Poison Safety Checklist - Maryland Poison Center

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carpet & upholstery cleaners □ antiseptics. □ anti-freeze. □ dishwasher detergents. □ hair remover. □ wind
Poison Safety Checklist What do I look for? Look for these potentially poisonous items that need to be used and stored safely.

Kitchen Bathroom □ medications □ medications □ drain cleaners □ vitamins & iron pills □ furniture polish □ mouthwash □ powdered & liquid □ shampoo/hair products detergents □ lotions & creams □ cleanser & scouring powder □ denture tablets □ metal cleaners □ nail polish & remover □ ammonia □ suntan products □ oven cleaner □ deodorant □ rust remover □ shaving cream & lotion □ carpet & upholstery cleaners □ antiseptics □ dishwasher detergents □ hair remover □ alcoholic beverages □ bath oil □ moldy or rotten food □ rubbing alcohol □ boric acid Laundry □ room deodorizer □ bleach □ camphor-containing □ soaps & detergents products □ disinfectant □ tub & shower cleaners □ dyes □ toilet bowl cleaners □ spot removers □ drain cleaners Family Room □ alcoholic beverages □ camera & watch batteries □ cigarettes □ lamp oil □ matches □ plants

Bedroom □ medications □ jewelry cleaner □ cosmetics □ perfume

Garage, Basement, Workshop □ lye □ kerosene □ lime □ bug killers □ gasoline □ lighter fluids □ turpentine □ paint remover & thinner □ weed killers □ fertilizers □ anti-freeze □ windshield washer fluid □ lamp oil □ car cleaners Closets, Attic, & Storage Places □ rat & ant poisons □ moth balls General □ flaking paint □ pet medications & products Purse □ cigarettes □ medications

What else can I do to make my home safer from poison?    

Post the poison center phone number by your phone Use child-resistant containers Keep all products in their original containers Install and test carbon monoxide (CO) detectors/alarms

Expert Poison Information 24 hours a day, 365 days a year 1-800-222-1222 Maryland Poison Center ● 220 Arch St. ● Baltimore, Maryland 21201 ● 410-706-7604 ● FAX 410-706-7184 For poison prevention materials, call 410-706-8122 or www.mdpoison.com