plant physiology

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DIOf to pollination to allow. DianthLE atvinensis. Teiswini, 1999 only pollen with resistant allelie Dorribination to grow and participate in fertilisation.


Ramdane Oris World food Ltd., Mcr1·R~st1lnntfo 3 C 00980 I l•l•1nki, l 'inlnnd

Catherine Barry-Ryan School

,~r Focxl Sclence

& Environmtntnl I ie~ltli Dublin Institute of 'technology CathJt BrughJ Street, Dubhn, Ireland

Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi





T.juw1ni'. R. Mrld11Jal •ntl C: Arun•i lnt.l•an ln,rituee ~•f t101c1e· RMt'drf'h. >t••Nt•Q1>u•1e L.tlko Pool Bano.•I01• 5G0080. Korna!MJOI..,,,,,..,.,


'O•P• 01 PlllOI Elio.. 11ng and OQf"'llC.' Col ..

".!"'°°'· l1ldlo 1Nollon41 R_n;1, C-8 lo! Sor1JhUm

01 Ag-ic\l turo.

h•Jote1 MP

floJ•noro Noo.r. H~~•rolMd. A P nOi uf the ~omn pldnt 2) /\nother >p~iJ! fNtUre of the gam.ioph) Iporoph} toe 6ClotJn& breeding prop,1·an"Ut1l" dCn>3nU5 ~cleclmn Of 0 proper brcCdllljl method Che ch01u: of b~1ng method dcp•·nd• on mode t•I reproduction,!(••"' action ~wi objectives "' brrrdmg The m ~h...:uon and recurrent ~leC pn;iulation i< hct"n'h''"""'us. g•rnetnphyti< >Crffning h... th such o ""'stan,d to either S l} pt' of scleeuon for lt'ulhple dwro~lCIS 1.> not po>1ibk ui convennona) inPthcw.!.. -;, 11ilul>. all lh.,... m,thod, in\'olvtng hi bnd""11fon 'u r«l•1vec. bulk, backro-.•. >mgl~·:.ecJ descent and dcwlnpm~nt ul h)l•nd '•nctk-,, vnlllt·b.:s alld comr

.•ufflcicnt tt:plic•huns without 1\est:ro) lht' pl•nt Further, use of pollen

_.a 5)•tem for scrttmng desrrahL. gt!llo?s gre:uly reduces the time and cost of
gcrm=ting pollen l(faln.• tu the presence of a $~ f.ictor G
Pa111_>ll:..'"'_' Hoim;n:m.ponum fllllY(t1' "'-"""' ~ A!ftlmilr,. blasslil4


MOdqogo ""tlva


LalJll/ltWI and Gabay, 1973 RoMi et at, 1!185 HOdakln and M1e0on(NO.J,.

Salt""°""'" and Ma~ovol, 1991 Ty•gi and Ra~s.. amy, 1G93 Tyog Ind R41>Q11swamy, 1993 Tyag1 and R8J1g•swa11\)', 1993 Hcl;be and 0.lld"""8, 1993

t>t>luba •nd Ot~oluol(o, 19Q3


Lead nitrate



l.:"tphvtr >Cret'f\lng con!)., P"rf"""""l "'multa"""-1us with phenol)I>•• •«"llc>n, no extra hme is expended I 'Ute-line

Setec. ttoo

tlus m.tthod superi. r de &cny ~~alu•hon tt\~ variety " t .11tu1ed 1~ murll 1-etter lhan that obtaln"'1 through gamnophyt1c appro.>ch, t . growth afte1 pollin•tioo ,J or>e need not ~-- ~ tu r•ist: prog.m) .l' S\lch. Ottavrano and colleagues (1980), ti.a~ un tht'lcw


/land/ml} of Sl!f!ft!l?·lftnt//'opu1Jr1on

pal't'n~. lwbndi:>al1on 1> !•I.en up produCU1g tllthrr deMi~l>I~ ch>r~tOC' fur '""'"" :odd and it. •ttnburc--. full"" cd by their progeny ~•luali"n up to F1 tn dt'\.:lop a pun:·line \'•net} A.. Ille whol" plAnt pvpulatinn 1n I', •'Lun~ ni.l\lnmm hon1(>)(tne1ty 1 rowing pollen gr~tns arc the fi'l't to fertlhst! ovules (Slephensn et .11 • 1•>!\5) ~I'd 1i,., ovule m m ..Jdle uf lhe 'ru11 3nd t.'>usc 111:ar thr "' l< are ciU\rr v~til(i.11 or -peU A1 1n lvrthor bAck"rosa J)rog1ammN until BC11BC,, followed Dy atll1ng 10

The osmo procedu10 w1U be (OPtf~t\Kt

nhtaln hOrno:ygout

&elfino to obtwl" hOl'nOzygovo rvthttei,n1 typt l'hls oh01ln;1les tne dl&oa•e OP•~ytolic concJ•tlnn 10 be Crf4tti-~l·11y selection. M Without progeny selection: known ""' mass selection llJ Wtlh progeny selection; 'l'wu types of progmy selection are practised. IJ •·.ir to row method, and ii) recurrent selection. I) I\·, elopment of hybrids, synthetics and composites.

,..,,\, serecuon l'lur11, are selected on the basis of superior phenotypes and left to open j•11l l111ahon followed by seed mixing. The maul drawbackof this method

It 111< ~ of control over the pollen perents and

the plant!. selected for 'free'

Plant Physiology aacill:ross wllh ga1netotJflytlC S&IBCUOI)

CQnven.tiQnal backcrcss

x Nut1·H:la'\Sl'd block to make crosses of •II pnssible combinations. i\n equnl amount of seed from e»ch cross i• cu1npo&ited lo raio;c the base populahon of the llrst selectlnh cycle 11w cycles arc repeated unnl the desired improvement is achieved. Gometophylic scre~nin~ i< helpful in the first year of the 01ig\nal 'ek>

sccuaen: setecuon for SCA i'• from th" heterogeneous population ore seleclrd 011 the basis of I •11•1lt11"cring characters and simultaneously crossed tu an outstanding """tant genotype used as" tester parent lo study SCA. The mnaining ··I• I"' arc the same as in phenotypic recurrent selection.

Plant Phy&1ology

Gamctophytic generanon can be u'l~ of evolunti11g progeny from t•st c""'5('J> for SCA. tl1cn.>by rrducing one year per c-yde CoocomitJntl) the g:impulobon used ,,. tl>r female pa1'bC'< m all p done in the following steps: ,1) parental sclectlon for hybridisation, b) production of inbrr-d lines, c) evaluation pf inbred Imes, 311d d) development of hybrid variety.

P;irental Selecflon for Hybr!dlsallon Gamctophytic gencr,t1011 is utihsed for selection or be>t parent as explained under the hybridl~ntion method of breeding for self-polllnetcd crops.

rroaoaton of Inbred lines and tvaluatlon or Inbred Lines These two steps can be rnmt>incd as follow< Pollen Imm multiple l'•r•nts con be mixed tt>Jviano ct al., 11>80) and l'l•nts w~th higher ~
n1•vclopmem of Hybrid variety ''•'IP(tcJ inbred lines can be utilised for d~'·cloping hybrid varlNi~s amilar to the scheme followed ln th~ conventional plant breeding 1•1·ogr>mmc (Fig. 18.3).

With utilisatio11 of garnctophytlc gcneratlen, development of hybrids "" be dune rouowing the ste.,s schemaused in figure 18.3. Development of Synthetics and Composites 1'11c method described in 'Recurrent selection for Ge A' is used for .l,·vdoping synthetics. A composite, on the other hand, is a mixture of "11lsli111dfog lines which ate almost similar for moot of the agronomic .tctrtbutcs~ such as maturity, height, grain colour, grain size etc, 1 .. uuetophytic screening will help in identifying lhe component lutes

l'!aot Pl1)'$IOIOgy


Wd\tll)' and KIC\.-4 lht:


j hC"01\'p~ lu bt> 1.Ut.J~r"'sslng



with 111ulllpld characters ( rnble 1l\.1) to be mix;,cl for development o( either a synUwtlc or ~ cumpos1t.c' 'ancty.

References 81"n R J'IJ.,, \'an .ttc Zct·uw I:.. 1988. MeOll>d devcl1'f'>iancf


earJy bllgl't

1li~,e.ifit' Sexual-I'lant-kcproductwn S(Z) : 95·98. rr11t•rJ1.t()li F,_ 1.ardi, P. llJ'91. Pollen ur1;,l ph11il c:hJr.ic-tei+tttri> ~ maize populattous denved fn>H\g.u111.•lt'l('hytir Sf'k>l·tuin AgncuJtura :V.Cdtt~l'rtU'lt'I\ 121 (.?:): 130~l34, Ft"~'itrC'lh F,, Landi I',, :,a;ri-C;orLI 1'.1,. Otttlvia_i\O E, J9')2. Vtln3biJicy C•( pollen and plant J\.'ttpon:;..·i; C(I 1r;lyphu:io4!i! in 1ll.l~l:l J Cen~i!t Breed -IG· 49-SG J'Trovn C, P1ut.tlupJ.» l',, Vlll.t :O,t, San-Cc.1rl11 ~~ \9Q.S Sp1'lr1lphvtl1• ,1nd (.iltrf'ltiph)'h•' CL'ln\~Oents o( IJtermo1olE'rencc effected by pollen 1.1.;lt.•L·t•011 1 Hc1 t·L1Hy SC.(1) ".',O.'l I J hU J 1.1nd t.c1·d F,Jvl. jlJ.Sti. O;·n11nlit.";t of pvlll•Jt tube gl\.•Wlh iH tbe w11c; f•lth:iolt r~~lf•lio111il~ t.1;:'1n111'ltn1111 {llu'lll'.>1('~1'1'111l (eftili~l'ltt1'TI Euuf1,f1.n:, 40 l32!f·l3:.U H •.,d~!.dn T 'Ind Ma.;1Xn1ald r-.1 l\lAA 'rn.- tlfPrt of pllytntn1C1:-1 fron' Alt ..·r11ur1o1 .'1r.1:.:.iduJ!1r on br.\s.s;r" pnllen. N,·;o PJ.yJvl. 10-l 631·663 H\ld~l-1n 1' I 'lf\7. A prOC'('Jurc suitnl:'il•: fl,r ln \11tw JIOll'11 ~..IH'h~\1\ lt1 Bn•sJ.-.1 1>!1:r.1;'•'if ~l.•l'lhytlrA ::lt\: 1~3-.1$9. Hol11l:1 ~. an ..l ()lf.t'ruluc.:k~1 MC HOI')..., TOlt'•'•'""t' 1.'lf ~'11lt-n trf"'rn 11·~c, t,'I ,·hr(l1ll(' ,,ff1•r1 nr Ph •H'•i 1tr11.tf1y. 8~J,1$Nf ~ ...1!1~"/11tV1,, 48()): 3Jl '"5. j111n~t1: 1., Wrh~1:sh J.J 1'")9J I:ffc1.:ti. v,1ryu',.; y(llleu l\>.11J v11 fn..1111.1,:1. ··t,'tl t"-'' .111J .,.,•..,"i.11111,; p1..•1 lu1 '.l1.\nC1,.• ru •'P1.,1t olnlo'I pl'lr St-xuaJ l'l;int K~pro1,.I, 6(2) : 11..:.· L.lo 1~,·,.11,:K111M11., Sh•ph,1'1-.nn, AC~. l.ff mkrogamt•tophyt~'i in Fl on tht! til'Turtur" and mid tolerapre nJ fPf-ultin& papul.llior'l~ M•yJiC• Ja(l)' 67-71. "-"1 utdhu U.aj:t) M. tTy. 1n Sr,.·11:i/ rl!','t'IJ•"iutliilt: l!J f.islit:r p!uuls (E:..;Js .• t.1c-su M, C-Orl I~ aod Pucuu [.), SpringPr-V .. rlas,. NPW Y-.11 k pp :il-S5. ri.~,1'.t:nna ~t.A. 1985. 1-fererosryly and t'lllt:rag.,metophy":Jc se.ecnon: tbe tffe(l u! pollen \'ri1r1p~li~io.n U!l ~rvrophync vtgor in two distyktu5 $~\t\ N N, 1994 f\·lflthod ol p'l'lll~u '1~1··•1'l'r'\ ln pkinlS f4')1 tt'1'i: :!'l1 ..2bO. MYlt:ihy 1).1 ... MulrA.hy '' n. O~t.1v1.u1._i £. 19iS Spun.iphytlt seed 1'W' h1.111 .s11d ~~J ,.,~vnru,dun w'1h1n (nnb of p;,n,~vt111 r•wlxuri~ pvlh:n donor and ftl'\C')Ul\'t liMH.\111'11' ""'"I .'4m } 8ut., 75: 10!1'3-l I),,

V..-ruru.').J V~, •'1t!Cin4:lll ~t 1994 IWcunPill ••vlecU~1l ror rr.~cronanu·tophflf('

v1gQt'IJ' ;eJ(l)l(u and mrrrl11tcd rcspnr1.~


-•t l.~t: ti)>ttl\l))hyticlf''~I Ctnp Sri

34(4); '.t.1~

.:.,"·~ O.E. ond Storl:ic. 0.1 1993 f1--'Cr$i.;v" x $11!anu"' F1 fur ~It tolerbnc~ n1 f1. IH 0 L. Mul-.:ahy anfi IJ. l)tavl .. 11wlh In mol>.•. Hlt1. roUen (('Ui1p1.:titlon and ,., v.iriJo~. Cvol 'hend,,. r1.,nts 1. J.S-3?, ' ..•.•fey K.6., ~htlrAhy 0 l. 198S... J'luUoo .H.lec:Uon :ind g~~lCJJh}itiC cxpt\"5.~lvn ul metal toh.Tbhy u1 ;q,.g, n .. ronlld pu1i.., :lnd •l)\iruphy1~in S;lt.J1t a1oiu (1 ~) C! •.u/'Y., S .Jbl (MtU) .\fld ,\1:,."iix f'"UJt~ Theos AWi c:.rnrt. lit 9'1 6112

s.JgiOrC'lp!iyli: q1•aht,- 1u lv,"Ch11u In D L Muk.lfty, (.; 8. M.akahy and





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rolli.:n Pl"· 4:-q_4}l Sprinitr·'•>' I)~, /a.r.ur U --..I Jitkk C t.1 l'•I •·" kM"t"K\' (or c>.tdW"t.: °""''"-P ,,( iC~JOl'llfhytit &'1d g~yt.c 1tM """~ i:' l¥a'flTJl..:Olt (l(lo!tClii'ft k:.-,.·r. llJ l)}4,~-. lt1.1.,Vo'1nt HI~ Pot .-n 'tl~'i"l1un ,_, i:i t(l(ll lt1r dl·..·tluplul( d»t"~• f\-a.u.t.lf\t a• .J v"c~s pl.NI. Tnunc "" ~ru,.,. 1n Owiitb.r "'rl' l'h o Lhfil .... Un.'" Agu ... Sd,


Sf"'"P"~"gMttk: Jlelrf 1Nllrl ll'noi>:i•• '""""")I ~ty. ll(I) 2•3'1

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