Platelet Aggregation. Turbidimetric Measurements. Gavin E. Jarvis. 1. Introduction. Of all the functional responses of platelets, aggregation is probably the mostly ...
5 Platelet Aggregation Turbidimetric Measurements Gavin E. Jarvis 1. Introduction Of all the functional responses of platelets, aggregation is probably the mostly widely investigated. This is for two main reasons. First, the pathophysiological processes of most interest to medical scientists studying platelets are hemostasis and arterial thrombosis: the formation of hemostatic plugs and occlusive thrombi. As both of these events directly involve the clumping of platelets, aggregation presents itself to us as a functional response of singular clinical relevance. This is reflected in the fact that antiplatelet and antithrombotic drugs are characterized essentially as antiaggregatory agents. Whether this emphasis on aggregation is justified is a subject for another occasion; however, the central role of aggregometry in the academic study of platelet function and the pharmaceutical development of novel therapeutic agents is undeniable. Second, the development of the technique of turbidimetric aggregometry has greatly facilitated the investigation of platelet aggregation. Turbidimetric (or optical) aggregometers can be found in many clinical hematology laboratories and probably every platelet laboratory throughout the world. It is this technique that is the subject of this chapter. This combination of pathophysiological significance and methodological ease has contributed to making turbidimetric aggregometry the sine qua non of platelet research. 1.1. Basic Principles Turbidimetric aggregometry in its modern form was initially described in the 1960s (1,2). The basic principle of the technique is simple. Light is passed through a stirred turbid suspension of platelets. The presence of the platelets in suspension causes the light to be scattered such that a reduced proportion of the light passes directly through the platelet suspension unobstructed. The amount of transmitted light is recorded and provides a measure of the optical density of the platelet suspension. On addition of a From: Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 272: Platelets and Megakaryocytes, Vol. 1: Functional Assays Edited by: J. M. Gibbins and M. P. Mahaut-Smith © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ
Fig. 1. Diagram of a typical turbidimetric aggregometry trace. The unstimulated suspension of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has a relatively high optical density (OD), which represents 0% aggregation. Following addition of the agonist (A) the platelets aggregate, allowing more light to pass through the suspension of platelets and resulting in a reduction in the optical density. Autologous platelet-poor plasma (PPP) provides the measured optical density equivalent to 100% aggregation as indicated by the calibration mark. The transient increase in optical density that is typically observed following addition of the agonist is commonly attributed to the phenomenon of platelet shape change. proaggregatory stimulus, the platelets form clumps, as a result of which the amount of light that is scattered is reduced until it passes mostly unobstructed through the platelet suspension (Fig. 1). Hence, as the platelets aggregate, the optical density of the suspension is reduced. It is immediately apparent that this technique is dependent on using a preparation of platelets through which light will pass, such as platelet-rich plasma or a washed or gel-filtered platelet preparation (see Chapter 2 on platelet preparation). Thus, this technique cannot be used for measuring platelet aggregation in whole blood, as the presence of the erythrocytes obscures the transmission of the light through the platelet medium.
1.2. Optical Density and Aggregation In earlier studies, platelet aggregation was measured in terms of absolute optical density (2); however, more typically, output from turbidimetric aggregometers is expressed in percentage terms. This is achieved by calibrating the aggregometer in such a way that the optical density of the unstimulated basal platelet suspension (e.g., platelet-rich plasma) represents 0% aggregation, while the optical density of
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the medium in which the platelets are suspended without any platelets present (e.g., platelet-poor plasma) represents 100% aggregation (see Fig. 1). The simplicity of this process and the familiarity of the percentage scale can seduce the investigator into believing that the quantitative output of the aggregometer is a straightforward indicator of the extent of actual platelet aggregation. However, it is important to realize that turbidimetric aggregometry measures the optical density of platelet suspensions; therefore, so-called 50% aggregation is really a 50% reduction in optical density, relative to the platelet-rich plasma (0%) and the platelet-poor plasma (100%). An appreciation of the relationship between optical density and actual aggregate formation is therefore desirable for subsequent interpretation of data. Unfortunately, despite the apparent simplicity of the technique, this relationship is far from straightforward (3).
1.3. Factors That Influence the Optical Density of Platelet Suspensions A full account of this relationship is beyond the scope of this text; however, it is worth noting that the optical density of a suspension of platelets will be determined by the concentration, shape, size, and internal architecture of the platelets, and the composition and stirring rate of the suspending medium (4,5). The extent of the absolute and relative changes in optical density of a suspension of platelets following the addition of an activatory stimulus will potentially depend on all these factors, and even on the make and model of the instrument employed (6). Not only aggregation, but also the change of shape of a resting platelet from a biconvex disk to a sphere, and subsequent pseudopod formation, will result in changes in optical density (7–9), as will the release of platelet contents present in the cytoplasm (10,11,11a). Numerous studies have been conducted to investigate how the sizes and numbers of platelet aggregates are related to measured optical density (3,5,12). An important and consistent conclusion is that the turbidimetric aggregometer is very insensitive to the formation of microaggregates, such that the presence of aggregates comprising 2–8 platelets is typically undetectable by changes in optical density (3,5,8). In fact, it has been claimed that turbidimetric aggregometry is insensitive to the formation of any aggregates that cannot be detected with the naked eye (13). Methods that detect aggregation by measuring the reduction in the single-platelet count (see Chapter 6) are much more sensitive to the formation of microaggregates and clearly indicate that substantial microaggregate formation can occur before any indication of aggregation is manifest using a turbidimetric aggregometer (14). The complexity of the relationship between platelet responses and turbidity is most apparent in relation to small increases and decreases in optical density. Small changes can result as a consequence of shape change, release of platelet granules, and aggregation (12). Although the small increase in optical density frequently observed immediately following platelet activation is typically attributed to platelet shape change (15,16), it has also been shown that the formation of small platelet aggregates can result, paradoxically, in an increase in turbidity (12,13,17). Despite this, the substantial reduction in optical density (from 0% to 100%) measured by the aggregometer is most obviously associated with the formation of large and increasingly dense platelet aggregates (3).
1.4. Mechanisms of Aggregation The molecular basis for aggregation is the conversion of the platelet surface αIIbβ3 integrin (also known as GPIIbIIIa) from a conformational state with low affinity for fibrinogen to one with high affinity for fibrinogen. Since fibrinogen is a bipolar molecule, it can bind simultaneously to two integrin complexes, as a result of which it cross-links activated platelets, causing them to aggregate (18,19). The term “aggregation” is most commonly used to refer to this process of αIIbβ3-mediated platelet clump formation. However, other molecular mechanisms exist that can cause platelets to adhere to each other. For example, addition of ristocetin to platelet-rich plasma causes clumping as a result of a von Willebrand factor (vWF)-mediated cross-linking of platelets (20,21). Unlike αIIbβ3-mediated aggregation, this process is not dependent on metabolically active intracellular processes but is a result of the binding of vWF to GPIb on the platelet surface, which causes passive cross-linking of platelets. Ristocetin has its effect by altering the conformation of the vWF such that it will bind GPIb. The response to ristocetin is frequently referred to as agglutination, in order to indicate that the process is metabolically passive, and to distinguish it from the metabolically active process of αIIbβ3-mediated aggregation. However, it is important to note that there are no definitive characteristic features of the trace recordings of ristocetin-induced agglutination that enable the phenomenon to be distinguished from metabolically active aggregation using a turbidimetric aggregometer. Platelet clumping can also arise as a result of thrombin-induced conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin and the subsequent trapping of the platelets in the fibrin mesh (11a). Clearly, this phenomenon is also not dependent on a metabolically active platelet response and has been observed not only with platelets but also with inert latex particles (22). Therefore, it is important to stress that turbidimetric aggregometers measure changes in optical density, whatever the underlying phenomena and molecular mechanisms responsible.
1.5. Indices of Platelet Aggregation The output from a turbidimetric aggregometer comes in the form of a real-time trace recording, which can be captured either by a simple paper chart recorder or by computer software systems that are usually designed for specific platelet aggregometers. These recordings encapsulate information not only about the extent of the response at any given moment, but also about the kinetics of both aggregation and disaggregation. The distillation of this information into one or two numerical indices inevitably discards much potentially useful information that is generated by the aggregometer. Numerical indices that are frequently used to report aggregation responses include the rate and extent of the response, and the delay from application of the activating stimulus to the onset of the response. The final extent of aggregation is clearly dependent on the period of time for which the assay is allowed to proceed, unless a clear plateau is reached. Perhaps the most commonly reported measure, though, is the maximum extent of aggregation. However, in cases in which there is an obviously biphasic response to a stimulus, the choice of this index can result in values that are substantially time-dependent and
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therefore potentially misleading. In addition, measurements of maximum extent will not distinguish between situations in which there is significant disaggregation and those in which there is no reversibility at all. Furthermore, when there is no reversibility in the response, the maximum extent of aggregation will be as dependent on the assay time as the final extent of aggregation. The initial rate of aggregation is typically reported as a function of the maximum initial slope of the trace recording (rather than a first-order rate constant) and may be considered to more accurately reflect the magnitude of the initial stimulus to the platelet, since the extent of aggregation is frequently an all-or-nothing response and can be dependent on secondary activatory phenomena, such as the generation of thromboxane A2 and the release of ADP (23). In addition, the initial rate of aggregation is not dependent on the period of time for which the assay is allowed to proceed, provided that the initial rapid rate of aggregation has obviously slowed down. The choice of aggregation index can have a significant bearing on the conclusions drawn about the pharmacology and physiology of the platelet. For example, it has been shown that the initial rate of ADP-induced platelet aggregation is heavily dependent on the degree of activation of the P2Y1 receptor, whereas the final extent of the ADPinduced aggregation response is a function of the activation of the P2Y12 (formerly known as P27) receptor (24). A failure to appreciate the significance of different measurement indices could easily lead an investigator into drawing erroneous conclusions about the physiological significance of platelet stimuli and their receptors.
1.6. Reproducibility of Aggregation Data In general terms, turbidimetric aggregometry is a robust and reproducible technique, which makes it a valuable tool in both clinical and basic science laboratories. However, like all scientific methods, there are many significant sources of variability that the investigator must appreciate in order to interpret the raw data in a reasonable and intelligent manner (25,26). First, it is well established that differences between donors can be reflected in the responsiveness of their platelets to a range of agonists. Differences in age, sex, lifestyle choices such as smoking and alcohol consumption, exercise and fitness, health status, and concurrent medication can all influence results (27–31). Even the time of day at which blood is drawn from patients or volunteers can have a significant impact on subsequent aggregation results. In patient studies, it must also be recognized that certain conditions may influence platelet responsiveness. Since aggregation concentration-response relationships are typically quite steep (particularly for the extent of aggregation), unless the provoking concentration of an agonist is carefully selected and adequately controlled, differences in responsiveness may be inadvertently ascribed to a particular treatment regime (either ex vivo or in vitro) when in fact they could simply be due to small and essentially random variations in platelet sensitivity or agonist concentrations. Problems with interpretation of data are less likely when the relevant responses range from “almost complete” to “almost no” aggregation. However, when the differences concerned are in the order of 10, 20, or even 30%, then a great deal more caution ought to be exercised, and any conclusions supported by appropriate statistical analyses.
2. Materials Many of the materials and reagents required to perform turbidimetric aggregometry are supplied specifically for that purpose and can be purchased from specialist companies. Clearly, the most important piece of equipment is the aggregometer itself; these are available from a variety of sources. The choice of instrument will depend on many factors, including the proposed use of the machine, the circumstances of that use, and of course the cost. In addition to the aggregometer, a paper chart recorder or computerized data capture system is usually required, although some aggregometers are manufactured with built in paper and computerized output systems. In addition to the aggregometer and chart recorder, the basic materials required for aggregometry are as follows: Cuvets—These are usually made of siliconized glass, although polystyrene ones can be used. They are frequently supplied for use with specific makes and models of aggregometers. Stir bars—These are also usually supplied for use with specific cuvets and aggregometers. Gel-loading tips—Although any number of means can be found for adding agents to stirred samples of platelets, disposable gel-loading tips are both convenient and easy to use.
3. Methods Platelet preparations for use in turbidimetric aggregometry must be able to transmit light. Hence, platelets need to be in platelet-rich plasma (PRP) or a washed or gel-filtered platelet preparation. Details of how to prepare platelets can be found in Chapters 1 and 2, vol. 1. Briefly, anticoagulated human blood can be centrifuged for 15–20 min at approx 200–250g and the platelet-rich supernatant removed. In addition, it is necessary to prepare a sample of the suspending medium without any platelets present to serve as a 100% aggregation standard. When PRP is used to measure platelet aggregation, then platelet-poor plasma (PPP) can easily be prepared from autologous blood for this purpose (see Note 1). Once the platelets are prepared, it is possible to proceed immediately to the assay; however, it is frequently recommended to allow the platelets to rest for approx 30 min in the case of PRP; for washed platelets, an adequate period of time (1–2 h) has to elapse to allow responsiveness to return when prostacyclin has been used during the washing procedure. Fresh platelet preparations can be used for aggregation studies for several hours, often for as long as 6 to 8 h. However, this period of time will vary depending on various factors, including the species and preparation of platelets used. It is also recognized that the responsiveness of platelets can change over time (32–34); therefore, it is both essential to use appropriate control measurements to identify any significant time-dependent changes, and desirable to complete any investigative work as quickly as possible once the platelets are prepared.
3.1. Choosing a Platelet Preparation The decision to use platelet-rich plasma or washed platelets in aggregometry studies will be determined by a variety of factors, including the choice of agonist, subsequent investigations, availability of blood samples, and so forth. However, it is undoubtedly the case that different preparations of platelets can produce different results, and other
Turbidimetric Aggregometry
factors, such as the choice of anticoagulant (see Chapters 1 and 2, vol. 1) or the detailed methodology of washed platelet preparation, can also have a significant impact on results. A few considerations are discussed further below. The principle mechanism by which platelet aggregation is mediated is through the binding of fibrinogen to activated αIIbβ3 integrins. When aggregation is measured in PRP, there is adequate fibrinogen in the medium to easily support aggregation. However, in washed platelet preparations, the levels of fibrinogen are much lower and may not be able to sustain aggregation, despite activation of the platelets. This is rarely a problem when the platelet agonist in use is potent (e.g., thrombin or collagen) since this will induce release of fibrinogen from platelet alpha granules; nevertheless, even in these cases, addition of exogenous fibrinogen can significantly increase the rate of aggregation of the platelets. However, when the agonist is not sufficiently potent (e.g., ADP, 5-HT, epinephrine) no detectable aggregation may occur in the absence of added fibrinogen. Hence, the desirability of adding exogenous fibrinogen to the platelets must be considered (35). A concentration of 0.2–2.0 mg/mL fibrinogen is usually adequate to support ADP-induced platelet aggregation in washed platelets (36,37). ADP will consistently induce aggregation of human platelets in PRP. However, the nature of the response can vary depending on the choice of anticoagulant. Citrate, the most commonly used anticoagulant, acts by reducing the calcium concentration sufficiently to prevent thrombin generation, but not so much as to prevent the function of the αIIbβ3 integrin. In citrated PRP, ADP will induce both aggregation and the generation of thromboxane A2 (TxA2), which further activates the platelets. However, this response to ADP is contingent on the abnormally low levels of calcium, and under circumstances in which physiological calcium levels are present (e.g., when an anticoagulant such as heparin or hirudin is employed), ADP does not cause TxA2 generation (23). In washed platelets, the aggregation response to ADP is exquisitely dependent on the precise details of the protocol for platelet preparation (35). For example, washed platelets prepared according to the method of Watson et al. (38) do not aggregate at all in response to ADP, those prepared according to the methods of Gear (37) and Cazenave et al. (39) manifest a consistent and reversible response to ADP (40), whereas those prepared using the method of Humphries et al. (36) respond in a reproducible and sustained manner. It is not the purpose of this text to explore the possible reasons for these differences, nor to imply that any one preparation is better than another; rather, the intention is simply to impress on the minds of platelet researchers that the choice of experimental conditions is not a trivial matter, but requires appropriate care and consideration.
3.2. Aggregometry Protocols Turbidimetric platelet aggregometry is technically very straightforward. Although the precise details of how to perform the assay vary depending on the aggregometer being used, the basic principles are in all cases the same (see Note 8). The following steps outline the basic procedure for conducting the assay. 1. Accurately pipet a fixed volume of the platelet suspension into a cuvet. The volume required will vary depending on the aggregometer and the circumstances of the experiment, but typically will be from 250–1000 μL.
2. Add a stir bar to the cuvet. The stir speed of the aggregometer can often be set manually, although not in all cases. A stir speed of 1000 rpm is frequently used (see Note 2). 3. Ensure that the aggregometer is warmed up and at the required temperature. Most aggregometers measure aggregation at 37°C. 4. Incubate the platelets for several minutes at the final temperature at which the assay is to be run. This is usually 37°C and many aggregometers have incubation wells specifically for this purpose (see Note 3). 5. At this stage it will be necessary to calibrate the aggregometer. Calibration procedures vary depending on the equipment. Some aggregometers produce a trace output with a superimposed time and calibration grid, whereas others produce a single calibration deflection for subsequent reference. However, the principles of calibration are the same in all cases. A cuvet containing the suspending medium (usually either platelet-poor plasma or water) is used as a fixed standard for optical density representing a theoretical 100% aggregation. In some cases the PPP is left in a single recording well for the duration of the experiment. In other cases the PPP has to be set individually prior to each individual aggregation measurement (see Notes 4, 5). 6. Calibration of the 0% aggregation reference point is usually achieved using the assay sample itself. Even small differences in platelet count can influence the optical density of a platelet suspension, so it is important to recalibrate the 0% aggregation point for each individual measurement. With some aggregometers, it is impossible to run the aggregation assay without doing this—in other cases it can be (accidentally) omitted. 7. Once the calibration procedure is complete, there should be an observable flat and slightly noisy trace. It is a good idea to leave the trace to run for 30–60 s to ensure that there is no spontaneous aggregation (see Note 6). 8. Addition of aggregating stimuli is usually in the form of soluble agonists in small volumes. Agonist dilutions are typically 1⬊50 or 1⬊100. If larger volumes are used, then this can produce a dilution artifact in the trace. Smaller volumes can of course be used; however, difficulties in quantitative accuracy are more likely to be encountered with addition volumes of 1 μL or less (see Note 7). 9. Aggregation will proceed as indicated by the trace recording following addition of the agonist. The period of time for which the assay is run will depend on the precise experimental circumstances and is at the discretion of the investigator. However, 6 min is a period that is frequently used for clinical aggregometry assays, and most aggregation will be complete by this time. 10. When the assay is complete, the trace recording can be stopped. Calculation of the rate and extent of aggregation is carried out manually or electronically, depending on the equipment used. Manual calculation of results is straightforward and simply involves relating the agonistinduced deflection in the trace to the calibration markings of the trace. Calculation of the rate of aggregation also depends on the speed of the chart recording device, which should be noted.
4. Notes 1. Where the supply of blood is limited, PPP can be prepared from the unwanted red cells that are sedimented out following the initial centrifugation step of the isolation of platelet-rich plasma. 2. Platelet aggregation will not take place unless the sample is stirred. If a stir bar is not added to the cuvet or if the stirring mechanism on the aggregometer is disabled, then the aggregation response will not occur. It is possible to identify a cuvet to which the stir bar
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has not been added since there will not be the usual “noisy” appearance to the trace. In addition, the trace will often drift up and down in the absence of stirring. As a technique, measurement of optical density is not greatly influenced by temperature. However, platelet function is probably best measured at a physiologically relevant temperature whenever possible. Although it has been reported that cooling platelets can induce premature activation (2), other investigators have successfully maintained functional preparations of washed platelets for up to 6 h by keeping them at temperatures of approx 4°C (36). Keeping platelets at room temperature prior to use is usually acceptable, although it has also been suggested that this can activate platelets (41,42) and therefore, some investigators prefer to keep them at 37°C. Obviously, when this is the case, pre-incubation of the platelets prior to running the assay is less important. Some aggregometers have covers with which to occlude light from the cuvets when the aggregation is measured. In these models it is important to shut these covers, as external sources of light can interfere with measurement of aggregation and movement across the aggregometer can produce artifactual deflections in the trace recordings. Since the sample of PPP used is the same throughout the course of an experiment, and will therefore influence each recording, it is essential that it is prepared fastidiously. If, for example, not all the platelets are centrifuged from the plasma, or if the platelet pellet is disturbed, resulting in some platelets remaining in the PPP, then the 100% aggregation reference point will be calibrated incorrectly. In this case, the percentage aggregation measured will be artifactually high and aggregation values of greater than 100% may be obtained. In addition, it is essential to use platelet-poor plasma as the 100% reference when using platelet-rich plasma as the assay sample. Although if water is used instead, reproducible results will be obtained, aggregation values obtained will be lower than would be observed using PPP, since the optical density of PPP is greater than that of water. Spontaneous aggregation is the name given to the phenomenon of platelets aggregating prior to addition of any activating stimulus. Since platelets do not aggregate efficiently until they are stirred, such a problem may arise because of the presence in the platelet preparation of an agonist, manifest only when the sample is added to the stirring assay well. Spontaneous aggregation can also occur as a result of preactivation of platelets, which can occur during blood sampling and platelet preparation. Different preparations of platelets are more predisposed to spontaneous aggregation than others; for example, heparinized platelets are more prone to this problem than citrated platelets. Once in the aggregometer assay well, the platelet suspension is completely hidden from view. It is, of course, essential to ensure that the agonist is added completely and directly into the platelet suspension. Disposable gel-loading tips are ideal for extending to the bottom of most aggregometer cuvets. Although use of a proprietary aggregometer is the most common way of performing turbidimetric aggregometry, it is possible to use microplate methodologies that also exploit the change in optical density of aggregating platelets. Such methods have the advantage of allowing the acquisition of large quantities of data simultaneously and rapidly (43).
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