Plantar pressure distribution in indoor soccer shoes

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Jul 9, 2013 - Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the ... the heel centre region and shoe C with EVA and SBS in.
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Plantar pressure distribution in indoor soccer shoes a


Aline Faquin , Aluisio Vargas Avila & Júlio Cerca Serrão



Brazilian Institute of Technology of Leather , Shoes and Artefacts, Biomechanics Laboratory , Novo Hamburgo , 93334-000 , Brazil b

Laboratory of Biomechanics of Physical Education & Sport School , University of São Paulo , São Paulo , Brazil Published online: 09 Jul 2013.

To cite this article: Aline Faquin , Aluisio Vargas Avila & Jlio Cerca Serro (2013) Plantar pressure distribution in indoor soccer shoes, Footwear Science, 5:sup1, S29-S30 To link to this article:

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Abstracts 10% more TIR when compared with barefoot. If to compare tennis with barefoot, there is a difference of 4.2% more, such as flat shoes with barefoot that difference was of 3.1% more. These values are in accordance with Buller et al. (2007) who found that the tibia internal rotation increases with cushioning of the shoes. There is in this study an increase of 1.5 of TIR between barefoot and tennis shoes, this average is very close to the results from the study by Rose et al. (2011) where the average increase was 1.4 of TIR. How future study will be compared the relationship between Tibia Internal Rotation with pronation angle.


References Bellchamber, T.L. and Bogert, A.J. (2000). J Biomech 33, 1397– 1403. Bennett, J. et al. (2001). J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 31, 504–510. Dungan, S. and Bhat, K. (2005). Phys Med & Rehab Clin North America 16, 603–621. Edington, C. J. et al. (1990). In: Cavanagh P.R., ed. Biomecha nics of distance running, 135–164. Lau, H-Y. et al. (2008). Med Biol Eng Comp 46, 563–573. Hinterman, B. and Nigg, B. M. (1998). Am J Sports Med 26, 169–176. Nigg, B. M. et al. (1993). J Biomech 26, 909–916. Rose, A. et al. (2011). J Physio 97(3), 250–255. Stacoff, A. and Kaelin, X. (1998). U Calgary, 143–152.

Plantar pressure distribution in indoor soccer shoes Aline Faquina*, Aluisio Vargas Avilaa and Julio Cerca Serr~aob

Downloaded by [Aline Faquin] at 06:28 09 July 2013


Brazilian Institute of Technology of Leather, Shoes and Artefacts, Biomechanics Laboratory, Novo Hamburgo, 93334-000 Brazil; b Laboratory of Biomechanics of Physical Education & Sport School, University of S~ ao Paulo, S~ ao Paulo, Brazil (Received 21 February 2013; final version received 15 April 2013)

Introduction Futsal is a sport where sprints are very common and important to the practices (Dogramaci et al. 2011). The run is associated with external forces, which are suggested as a probable cause of degenerative injuries of the locomotor system (Winter and Bishop 1992). The possibility of shoes reducing these forces has been one of the main objectives in shoe companies. Witana et al. (2009) considered that the material and shape of the insole have importance for the plantar pressure distribution during movement. Knowledge of the location and the ability to quantify these loads in the sole of the foot is very important to the development of insoles and sports shoes, since sports shoes have specific characteristics according to modality. However the majority of the studies conducted to date have been focused on sports shoes and have little information about indoor soccer shoes.

Three distinct indoor soccer shoes were used: shoe A with PU (polyurethane) insole; shoe B with EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) and SBS (styrene-butadiene-styrene) in the heel centre region and shoe C with EVA and SBS in the heel centre and metatarsal region (Figure 1). The insoles Pedar system (Novel GmbH) was used to collect plantar pressure distribution. The system has

Purpose of the study The purpose of this study was to compare the peak pressure during running with three different indoor soccer shoes.

Methods Ten male professional futsal players (21  2 years old, 177  6 cm e 75.5  3.0 kg) participated in this study. All subjects signed an informed consent form. *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

Figure 1. (A) PU Insole, (B) EVA insole, (C) EVA þ SBS insole.



Downloaded by [Aline Faquin] at 06:28 09 July 2013

Figure 2. Mean peak pressure and standard error for the 9 areas of the foot for the shoes A, B and C.

insoles with 84 to 99 capacitive sensors and a portable datalogger. The sampling frequency was 50 Hz. The data were collected as each subject ran 15 metres at 4.16 m/s (5%) using the three shoes. The order of the shoes was randomised. The data acquisition was five trials for each shoe type. The data were processed using Pedar software. The footprint was divided into nine areas (the medial and lateral rearfoot; the medial and lateral midfoot; the medial, central and lateral forefoot; the hallux and the toes). Statistical comparisons between the shoes were done using a repeated measures analysis of variance. The posthoc was a Tukey test. The significance was defined when p  0.05. Results Peak pressure analysis showed differences between the three shoes in the medial rearfoot (F2,147 ¼ 9.5, p  0.01), lateral rearfoot (F2,147 ¼ 6.6, p  0.01), medial midfoot (F2,147 ¼ 9.6, p  0.01) and hallux (F2,147 ¼ 4.1, p ¼ 0.02) (Figure 2). In the medial rearfoot area the peak pressure was 40% higher for shoe B than shoe A, and 27% higher compared to shoe C. In the lateral rearfoot the peak of pressure was higher for shoe B when compared with shoe A. In this area there were no significant differences between shoes B and C. In the medial midfoot area the peak pressure was significantly smaller for shoe C than for shoes B and A. The peak pressure was 16% lower than shoe B and 25% lower than shoe A.

The results showed significant high pressure at the hallux for shoe A. The peak was 20% higher than for shoe C and 12% higher than for shoe B.

Discussion and conclusion The results indicated that distinct characteristics of the shoes, and the different materials used in the insoles could change the plantar pressure distribution during running using the indoor soccer shoes. As suggest by the results, the PU insole reduced the peaks in the rearfoot. But in the hallux the results were better with EVA insoles than with PU. The result found was similar to that found by Hennig and Milani (1995) who analysed running shoes, but different to what was found by Nunns et al. (2009) who did not find alteration in the plantar pressure using soccer shoes with different insoles. These conditions suggest that not only the insole, but also other shoes characteristics, tend to change the plantar pressure distribution. The high peak pressures in the forefoot areas and hallux for the indoor soccer shoes suggest that this may be a region of the foot with high potential for development of injuries.

References Dogramaci, S. et al. (2011). J Strength Cond Res 25, 646–651. Hennig, E. and Milani, T. (1995). J Appl Biomech 11, 299–310. Nunns, M. et al. (2009). Footwear Sci 1, 27–28. Winter, D. and Bishop, P. (1992). Sports Med 14(3), 149–156. Witana, C. et al. (2009). Appl Ergon 40, 267–279.

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