Jan 11, 2017 - in the Herbert C. Englert Cell Analysis Laboratory, which was ...... W. Rathbun, K. A. Orndorff, J. Gonzalez, J. E. Stern, and C. R. Wira. 1997.
IFN-g Is Produced by Polymorphonuclear Neutrophils in Human Uterine Endometrium and by Cultured Peripheral Blood Polymorphonuclear Neutrophils1 Grant R. Yeaman,2* Jane E. Collins,* Janet K. Currie,* Paul M. Guyre,† Charles R. Wira,† and Michael W. Fanger* Cytokines present in the human uterus play an important role both in modulating immune responses to infectious challenge and in the establishment and maintenance of pregnancy. In particular, successful implantation and pregnancy is thought to require the establishment of a Th2 environment, while Th1 cytokines are associated with pregnancy loss and infertility. On the other hand, a Th1 response appears to be required for the resolution of acute infection. Using novel confocal microscopic analysis of fresh sections of human tissue, we have investigated the production of IFN-g, a Th1 cytokine, in human endometria. Extracellular IFN-g, mostly associated with matrix components, was located immediately beneath the luminal epithelium and along the glandular epithelium proximal to the lumen. As evidenced by intracellular staining, IFN-g is produced by both stromal cells and intraepithelial lymphocytes through all stages of the menstrual cycle. Surprisingly, the stromal cell containing intracellular IFN-g was identified as a polymorphonuclear neutrophil on the basis of its reactivity with a panel of mAbs and its nuclear morphology. We further found that polymorphonuclear neutrophils isolated from normal donors produce IFN-g in response to stimulation with LPS, IL-12, and TNF-a. Taken together, these findings suggest that polymorphonuclear neutrophils are capable of producing IFN-g both in vitro and in vivo, indicating that their role in shaping immune responses may be more extensive than previously thought. Furthermore, these studies strongly suggest that polymorphonuclear neutrophils play an important role in determining immune responsiveness within the female reproductive tract. The Journal of Immunology, 1998, 160: 5145–5153.
he immune system in the tissues of the female reproductive tract is unique because its capacity to respond to infectious challenge or maintain tolerance to semiallogeneic Ags is controlled by estradiol and progesterone (1, 2). The human uterus contains the full range of immune cells that are presumed to function in a manner analogous to their counterparts in other tissues and in peripheral blood. Endometrial monocytes and macrophages are distributed diffusely throughout the uterine stroma in relatively high numbers and represent 5% to 15% of the endometrial stromal cells (3– 6). Large granular lymphocytes (NK cells) are also present in the uterine endometrium and substantially increase in number during the late secretory phase of the menstrual cycle. Uterine lymphocytes are predominantly T cells that are found throughout the endometrium and also in discrete lymphoid aggregates (LA)3 (7). LA, located between the bases of glands in the basalis region, have a unique and organized structure, consistDepartments of *Microbiology and †Physiology, Dartmouth Medical School, Lebanon, NH 03756 Received for publication November 3, 1997. Accepted for publication January 23, 1998. The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 1 This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grants AI34478 (to C.R.W.) and R03 ESO08589-01. Confocal scanning laser microscopy was performed in the Herbert C. Englert Cell Analysis Laboratory, which was established with a grant from the Fannie E. Rippel Foundation and is supported in part by the core grant of the Norris Cotton Cancer Center (CA-23108). 2 Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Grant R. Yeaman, Department of Microbiology, Dartmouth Medical School, HB7556, 1 Medical Center Drive, Lebanon, NH 03756. 3 Abbreviations used in this paper: LA, lymphoid aggregates; PMN, polymorphonuclear leukocyte; Cy, cyanine; PBA, PBS/1%BSA/0.1% azide; NIH, National Institutes of Health; PI, propidium iodide; IEL, intraepithelial lymphocyte; G-CSF, granulocyte-CSF; MBP, major basic protein; PE, phycoerythrin; PMT, photomultiplier tube.
Copyright © 1998 by The American Association of Immunologists
ing of a core of B cells surrounded by CD81 T cells and an outer halo of monocytes/macrophages. LA are either small or absent during the early proliferative stage, significantly larger in size at mid cycle and during the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle, and absent in postmenopausal women, indicating that LA are under hormonal control. It has been proposed that LA are the source of IFN-g found in cultures of endometrial cells (8, 9). Roles for IFN-g in controlling the growth, differentiation, and immune responsiveness of normal human uterine endometrium have been proposed (8, 10 –12). Despite this, only three studies, two looking at mRNA expression (13, 14) and one staining for protein (15), have shown evidence of IFN-g production in nonpregnant human uterus. Although these studies concluded that T cells and macrophages were responsible for IFN-g production in the uterus (13–15), the markers used to phenotype the IFN-positive cells were not lineage specific. In the present study we have used a culture system employing viable vibratome sections of uterine endometrial tissue (EM) from hysterectomy patients, in conjunction with three-color immunofluorescent staining and scanning confocal laser microscopy, to investigate the ability of LA and other uterine endometrial cell types to produce IFN-g. We show that, contrary to previous proposals, LA are not the source of constitutive IFN-g production in uterus. Surprisingly, the majority of the intracellular IFN-g immunoreactivity in this tissue is associated with polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN). Further, we show that PMN from peripheral blood, which have not previously been shown to produce IFN-g, stain positively for IFN-g.
Materials and Methods Preparation of vibratome sections Uterine endometrial tissue was obtained with prior informed consent and Institutional Review Board approval from patients who were undergoing 0022-1767/98/$02.00
Table I. Summary of the patient population and IFN-g in tissue sections of different patient populations
Menstrual Stage
No. of Patients
Average Age (yr)
Leiomyomata (1) None (2)
None (4) Adenomyosis (6) Leiomyomata (5) Prolapse (1) Hyalin sclerosis myometrium (1) Hyperplasia/leiomyomata (1) Leiomyomata/adenomyosis (1) Adenomyomata (1) None (2) Adenomyosis (1) Leiomyomata (5) Adenomyomata (1) Leiomyomata/adenomyomata (1)
Uterine Pathology
hysterectomy (Table I). Most patients included in this study were diagnosed as having leiomyomata, prolapsed uteri, or benign ovarian disease. None had a postoperative diagnosis of malignant uterine disease. Sections of tissue were dissected out from sites distal to any gross pathology and placed immediately in sterile ice cold PBS. The blocks of tissue were trimmed of excess myometrium, and 30- to 70-mm sections were cut using a vibratome (V1000, TPI, Energy Beam Sciences, Agawam, MA). Sections were maintained in ice cold PBS throughout processing. The stage of the menstrual cycle of the endometria was determined in accordance with accepted histologic practice using hematoxylin/eosin-stained paraffin sections. Evaluations were conducted independently by two pathologists by scoring the degree of stromal edema and the relative frequency of glandular and stromal mitoses.
Monoclonal antibodies A panel of mAbs (Table II) was used for direct and indirect immunofluorescent staining. Abs purified from hybridoma cell culture supernatants (cell lines from ATCC) using HiTrap protein G-Superose columns (Pharmacia LKB, Piscataway, NJ) were labeled, where indicated, with Cy3 or Cy5 Fluorolink protein labeling kits (Amersham, Arlington Heights, IL) according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. FITC-conjugated mouse mAbs were obtained from commercial suppliers as denoted in Table II.
Three-color immunophenotyping Three-color immunofluorescent staining of tissue sections was conducted immediately after cutting. For direct staining, 2 mg/100 ml each of FITC-, Cy3-, and Cy5-labeled Abs in PBS/1%BSA/0.1% azide (PBA)-containing human Ig (6 mg/ml to block nonspecific binding) were added to sections in 96-well plates and incubated overnight at 4°C in the dark with continuous gentle agitation. Unbound Ab was removed from the sections by aspiration followed by four 20-min washes in PBA. Washed sections were then fixed overnight in the same buffer containing 1% paraformaldehyde. Stained sections were wet-mounted in anti-fade (Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR), sealed with nail varnish, and stored at 4°C in the dark for up to 10 days before confocal imaging.
IFN-g staining Intracellular staining for constitutive production of IFN-g by cells within the vibratome sections was investigated following treatment with brefeldin A, which causes accumulation of newly synthesized proteins within the cells (16). The staining method is an adaptation of an indirect staining method for flow cytometry described by Schmitz et al. (17). Briefly, vibratome sections were cultured at 37°C overnight in serum-free, phenol red-free, Excel medium (Medarex modification, Medarex, Annandale, NJ), supplemented with penicillin (50 U/ml), streptomycin (50 mg/ml), gentamicin (10 mg/ml), and glutamine (0.291 mg/ml), then exposed to brefeldin A (100 mg/ml) for 4 h at 37°C (all from Sigma, St. Louis, MO). As a positive control for IFN-g production, matched sections were exposed to ionomycin (10 mM; Sigma) and PMA (10 mM; Sigma) during the overnight incubation. Sections were washed extensively with PBA and fixed
Endometriosis Cervical cancer Prolapse Benign (14) Inflammation (3) Endometriosis (3)
Benign (8) Inflammation (1) Endometriosis (1)
IFN-g Positive/Total Assayed
3/3 19/20
overnight in PBA/1% formaldehyde. After washing, sections were incubated for 2 h at room temperature in 200 ml of PBA containing 0.5% saponin (Sigma) in the presence of human Ig block (6 mg/ml final) and 2 mg/100 ml of unlabeled mouse monoclonal anti-IFN-g Ab (PharMingen) or a 1:2000 dilution of a polyclonal rabbit anti-human IFN-g. Following three 20-min washes in PBA containing 0.5% saponin, sections were incubated for a further hour with Cy3-labeled affinity purified anti-mouse Ig Ab.
Immunophenotyping of IFN-g-producing cells To phenotype the IFN-g-producing cells, sections were stained with FITC or Cy5 lineage-specific mouse mAbs before staining for intracellular IFN-g with a rabbit polyclonal anti-human IFN-g Ab (1/2000 dilution of National Institutes of Health (NIH, Bethesda, MD) Research reference reagent G034-501-565), followed by a Cy3-labeled affinity-purified anti-rabbit Ig polyclonal Ab (Amersham). In more recent experiments, this procedure was replaced by one that utilized a Cy5-conjugated anti-IFN-g Ab (B-B1; Serotec), in conjunction with FITC- and Cy3-labeled cell surface marker-specific Abs. Unstained and fluorochrome isotype controls were used to control for autofluorescence and nonspecific Ab binding, respectively. Each set of sections was internally controlled wherever possible by using the same mAb with different fluorochromes attached. For example, sections stained with FITC-CD3, Cy3-CD3, and Cy5-CD3 were used to establish the threshold of detection for channels such that no crossover was seen in the other two channels. For IFN-g staining with mouse mAb, isotype-specific controls were used to set the threshold of the Cy3 channel. Ionomycin/PMA-treated sections were used as positive controls for IFN-g production. For sections stained with rabbit polyclonal anti-human IFN-g Ab, a matched preimmune rabbit serum was used (1/2000 dilution of NIH Research reference reagent G035-501-565). As an additional set of controls in some sections, staining was blocked by the addition of excess recombinant human IFN-g (Genentech, San Francisco, CA).
Confocal scanning laser microscopy Immunofluorescently labeled sections were optically sectioned using a Bio-Rad MR1000 Confocal Scanning Laser Microscope system (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA) equipped with a krypton/argon laser. Laser power, PMT gain, and enhancement factors were then determined for the FITC, Cy3, and Cy5 channels using the single fluorochrome-stained sections to ensure effective cross-channel compensation. Three-color fluorescent sections were then evaluated for the presence of IFN-g-producing cells.
IFN-g production by peripheral blood PMN PMN were isolated by a modification of the double layer Ficoll-Hypaque procedure of English and Anderson (15, 18), as described previously by Kerr et al. (19). The resulting preparations were .99.5% pure PMN. PMN were cultured overnight in RPMI 1640/20% FCS in the presence or absence of G-CSF (Amgen, Thousand Oaks, CA) and with or without the addition of IL-12 (Peprotec, Rocky Hill, NJ). Cells were then stained for
The Journal of Immunology
Table II. Specificities and sources of Abs used for immunophenotyping
Immune Cell Expressionb
CD1a CD2 CD2 CD3 CD3 CD3 CD4 CD4 CD8 CD8 CD8 CD10 CD11b CD11c CD14 CD14 CD15 CD15 CD15 CD16 (FcgRIII) CD19 CD23 (FceRIII)
OKT6 T11 G11 OKT3 UCHT1 S4.1 OKT4 S3.5 OKT8 DK25 3B5 5-IB4 CR3(Bear-1) BL-4h4 AML-2-23 TU K4 PM81 PMN6 PMN29 3G8 SJ25-C1 MHM6
ATCC* Coulter† Caltag‡ ATCC§ Dako Caltag ATCC Caltag ATCC Dako Caltag Caltag Caltag Caltag ATCC Caltag
DC subset, thymocytes NK cells, T cell NK cells, T cell Pan T cells Pan T cells Pan T cells Th cells Th cells T cytotoxic/suppressor T cytotoxic/suppressor T cytotoxic/suppressor Pre-B and B cell subsets, PMNs PMNs, Mo, NK Mo, PMNs, Mf Mo, PMNs, DC, Mf Mo, PMNs, DC, Mf
ATCC Caltag
CD45 CD56 CD56 CD66b Ber EP4 HLA class II HLA class II HLA class II 11C9.13 Mast cell Eo MBP Anti-IFN-g Anti-IFN-g Anti-IFN-g Anti-IFN-g Anti-IFN-g
HI-30 Leu-1 NKI-nbl-1 80H3 Ber EP4 1Va-12 CR3/43 TU 36
Caltag B-D¶ Caltag Immunotech\ Dako ATCC Dako Caltag Guyre Lab Dako Serotec[ Serotec R&D** PharMingen†† NIH‡‡ R&D
NK, PMNs, Mo Precursor B and B cells B cells, Eos, activated Mo/Mf All leukocytes NK cells NK cells PMNs Epithelial cells HLA class II HLA class II HLA class II PMNs Mast cell tryptase Eos, MBP IFN-g IFN-g IFN-g IFN-g IFN-g
AA1 BMK-13 B-B1 25723.11 45.B3 GO34-501 Goat aHu polyclonal
a Abs were purified from cell culture supernatants of *ATCC cell lines (American Type Culture Collection, Rockville, MD); †Coulter, Kennesaw, GA; ‡Caltag Laboratories, San Francisco, CA; §Dako, Carpinteria, CA; ¶Becton Dickinson, San Jose, CA; \Immunotech, Westbrook, ME; [Serotec, Washington, DC; **R&D, Minneapolis, MN; †† PharMingen, San Diego, CA; ‡‡NIH, Bethesda, MD. b DC, dendritic cells; Mo, monocytes; Mf, macrophages; Eos, eosinophils; PMNs, granulocytes; alpha, anti-human.
intracellular IFN-g using Cy5-labeled anti-IFN-g either with or without brefeldin A treatment and for cell surface CD66b using an FITC-labeled Ab. After counterstaining the nuclei with propidium iodide, cells were examined by confocal microscopy. Laser power, PMT gains, and confocal thresholds were set using FITC-IgG1 and Cy5-IgG1 isotype controls and kept constant throughout the experiment.
Quantitation of intracellular IFN-g in peripheral blood PMN The relative amounts of IFN-g in individual cells was determined using Image Space software (Molecular Dynamics, Irvine, CA) to analyze image files obtained from peripheral blood staining experiments. Three-color Image files were given a threshold intensity of one (three-color images are composed from three gray-scale images, one for each PMT channel, with each range from 0 to 256 gray levels). Individual cells were then defined by enclosing each cell in a circle. Software algorithms were then used to determine the total IFN-g staining intensity in each cell, which may be defined as the sum of the intensities of all pixels in the 256 gray-scale image representing the Cy5 channel that were greater or equal to one. This value is referred to as total pixel intensity per cell. Statistical analysis between treatments was conducted by nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test using Statgraphics Plus v3 Software (Manugistics, Rockville, MD).
ELISA quantitation of IFN-g in peripheral blood PMN culture supernatants Peripheral blood PMN from normal male donors were prepared by double layer Ficoll-Hypaque separation as described above. Differential counts of
the resulting PMN preparations showed a contaminating nongranulocyte count of less than 1%. PMN were cultured in AIM-V medium (Life Technologies, Grand Island, NY)/5% FCS at a cell density of 7 3 106 PMN/ml either without additional stimulation, or with the addition of human rIL-12, human rTNF-a (Genentec) or LPS (List BiologicLab, Campbell, CA). Supernatants were then harvested for ELISA analysis. IFN-g ELISAs were conducted using paired capture and biotinylated detection antibodies from R&D Systems following the manufacturer’s recommendations. Concentrations were determined against a standard curve constructed by serially diluting recombinant human IFN-g (Genentech). Statistical analysis of mean IFN-g production between treatments was by t test using Statgraphics Plus v3 Software (Manugistics).
IFN-g expression in human uterine endometrium In studies designed to evaluate the localization of cytokine production and its influence on the immune responsiveness of cells in the female reproductive tract, we stained uterine vibratome sections with fluorescently labeled anti-cytokine Abs. Of particular interest, we found that IFN-g was present in vibratome sections of fresh uterine tissue from all patients (Table I) in the absence of exogenous stimuli. Although the intensity of staining varied from patient to patient, no discernible correlation was found with the stage of the menstrual cycle or between pre- and postmenopausal
FIGURE 1. Location, morphology, and phenotype of IFN-g positivity in uterine endometrium and IFN-g expression in peripheral blood PMN following IL-12 stimulation. IFN-g immune reactivity (red staining) was localized as a broad band beneath the luminal epithelium and along the glandular epithelium proximal to the luminal epithelium (a). IFN-g was stained, following brefeldin A treatment and permeabilization, using rabbit polyclonal anti-IFN-g followed by Cy3-labeled goat anti-rabbit second Ab. Epithelial cells were directly stained with FITC-BerEP4 epithelial cell-specific Ab ( green) before fixation and permeabilization. After optimizing confocal parameters on the IFN-g Ab-stained sections (a), IFN-g staining specificity was controlled for by reading a preimmune rabbit antiserum-stained control section at the same confocal settings (b). Intracellular IFN-g-reactive cells in the stroma had a consistent morphology: irregular shape and large negatively stained areas presumed to be large vacuoles or nuclear shadows (c). IFN-g positivity (red) was found in cells in two distinct locations in relation to the epithelium (Ber-EP4, green): in stromal cells and in some IEL (d). Stromal cells (lower right) stained much more intensely than IELs (arrows in d). Panels e to j show three-color immunofluorescent staining for IFN-g-positive cells following brefeldin A treatment in vibratome sections. IFN-g immunoreactivity (blue) was visualized, following saponin permeabilization, by the addition of directly conjugated Cy5-labeled anti-IFN-g Ab (clone B-B1, Serotec), and their nuclei were visualized by counterstaining with propidium iodide (red). Stromal IFN-g-positive cells consistently exhibited a polymorphonuclear nucleus (e–j). IFN-g-positive cells were consistently weakly positive for CD11c (e, green); strongly CD11c positive IFN-g negative cells had a size and nuclear morphology consistent with macrophages. IFN-g-positive cells were consistently strongly positive for CD11b ( f, green) and CD66b ( g, green). IFN-g-positive cells showed an FcgR receptor profile consistent with peripheral blood PMN in that they were FcgRIII positive (h, green) and FcgRI low or negative (i, green) (two large FcgRI-positive IFN-g-negative cells below a blue IFN-gpositive polymorphonuclear cell are probably macrophages) and FcaR-positive ( j, green). Highly purified peripheral blood PMN treated with brefeldin A produced IFN-g in overnight cultures in a donor-variable manner (not shown). No positive staining observed in IL-12 stimulated PMN in the absence of brefeldin A (k). IFN-g staining was, however, present in brefeldin-treated cells, and staining intensity increased in IL-12-treated cells, indicating that accumulation of detectable levels of IFN-g was dependent on the presence of toxin (l).
women. In particular, extracellular IFN-g was evident throughout the stroma of the tissues but was mostly concentrated as a broad band immediately below the luminal epithelium and adjacent to
the glandular epithelium proximal to the lumen (Fig. 1, a and b). The staining pattern of the extracellular IFN-g was often fibrous, suggesting that the cytokine is associated with extracellular matrix
The Journal of Immunology
FIGURE 2. IFN-g staining in vibratome sections is increased by brefeldin A treatment and can be inhibited by preincubation with polyclonal anti-IFN-g. This figure shows four color images. Each color image has been split into its red (a, d, g, and j) green (b, e, h, and k) and blue (c, f, i, l) components to facilitate comparison between images. Specificity of staining for IFN-g was determined by setting confocal parameters at a lower limit of sensitivity on the same vibratome section (a to c) stained with PI nuclear counterstain (a), FITC-IgG1 isotype (b), and Cy5-IgG1 isotype (c). Using the same settings, images were obtained using PI nuclear counterstain (d, g, and i), FITC anti-CD66b (e, h, and k), and Cy5 antiIFN-g in sections either untreated ( f), treated with brefeldin A (i), or brefeldin A treated, incubated with unlabeled goat anti-human antiIFN-g specific polyclonal Ig, following permeabilization but before exposure to mouse antihuman Cy5 anti-IFN-g (clone B-B1, Serotec) (l). If sections were not brefeldin treated ( f), or were preincubated with a goat anti-human IFN-g antiserum (l), staining intensity in the Cy5 channel was markedly reduced.
components. Such an association is consistent with the reported binding of IFN-g to heparin sulfate on endothelial cells described by others (20 –22). Specificity of staining was confirmed by the ability of polyclonal goat anti-IFN-g to block staining with mouse monoclonal anti-IFN-g Ab and by the ability of excess rIFN-g to block staining (Figs. 2 and 3). In addition, we labeled the B-B1 mAb (Serotec) with Cy5 and used it to stain sections in conjunction with two other mAbs labeled with FITC and phycoerythrin (PE) (see Table II) or a polyclonal Ab stained indirectly with an FITC second Ab and propidium iodide (PI) nuclear counterstaining. The results showed uniform dual staining of cells with all Ab pairings, indicating that all three monoclonals and the polyclonal recognized Ag expressed in the same cells (data not shown). Cells in uterine LA do not constitutively produce IFN-g LA represent the major concentration of organized lymphoid cells in human endometrium (7, 15, 23). Since T cells are the predominant cell type present in LA and since T cells are known to produce IFN-g, it has been proposed that these structures are responsible for uterine IFN-g production (8, 9). Based on staining with FITC-CD19, Cy3-CD14, and Cy5-CD3 (for B cells, macrophages, and T cells, respectively), LA were present in five of the seven proliferative phase and all secretory phase tissues, but LA were absent from the postmenopausal tissue. IFN-g was not found as-
sociated with the cells in the LA, but intracellular periepithelial IFN-g staining of discrete cells in the matrix around the LA was observed. In contrast, when uterine vibratome sections were incubated in the presence of ionomycin/PMA, IFN-g-positive cells were observed in LA in addition to the periepithelial population seen in unstimulated sections. Periepithelial cells were large and irregular in shape, while IFN-g-positive cells in LA after treatment with ionomycin/PMA had a morphology consistent in size and location with T cells. In summary, LA showed no IFN-g positivity in the absence of exogenous stimuli. These results, taken together with the observation that stromal IFN-g staining is evident in postmenopausal tissues when LA are absent, suggests that LA T cells are not the source of constitutive uterine IFN-g. In an attempt to define the source of constitutive IFN-g production, we examined the morphology and immunophenotype of cells staining positively for intracellular IFN-g. Cells containing intracellular IFN-g immunoreactivity were evident in all patient samples. Some IFN-g-positive cells were intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs), as defined by their location, morphology, and reactivity with anti-CD3 and anti-CD8, although both the proportion of IELs positive for IFN-g and the number of IELs varied greatly between patients. Another population of positive stromal cells was evident immediately below the luminal epithelium, adjacent to the glandular epithelium, and these appeared to have large vacuoles in their
FIGURE 3. IFN-g staining in cultured purified peripheral blood PMN and PBMC is inhibited by the addition of excess rIFN-g. PMN and PBMC were purified from peripheral blood on Ficoll density gradients. After culturing without for 24 h (PMN without exogenous stimuli, PBMC with PHA) and Brefeldin A treatment, cells were stained with FITC anti-CD66b (PMN) or with FITC anti-CD45 (PBMC). Cells were then fixed/permeabilized and stained with Cy5 anti-IFN-g (1 mg/100 ml) either in the presence or absence of a 20 M excess of rIFN-g. After counterstaining with PI, cells were mounted on slides in anti-fade. Confocal parameters were set to just below saturation levels on the unblocked PMN. Images were then captured to file of three random fields from each of three replicate slides for each incubation. Each cell was then counted for intensity of blue staining using Image Space software. Staining intensity was reduced to baseline levels in both PMN (W 5 1368, p 5 2.1 3 10212 Mann-Whitney U test) and in PBMC (W 5 1353, p 5 2.3 3 1027 Mann-Whitney U test).
cytoplasm (Fig. 1c). The relative intensity of staining differed between these two cell types in that the IEL stained much less intensely (about fivefold less as calculated from mean pixel intensity in the two cell types) than the stromal cells (Fig. 1d). Phenotypic analysis of the stromal IFN-g-producing cell T cells and NK cells are regarded as the major producers of IFN-g. In an effort to identify whether T cells or NK cells were the stromal IFN-g-producing cells, sections were stained with different lineage-specific mAbs in conjunction with an anti-IFN-g Ab. No dual positive staining was observed either for the T cell markers CD2, CD3, CD4 and CD8, or using two different NK-specific anti-CD56 mAbs (data not shown). The IFN-g-positive cells were CD45 weakly positive. Anti-CD14 and anti-HLA class II Abs consistently showed no reactivity with the cytokine-positive cells, indicating that the cytokine-producing cells were not monocytes or macrophages. In a further effort to identify the IFN-g-reactive stromal cell, we stained intracellularly with monoclonal anti-mast cell tryptase and anti-eosinophil major basic protein. Both of these cell types have been reported to produce IFN-g (24, 25). Since we had already concluded that these cells were not macrophages, T cells, or NK cells, we also included a panel of granulocyte-specific Abs, since PMNs also express CD11c. Of the five patients studied, no mast cells were evident in the uterus of one patient, whereas, in agreement with previous findings (26), a few scattered mast cells were observed in the other four patients, all of which were IFN-g negative. Eosinophils were present as scattered stromal cells, and a very occasional IFN-g-positive eosinophil was observed. Most of the stromal IFN-g-reactive cells were weakly positive for CD11c, whereas CD11c bright cells (presumably macrophages) were negative (Fig. 1e). IFN-g-positive cells were intensely positive for CD11b (Fig. 1f ) and for CD66b, a marker expressed only on granulocytes (Fig. 1g). IFN-g-positive cells were also positive for CD15 with two mAbs
IFN-g IN UTERINE NEUTROPHILS (PMN6 and PMN 29) but negative using another (PM 81). Stromal IFN-g-positive cells were positive for FcgRIII (CD16) (Fig. 1h), negative for FceRII, which is highly expressed on eosinophils and on activated monocytes (not shown), and positive for FcaR (CD89) (Fig. 1j). To confirm the identity of the stromal IFN-gpositive cell as a PMN, sections were stained with Abs specific for the markers described above and treated with propidium iodide to counterstain the nucleus. The results confirmed the presence in all of the stromal IFN-g-producing cells of a polymorphonuclear nucleus usually with at least three distinct lobes (Fig. 1e to 1j). In summary, in the absence of exogenous stimuli, most of the IFN-g-positive cells in the stroma of human endometrium have the classic multilobed polymorphous nucleus and a CD expression profile most consistent with a PMN (Table III). Occasional IFNg-positive cells were seen that were positive for eosinophil major basic protein (MBP) or had a nucleus with eosinophil morphology, suggesting that these cells may contribute to the pool of stromal IFN-g-positive cells. IFN-g by cultured peripheral blood PMN Production of IFN-g by PMN has not previously been described. Therefore, experiments were conducted to determine whether peripheral blood PMN were able to produce IFN-g following stimulation with IL-12, a cytokine known to induce IFN-g production by NK cells. Highly purified PMN, with no detectable monocytes or lymphocytes on Wright’s/Giemsa staining, were cultured for 18 h in the presence or absence of G-CSF (added to maintain cell viability) and with or without the addition of IL-12. Following incubation, some cells were treated with brefeldin A for 4 h. PMN were then stained with FITC anti-CD66b and intracellularly with Cy5 anti-IFN-g. Following PI counterstaining, the cells were examined by confocal microscopy. The results show an accumulation of IFN-g immunoreactivity in the PMN population either in the presence (Fig. 1l) or in the absence of G-CSF (not shown). The intensity of IFN-g was greater in the IL-12 cells. IFN-g was barely detectable in cells that received no brefeldin A (Fig. 1k), suggesting that IFN-g accumulates intracellularly in cells treated with brefeldin. In brefeldin-treated cells, IFN-g positivity revealed a heterogeneity within the PMN population, in that only one third of PMN were positive. IFN-g staining in brefeldin-treated cells was inhibitable by excess rIFN-g in both PMN (Fig. 3; W 5 1368, p 5 2.1 3 10212 Mann-Whitney U test) and in PHA-stimulated PMNC from the same donor (Fig. 3; W 5 1353, p 5 2.3 3 1027 MannWhitney U test). Staining was also inhibited by preincubation with polyclonal anti-IFN-g (not shown). U937 cells cultured under identical conditions showed no IFN-g staining (not shown). These results show that peripheral blood PMN produce IFN-g and that the pattern of staining seen in the vibratome sections is consistent with production of IFN-g, rather than accumulation of IFN-g from extracellular sources. Detection of IFN-g by ELISA in PMN culture supernatants To confirm that IFN-g was being secreted by PMN, culture supernatants were assayed following treatment with IL-12, TNF-a, IL-12 and TNF-a, or LPS (Fig. 4). The results show a marginal increase in detected IFN-g following IL-12 treatment, more increase following TNF-a treatment, and a greater increase with IL-12 and TNF-a or LPS. The level of mononuclear cell contamination in this experiment was 1% or 7 3 104 cells/ml. Levels of IFN-g production by PHA-stimulated PMNC in this culture system was 75 pg/106 cells (not shown). Therefore, the maximal IFN-g production attributable to contaminating PBMC is likely to be less than 6 pg/ml. The detected levels of IFN-g are therefore
The Journal of Immunology
Table III. Phenotypic comparison of stromal IFN-g-positive cells with the published phenotypes of potential IFN-g-producing cells a
MBP tryptase CD3 CD4 CD8 CD10 CD11b CD11c CD14 CD15 CD16 (FcgRIII) CD18 CD23 (FceRII) CD64 (FcgRI) CD56 CD66b CD32 (FcgRII) CD89 (FcaR) FceRI CD45
Stromal IFN-g-Positive
2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1b 2 1 1 1 1weak
Uterine Mast Cell
2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1weak 1 1 1 2 2/1 2 1 1 1 2 1
1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ?* 2 2 1 1 2 1
2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ? 1 1
T Cell
NK Cell
1 weak 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 ? 1 ? 1 1
2 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1/2 1 1 1/2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1
2 2 1 1/2 1/2 2 1/2 1/2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2/1 2 1 2 2 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1
The first data column summarizes the current findings, which are compared to the published phenotypes of the other cells. Expression profiles were drawn from a number of sources (6, 35). b Tissues from approximately 30% of patients are positive. *?, expression uncertain.
considerably lower than those observed for optimally stimulated T cells and NK cells.
Incidence and location of IFN-g in uterine endometrium The findings reported here show that most human uterine endometrial samples have some level of IFN-g immune reactivity. These findings are in agreement with those shown previously for IFN-g (15) and for IFN-g mRNA (13). Our finding that IEL are positive for IFN-g is also in agreement with the findings of Stewart et al. (15), who reported IFN-g in IELs in frozen sections, whereas
FIGURE 4. Detection of IFN-g by ELISA in PMN culture supernatants following cytokine and LPS treatment. Representative experiment using PMN from a single healthy male donor. Isolated peripheral blood 7 3 106 PMN/ml were cultured for 24 h in AIM-V/5% FCS with either no treatment (untreated), IL-12 (20 U/ml), TNF-a (300 U/ml), a combination of IL-12 (20 U/ml) and TNF-a (300 U/ml) or LPS (50 ng/ml). Triplicate 100-ml aliquots of culture supernatants were then assayed by ELISA for the presence of IFN-g. Results are shown as the mean IFN-g concentration/106 cells. Error bars represent the SE of the mean (medium alone showed no reaction; not shown). Significant increases in IFN-g production at the 95% level (t test) compared with untreated are indicated by *.
Klein et al. (13) did not specifically comment on the location of IFN-g mRNA-positive lymphocytes. There are, however, significant differences between the results presented here and those previously reported for IFN-g staining, particularly with regard to LA reactivity. Stewart et al. concluded, based on single color immunohistochemistry of sequential sections, that LA were often positive for IFN-g (15). Our results consistently show no reactivity with LA T cells in freshly isolated tissues, a finding that is supported by the presence of similar levels of stromal IFN-g-positive cells in postmenopausal patients when LA are absent (7). Although the reasons for these discrepancies are unclear, they may arise
5152 from differential sensitivity between immunohistochemistry in frozen sections vs the in situ immunofluorescence in unfixed brefeldin-treated sections reported here and by the different markers used to identify different cell types. It is interesting that these authors conclude, as do we, that NK cells were negative for IFN-g, since NK cells are known to be able to produce large amounts of IFN-g (27, 28). Phenotype of the stromal IFN-g-positive cell Our findings show clearly that a high proportion of the stromal IFN-g positive cells are of the granulocyte lineage. The staining profile and the nuclear morphology strongly suggest that these cells are PMN (Table III). The possibility that some of these cells are mature basophils with well-segmented nuclei cannot entirely be ruled out. This appears unlikely based on the reported low frequency of basophils in uterine tissue, relative to the number of IFN-g-positive cells seen in our study. Whether these IFN-g-positive granulocytes are producing IFN-g or taking it up from the surrounding tissue remains to be formally proved by the demonstration of IFN-g mRNA in these cells. That some of the intracellular IFN-g may be due to endocytosis or phagocytosis from the surrounding extracellular matrix cannot be entirely ruled out. However, a number of arguments can be made in support of our hypothesis that IFN-g is synthesized by polymorphonuclear granulocytes. First, our results show that the majority of IFN-g-positive stromal cells are CD11c positive; it is therefore likely that this is the same population of cells reported by Klein et al. (13). These authors concluded that many of the stromal IFN-g mRNA-positive cells were macrophages solely on the basis of their CD11c staining. CD11c, although highly expressed on macrophages, is also expressed on granulocytes. Second, these stromal cells were most positive after treatment with the toxin brefeldin A, which inhibits translocation of proteins from endoplasmic reticulum to golgi, leading to an intracellular accumulation of newly synthesized protein. Thus, the low reactivity seen in the absence of brefeldin A treatment may have been missed in other studies. Third, the IFN-g positivity of these cells was far greater than the intensity of staining in IELs or in extracellular locations; if these cells were taking up IFN-g they would have to be actively accumulating it from the surrounding tissue. Fourth, we show that IFN-g production can be induced in peripheral blood PMN following exposure to IL-12 and that our ability to detect intracellular IFN-g is dependent on brefeldin A treatment. In this study we have detected IFN-g protein by intracellular and extracellular immunofluorescence. The validity of these findings is dependent on the specificity of the staining methods used. That the staining is specific for IFN-g was confirmed by a number of lines of evidence. First, the same cells were positive in these tissues using three different IFN-g-specific mouse mAbs (Table II), a rabbit IFN-g-specific polyclonal antiserum (NIH Research reference reagent G034-501-565), and a goat affinity-purified anti-IFN-gspecific polyclonal Ab (R&D). Furthermore, these results are consistent using either direct staining with different fluorochromes (FITC, PE, or Cy5) or using indirect staining. In contrast, none of the other Abs used in this study (anti-MBP, anti-mast cell tryptase, or the isotype controls) or numerous other mAbs used in studies of uterine endometrium in this laboratory showed a similar reactivity with PMN. Second, immunofluorescent staining of vibratome sections using two different IFN-g-specific mAbs, each labeled with a different fluorochrome, colocalized in exactly the same cells. Third, the intracellular staining with a mAb was inhibited by preincubation with either rabbit or goat polyclonal anti-IFN-g but not with control sera. Fourth, IFN-g staining was inhibited by the addition of excess rIFN-g. Fifth, while our conclusions as to the
identity of the IFN-g-producing cell type is different from those of Klein et al.(13), the CD11c positivity of the IFN-g mRNA-positive cell described by these authors is in agreement with our findings. To our knowledge, this is the first report of IFN-g production by a polymorphonuclear leukocyte. Typically lymphocytes, in the form of T cells (including IELs) and NK cells, are thought of as IFN-g-producing cells (27, 28). Evidence has recently been published that, in addition to these cell types, cells of the myelocytic lineage can synthesize IFN-g. In addition to human eosinophils and rodent mast cells (24, 25), it has recently been shown that murine macrophages produce IFN-g response to LPS and IL-12 stimulation (29 –31). PMNs are traditionally thought of as shortlived terminally differentiated cells. However, recent studies showing MHC class II expression and presentation of superantigen suggest that, given certain stimuli in the form of cytokines and/or adhesion molecule interactions, these cells may exhibit a much greater range of immunologic function. PMNs are capable of producing a number of cytokines in response to IFN-g stimulation, including macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1a, MIP-1b, and IL-12 (32–34). Induction of IFN-g production in PMN may occur following LPS-triggered IL-12 production in a manner analogous to that described for murine macrophages (31). The results presented in this study suggest that tissue PMNs may be capable of biasing immune responses to a Th1 response by altering the local cytokine environment. In the particular case of the uterus, Wegmann proposed that establishment and maintenance of pregnancy requires a Th2 cytokine profile (35). Here, we have shown that IFN-g is produced irrespective of menstrual status, perhaps suggesting that a Th1 bias represents the default status and that a Th2 switch must occur to establish pregnancy.
Acknowledgments We thank the following individuals for their technical and clinical and scientific support: Dr. Alice Given, Kenneth Orndorf, Dr. Vincent Memoli, Dr. John Currie, Dr. Stephen Andrews, Dr. Joan Barthold, Dr. Jackson Beecham, Dr. John Ketterer, Dr. Eileen Kirk, Dr. Benjamin Mahlab, Dr. Paul Manganiello, Dr. Eric Sailer, Dr. Barry Smith, Dr. William Young, Jaclyn Logren, Fran Reinfrank, Jeannette Sawyer, Tracy Stokes, Joanne Lavin, Nancy Leonard, Kris Ramsey, Tamara Krivit, Laura Wolf, Peter Seery, Maryalice Achbach, Judy Rook, and Esther Colby.
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