Platform-based Enterprise Systems

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systems, Enterprise Resource Planning or SOA-based systems have been implemented to provide IT-based support for business processes. They all share ... commodity [1], while other parts, in particular these supporting differentiating ... to be adapted more flexibly, and to better meet companies business requirements,.
Towards Platform-based Enterprise Systems – Conceptualization and Research Directions Carl Simon Heckmann1 and Alexander Maedche1,2, 2

1 Institute for Enterprise Systems, University of Mannheim, Chair of Information Systems IV, Business School, University of Mannheim, 68131 Mannheim, Germany {heckmann, maedche}

Abstract. Historically different approaches such as tailor-based functional systems, Enterprise Resource Planning or SOA-based systems have been implemented to provide IT-based support for business processes. They all share the tension between standardization and differentiation. Similar trade-offs have been discussed in product development literature proposing modularization and platform-based approaches as a potential solution. Applying these concepts to the context of enterprise systems (ES), this work provides a first conceptualization of platform-based ES (PBES) and suggests possible directions for future research. Keywords: Enterprise Development





1 Introduction The debate whether and to what degree IT can be the source of competitive advantage is still ongoing [1, 2]. Some parts of corporate IT can be viewed as a commodity [1], while other parts, in particular these supporting differentiating business processes, should be viewed as an enabler for achieving competitive advantage [3]. Enterprise Systems (ES) represent a specific category of information systems. They build on pre-packaged industry best practices embedded in standardized product software and target large‐scale integration of data and business processes across all company's functional areas and beyond company borderlines. . Specifically the ERP concept came with the promise of tight integration [6] and standardized best practices for a wide range of processes [7]. However, this standardization leads to high costs and effort for customization required for differentiation [8]. Service-oriented architecture (SOA) were introduced to allow ES to be adapted more flexibly, and to better meet companies business requirements, allowing to differentiate from competitors. However in practice several shortcomings of the SOA paradigm have been identified, e.g. increased system complexity [3]. Thus, companies need to decide on the degree of standardization and differentiation within their ES approach. This continuum reaches from highly standardized systems to differentiating best-of-breed approaches. The latter one allows less expensive

differentiating, however overall efficiency is reduced due to the lack of standardization. In other engineering disciplines similar trade-offs have been addressed using modularization and platform-driven product development [9]. Adapting these concepts to the context of ES provides new insights and is consistent with previous works, which have characterized ES as modular systems [10, 11]. Furthermore, consumer-oriented IT platforms, such as iOS, already show the appropriateness of platform concepts to the IS domain [12]. The concept of platform-driven product development of ES is largely unexplored so far leading to the following research question: What are the characteristics of a platform-based enterprise system (PBES)? By addressing this research question we intend to contribute to the understanding of platform-concepts in the ES context by providing a first conceptualization of PBES and to highlight possible further research directions.

2 State-of-the-Art This body of work draws on the extensive literature streams in the area of ES as well as modularization theory and platform-driven product development. This section provides an overview to foster a comprehensive understanding of challenges in ES and how these can be addressed by applying the platform paradigm. 2.1 Enterprise Systems ES emerged as response to high costs and limited integration of custom-developed systems. They are characterized as large-scale organizational systems built around packaged software embedding best-practices and a high degree of configurability and customizability [7, 8]. The various benefits include operational improvements through process automation and best-practices as well as enhanced decision-making [7, 8]. However, best practices may not fit the actual practices of a particular company requiring expensive customization of the system. Thus a “best-of-breed” strategy is followed in many companies to minimize customization by selecting systems which better fit their business requirements [8, 13]. There is some dispute whether IT can be the source of competitive advantage [1, 2]. Recent studies indicate that there are parts of IT which are enabler for differentiation potentially leading to competitive advantage [3]. In today’s highly uncertain and dynamic environment ES need to be adapted flexibly to better meet changing requirements while achieving efficiency through standardization [2]. Integration and modularity are mentioned as requirements for flexibility, however it is not stated how this can be achieved [3]. Previous and current generations of ES failed in solving the tension between standardization and differentiation. As comparable trade-offs have been discussed

extensively in product development literature concepts such as platform-driven product development and modularization are transferred to the context of ES to provide insights on how to overcome the challenge of creating integrated, yet flexible ES. 2.2 Platform-based Product Development In product development, modularization provides means to manage complexity by breaking up a system into discrete chunks that communicate through standardized interfaces [12, 14, 15]. This leads to increased reusability and flexibility through a larger variety of configurations, resulting in reduced product and switching cost [15]. Modularization also allows for rapid and steep performance gains through recombination [14], decreased innovation costs and improved innovation outcomes [14]. Products in engineering disciplines are complex systems, which are defined as "one made up of a large number of parts that interact in a non simple way“[16]. Complex systems are composed of interacting modules that are always to some degree interdependent and inhibit high synergistic specifity, posing a strong force against modularization [15]. The set of modules that is used or reused across implementations comprises the platform [17]. In the IT context a platform is defined as “the extensible codebase of a software based system that provides core functionality shared by the modules that interoperate with it and the interfaces through which they interoperate (e.g., Apple’s iOS)” [12]. This state-of-the-art section presented the challenge to balance standardization and differentiation in previous and current generations of ES. Similar trade-offs have been addressed in other engineering disciplines by the use of platform-based product development concepts. As platform concepts such as iOS have already been successfully transferred to the IT domain in consumer settings, we will explore how such concepts can be applied to ES.

3 Conceptualization and Research Directions Current ES do not solve the tension between standardization and differentiation. Product development in other engineering disciplines such as the automotive industry already addressed this tension [9]. However there are differences between ES and traditional physical products. Compared to physical products ES are of dynamic nature as they are adapted to changing business requirements and evolve throughout their life cycle [7]. ES are complex systems involving many different elements addressing a wide area of business requirements in a company. Such complex systems are characterized as near-decomposable systems [16]. These elements show the characteristic of high synergistic specifity posing a force against modularization [15]. Changing one of these modules leads to changes in a number of other modules. We propose that these modules, inhibiting high synergistic specificity, should be

standardized as change is too costly. Following the previously introduced platform definition [17], we characterize the set of modules, which cannot be separated from each other, as the core platform of the ES. On the basis of the definition of ES provided by Davenport [6] and the presented related work we propose the following definition: “A platform-based enterprise system (PBES) consists of  a standardized core containing modules fulfilling high standardization requirements and  a flexible sphere containing complementary modules to enable the company to realize standardization benefits for their stable core systems while still allowing to differentiate. ” This first understanding of PBES allows identifying potential directions for further research. Following the product development literature [9] a rationale for allocating modules to the standardized core platform flexible sphere is required. Consequently the following research question needs to be answered: What are the determinants for the allocation of modules either to the core platform or the sphere of complementary modules? This automatically leads to another interesting consideration with regards to modules. What is the ideal size of a module [18]? Too coarse-grained modules prevent clear allocation [14], while too fine-grained modules result in high coordination effort, leading to the following research question: What is the effect of the application system modularity on process performance and how is this effect influenced by different integration requirements of modules? Knowing which modules are part of the platform and which modules are part of the complementary set of modules as well as their granularity leads to the next question which is of rather technological nature. Current developments such as PaaS can provide valuable insights in how PBES can be implemented [12]. What are the requirements of a platform to allow complementary modules to be added in a flexibly way to the core platform?

4 Conclusion Different generations of ES tried to solve the tension between integration and flexibility but have failed so far. As similar trade-offs have been identified in product development literature this body of work transferred the platform approach to product development to an ES context. This paper provides two contributions. One the one hand we highlight an important area in ES design, namely how integration and flexibility can be addressed in parallel by applying the platform approach to product development to the ES context. On the other hand this research contributes a first conceptualization of PBES as a starting point for future research.

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