Planting near water or sewer mains - North East Water

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Crab-apple. Melaleuca elliptical. Granite Honeymyrtle. Melaleuca fulgens ... Casuarina glauca. Grey Buloke. Ficus - all
Fact Sheet

Planting near water or sewer mains SOME PLANTS ARE UNSUITABLE FOR PLACING NEAR WATER OR SEWER MAINS If you are planning on planting any type of tree on your property it is always worth trying to prevent the invasion of tree roots before it happens. North East Water can provide a plan showing the location of water and sewer mains in the vicinity of your property and a copy of the drainage plan showing the location of the drains within your boundary can be obtained, for a fee, from Casey Inspection Services on 03 9835 5511. With this information you can avoid planting new trees and shrubs in the wrong area and know which should be removed before they cause any costly damage to your services. If the Corporation reasonably decides that a tree on a property is obstructing or damaging the Corporation's works, the Water Act allows North East Water to require the property owner to remove the tree. The property owner may also be required to pay the cost of repairing damage to the Corporation's asset caused by the tree. In most cases, providing the property owner undertakes to remove the tree, the Corporation will bear the cost of clearing a blockage caused by tree roots obstructing or damaging the Corporation's sewer or water main. Plants listed below are ones that may be planted in the locations shown. This list is offered as a guide only, and while experience has shown it to be generally satisfactory, conditions in individual cases can vary widely so that no recommendation implied or otherwise, can be given. Should not be planted closer than 2m to any main or connection: Botanical name Common name Acacia cultriformis

Knife-leaf Wattle

Acacia cyclops

Western Coastal Wattle

Acacia howithi

Sticky Wattle

Acacia iteaphylla

Gawler Range Waffle

Acacia longifolia

Sallow Wattle

Acacia microbotrya

Manna Wattle

Macla retinodes


Acacia sophorae

Coast Wattle

Acacia sowdenii

Western Myall

Acacia trineura

Three-nerved Waffle

Acacia victoiiae

Bramble Wattle

Acmena Eugenia smithii

Lilly Pilly

Acmena paniculata

Bush Cherry

Acmena coolminiana & related spedes

Blue Lilly Pilly

Actinostrobus pyramida’is

Swamp Cypress-Pine

North East Water provides water and sewerage services to 41 localities in North East Victoria, servicing an estimated population of over 121,000 people in an area of approximately 20,000km 2.

Botanical name

Common name

Bauhinia variegata and forms


Betula pendula

Silver Birch

Callistemon citrinus

Crimson Bottlebrush

Callistemon “Gawler Hybrid’

“Gawler Hybrid”

Callistemon lilacinus

Lilac Bottlebrush

Callistemon macropunctatus

Scarlet Bottlebrush

Callistemon phoeniceus

Fiery Bottlebrush

Callistemon riqidus

Stiff Bottlebrush

Callistemon salignus

Willow Bottlebrush

Callistemon viminalis & similar spedes

Weeping Bottlebrush

Cercis siliquastrum

Judas Tree

Citharexylum spp.


Cotoneaster frigida


Crataegus lavallei

French Hawthorn

Crataegus oxyacantha & other crataegus

English Hawthorn

Duranta repens

Sky Flower

Eucalyptus caesia


Eucalyptus cosmophylla

Cup Gum

Eucalyptus crucis

Silver Mallee

Eucalyptus dielsii

Diels Mallee

Eucalyptus eremophila

Tall Sand Mallee

Eucalyptus erythrocorys

Red-cap Gum

Eucalyptus erythronema

Lyndsay Gum

Eucalyptus forrestiana

Fuchsia Gum

Eucalyptus leptophylla

Slender-Ieaf Mallee

Eucalyptus orbifolia

Round-leaf Mallee

Eucalyptus preissiana

Bell-fruit Mallee

Eucalyptus Pyriformis

Large-fruit Mallee

Euonymus japonicus

Evergreen Spindle-Tree

Feijoa sellowiana and forms

Pineapple Guava

Geijera parviflora


Hakea elliptical

Oval-leaf 1-lakea

Hakea laurina

Pincushion Hakea

Botanical name

Common name

Hakea petiolaris

Sea-urchin Hakea

Hakea soligna

Willow-leaf Hakea

Hakea undutata Hakea sulcata Koelreuteria paniculata

Golden Rain Tree

Jacaranda species


Lagerstroemia indica

Pink Crepe-Myrtle

Leptospermum laevigatum

Coast Tea-tree

Malus spp.


Melaleuca elliptical

Granite Honeymyrtle

Melaleuca fulgens

Scarlet Honeymyrtle

Melaleuca hypericifolia

Grey Honeymyrtle

Melaleuca incana

Red Honeymyrtle

Melaleuca lateritia

Robin Redbreast Bush

Melaleuca nesophila

Snowy Honeymyrtle

Melaleuca pentagona

Oval-leaf Honeymyrtle

Melaleuca radula

Graceful Honeymyrtle

Nerium oleander


Photinia serrulata

Chinese Hawthorn

Pittosporum crassifolium & variegated form


Pittosporum phylliraeoides

Weeping Pittosporum

Pittosporum tenuifolium


Prunus spp.

Flowering fruit trees

Pyracantha coccinea lalaridi


Pyracantha crenulata

Nepal Firethorn

Pyracantha rodgersiana

Yellow-Berry Firethorn

Sophora tetraptera

Yellow Kowhai

Spartlum junceum

Spanish Broom

Stenolobiurn stans velutina

Florida Yellow-Trumpet

Stenolobium alatum

Winged Yellow-Trumpet

Viburnum Onus


Vitex agnus-castus

Lilac Chaste-tree

Should not be planted closer than 4m to any main or connection: Botanical name Common name Acacia acuminata

Raspberry-jam Wattle

Acacia cyanophylla

Orange Wattle

Acacia pendula

Weeping Myall or Boree

Acacia salicina

Willow Wattle

Acacia saligna

Golden Wreath Wattle

Acer negundo

Box-Elder Maple

Agonis flexuosa


Albizzia julibrissin

Pink Silk Tree

Angophora cordata

Dwarf Apply Myrtle

Angophora costata

Smooth Barked Apply Myrtle

Arbutus unedo

Strawberry Tree

Bauhinia carroni & related species

Queensland bean or Ebony

Brachychiton acerifolius

Flame Tree

Brachychiton discolor

White Kurrajong

Brachichiton populneus


Callitris columellaris

Murray Pine

Casuarina cristata


Casuarina stricta

Drooping She-oak

Casuarina torulosa

Rose She-oak

Qeltis australis


Celtis occidentalis & related species

Hackberry or Sugarberry

Cotoneaster serotina


Erythrina indica hybrida

Indian Coral-tree

Eucalyptus cneorifolia

Kangaroo Island Narrow Leaf Mallee

Eucalyptus conglabata

Port Lincoln Mallee

Eucalyptus ficifolla

Red-flowered Gum

Eucalyptus gardneri

Blue Mallee

Eucalyptus incrassata

Yellow Mallee

Eucalyptus intertexta

Gum-barked Coolabah

Eucalyptus lansdowneana

Crimson Mallee Box

Eucalyptus lehmannii

Bushy Yate

Botanical name

Common name

Eucalyptus leucoxylon rosea

Red-flowered Yellow Gum

Eucalyptus megacornuta

Warty Yate

Eucalyptus nutans

Red-flowered Moort

Eucalyptus pileata

Ravensthorpe Mallee

Eucalyptus platypus

Round-Leaf Moort

Eucalyptus sargentil

Sargents Mallee

Eucalyptus sideroxylon

Red Ironbark

Eucalyptus steedmanii

Steedmans Gum

Eucalyptus stricklandü

Stricklands Gum

Eucalyptus torquata

Coral Gum

Eucalyptus viridis

Green Mallee

Ficus rubiginosa varlegata

Variegated Rusty-Fig

Frazinus excelsior var.

Aurea Golden Ash

Hakea suaveolens

Sweet Hakea

Harpephyllum caff rum

Kaffir Plum

Hymenosporum flavum

Native Frangipani

Ligustrum japonicum & variegated forms

Golden Hedge Privit

Ligustrum lucidum & variegated forms

Flossy Tree Privet

Liquidambar styraciflua


Malaleuca alternifolia Melaleuca armillaris

Bracelet Honeymyrtle

Melaleuca halmaturorum

Kangaroo Paperbark

Melaleuca huegelii

Chenille Honeymyrtle

Melaleuca lanceolata


Melaleuca linariifolia var. Trichostachya

Flax-leaf Paperbark

Metrosideros excelsa

NZ Christmas Tree

Myoporum insulare


Myoporum montanum

Water Bush

Parkinsonia aculeata

Jerusalem Thorn

Pittosporum rhombifolium

Queensland Pittosporum

Pittosporum undulatum

Sweet Pittosporum

Pittosporum “Variagata”

Variegated Pittosporum

Sophora japonica

Pagoda Tree

Botanical name

Common name

Sorbus aucuparia

Rowan Ash

Tamarix juniperina

Flowering Tamarish

Tristania confera

Brush Box

Should not be planted in any street or road in a drainage area: Botanical name Common name Araucaria heterophylla

Norfolk Island Pine

Casuarina cunnighamiana

River She-oak

Casuarina glauca

Grey Buloke

Ficus - all species


Eucalyptus bridgesiana

But But

Eucalyptus camaldulensis

River Red Gum

Eucalyptus citriodora

Lemon Scented Gum

Eucalyptus cladocalyx

Sugar Gum

Eucalyptus cornuta


Eucalyptus maculata

Spotted Gum

Eucalyptus occidenalis

Swamp or flat topped Yate

Eucalyptus salmonophloia

Salmon Gum

Fraxinus oxycarpa

Desert Ash

Fraxinus rawoodii

Claret Ash

Lagunaria patersoni

Pyramid Tree

Platanus - all species

Plane Tree

Populus nigra & related species


Robinia pseudoacacia

Flase Acacia

Salix babylonica & related species

Weeping Willow

Schinus molle

Pepper Tree

Tamarix aphyila

Athel Tree

Ulmus procera & related species

English Elm