Please enter (title of automation). in the 2015 Platinum Pipe Awards competition. I and/or my employer own this automati
Deadline: March 10, 2015
2015 Platinum Pipe Awards Competition Automation Approval Release This agreement, dated _______________________________, (the “effective date”), is between Intergraph® Corporation and (your name) _________________________________________. Please enter (title of automation) ________________________________________________________ in the 2015 Platinum Pipe Awards competition. I and/or my employer own this automation and grant Intergraph Corporation, its subsidiaries, affiliates, assigns, agents, and employees the right to use, reproduce, or incorporate in any manner whatsoever, throughout the world, all or any portion of the materials described above. The undersigned also hereby represent(s) and warrant(s) that the materials are owned by the undersigned free and clear of any liens or claims of any third party, that the undersigned has a legal right to grant the permission given herein, and that the undersigned will indemnify and hold harmless Intergraph Corporation, its subsidiaries, affiliates, assigns, agents, and employees against liability should any third party claim that the use of the materials by the aforementioned violates any right of such third party to the materials. In accordance with this agreement, Intergraph Corporation and its designees are given the right to use any or all of the media without restriction as to changes or alterations (including but not limited to composite representation or derivative works made in any medium), whole or in part, except where trademarks are concerned (i.e., company name and logo). If proprietary information, logos, photographs, scanned images, or trademarks appear in an automation, the entrant must enclose written permission from the owner for use of the copyrighted materials.
______________________________________________________________________________________ Name of company releasing use of automation
______________________________________________________________________________________ Name of individual releasing use of automation
______________________________________________________________________________________ Individual’s job title
Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: _____________________