Jack Knight & James Johnson. âKnight and Johnson have written an essential volume for scholars ... âelinor ostro
Political Science & Law 2011
contents 1 general interest 8 american politics & policy 16 international politics 21 political economy 27 political philosophy & theory 33 law & legal theory 37 judicial politics 38 political sociology 42 comparative politics 44 princeton studies in muslim politics 46 political behavior 47 political methodology 48 education policy 50 reference 52 index/order form
Still a House Divided Race and Politics in Obama’s America Desmond S. King & Rogers M. Smith “Still a House Divided deftly lays to rest the idea of postracialism in American politics and, through the concept of rival racial-policy coalitions, reveals the modern potency of the dispute between color-blind and raceconscious camps. King and Smith make a compelling case that competing visions over the role of race continue to define the core of American political life, and their bold and meticulously researched book offers new and much-needed leverage on a frustratingly durable problem.” —Lawrence D. Bobo, Harvard University Presenting a powerful account of American political alliances and their contending racial agendas, Still a House Divided sheds light on a policy path vital to the country’s future. Desmond S. King is the Andrew W. Mellon Professor of American Government at the University of Oxford. Rogers M. Smith is the Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania. Princeton Studies in American Politics October 2011. 392 pages. 5 halftones. 36 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-14263-0 $35.00 | £24.95
general interest
The Darwin Economy Liberty, Competition, and the Common Good Robert H. Frank “The Darwin Economy debunks popular nostrums of both left and right, and takes particular aim at the notion that a well-functioning competitive market system will necessarily produce socially optimal results. Frank suggests novel approaches to America’s problems that go well beyond the tired ideas of the present debate.” —Francis Fukuyama, author of The Origins of Political Order Robert H. Frank is an economics professor at Cornell’s Johnson Graduate School of Management. October 2011. 256 pages. Cl: 978-0-691-15319-3
$26.95 | £18.95
Strings Attached
Blind Spots
Untangling the Ethics of Incentives Ruth W. Grant
Why We Fail to Do What’s Right and What to Do about It Max H. Bazerman & Ann E. Tenbrunsel
“This remarkable book asks some deceptively simple questions: With what norms should we judge the use of incentives? How can we compare incentives to coercion and persuasion? With characteristically lucid prose and a productive blend of theory and case studies, Ruth Grant illuminates an often-neglected arena of inquiry. At a time when philosophers advocate ‘libertarian paternalism’ as an alternative to coercion and governments deploy ‘conditional cash transfers’ as instruments of social policy, Grant’s reflections could hardly be more relevant.” —William Galston, The Brookings Institution Ruth W. Grant is professor of political science and philosophy and a senior fellow of the Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University. Copublished with the Russell Sage Foundation December 2011. 216 pages. 2 line illus. Cl: 978-0-691-15160-1 $24.95 | £16.95
“Showing that the human mind sometimes leads us to behave in ways that are inconsistent with our own ethical standards, Blind Spots introduces behavioral ethics and reveals how this emerging field has important implications for wise decision making in our personal and professional lives. This is a must-read for those responsible for shaping regulatory policies in organizations and government.” —Robert H. Mnookin, Harvard University Max H. Bazerman is the Jesse Isidor Straus Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School. Ann E. Tenbrunsel is the Rex and Alice A. Martin Professor of Business Ethics at the Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame. 2011. 208 pages. 10 line illus. Cl: 978-0-691-14750-5 $24.95 | £16.95
general interest • 1
The Priority of Democracy
Liberal Leviathan
Political Consequences of Pragmatism Jack Knight & James Johnson
The Origins, Crisis, and Transformation of the American World Order G. John Ikenberry
“Knight and Johnson have written an essential volume for scholars, public officials, and citizens living in the contemporary era. They stress that democracy does not just work by itself. No single design enables every democracy to generate fair and effective outcomes given the vast diversity of circumstances around the world. Knight and Johnson examine factors that increase the likelihood that democratic systems can be effective.” —Elinor Ostrom, Nobel Laureate in Economics Jack Knight is professor of political science and law at Duke University. James Johnson is associate professor of political science at the University of Rochester.
“Nobody has thought longer or deeper about the nature of the American liberal world order than John Ikenberry. Tough-minded yet visionary and optimistic, this inspirational volume should become required reading for all those tasked with the great responsibility of steering us to safety through the very choppy international waters into which we are now heading.” —Michael Cox, London School of Economics and Political Science G. John Ikenberry is the Albert G. Milbank Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University.
Copublished with the Russell Sage Foundation
Princeton Studies in International History and Politics
October 2011. 336 pages. Cl: 978-0-691-15123-6
2011. 392 pages. 1 line illus. 8 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-12558-9 $35.00 | £24.95
$29.95 | £20.95
With a foreword by Stephen Breyer
Collaborative Governance Private Roles for Public Goals in Turbulent Times John D. Donahue & Richard J. Zeckhauser “No one has summed up quite as concisely the transcendent idea behind the deregulation movement of the last fifty years as have Donahue and Zeckhauser: that by carefully granting decision-making authority to private entities, profit and non-profit enterprises alike, government can achieve considerable gains in both efficiency and consent.” —David Warsh, Economic Principals John D. Donahue and Richard J. Zeckhauser both teach at the Harvard Kennedy School—Zeckhauser economics and analytics, Donahue public management and business-government relations. 2011. 320 pages. 5 line illus. 3 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-14979-0 $27.95 | £19.95
2 • general interest
Exceptional People How Migration Shaped Our World and Will Define Our Future Ian Goldin, Geoffrey Cameron & Meera Balarajan “Migration is not a zero-sum game; it brings great benefits to the receiving country, the sending country, and to migrants themselves. That is the clear message of the evidence from history, economics, and the social sciences more generally. This wise book assembles that evidence in a very thoughtful, careful, and scholarly way, making an enormous contribution to this crucial subject and providing fundamental guidance on one of the key issues of our times.” —Nicholas Stern, London School of Economics and Political Science Ian Goldin is director of the Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford, and professorial fellow at Balliol College, Oxford. Geoffrey Cameron is a research associate at the Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford. He currently works as a senior policy advisor with Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada. Meera Balarajan works for a research organization in the United Kingdom. 2011. 392 pages. 37 line illus. 14 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-14572-3 $35.00 | £24.95
Theories of International Politics and Zombies Daniel W. Drezner “Drezner elucidates the often-arcane world of international theory in an interesting and highly amusing way. He also shows how close the relationship between politics and popular culture is, how the latter can convey social and political critique in the most unlikely ways, and why satire remains such an important form of that critique.” —Stephanie Lawson, Times Higher Education Daniel W. Drezner is professor of international politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. 2011. 168 pages. 4 line illus. 3 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-14783-3 $14.95 | £10.95
forthcoming spring 2012 Governing America Essays on Political History Julian E. Zelizer
How to Win an Election An Ancient Guide for Modern Politicians Quintus Tullius Cicero Translated and with an introduction by Philip Freeman
Creating a New Racial Order How Immigration, Multiracialism, Genomics, and the Young Can Remake Race in America Jennifer L. Hochschild, Vesla Weaver & Traci Burch
The Spirit of Compromise Why Governing Demands It and Campaining Undermines It Amy Gutmann & Dennis Frank Thompson
general interest • 3
Inside the Castle
All the Missing Souls
Law and the Family in 20th Century America Joanna L. Grossman & Lawrence M. Friedman
A Personal History of the War Crimes Tribunals David Scheffer
“Deeply learned but also clear and lively, this book explains how the law of marriage, divorce, parentage, and inheritance has responded to social changes that have eroded old bonds of intimacy and dependence while creating new ones. This is simply the best overview of family law in print.” —Robert W. Gordon, Yale Law School Joanna L. Grossman is professor of law at Hofstra University. Lawrence M. Friedman is the Marion Rice Kirkwood Professor of Law at Stanford University. 2011. 456 pages. Cl: 978-0-691-14982-0
“Few persons have been so intimately involved as David Scheffer in the contemporary emergence of international criminal justice. His insightful book shows not only his important role in bringing about the tribunals and the International Criminal Court, but also reveals the inner workings of the international legislative processes.” —M. Cherif Bassiouni, DePaul University David Scheffer is the Mayer Brown/Robert A. Helman Professor of Law and director of the Center for International Human Rights at Northwestern University School of Law. Human Rights and Crimes against Humanity
$35.00 | £24.95
January 2012. 592 pages. 34 halftones. 1 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-14015-5 $35.00 | £24.95
The Spirit of Cities Why the Identity of a City Matters in a Global Age Daniel A. Bell & Avner de-Shalit “There aren’t many new ideas in political theory, but Daniel Bell and Avner de-Shalit definitely have a new idea, and a good one: that cultivating ‘the spirit of cities’ is the best antidote to global homogenization. The nine cities that they use as examples are presented with an innovative and engaging mix of personal anecdote, history, and theoretical reflection.” —Michael Walzer, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton Daniel A. Bell is the Zhiyuan Chair Professor of Arts and Humanities at Shanghai Jiaotong University and professor of political theory and director of the Center for International and Comparative Political Philosophy at Tsinghua University in Beijing. Avner de-Shalit holds the Max Kampelman Chair for Democracy and Human Rights and is dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. October 2011. 360 pages. 10 halftones. Cl: 978-0-691-15144-1 $35.00 | £24.95
4 • general interest
The 1970s A New Global History from Civil Rights to Economic Inequality Thomas Borstelmann “The United States and the world have become more integrated and diverse during the last several decades, and this book helps us understand how that transformation came about. Borstelmann locates the origins of the contemporary world in the 1970s and presents by far the most comprehensive and persuasive portrait of that decade. Ranging from politics and ideology to economic globalization and religious fundamentalism, this book makes compelling reading.” —Akira Iriye, Harvard University Thomas (“Tim”) Borstelmann is the Elwood N. and Katherine Thompson Distinguished Professor of Modern World History at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. America in the World December 2011. 416 pages. 13 halftones. Cl: 978-0-691-14156-5 $29.95 | £20.95
With a new introduction by the author
Red State Religion
The Liberty of Servants Berlusconi’s Italy Maurizio Viroli Translated by Antony Shugaar “In this razor-sharp, beautifully crafted, historically informative, and deeply thoughtful exposé of Berlusconi’s degrading ‘courtier’ regime, one of our foremost intellectual historians and political theorists shows how citizens can voluntarily surrender political liberty for private freedom. For anyone concerned with the dire condition and future prospects of Italy today, Viroli’s civic indignation is both an education and an inspiration.” —Stephen Holmes, New York University Maurizio Viroli is professor of politics at Princeton University and professor of political communication at the University of Italian Switzerland in Lugano.
Faith and Politics in America’s Heartland Robert Wuthnow “Red State Religion is an impressive work. In contrast to the simple headline-grabbing arguments that something is the matter with Kansas, Robert Wuthnow starts from the beginning to understand the current confluence of religion and politics in his home state. Drawing on an enormous range of sources and data, he uses his nearly unrivaled ability to explore important debates and to set them in the context of compelling stories of the lives of ordinary people.” —Paul A. Djupe, Denison University Robert Wuthnow teaches sociology and directs the Center for the Study of Religion at Princeton University. December 2011. 488 pages. 13 line illus. Cl: 978-0-691-15055-0 $35.00 | £24.95
November 2011. 200 pages. Cl: 978-0-691-15182-3 $27.95 | £19.95
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general interest • 5
The End of the West The Once and Future Europe David Marquand “David Marquand’s brilliant, compact book is essential reading for everyone interested in the strategic outlook for Europe in the emerging new constellation of global powers. And I mean ‘everyone’— students, scholars, journalists, business leaders, politicians, and civil servants, in the lands of the old West and new East. With erudition and a light, readable touch, this remarkable book ranges across vast historical and contemporary political horizons.” —Michael Emerson, Centre for European Policy Studies David Marquand has been a member of the British Parliament, an official of the European Commission, and principal of Mansfield College, University of Oxford. The Public Square 2011. 224 pages. Cl: 978-0-691-14159-6
$24.95 | £16.95
Thinking about Leadership
Nannerl O. Keohane
What Neuroscience Tells Us about Morality Patricia S. Churchland
“Books about management usually leave me cold. . . . Thinking about Leadership by Nannerl Keohane is better than many I’ve dipped into. It’s sensible, and short, and captures two aspects of leadership that seem pretty fundamental. The first is its definition of leadership. . . . The second is her emphasis on the importance of judgment.” —Diane Coyle, Enlightened Economist Nannerl O. Keohane is the Laurance S. Rockefeller Distinguished Visiting Professor of Public Affairs and the University Center for Human Values at Princeton University and former president of Wellesley College and Duke University. 2010. 312 pages. Cl: 978-0-691-14207-4
“This is a terrific, clear, and finely sensitive account of human moral and social behavior and its neurobiological—and decidedly secular— underpinnings. Patricia Churchland once again leads the way.” —Michael S. Gazzaniga, author of Human: The Science Behind What Makes Your Brain Unique Patricia S. Churchland is professor emerita of philosophy at the University of California, San Diego, and an adjunct professor at the Salk Institute. 2011. 288 pages. 1 halftone. 11 line illus. Cl: 978-0-691-13703-2 $24.95 | £16.95
$27.95 | £19.95
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6 • general interest
The Blame Game Spin, Bureaucracy, and Self-Preservation in Government Christopher Hood “In The Blame Game, Christopher Hood identifies one of the most common gripes that citizens have about bureaucracy and government, namely, that no one in either accepts responsibility for making mistakes of omission or commission. In this brief and often illuminating book, Hood explores the diverse and insidious ways in which ducking blame manifests in public life.” —Science Christopher Hood is the Gladstone Professor of Government at All Souls College, Oxford. 2011. 240 pages. 6 line illus. 8 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-12995-2 $39.95 | £27.95
New Paperback Winner of the 2011 Gold Medal in History, Independent Publisher Named a New York Times Book Review Editors’ Choice One of the 2010 Top Debate Worthy Books of the Year, U.S. News & World Report Winner of the 2010 Bronze Medal in History, ForeWord Reviews
With a new afterword by the author
The Whites of Their Eyes The Tea Party’s Revolution and the Battle over American History Jill Lepore “[A] brief but valuable book . . . which combines her own interviews with Tea Partiers . . . and her deep knowledge of the founders and of their view of the Constitution.” —New York Times Book Review Jill Lepore is the David Woods Kemper ’41 Professor of American History at Harvard University and a staff writer at the New Yorker.
New Paperback
With a new afterword by the author
The Expanding Circle Ethics, Evolution, and Moral Progress Peter Singer “Singer’s theory of the expanding circle remains an enormously insightful concept, which reconciles the existence of human nature with political and moral progress. It was also way ahead of its time. . . . It’s wonderful to see this insightful book made available to a new generation of readers and scholars.” —Steven Pinker, author of The Blank Slate and The Stuff of Thought Peter Singer is the Ira W. DeCamp Professor of Bioethics in the University Center for Human Values at Princeton University and Laureate Professor at the University of Melbourne.
The Public Square 2011. 232 pages. Pa: 978-0-691-15300-1 Cl: 978-0-691-15027-7
$12.95 | £8.95 $19.95 | £13.95
2011. 232 pages. Pa: 978-0-691-15069-7
$17.95 | £12.50
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general interest • 7
Why Americans Hate the News Media and How It Matters Jonathan M. Ladd “This book addresses an important, understudied topic—public attitudes toward the press and why these attitudes matter. I particularly like Ladd’s discussion of the influential role of politicians and his explicit recognition of the unique postwar media period. Ladd consolidates prior work done on the history of the American press into a cohesive narrative that contributes value above and beyond the original materials.” —Tim Groeling, University of California, Los Angeles Drawing on historical evidence, experiments, and public opinion surveys, this book shows that in a world of endless news sources, citizens’ trust in institutional media is more important than ever before. Jonathan M. Ladd is assistant professor of government and public policy at Georgetown University. January 2012. 296 pages. 1 halftone. 32 line illus. 14 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-14786-4 $26.95 | £18.95 Cl: 978-0-691-14785-7 $65.00 | £44.95
Winner of the 2011 Leon D. Epstein Outstanding Book Award, Political Organizations and Parties Section, American Political Science Association
Representing the Interests of Blacks and Latinos in Congress Michael D. Minta “Wow, what a smart book! Minta expands our understanding of effective minority representation in an area of the policy process overlooked by scholars and pundits alike—implementation —where vigilance is rewarded and disinterest catastrophic. This is an important work.” —Gary Segura, Stanford University Michael D. Minta is assistant professor of African and African American studies and political science at Washington University in St. Louis. 2011. 176 pages. 10 line illus. 29 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-14926-4 $24.95 | £16.95 Cl: 978-0-691-14925-7 $65.00 | £44.95
Partisan Balance Why Political Parties Don’t Kill the U.S. Constitutional System David R. Mayhew “Gridlock? Polarization? A constitution undermined by political parties and special interests? Think again. David Mayhew’s eye-opening Partisan Balance explains how the political parties have in fact been integral to the survival of the U.S. Constitution and the instrument of American democracy, rather than its undoing.” —Stephen Ansolabehere, Harvard University David R. Mayhew is Sterling Professor of Political Science at Yale University. Princeton Lectures in Politics and Public Affairs 2011. 240 pages. 4 line illus. 20 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-14465-8 $27.95 | £19.95
8 • american politics & policy
Why Americans Don’t Join the Party
Reading Obama Dreams, Hope, and the American Political Tradition James T. Kloppenberg
Race, Immigration, and the Failure (of Political Parties) to Engage the Electorate Zoltan L. Hajnal & Taeku Lee “A critical and long-overdue intervention in the study of contemporary American politics, Why Americans Don’t Join the Party provides a thorough revision of theories of partisanship. Hajnal and Lee brilliantly explain how the many different groups comprising today’s complicated racial and ethnic terrain form attachments, or not, to the major political parties, and the authors show how these attachments are shaped by the legacy of slavery, immigrant political incorporation, and racial identities and ideologies.” —Michael Dawson, University of Chicago Zoltan L. Hajnal is associate professor of political science at the University of California, San Diego. Taeku Lee is professor of political science and law and chair of the Department of Political Science at the University of California, Berkeley. 2011. 344 pages. 28 line illus. 30 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-14879-3 $27.95 | £19.95 Cl: 978-0-691-14878-6 $75.00 | £52.00
The Limits of Constitutional Democracy Edited by Jeffrey K. Tulis & Stephen Macedo
“In short, Mr. Kloppenberg’s brief intellectual biography of Mr. Obama provides an excellent portrait of the shining self-image of the progressive intellectual.” —Peter Berkowitz, Wall Street Journal James T. Kloppenberg is the Charles Warren Professor of American History and chair of the History Department at Harvard University. 2010. 320 pages. Cl: 978-0-691-14746-8
$24.95 | £16.95
Blessed Are the Organized Grassroots Democracy in America Jeffrey Stout “Blessed Are the Organized has a good chance for mass appeal because of the timeliness and the timelessness of the subject. The book is about the little fighting back in big numbers to get the attention of the powerful. Jeffrey Stout shows how it is done in a number of situations. It works.” —John Presta, New York Journal of Books Jeffrey Stout is professor of religion at Princeton University. 2010. 368 pages. 3 maps. Cl: 978-0-691-13586-1
$29.95 | £20.95
See page 34 for details.
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american politics & policy • 9
New Paperback
New Paperback
Winner of the 2011 Stuart L. Bernath Book Prize, Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations Winner of the 2010 Best First Book Award, Phi Alpha Theta
The Crisis of American Foreign Policy
The Great American Mission Modernization and the Construction of an American World Order David Ekbladh “Ekbladh offers a sweeping, provocative appraisal of the U.S. attempt to employ development as an ideological weapon.” —Choice David Ekbladh is assistant professor of history at Tufts University. America in the World 2011. 408 pages. 17 halftones. Pa: 978-0-691-15245-5 $24.95 | £16.95 Cl: 978-0-691-13330-0 $47.50 | £32.95
New Paperback Mary L. Dudziak, Recipient of the 2011 Phi Kappa Phi Faculty Recognition Award, University of Southern California
With a new afterword by the author
Exporting American Dreams Thurgood Marshall’s African Journey Mary L. Dudziak “[A] thought provoking and painstakingly researched journey through a crucial transformational moment in two nations’ histories.” —Julie Novkov, Law and Politics Book Review Mary L. Dudziak is professor of law, history, and political science at the University of Southern California.
Wilsonianism in the Twenty-first Century G. John Ikenberry, Thomas J. Knock, Anne-Marie Slaughter & Tony Smith “[A] provocative and informative analysis of the impact of Woodrow Wilson’s global vision on American foreign policy over the past century and its potential implications for the twentyfirst century.” —James M. McCormick, Perspectives on Politics G. John Ikenberry is the Albert G. Milbank Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University. Thomas J. Knock is associate professor of history at Southern Methodist University. Anne-Marie Slaughter is director of policy planning for the U.S. State Department. Tony Smith is professor of political science at Tufts University. 2011. 168 pages. Pa: 978-0-691-15004-8 Cl: 978-0-691-13969-2
$17.95 | £12.50 $42.00 | £28.95
Forthcoming Paperback With a new afterword by the author
The Whites of Their Eyes The Tea Party’s Revolution and the Battle over American History Jill Lepore See page 7 for details.
2011. 280 pages. 20 halftones. Pa: 978-0-691-15244-8 $24.95 | £16.95
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10 • american politics & policy
Fred I. Greenstein, Recipient of the 2004 Presidency Research Group Career Service Award, American Political Science Association
One of Choice’s Outstanding Academic Titles for 2009
The Strategic President
Inventing the Job of President
Persuasion and Opportunity in Presidential Leadership George C. Edwards III
Leadership Style from George Washington to Andrew Jackson Fred I. Greenstein
“This book should be required reading for scholars of the U.S. presidency.” —Choice 2009. 272 pages. 18 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-13947-0 $31.95 | £21.95
2009. 176 pages. 8 halftones. Cl: 978-0-691-13358-4 $19.95 | £13.95
Also by Fred I. Greenstein Third Edition
forthcoming spring 2012 Overreach
The Presidential Difference
Leadership in the Obama Presidency George C. Edwards III
Leadership Style from FDR to Barack Obama
The Presidency of George W. Bush A First Historical Assessment Edited by Julian E. Zelizer “Zelizer’s work provides a valuable benchmark for historians to build upon.” —Library Journal 2010. 408 pages. Pa: 978-0-691-14901-1
$29.95 | £20.95
“An elegant and absorbing analysis of the early presidents and their political styles.” —Thomas E. Cronin, Colorado College
“If I were to assign just one short book on the modern presidency, this would be it.” —Stephen Hess, Globe and Mail 2009. 344 pages. 13 halftones. 1 line illus. Pa: 978-0-691-14383-5 $26.95 | £18.95
Winner of the 2009 Gladys M. Kammerer Award, American Political Science Association Winner of the 2009 Leon D. Epstein Outstanding Book Award, Political Organizations and Parties Section, American Political Science Association
Unequal Democracy
Religion and Democracy in the United States Danger or Opportunity? Edited by Alan Wolfe & Ira Katznelson “This is a rich and substantive book.” —David Campbell, University of Notre Dame
The Political Economy of the New Gilded Age Larry M. Bartels Copublished with the Russell Sage Foundation 2010. 344 pages. 4 halftones. 40 line illus. 65 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-14623-2 $22.95 | £15.95 Cl: 978-0-691-13663-9 $29.95 | £20.95
Electronic Elections
Copublished with the Russell Sage Foundation
The Perils and Promises of Digital Democracy R. Michael Alvarez & Thad E. Hall
2010. 456 pages. 16 line illus. 28 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-14729-1 $35.00 | £24.95 Cl: 978-0-691-14728-4 $75.00 | £52.00
2010. 256 pages. 11 line illus. 20 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-14622-5 $20.95 | £14.95 Cl: 978-0-691-12517-6 $45.00 | £30.95
american politics & policy • 11
Paths Out of Dixie The Democratization of Authoritarian Enclaves in America’s Deep South Robert Mickey “In this remarkable book, Mickey focuses on Southern politics after the great public reversal of black disenfranchisement—and boldly compares that politics to authoritarianism. He grounds his compelling claims and narratives in an exceptionally confident handling of evidence, resulting in a major milestone in American political science, indeed one that rivals V. O. Key’s famous work. This vivid and profoundly illuminating book is certain to change views not just of Southern politics, but of the country we have been—and the national democracy we have become.” —Rick Valelly, Swarthmore College Robert Mickey is associate professor of political science at the University of Michigan. 2011. 392 pages. 4 halftones. 9 line illus. 12 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-14963-9 $29.95 | £20.95 Cl: 978-0-691-13338-6 $75.00 | £52.00
Still a House Divided Race and Politics in Obama’s America Desmond S. King & Rogers M. Smith See page 1 for details.
Winner of the 2011 Gladys M. Kammerer Award, American Political Science Association
The Litigation State Public Regulation and Private Lawsuits in the United States Sean Farhang “This seminal and important book exhaustively analyzes the theory behind private enforcement and persuasively sets out the history of its intentional creation as a tool of regulation.” —Frank Cross, University of Texas, Austin 2010. 320 pages. 4 line illus. 6 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-14382-8 $27.95 | £19.95 Cl: 978-0-691-14381-1 $75.00 | £52.00
Presidential Party Building Dwight D. Eisenhower to George W. Bush Daniel J. Galvin “In an exceptionally well-researched and beautifully written book, Daniel Galvin . . . fundamentally alters our understanding of presidents’ contributions to the development of political parties. Presidential Party Building will likely become a classic in the field.” —Jesse H. Rhodes, Forum 2009. 352 pages. 12 line illus. 8 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-13693-6 $28.95 | £19.95 Cl: 978-0-691-13692-9 $67.50 | £46.95
Winner of the 2010 Ralph J. Bunche Award, American Political Science Association
Fighting for Democracy Now Available in Paperback
Why Is There No Labor Party in the United States? Robin Archer 2010. 360 pages. 8 line illus. 14 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-14934-9 $28.95 | £19.95 Cl: 978-0-691-12701-9 $42.00 | £28.95
Black Veterans and the Struggle Against White Supremacy in the Postwar South Christopher S. Parker 2009. 288 pages. 13 line illus. 14 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-14004-9 $25.95 | £17.95 Cl: 978-0-691-14003-2 $62.95 | £43.95
12 • princeton studies in american politics
With a new afterword by the author
Uneasy Alliances Race and Party Competition in America Paul Frymer “The vast literature on American political parties has been immensely enriched and enhanced by this pioneering work on race and parties.” —Hanes Walton, Jr., Political Science Quarterly 2010. 264 pages. 4 halftones. 8 line illus. 9 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-14801-4 $24.95 | £16.95
Also by Paul Frymer Winner of the 2009 Best Book Award, Race, Ethnicity and Politics Section, American Political Science Association
Black and Blue African Americans, the Labor Movement, and the Decline of the Democratic Party “Black and Blue is an important contribution to the interdisciplinary literature on race and the U.S. labor movement.” —Nancy MacLean, Industrial and Labor Relations Review 2008. 224 pages. 4 halftones. 1 table. Pa: 978-0-691-13465-9 $29.95 | £20.95
Co-Winner of the 2010 Gladys M. Kammerer Award, American Political Science Association Co-Winner of the 2010 J. David Greenstone Award, Politics and History Section, American Political Science Association Winner of the 2010 Best Book Award, Race, Ethnicity, and Politics Section, American Political Science Association Winner of the 2008 President’s Book Award, Social Science History Association
The Fifth Freedom Jobs, Politics, and Civil Rights in the United States, 1941–1972 Anthony S. Chen 2009. 424 pages. 9 halftones. 8 line illus. 19 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-13953-1 $26.95 | £18.95 Cl: 978-0-691-13457-4 $70.00 | £48.95
Winner of the 2009 Joseph J. Spengler Prize, History of Economics Society Co-Winner of the 2009 Herbert Jacob Book Prize, Law and Society Association One of Choice’s Outstanding Academic Titles for 2009
The Rise of the Conservative Legal Movement The Battle for Control of the Law Steven M. Teles “[A]n essential road map to the organizational mobilization of conservatives over the past quarter century.” —Al Gore, corecipient of the Nobel Peace Prize 2010. 360 pages. 3 halftones. 1 line illus. 1 table. Pa: 978-0-691-14625-6 $25.95 | £17.95
Co-Winner of the 2007 Oliver Cromwell Cox Award, Race, Gender, and Class Section, American Sociological Association
What a Mighty Power We Can Be African American Fraternal Groups and the Struggle for Racial Equality Theda Skocpol, Ariane Liazos & Marshall Ganz “This excellent, very readable, scholarly book fills many gaps in understanding the African American community.” —Choice 2008. 320 pages. 8 halftones. 8 line illus. 14 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-13836-7 $24.95 | £16.95 Cl: 978-0-691-12299-1 $32.95 | £22.95
Reputation and Power Organizational Image and Pharmaceutical Regulation at the FDA Daniel Carpenter 2010. 824 pages. 13 halftones. 17 line illus. 26 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-14180-0 $35.00 | £24.95 Cl: 978-0-691-14179-4 $78.50 | £55.00
Ira Katznelson, Martin Shefter & Theda Skocpol, series editors
princeton studies in american politics • 13
No Man’s Land Jamaican Guestworkers in America and the Global History of Deportable Labor Cindy Hahamovitch “In No Man’s Land, Cindy Hahamovitch brilliantly explores the world of guestworkers and the complex history of America’s relationship with them. In the confused and confusing debate over jobs, immigration, and the economy, this book is a must-read. If you have ever eaten an apple or put sugar in your coffee, it is time you got to know the people who help put these foods on your table.” —Kevin Bales, Free the Slaves No Man’s Land puts Jamaican guestworkers’ experiences in the context of the global history of this fast-growing and perilous form of labor migration. Cindy Hahamovitch is professor of history at the College of William & Mary. 2011. 352 pages. 18 halftones. 2 maps. Cl: 978-0-691-10268-9 $35.00 | £24.95
Philanthropy in America
Between Citizens and the State
A History Olivier Zunz
The Politics of American Higher Education in the 20th Century Christopher P. Loss
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“Combining a vision of broad patterns of social change with a historian’s appreciation of real people whose actions mattered, Christopher Loss has written a wonderfully rich analysis of the ways that universities worked in between the federal government and the people to create an educated—if conflict-ridden—democracy.” —John Skrentny, University of California, San Diego At a time when people’s faith in government and higher education is being sorely tested, this book sheds new light on the close relations between American higher education and politics. Christopher P. Loss is assistant professor of higher education and public policy at Vanderbilt University. December 2011. 264 pages. 29 halftones. 4 line illus. Cl: 978-0-691-14827-4 $35.00 | £24.95
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Debtor Nation
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Cold War Civil Rights Race and the Image of American Democracy Mary L. Dudziak “[G]roundbreaking.” —American Lawyer “Dudziak sets a new standard for literature on race and Cold War foreign policy.” —Laura Belmonte, Journal of Cold War Studies Mary L. Dudziak is professor of law, history, and political science at the University of Southern California. 2011. 360 pages. 20 halftones. Pa: 978-0-691-15243-1 $24.95 | £16.95
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William Chafe, Gary Gerstle, Linda Gordon & Julian Zelizer, series editors
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The New Global Rulers The Privatization of Regulation in the World Economy Tim Büthe & Walter Mattli “In a world where global standards increasingly determine access to world markets, understanding how those standards are set is of vital concern to citizens, governments, and firms. This deeply informed book asks the questions and presents the often counterintuitive facts about the relation between domestic interests and global rule making that will set the intellectual agenda and shape political discussion in this area for years to come.” —Charles Sabel, Columbia Law School Tim Büthe is assistant professor of political science at Duke University. Walter Mattli is professor of international political economy and a fellow of St. John’s College, University of Oxford. 2011. 320 pages. 13 halftones. 9 line illus. 20 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-14479-5 $27.95 | £19.95
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Theories of International Politics and Zombies Daniel W. Drezner See page 3 for details.
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Line in the Sand A History of the Western U.S.-Mexico Border Rachel St. John “Rachel St. John untangles the myths surrounding the U.S.-Mexico border in this thoughtful and meticulously researched book. In so doing, she not only restores the border to its central place in borderlands studies but also renders the border essential for understanding the history of North America.” —Karl Jacoby, Brown University Drawing on extensive research in U.S. and Mexican archives, Line in the Sand weaves together a transnational history of how an undistinguished strip of land became the significant and symbolic space of state power and national definition that we know today. Rachel St. John is associate professor of history at Harvard University. America in the World 2011. 296 pages. 20 halftones. Cl: 978-0-691-14154-1 $29.95 | £20.95
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Striking First
Island of Shame
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The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia David Vine “Island of Shame [is] a meticulously researched, coldly furious book that details precisely how London and Washington colluded in a scheme of population removal more redolent of the eighteenth or nineteenth century than the closing decades of the twentieth.” —Jonathan Freedland, New York Review of Books David Vine is assistant professor of anthropology at American University in Washington, D.C. 2011. 288 pages. 12 halftones. 2 tables. 4 maps. Pa: 978-0-691-14983-7 $19.95 | £13.95 Cl: 978-0-691-13869-5 $39.95 | £27.95 The author will donate all royalties from the sale of this book to the Chagossians
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Worse Than a Monolith
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“This is the best book on U.S. grand strategy to emerge in years. Trubowitz provides a simple and elegant model that accounts for U.S. strategic choices over centuries.” —William Wohlforth, Dartmouth College Peter Trubowitz is professor of government at the University of Texas, Austin. 2011. 200 pages. 3 line illus. 11 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-14958-5 $24.95 | £16.95 Cl: 978-0-691-14957-8 $70.00 | £48.95
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New Paperback Winner of the 2010 Robert H. Ferrell Prize, Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations Winner of the 2009 DAAD Prize for Distinguished Scholarship in German and European Studies, American Institute for Contemporary German Studies Co-Winner of the 2010 Marshall Shulman Prize, Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies One of Choice’s Outstanding Academic Titles for 2010
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Thomas Christensen, G. John Ikenberry & Marc Trachtenberg, series editors
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The Evolution of a Nation
Pillars of Prosperity
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The Political Economics of Development Clusters Timothy Besley & Torsten Persson
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“This book is a must-read for any serious student of development economics and political economy. Besley and Persson provide a rich framework for understanding the evolution of economic, legal, and political institutions, and rightly place the state at its center.” —Daron Acemoglu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Daniel Berkowitz is professor of economics at the University of Pittsburgh. Karen B. Clay is associate professor of economics at Carnegie Mellon University. The Princeton Economic History of the Western World 2012. 248 pages. 58 line illus. 48 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-13604-2 $39.50 | £27.95
Timothy Besley is the Kuwait Professor of Economics and Political Science, and director of the Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Torsten Persson is the Torsten and Ragnar Söderberg Chair in Economic Sciences and professor of economics at the Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University. The Yrjö Jahnsson Lectures 2011. 392 pages. 25 line illus. 25 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-15268-4 $45.00 | £30.95
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Asset Price Swings, Risk, and the Role of the State Roman Frydman & Michael D. Goldberg “The year 2008 saw not only financial failure but the failure of an idea, the economic theory in which financial markets are mechanically determined to settle at equilibrium and economically efficient prices. Roman Frydman and Michael Goldberg demonstrate clearly the fallacy of that idea. Their powerful analysis provides insights which can help us reduce the probability and severity of future crises.” —Adair Turner, chairman of Britain’s Financial Services Authority Roman Frydman is professor of economics at New York University. Michael D. Goldberg is the Roland H. O’Neal Professor at the University of New Hampshire. 2011. 304 pages. 25 line illus. 4 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-14577-8 $35.00 | £24.95
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States of Credit
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Reinventing Discovery
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David Stasavage is professor of politics at New York University.
The New Era of Networked Science Michael Nielsen
Michael Nielsen is an essayist, speaker, and advocate of open science. November 2011. 264 pages. 6 halftones. 8 line illus. Cl: 978-0-691-14890-8 $24.95 | £16.95
The Princeton Economic History of the Western World 2011. 208 pages. 9 line illus. 10 tables. 1 map. Cl: 978-0-691-14057-5 $39.95 | £27.95
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Beyond the Invisible Hand
The Big Ditch
Groundwork for a New Economics Kaushik Basu
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“Meticulously researched and brilliantly argued, The Big Ditch provides a seminal analysis of the economic motivations and consequences of American imperialism.” —James Robinson, coauthor of Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy Noel Maurer is associate professor of business administration at Harvard Business School. Carlos Yu is an economic historian and private consultant based in New York City. 2010. 440 pages. 1 halftone. 30 line illus. 48 tables. 7 maps. Cl: 978-0-691-14738-3 $35.00 | £24.95
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The Long Divergence How Islamic Law Held Back the Middle East Timur Kuran “Mr. Kuran’s arguments have broad implications for the debate about how to foster economic development. He demonstrates that the West’s long ascendancy was rooted in its ability to develop institutions that combined labour and capital in imaginative new ways.” —Economist Timur Kuran is professor of economics and political science and the Gorter Family Professor of Islamic Studies at Duke University. 2010. 424 pages. 12 halftones. 8 line illus. 10 tables. 2 maps. Cl: 978-0-691-14756-7 $29.95 | £20.95
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Winner of the 2010 Business Book of the Year Award, Financial Times/ Goldman Sachs
Identity Economics
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How Our Identities Shape Our Work, Wages, and Well-Being George A. Akerlof & Rachel E. Kranton
Fault Lines How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy Raghuram G. Rajan “Fault Lines is a must-read.” —Nouriel Roubini, Forbes.com Raghuram G. Rajan is the Eric J. Gleacher Distinguished Service Professor of Finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. October 2011. 280 pages. Pa: 978-0-691-15263-9 Cl: 978-0-691-14683-6 Not for sale in India
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“[A]n important new book. . . . Professor Akerlof and Rachel Kranton have invented Identity Economics.” —Daniel Finkelstein, Times George A. Akerlof, winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in Economics, is the Koshland Professor of Economics at the University of California, Berkeley. Rachel E. Kranton is professor of economics at Duke University. October 2011. 192 pages. 1 halftone. 1 line illus. Pa: 978-0-691-15255-4 $16.95 | £11.95 Cl: 978-0-691-14648-5 $24.95 | £16.95
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Animal Spirits How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism George A. Akerlof & Robert J. Shiller “Akerlof and Shiller are the first to try to rework economic theory for our times. The effort itself makes their book a milestone.” —Louis Uchitelle, New York Times Book Review 2010. 264 pages. 1 table. Pa: 978-0-691-14592-1 Cl: 978-0-691-14233-3
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2011. 512 pages. 62 line illus. 30 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-15264-6 $19.95 | £13.95 Cl: 978-0-691-14216-6 $35.00 | £24.95
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New Paperback
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Portfolios of the Poor
Capitalism and the Jews
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Jerry Z. Muller
“A fascinating discussion of the finances of the world’s poor.” —Nicholas Kristof, NYTimes.com Daryl Collins is senior associate at Bankable Frontier Associates in Boston. Jonathan Morduch is professor of public policy and economics at New York University. Stuart Rutherford is the founder of SafeSave, a microfinance institution in Bangladesh. Orlanda Ruthven recently completed a doctoral degree in international development at the University of Oxford. 2011. 296 pages. 9 line illus. 38 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-14819-9 $19.95 | £13.95 Cl: 978-0-691-14148-0 $37.50 | £26.95 Not for sale in South Africa and South Asia
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“[F]ascinating.” —Fareed Zakaria GPS Jerry Z. Muller is professor of history at the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. December 2011. 280 pages. Pa: 978-0-691-15306-3 $19.95 | £13.95 Cl: 978-0-691-14478-8 $24.95 | £16.95
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Special Recognition, 2010 Levine Prize, Committee on the Structure of Governance, International Political Science Association
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The Making of British Socialism
Attention Deficit Democracy
Mark Bevir
The Paradox of Civic Engagement Ben Berger
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“This book offers important correctives to the plethora of work on civic engagement produced by political theorists and political scientists over the past twenty years. Ben Berger argues that too much civic engagement—or engagement of the wrong sorts—can damage democracy as much as support it. This is a genuine work of public philosophy that offers insights and analytical tools for making contemporary democracies better.” —Sharon Krause, Brown University Ben Berger is associate professor of political science at Swarthmore College. 2011. 216 pages. 2 line illus. 2 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-14468-9 $35.00 | £24.95
Eco-Republic What the Ancients Can Teach Us about Ethics, Virtue, and Sustainable Living Melissa Lane “This is a provocative and powerful book. Lane recommends the ethical vision of Greek antiquity rather than a society of individuals following legal rules. Such a vision is, Lane argues, a sustainable one—bringing ethics, ecology, and politics together.” —Justin Champion, Royal Holloway, University of London Melissa Lane is professor of politics at Princeton University.
A Book Forged in Hell Spinoza’s Scandalous Treatise and the Birth of the Secular Age Steven Nadler “Nadler gives us a clean, crisp, indispensible account of what made Spinoza’s Treatise so revolutionary.” —Russell Shorto, author of Descartes’ Bones Steven Nadler is the William H. Hay II Professor of Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. November 2011. 304 pages. 1 halftone. Cl: 978-0-691-13989-0 $29.95 | £20.95
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The Ethics of Voting
On the Currency of Egalitarian Justice, and Other Essays in Political Philosophy
Jason Brennan “In The Ethics of Voting, [Brennan] asks the obvious-yet-unutterable question at the heart of American politics: what are all those uninformed, indifferent, lazy, and stupid people doing in the voting booth?” —Josh Rothman, Boston Globe Jason Brennan is assistant professor of philosophy at Brown University. 2011. 224 pages. 3 line illus. Cl: 978-0-691-14481-8 $29.95 | £20.95
Changes of State Nature and the Limits of the City in Early Modern Natural Law Annabel S. Brett “With authority and grace, Annabel Brett reconstructs a richly challenging tradition of early modern reflection on human agency and political community. Her unfailingly acute and original analyses of the arguments of, among others, Vitoria, Soto, Suárez, Grotius, and Hobbes will be a revelation to political theorists, philosophers, and historians alike.” —David Armitage, Harvard University Annabel S. Brett is Senior Lecturer in History at the University of Cambridge and Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. 2011. 256 pages. 15 halftones. Cl: 978-0-691-14193-0 $35.00 | £24.95
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Democratic Legitimacy
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Pierre Rosanvallon is professor at the Collège de France and the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris. 2011. 248 pages. Cl: 978-0-691-14948-6
Duncan Kelly is university senior lecturer in political theory in the Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Cambridge, and fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge.
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Michael Oakeshott’s Skepticism
Douglas John Casson is assistant professor of political science at St. Olaf College. 2011. 296 pages. Cl: 978-0-691-14474-0
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Aryeh Botwinick “During a time when the fragility of things is so palpable, Aryeh Botwinick’s reengagement with the work of Michael Oakeshott is invaluable. . . . A timely and illuminating study.” —William E. Connolly, author of A World of Becoming Aryeh Botwinick is professor of political science at Temple University. Princeton Monographs in Philosophy 2011. 272 pages. Cl: 978-0-691-14717-8
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Jonathan Israel is professor of modern history at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. October 2011. 296 pages. Pa: 978-0-691-15260-8 Cl: 978-0-691-14200-5
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Edited by Jeffrey K. Tulis & Stephen Macedo “Provocative and insightful, these essays offer a badly needed tutorial on how to think about the fate of constitutional democracy in the twentyfirst century. The volume as a whole demonstrates that the best friends of constitutionalism are those who are unafraid to explore its limits.” —Bryan Garsten, Yale University Jeffrey K. Tulis teaches political science at the University of Texas, Austin. Stephen Macedo is the Laurance S. Rockefeller Professor of Politics at Princeton University. University Center for Human Values 2010. 360 pages. 1 line illus. Pa: 978-0-691-14736-9 $32.50 | £22.95 Cl: 978-0-691-14734-5 $80.00 | £55.00
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Inside the Castle
forthcoming spring 2012
Law and the Family in 20th Century America Joanna L. Grossman & Lawrence M. Friedman
The Politics of Precaution
See page 4 for details.
Regulating Health, Safety, and Environmental Risks in Europe and the United States David Vogel
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Winner of the 1989 Scribes Book Award, American Society of Writers on Legal Subjects
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The Constrained Court
Adversary Advocacy in a Democratic Age Daniel Markovits “[An] ambitious, original, and theoretically elegant book.” —David Luban, Ethics Daniel Markovits is the Guido Calabresi Professor of Law at Yale Law School. 2011. 376 pages. Pa: 978-0-691-14813-7 Cl: 978-0-691-12162-8
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Beyond the Formalist-Realist Divide The Role of Politics in Judging Brian Z. Tamanaha “Tamanaha’s . . . book will change the way we think about both formalism and realism, about the history of legal scholarship and about the empirical study of judicial decision making.” —Edward Rubin, Law & Politics Review 2010. 264 pages. Pa: 978-0-691-14280-7 Cl: 978-0-691-14279-1
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Law, Politics, and the Decisions Justices Make Michael A. Bailey & Forrest Maltzman “Do Supreme Court justices base their decisions on law or politics? Using clever measurement strategies and relentless coding of cases, Bailey and Maltzman answer this question: both. They are to be commended for careful political science that also takes the idea of law seriously. This book is a must-read for scholars and students who care about what motivates the justices of the Supreme Court.” —Barry Friedman, New York University Michael A. Bailey is the Colonel William J. Walsh Professor in the Department of Government and Institute for Public Policy at Georgetown University. Forrest Maltzman is professor of political science at George Washington University. October 2011. 232 pages. 28 halftones. 20 line illus. 12 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-15105-2 $26.95 | £18.95 Cl: 978-0-691-15104-5 $75.00 | £52.00
The Judge as Political Theorist Contemporary Constitutional Review David Robertson “Robertson offers . . . a thoughtful, carefully researched book that confronts conventional wisdom on constitutional courts and jurists.” —Choice David Robertson is professor of politics and a fellow of St. Hugh’s College, University of Oxford. 2010. 432 pages. 3 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-14404-7 Cl: 978-0-691-14403-0
$35.00 | £24.95 $80.00 | £55.00
judicial politics • 37
Ground Wars Personalized Communication in Political Campaigns Rasmus Kleis Nielsen “Nielsen presents a very compelling analysis of an often-neglected aspect of modern presidential campaigns. He challenges the idea that political communication must be tightly controlled and scripted, correctly arguing that personalized, labor-intensive communication prone to individual inflection and enthusiasm represents American democracy in action. Ground Wars is an important and timely book.” —Dennis W. Johnson, author of No Place for Amateurs: How Political Consultants Are Reshaping American Democracy Rasmus Kleis Nielsen is research fellow at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at the University of Oxford and assistant professor at Roskilde University in Denmark. March 2012. 248 pages. 12 line illus. Pa: 978-0-691-15305-6 $24.95 | £16.95 Cl: 978-0-691-15304-9 $80.00 | £55.00
Peasants under Siege
Remaking the Heartland
The Collectivization of Romanian Agriculture, 1949–1962 Gail Kligman & Katherine Verdery
Middle America since the 1950s Robert Wuthnow
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“One of America’s most prolific scholars of culture and change now turns his attention to his native Midwest. Robert Wuthnow paints a compelling portrait of the enduring vitality of this special part of America and offers a provocative narrative of how it is changing. Wuthnow’s many fans— especially those with Midwestern ties—will enjoy his spirited, graceful, and well-evidenced argument that the heart of the American heartland still beats strong.” —Robert D. Putnam, author of Bowling Alone and American Grace Robert Wuthnow is the Gerhard R. Andlinger ’52 Professor of Social Sciences at Princeton University. 2011. 376 pages. 23 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-14611-9 $35.00 | £24.95
2011. 536 pages. 24 halftones. 2 line illus. 9 tables. 1 map. Pa: 978-0-691-14973-8 $39.50 | £27.95 Cl: 978-0-691-14972-1 $95.00 | £65.00
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Making Volunteers Civic Life after Welfare’s End Nina Eliasoph “This book is a pleasure to read—smart, insightful, tragic, ironic, and funny. Eliasoph brings to life the complicated relationships and dilemmas that surface in youth programs, and the twists and turns of the author’s analysis are extremely compelling. This book is a must-read for those participating in NGOs, those trumpeting the virtues of volunteer work, and those social scientists interested in questions of government, community building, and civic culture.” —Lynne Haney, New York University Nina Eliasoph is associate professor of sociology at the University of Southern California. Princeton Studies in Cultural Sociology 2011. 336 pages. Cl: 978-0-691-14709-3
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Economic Lives
Why People Cooperate
How Culture Shapes the Economy Viviana A. Zelizer
The Role of Social Motivations Tom R. Tyler
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Viviana A. Zelizer is the Lloyd Cotsen ‘50 Professor of Sociology at Princeton University. 2010. 496 pages. Cl: 978-0-691-13936-4
Tom R. Tyler is University Professor and Chair of the Psychology Department at New York University. 2010. 232 pages. 3 line illus. 14 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-14690-4 $35.00 | £24.95
$35.00 | £24.95
political sociology • 39
Mafias on the Move
Dead Ringers
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How Outsourcing is Changing the Way Indians Understand Themselves Shehzad Nadeem
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“[Nadeem] offers concrete and important insight into the world of outsourcing. . . . One cannot help agreeing with the author that the brave new IT world documented in his interviews disturbs more than it shines.” —Andrew Robinson, Nature
Federico Varese is professor of criminology and director of the Extra-Legal Governance Institute at the University of Oxford. 2011. 288 pages. 9 halftones. 3 line illus. 16 tables. 4 maps. Cl: 978-0-691-12855-9 $35.00 | £24.95
Shehzad Nadeem is assistant professor of sociology at the City University of New York, Lehman College. 2011. 288 pages. 3 halftones. 3 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-14787-1 $35.00 | £24.95
The Hoods
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Heather Hamill is university lecturer in sociology at the University of Oxford and a fellow of St. Cross College, Oxford. 2011. 200 pages. 2 line illus. 2 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-11963-2 $29.95 | £20.95
Lawrence A. Scaff
Lawrence A. Scaff is professor of political science and sociology at Wayne State University. 2011. 328 pages. 13 halftones. 2 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-14779-6 $35.00 | £24.95
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New Paperback
New Paperback
One of the “Best Books of 2009,” New Scientist blog Winner of the 2009 PROSE Award for Excellence in Sociology and Social Work, Association of American Publishers Winner of the 2010 Dorothy Lee Award for Outstanding Scholarship in the Ecology of Culture, Media Ecology Association
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Codes of the Underworld How Criminals Communicate Diego Gambetta
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The Next Catastrophe Reducing Our Vulnerabilities to Natural, Industrial, and Terrorist Disasters Charles Perrow
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“Perrow amply describes the failure of governmental agencies to anticipate, plan for and effectively respond to a whole series of very serious threats to our well being, if not to our very survival.” —Social Forces
Diego Gambetta is Official Fellow of Nuffield College and professor of sociology at the University of Oxford.
Charles Perrow is professor emeritus of sociology at Yale University.
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The Politics of Happiness What Government Can Learn from the New Research on Well-Being Derek Bok “With his clear analysis and outside-the-box ideas, Bok encourages thoughtful consideration of what we should want for ourselves and expect from our government.” —Sarah Halzack, Washington Post Derek Bok is the 300th Anniversary Research Professor at Harvard University. October 2011. 272 pages. 6 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-15256-1 $19.95 | £13.95 Cl: 978-0-691-14489-4 $24.95 | £16.95
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Ethics in an Age of Terror and Genocide Identity and Moral Choice Kristen Renwick Monroe
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“I love Monroe’s writing. With broad intellectual sweep, she draws on moral philosophy, brain imaging studies, psychology (evolutionary, developmental, and social), and more, to make sense of her interviews with rescuers, bystanders, and Nazis. Monroe profoundly cares about the horror of genocide and shows how a few acquire the ethics to resist while most do not. There are few topics as important as this one.” —Sam McFarland, Western Kentucky University Kristen Renwick Monroe is professor of political science at the University of California, Irvine. December 2011. 464 pages. 3 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-15143-4 $35.00 | £24.95 Cl: 978-0-691-15137-3 $75.00 | £52.00
Against Massacre Humanitarian Interventions in the Ottoman Empire, 1815–1914 Davide Rodogno “In this outstanding, elegant, and informative book, Rodogno makes a powerful case for reexamining humanitarian intervention from a historical perspective by exploring cases of European involvement in the Ottoman Empire during the nineteenth century. With impressive research and insightful analysis, Against Massacre will have a major impact in international history and be of great importance to humanities and political science scholars.” —J. P. Daughton, Stanford University Davide Rodogno is Fonds National Suisse Research Professor at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva. Human Rights and Crimes against Humanity December 2011. 408 pages. 2 halftones. 5 maps. Cl: 978-0-691-15133-5 $39.50 | £27.95
Forthcoming Paperback
The Age of Social Democracy
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Hamas and Civil Society in Gaza
The Emancipation of Europe’s Muslims
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The State’s Role in Minority Integration Jonathan Laurence “Laurence has written a brilliantly mature book about a topic that frequently provokes sophomoric exaggeration. The book is remarkable for its practical acumen and comparative-historical depth. The Emancipation of Europe’s Muslims is a unique accomplishment. It presents a strong alternative to current so-called common wisdom.” —Jytte Klausen, author of The Cartoons That Shook the World Jonathan Laurence is associate professor of political science at Boston College and a nonresident senior fellow in foreign policy studies at the Brookings Institution. February 2012. 312 pages. 41 halftones. 19 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-14422-1 $29.95 | £20.95 Cl: 978-0-691-14421-4 $80.00 | £55.00
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Also by John R. Bowen
Why the French Don’t Like Headscarves Islam, the State, and Public Space “[This book] should be read by every American who holds public office as well as everyone else who cares about this great question of our day: What should we ask of those who want to live in our country?” —David Kirby, Chicago Tribune 2008. 304 pages. 6 halftones. Pa: 978-0-691-13839-8 $22.95 | £15.95
Dale F. Eickelman & Augustus Richard Norton, series editors
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Party Competition An Agent-Based Model Michael Laver & Ernest Sergenti “Laver and Sergenti argue that politics is best viewed as a complex dynamical system that is neither random nor in equilibrium. Their use of agent-based modeling to better understand the flux of politics will be of great interest to the next generation of modelers seeking to make sense of the wide variety of political systems in the real world.” —Norman Schofield, Washington University in St. Louis Michael Laver is professor of politics at New York University. Ernest Sergenti is a consultant at the World Bank. Princeton Studies in Complexity November 2011. 296 pages. 66 line illus. 10 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-13904-3 $29.95 | £20.95 Cl: 978-0-691-13903-6 $65.00 | £44.95
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Improving Public Opinion Surveys
Population-Based Survey Experiments
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Uneducated Guesses Using Evidence to Uncover Misguided Education Policies Howard Wainer “Uneducated Guesses is a must-read for enthusiasts of evidence-based decision making and for those who make public policy decisions without consulting the evidence. The former will be sobered by a real and random world that may not match their theoretical models. The latter will be surprised to learn from past research the power and limits of public policy decisions. Wainer lays it all out in engaging and accessible prose and numbers.” —Arthur E. Wise, National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education Howard Wainer is distinguished research scientist at the National Board of Medical Examiners and adjunct professor of statistics at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. For twenty-one years, he was principal research scientist at Educational Testing Service. 2011. 200 pages. 23 line illus. 17 tables. Cl: 978-0-691-14928-8 $24.95 | £16.95
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Winner of the 2011 Pierre Bourdieu Book Award, Sociology of Education Section, American Sociological Association
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New Paperback
With a foreword by William G. Bowen
Winner of the 2010 Pierre Bourdieu Book Award, Sociology of Education Section, American Sociological Association Honorable Mention, 2009 PROSE Award for Excellence in Education, Association of American Publishers
Unlocking the Gates How and Why Leading Universities Are Opening Up Access to Their Courses Taylor Walsh for Ithaka S+R “By now, books, articles and blogs about the virtues and vices of online distance learning are hardly new, and are frequently repetitive. But Taylor Walsh’s Unlocking the Gates is different. She analyses in great detail the varied experiences of a small number of elite US, UK and Indian universities that, starting in 1999, began to offer some, if not all, of their undergraduate courses online to varying audiences. . . . A solid, pioneering contribution to the study of online higher education.” —Howard P. Segal, Times Higher Education Taylor Walsh writes on behalf of Ithaka S+R, a not-for-profit strategy and research service that supports innovation in the academic community. 2011. 320 pages. 24 line illus. Cl: 978-0-691-14874-8 $29.95 | £20.95
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The Concise Princeton Encyclopedia of American Political History
The New Atlas of World History
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Michael Kazin is professor of history at Georgetown University. Rebecca Edwards is the Eloise Ellery Professor of History at Vassar College. Adam Rothman is associate professor of history at Georgetown University. 2011. 656 pages. 3 line illus. 2 tables. Pa: 978-0-691-15207-3 $35.00 | £24.95
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Princeton Readings in Religion and Violence Edited and with introductions by Mark Juergensmeyer & Margo Kitts “This brilliantly compiled compendium explores the complex relationship between religion and violence. The readings, which span two millennia, force us to confront a painful truth—those who aim to kill in the name of God will find legitimacy in carefully selected sacred texts. Highly recommended for anyone hoping to understand humanity’s persistent attraction to holy war and sacrifice.” —Jessica Stern, Harvard University This groundbreaking anthology provides the most comprehensive overview for understanding the fascinating relationship between religion and violence—historically, culturally, and in the contemporary world. Bringing together writings from scholarly and religious traditions, it is the first volume to unite primary sources—justifications for violence from religious texts, theologians, and activists—with invaluable essays by authoritative scholars. Mark Juergensmeyer is professor of sociology and global studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Margo Kitts is associate professor of humanities at Hawai’i Pacific University. November 2011. 256 pages. 1 table. Pa: 978-0-691-12914-3 $24.95 | £16.95 Cl: 978-0-691-12913-6 $65.00 | £44.95
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forthcoming spring 2012 The Princeton Encyclopedia of Islamic Political Thought Edited by Gerhard Bowering Patricia Crone, Wadad Kadi, Devin J. Stewart, Muhammad Qasin Zaman, associate editors Mahan Mirza, assistant editor
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