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Tugas Akhir: Studi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Angin Laut Untuk Memenuhi ... [10] Wibawa, U., Sumber Daya Energi Alternatif, Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik ...

Department of Ocean Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia


Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia 3)

Department of Marine Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract Electricity is a very important part in human life. Almost in daily all human activities need electricity that produces from a power plant. In conventional power plants, using fossil fuels as the primary fuel is quite a contrast to the issue of depleting sources of fossil fuels. The most power plant that usually used in Indonesia is generator. In the fact, generator used to operating the lighting of Suramadu bridge that produce from fossil fuels for the electricity. However, the big problem of Suramadu bridge is about the lighting that can off in anytime. Since 2009 until 2012, has occurred many lighting problem in the bridge. Plara Power is an innovative ocean currents and winds power plant, that expected to be the solution for lighting in the Suramadu bridge. The role of renewable energy is very important. In addition, the wind potential of Indonesia as Madura Strait is about 9.7 knots, or nearly equal to 5 m/s and that can obtained for a 100 kW electric generating units. While the potential of flow velocities in Indonesia was 2 m/s in average. Both of this renewable energy can be integrated into a power plant tool as ocean currents and winds or as we say Plara Power. Keywords: ocean current potential, wind potential, Plara Power

INTRODUCTION Nowadays, the world is in 21st century, where electricity is a very important part of human life. Almost the daily human activities need the electricity, which certainly produced from a power plant. In conventional power plant, using the fossil fuels as primary fuels is contrast to the issue about decreasing resources of fossil fuel energy. (Ganda Akbar, 2011). The most power plant that usually used in Indonesia is generator. In the fact, generator used to operating the lighting of Suramadu bridge that produce from fossil fuels for the electricity. The most important problem in Suramadu bridge is about the lighting. This problem is common occurs any time. As in 2009, more than a week Surabaya-Madura bridge (Suramadu) was dark. All of street lighting is off. This fact occurs because the electricity fee didn’t pay by Suramadu bridge organizer (RRI, 2012). As we know together that the price of electricity increasing from time to time. Beside of that, nowadays we have a lot of renewable energy that applied in society. Renewable energy especially such as wind, geothermal, solar and ocean that applied to electrical energy. One of the energy potention derived from the ocean is ocean currents. Utilization of this flow of energy is not new anymore, because the current energy conversion devices have been developed in the United States and Canada since the 1930's (Bernitsas and Raghavan, 2006) and widely applied in Europe. Today, the renewable energy receiving attention by energy experts is ocean current and wind. Ocean current of Indonesia has a potention to produce the electricity for 5.6 to 9 Terra Watt (TW) (Study Team

Coordinator Specialist Staff Bappenas and maritime Spatial Field, 2009). In addition, the wind in Indonesia has the average speed 9.7 knot, equivalent to 5 m/s can produce 100 kW power for a generator unit (LAPAN, 2009). Construction of the bridge that connects Surabaya, East Java and Madura Island, will affect the supply of electricity because the power consumption required by this bridge. By using the energy of ocean currents and winds, we expected the electricity for this bridge will available. Table 1. Apart of Lighting Zone Part




Total Electric Power

Cause Way Surabaya



1 x 250


Approach Surabaya



1 x 250


Main Bridge



1 x 250


Cause Way Surabaya



1 x 250


Approach Surabaya



1 x 250


Main Bridge



1 x 250


Main Bridge



2 x 250


Approach Madura



1 x 250


Cause Way Madura



1 x 250


Approach Madura



1 x 250


Cause Way Madura



1 x 250






Therefore, from the problem of electric energy for Suramadu bridge today, with a high operational costs and fossil fuel consumption as a fuel generator, and also see the potential of nature that exist around Suramadu bridge, then offered a solution to create independence in Suramadu lighting with a based tool ocean currents and wind power are integrated, PLARA POWER. Hopefully, this ocean current and wind Power plant can solve lighting problems in Suramadu bridge, so it can be used for other beneficial purposes as the development of the area around the Suramadu bridge.

MATERIALS AND METHOD III.1 The Flowchart Diagram The Flowchart diagram from this paper:


1. Identification of Electical Indepedation Problem in Suramadu Bridge

2. Identification of Wind and Ocean Current Resource in Madura

3. Study Literature about Hollow Power Plant and their Installation 4. Fact and Data Browsing

5. Design PLARA POWER Process

6. Analyze and Discuss about using PLARA POWER 7. Conclusion and Suggestion


Figure III.1. Paper Flowchart Method III.2 Detail of Flowchart Diagram This following description of the papers flowchart diagram: 1.

Identification of Problem

In this section identified the problems faced, and focused on the handling of "Power Independence of Suramadu Bridge ". 2.

Identification of Resource

Identify the resources meant to know the things that are around the Madura Strait and Suramadu Bridge problematic that can be used to solve the problem in hand.


Study Literature

Literature Studies to collect comparative design information, from various media, scientific journals, a competent expert in the field, books, articles, news, websites and other resources that can be guaranteed the truth and justifiable. 4.

Fact and Data

Data and facts gathered as a balance for the settlement of the case at hand Suramadu Bridge. 5.

Design Process

The components are designed includes: anchor, mooring, buoys, blade DVD / rotor 6.

Result Analysis and Discussion

Analysis and discussion carried out to assess the suitability of the design results and the problems encountered. 7.

Conclusion and Suggestion

The last process is focusing idea, passed on to the process of data collection, analysis and calculation therefore is the conclusion of a process intended to answer the purpose mentioned at the beginning based analysis results. As well as suggestion to various parties in developing a framework and applications Plara Power in Indonesia

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Wind as a solution for lighting independence Suramadu general result of this paper is the concept of integrated design of the PLARA POWER, Power Generation and Marine Flow. This concept designs span the 'hierarchy in terms of plara power, size and geometry, building blocks, design buoys, anchors its system design, blade design of the player, and the scheme of distribution of power plara. These results we describe below: a.

Design of Plara Power


(a.) Figure IV.a PLARA POWER view a. Side view; dan b. 3D view

Power Plara planned as shown above. For the building blocks of Plara Power generally is a steel plate and some parts using PVC or other materials.

a.1 Design of Buoy (float) Plara Power

Figure IV.a.1 BUOY PLARA POWER (side view) Buoy (float) from PLARA POWER designed very simply to reduce the rolling force that can cause instability in the overall structure. Beside of that, it is planned based structural steel plate coated with corrosion-resistant coating base in order to increase resistance to corrosion. It is planned also to the dimensions and design of the above, this structure can mennyangga plara power with the desired performance. a.2 Design of Anchor System

Figure IV.a.2 Anchor System Anchorage system used is a catenary mooring system. Using 4 pieces of anchor (anchor) mounted on the four sides of the buoy, the buoy and anchor connected using chain (anchor chain). This is because the current that occurs at a location different from what happened in other places, causing the current structure is installed in other places less appropriate concern anchorya position (if fitted less than 4 pieces)., Therefore we put 4 pieces of anchor. Weighing given total anchornya is 4 times the displacement of the structure.

a.3 Design of Blade (propeller)

Gambar IV.a.3 Display Rotor Current (various positions)

Figure IV.a.4 Display Wind Rotor

Considerations for selecting H-Darrieus rotor is due to the flow of current in Indonesia is not too fast for Rotor H-Darrieuslah suitable rotor considering this type has characteristics that match the current weak. So is the wind rotor type Gorlov, rotor type is very efficient in exploiting the slightest breeze to rotate the shaft.


Total Power Calculations The total power flow of the two sources are comparable to the two kinetic energy of fluid flow: (IV.b-1)

where: Ptot

= total power fluid flow



= fluid mass per second



= incoming fluid velocity (m/s)


= conversion factor= 1.0 kg/Ns2

The mass flow of fluid per second can be calculated by the equation: (IV.b-2) where: p

= The density of total fluid



= sectional area of the turbine (m2)

so we get:


From the equation it can be concluded that the total energy of the fluid flow is proportional to the density of the fluid, propeller-sectional area and fluid velocity.


POWER PLARA laying plans in the waters around SURAMADU After going through a rough calculation based on the formula used, then the POWER PLARA can

generate electricity about 70 KW.

Figure IV.c Suramadu Bridge

CONCLUSION The conclusions obtained based on the results of the analysis and explanation of the design process is as follows are based on the feasibility study of wind power potential and current, POWER PLARA be used as an alternative solution independence of lighting problems Suramadu


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