Plato and Aristotle: Defining Rules for Western Cosmology

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Fate of “physics” after -500. ➤ Shift from cosmology to politics and ethics. (“What is the good life?”) ➤ The gods return. □ Influence of Plato and Aristotle.
Plato and Aristotle: Defining Rules for Western Cosmology

Raphael, School of Athens, 1510

Last time ... 

Initial ordering of the heavens Horizon phenomena for seasonal calendars in N. Europe during Stone and Bronze Ages  Zodiacal constellations for calendars in Babylonia  Decans for daily clocks in Egypt 

“Physics” of the pre-Socratics Underlying reality is simple, unified  Two fundamental questions 

– What is the substance of the cosmos? – How is change possible?

Took the gods out, natural ≠ supernatural  Introduced debate, criticism, skepticism 

Task of today’s lecture 

Fate of “physics” after -500 Shift from cosmology to politics and ethics (“What is the good life?”)  The gods return 

Influence of Plato and Aristotle Timaeus 2d best-seller (after Bible) to 1600  Aristotle provides core curriculum for universities until 1750  Defined basic conceptual frameworks for Western tradition 

Context in -4c philosophy 

Socrates (d. -399), the sophist Shifted attention from physics to politics  Itinerant teacher who challenged authority 

Plato (d. -347) and his Academy Philosophical community of scholars  No fees, no fixed curricula  Many religious ceremonies 

Aristotle (d. -322) and his Lyceum Studied for 20 years at Plato’s Academy  Collaborative research  Train political philosophers for state 

Plato on “physics” 

Why study physics? Practical utility  Cultivation of reason 

– “Allegory of the Cave” (Republic, VII)

Dualism of form/matter, soul/body Pythagorean origins (geometry is true not in drawn diagrams but in abstract ideas of line)?  Objectively real = unchanging perfect forms  Solves problem of change 

– Imperfect matter changes, perfect forms do not 

Elevates reason above empiricism – Truth arises from philosophical reflection, not sensory experience, experiment or observation

Allegory of the cave



Chained prisoners

Eternal forms (mind)

Sensory experience (body)

Cosmogony in the Timaeus  

Only coherent non-biblical cosmogony in Western tradition through 1100 An imagined story of origins, a creation myth 

A sensible world cannot be eternal

Three explanatory entities – Mind (demiurge, divine craftsmen, abstract mind--a literal but limited god?) – Eternal forms – Recalcitrant matter forces compromises 

Rational plan (telos) of geometry – Four roots become Pythagorean solids

Plato’s geometrical atomism

Combines Pythagorean five regular solids & Empedocles’ (fl. -450) four “elements” (types of unchanging matter)

Implications of Plato’s geometrical atomism     

Only one type of matter (like Thales) Explains change by rearranging triangles of air/water/fire atoms Mathematization of nature Plenum cosmos, no void or “empty space” Gods return as principle of order 

World Soul produces all motion in cosmos

Spherical cosmos of uniform motion Creates problem of “saving the phenomena” (e.g., retrograde motion of planets) using ONLY uniform, circular motion  Sets rules for doing astronomy for next 1900 years! 

Platos’s spherical cosmos

Eudoxus’s nested spheres  

First “working” model of cosmos following Plato’s rules, c. -400 Twenty-seven nested spheres for 7 planets – 1 for fixed stars – 3 each for Sun and Moon – 4 per planet (Mer, Ven, Sun, Moon, Mars, Jup, Sat)  

2 for Hippopede, “figure-8” that produces retrograde 1 for annual, 1 for daily motions

“Mechanics” very vague – Saves retrograde motion of planets – Does not save variable brightness of planets

Eudoxan “Hippopede” model

As inner sphere rotates CW around DD’ and outer sphere CCW around CC’, at same speeds, planet moves from 1 to 2 to 3 … to 8, tracing a ‘hippopede’ or horse fetter

Full Eudoxen planetary model A B

Sphere A = daily rotation Sphere B = period of planet Spheres C, D = retrograde motions

Aristotle’s critique of Plato Places reality in sensible objects, not invisible forms  Separates objects into: 

 Properties

(color, temperature, weight,etc)  Subjects (that which possesses properties)

Reason downplayed; sensory experience emphasized  Sought comprehensive philosophy 

A’s conceptual frameworks 

Explain change by 4 causes 

    

Formal, material, moving, final

Natural and forced motion Matter of 4 substances combined with 4 qualities Spherical earth at the center of a spherical cosmos Separate physics for the terrestrial and the celestial realms Eternal cosmos, no beginning or end of time

Aristotle on matter fire








Aristotle’s two physics 

Celestial realm Perfect, changeless  Aetherial spheres (56 total)  Natural motion =circular  Unmoved mover acts continuously (God’s love) 

Terrestrial realm Imperfect, changeable  Fire-air-earth-water  Natural motion = up and down  Forced motion requires continuously acting movers 

Aristotle’s cosmos, 1540

“Physics” for Plato & Aristotle Differently value reason and experience  Seek coherent, consistent, comprehensive explanations  Brought back the gods (or agency), demiurge and unmoved mover  Defined key conceptual vocabulary  Separate “physics” for heavens/earth 

Minority Greek cosmologies 

Heraclides (d. -339) Earth at center, in daily rotation  Sun circles Earth, Venus/Mercury circle Sun; other planets circle Earth 

Aristarchus (d. -230) Sun at center (largest object)  All planets circle Sun 

Both widely ridiculed for violating Aristotle’s physics by moving the Earth