Polynomial-Based Interpolation Filters for DSP Applications

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known as Nyquist filters (recall the zero .... The frequency response of the ideal fractional delay is e. −jω ...... increasing the sampling rate before the Farrow.
Tampere University of Technology


POLYNOMIAL-BASED INTERPOLATION FILTERS FOR DSP APPLICATIONS DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATION, AND APPLICATIONS Djordje Babic, Jussi Vesma, Tapio Saramäki, Vesa Lehtinen, Markku Renfors Tampere University of Technology, Finland

• This pile of lecture notes is based on the research work done by Dr. Tech. Jussi Vesma, Prof. Tapio Saramäki, Dr. Tech. Djordje Babic, and Prof. Markku Renfors. • The lecture notes have been prepared by Prof. Saramäki and Dr. Vesma, and updated by Dr. Babic and M.Sc. Vesa Lehtinen.

Tampere University of Technology

POLYNOMIAL-BASED INTERPOLATION FILTERS FOR DSP APPLICATIONS DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATION, AND APPLICATIONS Speaker: Vesa Lehtinen Tampere University of Technology, Finland e-mail: [email protected]

Contents 1. Interpolation Filters 2. Fractional-Delay Filters 3. Lagrange Interpolation 4. Analog Model for Interpolation Filter 5. Polynomial-Based Interpolation Filters 6. Design 7. Applications


Tampere University of Technology


INTERPOLATION FILTERS • In many DSP applications there is a need to know the value of a signal also between the existing discretetime samples x(n). • Special interpolation filters can be used to compute new sample values y(l)=ya(tl) at arbitrary points t l =(nl +µl)Tin. • Here ya(t) approximates the original continuous-time signal xa(t). • The output sample time is thus determined by the fractional interval (or delay) µl∈[0,1) and the integer index nl. • Terms "interpolator" and "fractional delay (FD) filter" are also used in the literature. ya(t)

= x(n) = y(l)

µl-1Tin nl-1Tin


µlTin nlTin

µl+1Tin tl


Fig. 1. Interpolation in the time domain.



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Terminology pitfalls: Mathematical interpolation vs. interpolation in DSP vs. decimation • In mathematics, interpolation stands for constructing a smooth curve that travels through all given points. o Constructing a curve that is as close as possible but does not include all the given points is referred to as approximation. Cf., e.g., leastsquares approximation. • In DSP, upsampling + antiimage filtering commonly referred to as “interpolation” (vs. decimation). o Not all DSP “interpolators” interpolate in the mathematical sense. o Filters that interpolate in the math sense are also known as Nyquist filters (recall the zero intersymbol interference property). o It is the antiimage filter that performs the interpolation, not the upsampler. • In decimation by fractional (nonintegral) ratios, output samples are generated between the input samples. => Fractional decimation incorporates interpolation / approximation for the purpose of antialiasing.

Tampere University of Technology


Applications for Interpolation Filters • Timing adjustment in all-digital receivers (symbol synchronization) • Time delay estimation • Conversion between arbitrary sample rates • Conversion between uniform and nonuniform sample grids • Echo cancellation • Phased array antenna systems • Speech coding and synthesis • Computer simulation of continuous-time systems • Image processing (image resizing and rotation)

Tampere University of Technology


Statement of the general interpolation problem for uniformly sampled input x(n)

Interpolation filter


h(k,µl) nl


Fig. 2. Simplified block diagram for interpolation filter.

• The input parameters nl and µl are used to determine the time instant tl for the l th output sample y(l)=ya(tl) as t l =(nl +µl)Tin. • Given tl, these parameters are determined by nl = tl / Tin  and µl = tl / Tin − tl / Tin 


• After knowing nl and µl, the interpolation filter calculates y(l) according to the convolution

y (l ) =

N / 2 −1

k =− N / 2

x(nl − k )h(k , µl ).


where N is the length and h(k, µl) is the (discrete-time) impulse response of the interpolation filter.

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Interpretation of the convolution sum

• First, the location of the existing sample preceding (or occurring at) the new sampling instant tl is determined and denoted by nl. • Based on the location of this sample, the existing samples located at n=nl −N/2+1, nl −N/2+2,···, nl +N/2 are used. This means that there are N/2 existing discrete-time samples before and after the desired new time instant tl. • Second, the distance between tl and nlTin is measured as a fraction of Tin, giving the fractional interval µl. • In the above convolution, µl determines the coefficient values h(k, µl). The purpose is to determine them in such a way that y(l) is found according to some criterion to be discussed next.

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Requirements for the impulse-response coefficients h((k,, µl)

1. h(k, µl) should be optimized such that y(l)≈xa((nl +µl)Tin) for all values of µl ∈[0,1) and l. 2. The fundamental idea in the optimization is that ya(t) approximates the original continuous-time signal xa(t) according to some time-domain or frequency-domain criterion. 3. Frequency-domain criteria are preferred for DSP applications. 4. The interpolation filter should have an efficient digital implementation structure.

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Filter Synthesis and Analysis Problem • The problem is now to design a filter which calculates the interpolated samples y(l) for a given value of µl based on the above discussion. • And to analyze the performance of the filter (what is the error between ya(t) and xa(t)). • Note that the direct analysis of the above interpolation filter is difficult, because the system is time-varying. Three approaches to find a solution

1. The frequency response of the ideal fractional delay is e−jωµ, find a FIR filter to approximate this response (FD filter approach) for each value of µ. 2. Use some classical interpolation method to calculate y(l), e.g., Lagrange or B-spline interpolation (timedomain approach). 3. Utilize the continuous-time (analog) model for the interpolation filter (frequency-domain approach).

Tampere University of Technology


FD FILTERS • There are several synthesis methods [1] to design FIR filters having a phase delay of Dint+µ, where Dint =N/2−1 is the integer delay determined by the length of the filter N and µ∈[0,1) is the fractional delay. • The amplitude response of this FIR filter should approximate unity on the given frequency band. • Good solution when µ is fixed. Otherwise, several FD FIR filters are designed and coefficients are stored in a lookup table. ⇒ Need for a large memory. • See Matlab demo #1.

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Example: FD Filter • The length of the filter N=8, Ωp =[0, 0.75π], six different filters having µ=0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5 1 0.9

Amplitude Response

0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0








Angular Frequency ω / π




Fig. 3. Amplitude response for the example FD filter. 3.5

Phase Delay Response





3 0








Angular Frequency ω / π


Fig. 4. Phase delay response.



Tampere University of Technology


LAGRANGE INTERPOLATION • In Lagrange interpolation, the interpolated signal ya(t) is a piecewise polynomial of an odd degree M. ya((n+µ)Tin)=ŷn((n+µ)Tin) I.e., the polynomial ŷn(t) is used for t∈[nTin, (n+1)Tin). • The polynomial pieces ŷn(t) are defined such that ŷn(kTin)=x(kTin) for N=M+1 consecutive sample points k=n−N/2+1,…,n+N/2. Notice that these points extend beyond the range in which ŷn(t) is applied. • Disadvantage: Does not utilize the frequency-domain information of the input signal x(n). • Lagrange interpolation is discussed in more detail later on. • See Matlab demo #2.

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Example: Lagrange Interpolation

• How to obtain y(l)? ZERO-ORDER HOLD


= x(n) = y(l)


nl (nl+µl)Tin nl+1


= x(n) = y(l)


nl (nl+µl)Tin nl+1




nl (nl+µl)Tin nl+1

Fig. 5. Lagrange interpolation.

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Sample at tl = ( n l + µ l ) Tin Fig. 6. Analog model for interpolation filter.

• Interpolation is a reconstruction problem where the approximating signal ya(t) is reconstructed based on the existing discrete-time samples x(n). • Therefore, one useful way to model discrete-time interpolation filters is to use the analog system shown in Fig. 6. • In this system, x(n) is first converted to the sequence of weighted and shifted Dirac impulses xs(t). • xs(t) is then filtered using an analog, linear timeinvariant (LTI) reconstruction filter ha(t) resulting in the following convolution: ∞

ya (t ) =

∫ x (τ )h (t − τ )dτ = ∑ x(k )h (t − kT s




k = −∞

in ).


Tampere University of Technology


Why to Use the Analog Model? • Interpolation is generally considered as a time-domain polynomial fitting problem which is not a very practical approach for DSP applications. This is because the time-domain characteristics of the signal are not known usually. What is known is the frequency band of the signal. • The use of the analog model turns interpolation from a time-domain problem to a frequency-domain filtering problem. • Various interpolation methods can, indeed, be expressed as convolution when the input samples are uniformly spaced.

Tampere University of Technology


Role of ha(t) in the Frequency Domain • How to design ha(t) in the frequency domain? • Such that it preserves the signal components in the range [0,Fin /2] and attenuates them elsewhere.

X a( f )

f Fin/2 Fig. 7. The spectrum of the original continuous-time signal.

X(e j2π f /Fin) Ha( j2π f )

f Fin/2



Fig. 8. The spectrum of the input signal x(n) and the frequency response of the reconstruction filter ha(t).

Tampere University of Technology


Farrow structure – traditional approach • The main idea of this part is the understanding of the special implementation form of polynomial-based interpolation filters. • y(l) is then obtained by sampling ya(t) at tl giving y ( l ) = y a ( tl ) =

N / 2 −1

∑ x(n


− k )ha (( k + µl )Tin ) .

k =−N / 2


• It is assumed that ha(t) is zero outside the interval −NTin /2≤t≤NTin /2. • By comparing (2) and (4), it can be seen that the impulse responses of the analog and discrete-time filters are related as follows: h( k , µl ) = ha((k + µl )Tin )


for k=−N/2, −N/2+1,···, N/2−1. • In the causal case, ha(t) is delayed by NTin/2 and the output is given by y (l ) =

N −1

∑ x(n


k =0

− k + N / 2)ha ((k + µl − N / 2)Tin ).


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• For a polynomial-based interpolation filter, the impulse response ha(t) is expressed in each interval of length Tin by means of a polynomial as follows: ha (( k + µl ) Tin ) =


cˆm ( k )µ l



m =0

for k=−N/2,···, N/2−1. Here the cˆm (k ) ’s are the coefficients and M is the degree of the polynomials. • By using the analog model, the digital implementation structure for polynomial-based interpolation filters can be derived by substituting (7) into (6) giving y (l ) =

N −1

x ( nl − k + N / 2 )

k =0



cˆm ( k − N / 2)µ l =

m =0


v m ( nl ) µ l

m =0



where vm ( nl ) =

N −1

∑ x(n − k + N / 2)cˆ l

m (k

− N / 2)

k =0


are the output samples of the M+1 FIR filters having the transfer functions Cˆ m ( z ) =

N −1

∑ k =0

cˆm ( k − N / 2) z − k .


Tampere University of Technology


Interpretation of the Above Equation • According to Equation (9), the lth output sample y(l) at the time instant t = (nl +µl)Tin can be generated based on the N existing samples x(n) being located at n=nl −N/2+1, nl −N/2+2,···, nl +N/2 in the following three steps: • First, these samples are filtered using M+1 FIR filters having the transfer functions of the form given in (10) • Second, the outputs of these filters, denoted by vm(nl), m are multiplied with constants µ l . • Third, the multiplication results are added, leading to the so-called original Farrow structure shown in Fig. 10. • In this figure, the input to both structures is denoted by x(nl + N/2) to emphasize the fact that this is the last existing sample value when evaluating y(l). • If desired, the transfer functions Cˆ m ( z ) can share the delay elements.

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x(nl) ^

CM(z) vM(nl)










Hold & sample y(l)

µl Fig. 9. The Farrow structure for interpolation. x(nl + N/2) cM(0)

Fin −1















cM(N − 1)

v M (nl)



c1(N − 1)



c0(N − 1)


Fout y(l)

Fig. 10. The Farrow structure.

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Characteristics of the Farrow Structure • The number of FIR subfilters is M+1. • The length of these subfilters is N. • Filter coefficients are directly determined by the polynomial coefficients of the impulse response ha(t). • The main advantage of the Farrow structure is that all the filter coefficients are fixed. • The only changeable parameters are the fractional interval µl as well as nl that depend on the l th output sampling instant. • During computation, the control of µl is easier than in the implementation based on fixed FD filters. • The resolution of µl is limited only by the precision of the arithmetic, not by the size of the coefficient memory. • These characteristics of the Farrow structure make it a very attractive structure to be implemented using a VLSI circuit or a signal processor. • In fact, the Farrow structure is a general-purpose adjustable FIR filter whose taps are polynomials in a control variable. Any filter property may be varied.

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POLYNOMIAL-BASED INTERPOLATION FILTERS General approach: How to construct the impulse response ha(t)

• ha(t) nonzero for 0 ≤t 1 is rational, µl becomes periodic, with the periodicity of K. The set of µ values contains K members and can be written as {µ(0)+ k/K | k=0…K-1, 0≤ µ(0) Simpler formulas, simpler programs. BUT: A filter designed using the discrete-time model may not be good for other conversion factors! x(n) Fin



FIR filter z(j) Hd(z) KFin


y(l) Fout=KFin/L

Fig. 25. Model for rational sample rate conversion.

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Emulating Continuous-Time Signal Processing

• The Farrow structure can be easily generalized to process digitally the reconstructed signal ya(t). • These applications include, among others, interpolating the derivative or integral of ya(t). • Derivative is widely utilized, for example, in finding the location of a local maximum or minimum of a signal. • Integral can be used to calculate the energy of a signal over a given time interval. • We concentrate on determining the derivative of ya(t). Farrow Structure for Determining the Derivative of ya(t)

• In the intervals nTi n ≤t>2. • However, if there are signal components close to Fin/2, i.e., the oversampling factor is small ( high orders feasible

Disadvantages: • Poor response (Lagrange) – Requires an oversampled signal • High order (due to poor response) => Longer delay in causal realisations

References [1] L. Elden, L. Wittmeyer-Koch, and H.B. Nielsen, Introduction to Numerical Computation. Studentlitteratur, Lund, 2004, pp. 107–113. [2] http://mathworld.wolfram.com/UmbralCalculus.html [3] S. Tassart and Ph. Depalle, “Fractional delays using Lagrange interpolators,“ in Proc. Nordic Acoustic Meeting, Helsinki, Finland, 12–14 June, 1996. [4] C. Candan, “An efficient filt ing structure for Lagrange interpolation,” in IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 14, No. 1, Jan 2007, pp. 17–19. [5] T.J. Goodman, M.F. Aburdene, “Interpolation Using the Discrete Pascal Transform,” Proc. 40th Annual Conf. Information Sciences and Systems, 22–24 March 2006, pp. 1079–1083. [6] Vesa Lehtinen, Markku Renfors, "Structures for Interpolation, Decimation, and Nonuniform Sampling Based on Newton's Interpolation Formula," in Proc. Sampling Theory and Applications (SAMPTA), Marseille, France, 18-22 May 2009. http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00451769/

Vesa Lehtinen

