica from Chile (2 MAR 1A, PI 602567),
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Marker Assisted Breeding in Strawberry
fruit size, yield, internal color, soluble solids, fruit firmness, and plant vigor (Table 1). Coefficients of Variations (CVs) ranged from 10% for fruit firmness to 68% for yield. When progeny means were compared with those of the parental means, many traits exhibited transgressive segregation, most notably yield, and fruit weight. Of the two parents, the F. virginiana had the highest value for vigor, crown production, inflorescence number, inflorescence height, flower numbers, yield, and depth of fruit color, while the F. chiloensis had the highest values for fruit weight and firmness.
Association Analysis Marker-trait associations were determined by using TASSEL 5 software (Bradbury et al., 2007). Diallelic SNP markers were called for genotypes in which homozygous classes were designated as 0 or 1 and heterozygous class was designated as 0.5. The monomorphic markers, the markers with ≥15% missing data and markers whose genotypes were genetically ambiguous were removed prior to the analysis. The numerical marker and trait data were uploaded to Tassel and kinship was calculated as in a classical association analysis. Then MLM mapping was used to find significant marker trait associations. The probability (p) estimate of [−log10(p)] was used to represent the strength of the associations and the threshold was set to 3.00 for reporting most significant marker-trait associations.
Genotypic Variability and Association Analysis The FVC 11 segregating population proved to be highly polymorphic. Out of the 6,594 SNPs that had been placed on the genetic linkage map of ‘Holiday’ × ‘Korona’ by Bassil et al. (2015), we found 37.42% to be polymorphic in our FVC-11 population. In the subsequent QTL analysis, we found a number of SNP markers that were closely linked to important horticultural traits, with highly significant p values and −log10 (p) values of ≥3.0. We discovered a SNP on LG 6 (AX-89796183) that was associated with both plant vigor and the production of daughter plants.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Phenotypic Variability As was previously reported by Stegmeir et al. (2010) significant variation was observed among the progeny for their inflorescence number, inflorescence height, crown production, flower number,
TABLE 1 | The mean, range, and coefficient of variation (CV) for 15 traits evaluated in the strawberry FVC 11 family at Benton Harbor, MI in 2008 (Stegmeir et al., 2010). Trait
Means of parents Fragaria chiloensis
Plant vigor
FVC -11 family F. virginiana
CV (%)
Crowns per mother
Crowns per daughter
Inflorescences per mother
Inflorescences. per daughter
Inflorescences height (cm)
Flowers per infl.
Fruit wt. (g)
Yield per plant (g)
Total yield (g)
Soluble solids
Fruit firmness
Daughters per mother
Internal color (%)
TABLE 2 | Significant marker-trait associations found in the FVC 11 population. Trait
Daughters per mother
Yield per plant (g)
Total yield (g)
Total yield (g)
Fruit wt. (g)
Fruit wt. (g)
Fruit wt. (g)
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May 2016 | Volume 7 | Article 619
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Marker Assisted Breeding in Strawberry
2011) and a commercially available SNP array. We will maintain the FVC 11 family at Michigan State University and will make plants available to other interested strawberry breeders until at least December 31, 2017, so that other global programs can search for breeder-friendly markers and use these informative markers themselves. We ask only that the recipients pay for any required phytosanitary analysis and shipping costs.
SNPs in two regions of LG 2 were associated with fruit weight (AX-89904664; AX-89880679, and AX-89823518). A SNP on LG 5 (AX-89849271) was associated with yield per plant, while two other SNPs on LG 1 (AX-898760359) and LG 6 (AX-89898803) were significantly associated with yield per plot (Table 2).
CONCLUSION Based on the results described above, it is clear that the FVC-11 population is highly polymorphic for numerous horticulturally important traits and could provide useful genetic variability to other strawberry breeding programs. It is likely that the population also segregates for a number of other important horticultural traits that we did not evaluate. The original F. virginiana parent Frederick 9 is resistant to powdery mildew and leaf scorch, and very highly resistant to the northern root knot nematode. The other original F. virginiana parent LH50-4 is unusually cold-hardy and is also very highly resistant to the northern root knot nematode. The F. chiloensis parent Scotts Creek has high salt and drought tolerance, and low nutrient needs. The other F. chiloensis parent MAR 1A also has high salt and drought tolerance, and low nutrient requirements. The environmental adaptations of the parents ranged from the Mediterranean climates where Scotts Creek and MAR 1A grew, to the high elevation Rocky Mountain habitat of LH 50-4 and the mid-south Canadian, continental climate of Frederick 9. We have demonstrated how an existing, soon to be published linkage map can be used to find QTL cheaply, using publically available software (e.g.,: ‘TASSEL’) (Bradbury et al., 2007; Khan,
AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS JH – Designed study and was primary source of funding, wrote manuscript. SS – Collected leaf samples for SNP analysis, conducted QTL analysis, generated tables for manuscript NB – Supervised DNA extraction and development of SNPs. TS – Collected phenotypic data. LC – Organized SNP data for analysis. CF – Generated FVC family that was analyzed. EW – Provided unpublished linkage map for QTL analysis. CW – Was secondary source of funding, played integral role in planning, and interpretation of data.
FUNDING Partially funded by USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture “Specialty Crop Research Initiative project”, “RosBREED: Enabling marker-assisted breeding in Rosaceae” (2009-51181-05808) and AgBioResearch, Michigan State University, East Lansing.
Khan, M. A. (2011). A Tutorial to Perform Association Mapping Analysis using TASSEL V 3.0 Software. Available at: files/associationmappingtutorialusingtassel-111119213639-phpapp01.pdf Sargent, D. J., Passey, T., Surbanovski, N., Lopez Girona, E., Kuchta, P., Davik, J., et al. (2012). A microsatellite linkage map for the cultivated strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) suggests extensive regions of homozygosity in the genome that may have resulted from breeding and selection. Theor. Appl. Genet. 124, 1229–1240. doi: 10.1007/s00122-011-1782-6 Stegmeir, T. L., Finn, C. E., Warner, R. M., and Hancock, J. F. (2010). Performance of an elite strawberry population derived from wild germplasm of Fragaria chiloensis and F. virginiana. HortScience 45, 1140–1145. van Dijk, T., Pagliarani, G., Pikunova, A., Noordijk, Y., Yilmaz-Temel, H., and Meulenbroek, B. (2014). Genomic rearrangements and signatures of breeding in the allo-octoploid strawberry as revealed through an allele dose based SSR linkage map. BMC Plant Biol. 14:55. doi: 10.1186/1471-2229-14-55
Bassil, N. V., Davis, T. M., Zhang, H., Ficklin, S., Mittmann, M., Webster, T., et al. (2015). Development and preliminary evaluation of a 90 K Axiom R SNP array for the allo-octoploid cultivated strawberry Fragaria × ananassa. BMC Genomics 16:155. doi: 10.1186/s12864-015-1310-1 Bradbury, P. J., Zhang, Z., Kroon, D. E., Casstevens, T. M., Ramdoss, Y., and Buckler, E. S. (2007). TASSEL: software for association mapping of complex traits in diverse samples. Bioinformatics 23, 2633–2635. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btm308 Collard, B. C., and Mackill, D. J. (2008). Marker-assisted selection: an approach for precision plant breeding in the twenty-first century. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. B Biol. Sci. 363, 557–572. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2007.2170 Hancock, J. F. (1999). Strawberries. Wallingford: CABI Publishing. Hancock, J. F., Callow, P. W., Dale, A., Luby, J. J., Finn, C. E., Hokanson, S. C., et al. (2001a). From the Andes to the Rockies: native strawberry collection and utilization. HortScience 36, 221–225. Hancock, J. F., Finn, C. E., Hokanson, S. C., Luby, J. J., Goulart, B. L., Demchak, K., et al. (2001b). A multistate comparison of native octoploid strawberries from North and South America. J. Am. Soc. Hortic. Sci. 126, 579–586. Hancock, J. F., Finn, C. E., Luby, J. J., Dale, A., Callow, P. W., and Serçe, S. (2010). Reconstruction of the strawberry, Fragaria × ananassa, using genotypes of F. virginiana and F. chiloensis. HortScience 45, 1006–1013. Iezzoni, A., Weebadde, C., Luby, J., Chengyan, Y., Van De Weg, E., Fazio, G., et al. (2010). RosBREED: enabling marker assisted breeding in Rosaceae. Acta Hortic. 859, 389–394. doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2010. 859.47
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Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. Copyright © 2016 Hancock, Sooriyapathirana, Bassil, Stegmeir, Cai, Finn, Van de Weg and Weebadde. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.
May 2016 | Volume 7 | Article 619
ORIGINAL RESEARCH published: 19 October 2016 doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01554
Edited by: Rodomiro Ortiz, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden Reviewed by: Craig Wood, Plant Industry (CSIRO), Australia Fred Stoddard, University of Helsinki, Finland *Correspondence: Shailendra Goel
[email protected] Arun Jagannath
[email protected] †
Present Address: Murali T. Variath, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Hyderabad, India ‡
These authors have contributed equally to this work. Specialty section: This article was submitted to Crop Science and Horticulture, a section of the journal Frontiers in Plant Science Received: 30 June 2016 Accepted: 03 October 2016 Published: 19 October 2016
Citation: Kumar S, Ambreen H, Variath MT, Rao AR, Agarwal M, Kumar A, Goel S and Jagannath A (2016) Utilization of Molecular, Phenotypic, and Geographical Diversity to Develop Compact Composite Core Collection in the Oilseed Crop, Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) through Maximization Strategy. Front. Plant Sci. 7:1554. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01554
Utilization of Molecular, Phenotypic, and Geographical Diversity to Develop Compact Composite Core Collection in the Oilseed Crop, Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) through Maximization Strategy Shivendra Kumar 1‡ , Heena Ambreen 1‡ , Murali T. Variath 1 † , Atmakuri R. Rao 2 , Manu Agarwal 1 , Amar Kumar 1 , Shailendra Goel 1* and Arun Jagannath 1* 1
Department of Botany, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India, 2 Centre for Agricultural Bioinformatics, Indian Council of Agricultural Research-Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, New Delhi, India
Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) is a dryland oilseed crop yielding high quality edible oil. Previous studies have described significant phenotypic variability in the crop and used geographical distribution and phenotypic trait values to develop core collections. However, the molecular diversity component was lacking in the earlier collections thereby limiting their utility in breeding programs. The present study evaluated the phenotypic variability for 12 agronomically important traits during two growing seasons (2011–12 and 2012–13) in a global reference collection of 531 safflower accessions, assessed earlier by our group for genetic diversity and population structure using AFLP markers. Significant phenotypic variation was observed for all the agronomic traits in the representative collection. Cluster analysis of phenotypic data grouped the accessions into five major clusters. Accessions from the Indian Subcontinent and America harbored maximal phenotypic variability with unique characters for a few traits. MANOVA analysis indicated significant interaction between genotypes and environment for both the seasons. Initially, six independent core collections (CC1–CC6) were developed using molecular marker and phenotypic data for two seasons through POWERCORE and MSTRAT. These collections captured the entire range of trait variability but failed to include complete genetic diversity represented in 19 clusters reported earlier through Bayesian analysis of population structure (BAPS). Therefore, we merged the three POWERCORE core collections (CC1–CC3) to generate a composite core collection, CartC1 and three MSTRAT core collections (CC4–CC6) to generate another composite core collection, CartC2. The mean difference percentage, variance difference percentage, variable rate of coefficient of variance percentage, coincidence rate of range percentage, Shannon’s diversity index, and Nei’s gene diversity for CartC1 were 11.2, 43.7, 132.4, 93.4, 0.47, and 0.306, respectively while the corresponding values for CartC2 were 9.3, 58.8, 124.6, 95.8, 0.46, and 0.301. Each composite core collection represented the complete range of phenotypic and genetic variability of the crop including 19 BAPS clusters. This is the
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first report describing development of core collections in safflower using molecular marker data with phenotypic values and geographical distribution. These core collections will facilitate identification of genetic determinants of trait variability and effective utilization of the prevalent diversity in crop improvement programs. Keywords: safflower, phenotypic data, AFLP, regional gene pools, Maximization (M) strategy, MSTRAT, POWERCORE, core collection
developed the first core collection in safflower consisting of 210 accessions by evaluating a germplasm collection of 2042 accessions from ∼50 countries. Dwivedi et al. (2005) developed another core collection comprising 570 accessions from a total collection of 5522 safflower accessions from 38 countries. However, since most agronomically important traits are quantitative in nature, they are significantly influenced by genotype × environment (GE) interactions. Therefore, the data types (morphological and geographical information) used for development of the initial core collections in safflower would have under-represented the genetic diversity present in the crop due to lack of allelic information. Efforts are required to include genetic diversity based on molecular markers for development of a more effective and robust core collection in safflower. The present study describes the phenotypic evaluation of a global representative collection of 531 safflower accessions and development of a robust core collection in safflower using maximization strategy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a composite core collection in safflower utilizing molecular variability along with geographical distribution and phenotypic data. This collection will be useful in designing crop improvement programs in a more effective manner and in dissecting the molecular determinants of trait variability.
Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) is a dryland oilseed crop widely adapted to grow over a broad range of geographical locations extending from Far East to American region (Dajue and Mündel, 1996). It was initially cultivated for extraction of dyes and subsequently gained importance as a source of edible oil due to its nutritionally desirable composition of plant-based unsaturated fatty acids namely, oleic, and linoleic acid (Ashri et al., 1977; Dajue and Mündel, 1996; Khan et al., 2009). In addition, the medicinal properties of safflower and its use as a system for production of pharmaceutical products are well documented (Weiss, 1983; McPherson et al., 2009; Carlsson et al., 2014). Safflower is severely affected by several biotic and abiotic stresses and is characterized by low yield and spiny nature which have discouraged farmers from adopting its cultivation in several countries including India (Nimbkar, 2008). Moreover, the breeding lines and cultivars of safflower harbor low genetic diversity (Kumar et al., 2015), which restricts their utility in breeding programs. Therefore, an extensive characterization of the prevalent genetic and phenotypic diversity among the global germplasm of the crop is required to facilitate development of effective crop improvement strategies. Germplasm resources act as a reservoir for trait variability and are of prime importance for crop improvement. However, their large size and heterogeneous structure restricts their accessibility and application (Brown, 1989a,b; Noirot et al., 1996; van Hintum, 2000). For effective management and utilization of these resources, Frankel (1984) introduced the concept of “core collection.” A core collection is a representative subset of minimum number of non-redundant individuals capturing maximum variability prevalent in the entire germplasm collection. Characterization and evaluation of core collection is an easier task compared to the entire germplasm collection. Initially, core collections were developed using morphological parameters and/or geographical distribution (Huaman et al., 1999; Tai and Miller, 2001; Upadhyaya and Ortiz, 2001; Upadhyaya et al., 2003, 2009; Li et al., 2005; Bhattacharjee et al., 2007; Mahalakshmi et al., 2007). Subsequently, availability of molecular markers and their greater efficacy in elucidating genetic diversity have facilitated the development of more robust core collections using molecular markers either alone (Zhang et al., 2009) or in conjunction with phenotypic data in various crop species (Wang et al., 2006; Ebana et al., 2008; Shehzad et al., 2009; Belaj et al., 2012; Díez et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2015). Until now, efforts to consolidate safflower genetic resources into core collections were based on assessment of morphological traits and geographical distribution. Johnson et al. (1993)
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MATERIALS AND METHODS Germplasm Resources The safflower germplasm used in the present study comprised of 531 accessions. The details of the accessions including their PI numbers, country of origin and regional pool along with the strategy used for their selection has been described by Kumar et al. (2015).
Measurement of Phenotypic Data The accessions were grown and characterized in two consecutive seasons (2011–12 and 2012–13) at Agricultural Research Station, University of Delhi, Bawana Road, New Delhi, India (Latitude: 28◦ 38′ N, longitude: 77◦ 12′ E and altitude: 252 m). Ten seeds of each accession were sown in a single row of 2 m with an average distance of 0.2 m between plants and a gap of 0.6 m between each row. Locally adopted agronomic practices were followed for raising a healthy crop. Phenotypic characterization was done following the guidelines of International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI) for safflower. Each accession was characterized for 12 traits which included 8 pre-harvest and 4 post-harvest traits. The pre-harvest traits were growth habit (GH), plant height (PH), spininess (SP), number of primary branches (PB), branch location (BL), number
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of heads per plant (HD), flower color (FC), and days to 50% flowering (DTF). The post-harvest traits were 100-seed weight (SW), seed oil content (OC), oleic acid content (OA), and linoleic acid content (LA). The data was recorded for three healthy plants of each accession. Growth habit of the plant was recorded as “erect” or “sprawling” on ground. For plant height, main shoot length was measured from soil surface to the highest inflorescence of the plant. Spininess of the accessions were recorded at the onset of flowering and reported as “present” or “absent.” Number of branches originating from the main axis was counted as number of primary branches. Distribution of primary branches on the main shoot determined branch location in safflower and was categorized as basal, upper one-third, upper two third, and from base to apex of the plant. The total number of inflorescences (primary, secondary, and tertiary) per plant was recorded as number of heads per plant. Flower color was documented as yellow, orange, red and off-white at full bloom stage. For each accession, the number of days from planting to onset of flowering in 50% plants was considered as days to 50% flowering. Seed weight of 100 achenes from each plant was measured in grams and recorded as 100-seed weight. Oil content was measured by Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) (Foss, Germany). Oil content in seed samples of 300 safflower accessions was estimated by Soxhlet method and used for the development and calibration of NIRS equations for oil content measurement in safflower (manuscript under preparation). Fatty acid composition (oleic and linoleic acid content), was determined by methyl esterification followed by gas chromatography using Clarus 580 (Perkin Elmer, USA) as per manufacturer’s instructions.
1.32 (Yeh et al., 1999). Additionally, mean difference percentage (MD%), variance difference percentage (VD%), variable rate of coefficient of variance (VR%), and coincidence rate of range (CR%) were calculated to assess the level of diversity captured in core collection with respect to the entire collection (Hu et al., 2000). T-test and F-test were performed to study difference in mean and variance of traits between the entire collection and composite core collections. The “coverage” criterion described by Kim et al. (2007) was used to evaluate the percentage diversity captured for each variable in the composite core collections.
RESULTS Analysis of Pre-harvest Traits
MSTRAT (Gouesnard et al., 2001) and POWERCORE (Kim et al., 2007) were used for development of independent core collections using phenotypic data of seasons 2011–12, 2012–13 and genotypic data reported by Kumar et al. (2015). In MSTRAT, 20 replicates and 100 iterations were tested at a fixed sample size of 10%. The core collection with highest Shannon’s diversity index was selected. POWERCORE was used as described in the user’s manual (Kim et al., 2007).
Analysis of pre-harvest traits revealed significant phenotypic variability among the safflower accessions used in the current study. Erect growth was observed in 529 accessions while two accessions (PI-305204 and PI-306912) showed sprawling growth in both the seasons (2011–12 and 2012–13). Plant height of the studied accessions ranged from 94 to 226 cm in 2011–12 and from 73 to 211 cm in 2012–13 growing seasons (Supplementary Figures 1A,B). Although these values suggest a minor shift in the overall range between the two seasons, plant height of individual accessions did not show a markable difference. In our study, around 21% of the accessions (111) were non-spiny while 79% of accessions (420) were spiny in nature. The number of primary branches in the studied accessions ranged from 4 to 34 in 2011– 12 season and from 5 to 33 for 2012–13 season. The position of branch emergence is associated with the bushy nature in safflower. A large number of accessions (38%) had branches located in the upper one third portion of the plant followed by 31% of accessions with branches in the upper two third portion. The remaining 31% of accessions had branches originating from the base till the apex giving it a more bushy appearance. The number of heads per plant varied from 11 to 203 and from 9 to 189 for 2011–12 and 2012–13 growing seasons, respectively. Safflower shows different shades for its corolla color varying from yellow, orange, red to off-white. In our study, yellow was the most common color (76% of accessions) followed by orange (11% of accessions). Days to 50% flowering was recorded for each accession as described above. The trait distribution was observed to be asymptotically normal in both the seasons (Supplementary Figures 1C,D). Based on these observations, accessions were categorized as early flowering (tail of the distribution curve; 119– 128 days and 137–146 days for 2011–12 and 2012–13 seasons, respectively), mid flowering (129–151 days for 2011–12 and 147– 174 days for 2012–13, respectively) and late flowering (tail of the distribution curve; 152–160 days and 175–182 days for 2011–12 and 2012–13 season, respectively; Supplementary Figures 1C,D). Although days to 50% flowering shifted between the two seasons, no change was observed in the associated categories of accessions between the seasons. Based on the above analysis, we identified 14 early-flowering, 490 mid-flowering, and 27 late-flowering accessions.
Evaluation of Core Collections
Analysis of Post-harvest Traits
Core collections were evaluated by estimating Shannon’s diversity index (I) and Nei’s gene diversity (H) using POPGENE version
The hundred seed weight value ranged from 1 to 8 g for 2011– 12 season and from 2 to 8 g in 2012–13 season. No significant
Statistical Analysis of Phenotypic Data Phenotypic correlations between different quantitative traits (computed as Pearson correlation coefficient, r), cluster analysis based on Euclidean distance and two-dimensional Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) were performed using PAST version 3.10 (Hammer et al., 2001). Frequency distribution of accessions for different classes of traits was calculated. Evaluation of seasonal variation for the traits under consideration was conducted through Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) using SPSS version 18 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences; SPSS Inc. Released, 2009. PASW Statistics for Windows, Version 18.0. Chicago: SPSS Inc.).
Development of Core Collections
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Development of Composite Core Collection in Safflower
difference was observed in the phenotypic range between the two seasons. Estimation of oil content was performed using NIRS. The oil content among the analyzed accessions ranged from 16 to 50% in 2011–12 while for the 2012–13 season it ranged from 15 to 47% (Supplementary Figures 1E,F). Accessions with oil content 40% oil content were categorized as “high oil content” (Supplementary Figures 1E,F). Accessions with low and high oil content remained consistent in both the seasons. The oleic acid content ranged from 9 to 82% with most accessions (93%) falling in the lower range of oleic acid content (below 25%) and a few (7%) having medium and high oleic acid content (>75%). Linoleic acid content varied from 13 to 87% with most accessions (90%) showing high linoleic acid content (65–80%) and few accessions having very high (3%), medium or low linoleic acid content (6.6%). Table 1 includes list of accessions with high oil content (>40%), high oleic acid (>75%), and very high linoleic acid (≥80%) observed in the current study.
phenotypic classes among the safflower regional gene pools is given in Supplementary File 1. Although morphological delineation was not prominently observed between different regional gene pools for most traits, a few character states were more pronounced in some gene pools. Accessions with increased plant height (>155 cm) were limited to Iran-Afghanistan, Turkey, Far East, and Europe. The majority of accessions with low head count per plant were from the Far East. A higher number of primary branches (25–33) was found only among accessions from the Indian subcontinent, Far East, America, and Iran-Afghanistan. Early flowering accessions were found only among genotypes from Far East, Indian subcontinent, Egypt, and America. On the other hand, all other pre-harvest traits namely growth habit, spines, location of branches on the main axis of plant and flower color did not show any preferential distribution to any regional gene pool. Among post-harvest traits, high oil content was observed only in accessions from the American region while some accessions from the Indian subcontinent had up to 40% of oil content (Supplementary File 1). High oleic acid content (>75%) was found only in accessions from America and Indian subcontinent. All accessions from Near East, Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, Europe, and Iran-Afghanistan had low oleic acid content. Higher ranges of 100 seed weight (6–8 gm) were found predominantly among Indian accessions and to a limited extent from American region.
Correlation Analysis between Traits Correlation analysis indicated a significant negative correlation (r = −0.99) between oleic and linoleic acid content of safflower. The correlation values for all other traits were below the significance level of 0.50. The highest positive correlation value was observed between number of heads per plant and number of primary branches (0.45). The correlation coefficient values for the analyzed traits are listed in Table 2.
Cluster Analysis and Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA)
Distribution of Traits within and between Regional Gene Pools
The inter-relationships and genetic distance between safflower accessions based on phenotypic data was assessed through unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) clustering using Euclidean distance matrix (Figure 1). Safflower accessions were grouped in five major clusters designated as CL
The 531 accessions used in this study represented all the 10 regional gene pools defined by Ashri (1975) based on morphological parameters. The distribution of different
TABLE 1 | List of safflower accessions with high oil content (>40%), linoleic acid content (≥80%), and oleic acid content (>75%). Oil content (>40%) PI number
Country of origin
537635 537701
Linoleic acid (≥80%)
Oil content (%)
PI number
Linoleic acid content (%)
PI number
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Country of origin
High Oleic acid (>75%)
Country of origin
Oleic acid content (%) 82
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Development of Composite Core Collection in Safflower
I and II with a few accessions in quadrants III and IV. Far East accessions were restricted to quadrants I and IV while accessions from the European region were limited to quadrant I and II. Accessions from the Near East region were found to be part of quadrants I and II while Sudanese accessions were distributed in all the four quadrants. Accessions from Turkey and Egypt were predominantly found in quadrants I and II.
TABLE 2 | Correlation coefficient between eight quantitative traits studied in the entire safflower collection. OC
* * * 0.005
Analysis of Seasonal Variations and Development of Core Collections Using POWERCORE and MSTRAT
0.134 0.450
0.098 0.033 0.090
* *
MANOVA analysis indicated significant seasonal effects as well as significant interaction effect between seasons and accession effects by considering all quantitative traits together (Table 4). Therefore, phenotypic data for both the seasons (2011– 12 and 2012–13) and molecular marker data were treated independently for development of core collections. Usage of the two maximization (M) strategy based programs resulted in the generation of six core collections (CC1-CC6). In our earlier work, molecular profiling of the 531 accessions identified 157 polymorphic AFLP markers (Kumar et al., 2015). Core collections were developed with these AFLP markers using POWERCORE and MSTRAT and designated as CC1 and CC4, respectively. CC1 included 14 accessions (2.6% of the entire collection) belonging to six out of 10 regional gene pools while CC4 comprised 26 accessions (4.9% of the entire collection) belonging to seven regional gene pools (Table 5). Phenotypic data of seasons 2011–12 and 2012–13 was used to develop core collections CC2 and CC3, respectively using POWERCORE. CC2 consisted of 26 accessions (4.9% of the entire collection) from six regional gene pools (Table 5) and regions of secondary introduction (Australia and America). CC3 consisted of 27 accessions (5.1% of the entire collection) from six regional gene pools of safflower. Core collections CC5 and CC6, were developed using phenotypic data of season 2011–12 and 2012– 13, respectively using MSTRAT. CC5 consisted of 47 accessions (8.8% of the entire collection) from seven regional gene pools and regions of secondary introduction (America and Australia). CC6, comprising 54 accessions (10% of the entire collection) had representation from eight regional gene pools along with regions of secondary introduction. The ranges, means, and variances for all the quantitative traits were calculated for core collections developed using phenotypic data (CC2, CC3, CC5, and CC6) and compared with corresponding values for the entire collection (Supplementary Tables 1, 2). MD% displays the difference in averages between the core and the entire collection and should be