Department of Geography, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs,. Syracuse ..... to drop back to a lesser level of magnification or use Acrobat Reader's.
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POMP and Circumstance: Plain Old Map Products in a Cybercartographic World MARK MONMONIER Department of Geography, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, USA
Abstract The analogy between traditional analog telephone service and traditional paper maps fosters a useful exploration of the importance of standards and the emergence of hybrid products facilitated by new technology but bound by inertia or circumstance to past practices. Compared to telecommunications, in which protocols of all types have been indispensable, few universal standards have emerged for mapping. Although the increased demand for interoperability and flexible exchange formats is impelling a greater standardization of geospatial data, the ‘‘standards’’ discourse of recent decades has largely ignored graphic quality and visual effectiveness. Particularly ominous for cybercartography is a failure to adopt the graphic logic embodied in prominent exemplars like the US Bureau of the Census’s recent statistical atlas of racial diversity. Available in both paper and electronic formats, the Diversity atlas illustrates a number of highly effective conventional practices likely to survive the transition to cybercartography. By contrast, the Census Bureau’s American FactFinder Web site suggests that authors of cybercartographic products readily ignore well-established, more traditional practices, as well as promising innovations that could make map use more engaging and informative. Since governments and other organizations that establish standards for geospatial data are likely to remain focused on data quality and 15
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interoperability, it is up to educators and authors of critical reviews to raise the public’s awareness and expectations.
1. Introduction Cell phones, broadband two-way fiber-optic cable, and similar innovations in electronic communications so radically altered the way we consume information and converse over long distances that engineers and regulators needed a word to represent the older technology upon which average citizens still relied. The result was the acronym POTS, meaning plain old telephone service, and referring specifically to analog communications over the historical two-wire, public switched network, once synonymous in the United States with the ‘‘Bell System.’’ Most residential customers with a hardwire telephone connection have POTS, even those with enhancements like call-waiting, cordless telephones, and low-speed, dial-up Internet connections. Inspired by POTS, a clever wordsmith coined a companion acronym, PANS, for ‘‘pretty amazing new stuff’’ such as the digital alternative to POTS known as Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN). Although, industry observers are waiting patiently for ISDN or some other form of PANS like Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) or Voice-over-IP (VoIP) phone service to replace POTS, conventional telephony appears amazingly hardy (Taylor 2002). There is a cartographic parallel here, insofar as cybercartography (Taylor 2003) poses a similar threat to plain old map products (POMP), which includes conventional cartographic products ranging from wall maps, printed topographic quadrangle maps, and paper atlases to newspaper maps, sketch maps, and cartographic placemats. Although, replacement of POMP by cyberequivalents might not be as swift or complete as the eventual substitution of PANS for POTS, a radical restructuring of the way we receive, manipulate, and display geospatial information seems inevitable. For instance, the lowly spring-roller wall map will no doubt surrender its wall space to the large flat-panel display that can offer multiple views, cartographic and otherwise, without the constraint of a single, monotonous, and often ossifying map projection. Well-heeled commercial and educational establishments that are the prime market for wall maps will eagerly embrace an electronic upgrade, promoted perhaps by an apocryphal scenario of how an accommodating office manager can pander to visiting dignitaries with a straight-laced Mercator map for Old Money yachtists, a droopy Gall-Peters worldview for Third World sympathizers from UNESCO, or a well-rounded Robinson for the cartographically savvy. By contrast, simple ad hoc sketch maps drawn on napkins or scraps
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of paper might seem less easily dislodged were it not for the electronic drawing tablets basic to handheld computers and an attractive option on some newer laptops. Perhaps the single most pervasive impetus for cybercartography is the map’s uncanny ability, starting with the humble line printer in the late 1950s, to piggyback on the circumstance of whatever electronic displays become available – hence the second term in this essay’s title (Tobler 1959). In addition to exploring briefly the similarities and differences between POTS and POMP, this chapter examines cybercartography’s likely reliance on conventions and techniques inherited from POMP. In particular, it looks at the role of standards in data collection and graphic design, examines recent applications of cybercartography and conventional mapping by the US Bureau of the Census, and questions the validity of design principles and the graphic understanding of software developers. How effectively, it asks, are software developers taking advantage of existing knowledge? What principles and practices of conventional cartography can enhance making and using maps in a cybercartographic world? And what new strategies are needed to enhance the effectiveness of cybermaps?
2. Cartography and Telecommunications Compared The analogy between mapping and telecommunications is far from perfect. Although both technologies depend on networks that require regulation and standardization, uniform protocols are clearly more basic in telecommunications, and for a very good reason without mandated consistency in the signals carried over the network, as well as design standards for every piece of equipment connected to the network, a system that includes over a thousand independent telephone companies would be inefficient if not dysfunctional (Flaherty 2000). While developments during the 1990s illustrated the side-by-side compatibility of analog and digital networks for mobile telephony, design and performance standards allowed these parallel systems to interface efficiently and effectively with each other as well as with the traditional, locationally fixed POTS (Arensman 1999). Most important, a combination of government regulation and voluntary industry standards guarantee that no two customers in North America have the same ten-digit phone number. Equally significant, negotiated tariffs and technical standards allow worldwide direct-dial calling. What’s more, technical standards combined with technological innovation have fostered intense competition among service providers, and telecommunications monopolies, whether government sanctioned or state-owned, have become less common than in past decades, thanks to the federal judiciary in the
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United States (Laffont and Tirole 2000) and the Thatcher Government in Britain (Moon et al. 1986). In cartography, by contrast, state-run mapping organizations dominate geodesy and topographic mapping, as well as some comparatively specialized applications like cadastral mapping and meteorological cartography. This dominance persists despite occasionally impressive collaborations with the private sector. Although the number of joint ventures between government mapmakers and their commercial partners will no doubt increase, the degree of privatization found in telecommunications is unlikely because of the key roles maps play in national defense and public administration (Monmonier 1985; Cloud 2002). Private-sector contractors have taken over much of the work, but investment in cartographic infrastructure is largely a government responsibility. Indeed, some of the more impressive partnerships link federal mapping with the cartographic activities of regional and local governments (National Research Council 2001). Compared with the technical standards developed in the United States communications industry, American cartographic standards have been amazingly but understandably flexible, at least until recent concern about interoperability and flexible data-exchange formats (Sondheim et al. 1999). The emergence of ESRI-compatible formats as a de facto exchange format reflect the enormous collective market share represented by Arc/Info, ArcView, Arc/GIS, and their successors, offspring, and corporate-partner, plug-in cousins. Data quality is another matter. Instead of focusing on a universal minimum level of spatial precision, mapmakers subscribe to an operational notion that data quality is akin to ‘‘fitness for use’’ supported by a ‘‘truth in labeling’’ paradigm (Veregin 1999). This ad hoc standard is readily apparent in the diversity of street centerline files, ranging from raw TIGER (Topographically Integrated Geographically Encoded Referencing) files with a bad case of the jaggies to subsequent refinements by data vendors eager to turn a profit by cleaning up the aesthetic and informational deficiencies of a database that was quite adequate for the Census Bureau’s intended use at the time. Local utilities and highway departments dissatisfied with the Census Bureau standard have added to the diversity by developing their own databases from scratch (Cooke 1995). Perhaps the most historically significant cartographic protocol in the United States is the National Map Accuracy Standards, devised in the early 1940s by the Bureau of the Budget to promote consistency among federal topographic maps (Marsden 1960; Thompson 1960; Monmonier 2002). Separate standards addressing horizontal and vertical accuracy are administered as a ‘‘pass–fail’’ test for individual quadrangle maps. Each test involves a selection of approximately 20 ‘‘well-defined’’ points and the
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comparison of the distance between their exact and mapped positions with a context-dependent tolerance. For horizontal accuracy the tolerance is 1/30 inch [0.85 mm] for maps published at scales greater than 1:20,000 and 1/50 inch [0.51 mm] for scales of 1:20,000 and smaller. (For a 1:24,000 topographic map, the latter tolerance represents a horizontal error of 40 ft [12.2 m].) A map passes the test if the horizontal distance between exact and mapped positions exceeds the tolerance for no more than 10% of the points tested. Similarly, for vertical accuracy no more than 10% of the checkpoints may exceed a tolerance of half a contour interval. With no additional credit for deviations well below the tolerance and no declared penalty for a grossly deficient error – which presumably the mapmaker would be required to fix – the National Map Accuracy Standards are emblematic of a state-run mapping industry focused on producing printed maps and committed to at least minimal consistency in data and basic symbology. Cartographers with an appreciation of quantitative analysis and quality control have recognized the shortcomings of pass–fail testing for nearly half a century (Thompson 1960). A suggested replacement was the root mean square error (RMSE), defined in the maptesting context as the square root of the arithmetic mean of the squared deviations, that is, hX i1=2 , RMSE ¼ xi =n where x1 , x2 , x3 , . . . , xn are the deviations or ‘‘errors’’ at n test points. If map errors are assumed to be normally distributed, the critical RMSE for a 1:24,000 scale topographic would be 24 ft [7.3 m] – the average error for a set of checkpoints 10% of which register errors greater than the 40 ft [12.2m] tolerance. By contrast, mapmakers have avoided formal tests of graphic effectiveness, pass–fail or otherwise, except perhaps for minimal standards for the legibility of labels (Robinson et al. 1978). The most revealing similarity between telecommunications and mapping is the disconnect between the data and graphic design. Standardization in telephony stops abruptly once the caller punches in a number or speaks into the microphone. Because the configuration of ‘‘the instrument’’ has no inherent effect on interoperability, agencies responsible for telecommunications protocols have accorded designers considerable leeway to develop convenient or dysfunctional features. The shape of the handset or the layout of the dial or keypad became minimally standardized through a combination of monopolized manufacturing and user expectations. Similarly, the discourse on cartographic standards has focused almost exclusively on geospatial data and basic maps intended largely as data. Like the humble telephone instrument, the derived map is at the mercy of the
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designer’s skill and probity and the public’s experience and expectations. And in the same way that democratic governments seldom meddle in art and literature, they are reluctant to set standards for the visual effectiveness and graphic excellence of map displays. What’s more, it seems unlikely that cybercartography will blur this distinction between data and display.
3. GPS, Census Cartography, and the Persistence of Paper Maps Although rooted in the numerical procedures of late twentieth century conventional cartography, statistical notions of geometric error are highly relevant to cybercartographic applications based on global positioning (Lange and Gilbert 1999). This connection was especially apparent in the 5-year, $200-plus million Census Bureau contract awarded in 2002 to Harris Corporation for development of a nationwide street centerline file with a 7.6-m [25-ft] spatial accuracy requirement, based on a 95% circular error (US Bureau of the Census 2001, 2002). The contract supports the Census Bureau’s Master Address File (MAF)/TIGER Accuracy Improvement Project with a realignment of the TIGER database designed to serve field enumerators using mobile GPS-equipped computers. The ‘‘95 CE’’ spatial accuracy standard not only gives Census Bureau geographers 95% confidence that the correct position of a point is within 7.6 m of the position stated in the realigned TIGER database, but also allows a field enumerator to record horizontal positions that are 100% certain of being associated with the intended residential structure, 100% certain ofbeing recorded on the correct side of the street, and 100% percent certain of being related correctly to legal and other boundaries and to neighboring structures (US Bureau of the Census 2003). Mobile computers with map displays and built-in GPS receivers represent a significant advance along the road from POMP to cybercartography, even for a government agency like the US Census Bureau, which pioneered imageless demographic data collection in the late 1960s map with address coding guides, dual independent map encoding (DIME) files, and machinereadable mail out/mail back questionnaires. Although census planners and supervisors might still use large-format printed maps in orchestrating their 2010 enumeration, it is now technologically feasible and probably cost effective to dispense with these conventional map products altogether. Far less likely is the agency’s abandonment of paper maps in its publications program, even though the Internet will continue to play an increasingly important role in the dissemination of census data and census maps. In other words, paper maps can be enormously appealing and user friendly, and thus a valuable vehicle for a federal agency rich in information worth
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sharing with power elites in government and academia. A prominent recent example is the colorful, intriguing and painstakingly designed atlas Mapping Census 2000: The Geography of US Diversity (Brewer and Suchan 2001). This atlas’s careful development, heavy promotion, and wide distribution attest to the continued value of conventional paper maps even when cartographers with ready access to Internet distribution, dynamic software, and CD-ROM replicating equipment can develop some ‘‘pretty amazing new stuff.’’ In the same way that systems supporting digital telephony conferred significant improvements on conventional analog telephone service, so too most conventional paper maps are hybrid products, influenced or expedited in important ways by cybercartography. For a present-day Census Bureau atlas these links are apparent not only in the electronic collection and collation of the raw enumeration data, but also in the computational software used to aggregate data, calculate rates, experiment with design and zlayout, and generate prepress negatives for color printing. Perhaps the strongest case for labeling Mapping Census 2000 a hybrid is the Census Bureau’s use of the Internet to distribute on demand its constituent sheets as either Portable Document Format (PDF) or Postscript files. In this sense, the Diversity atlas highlights the fact that many instances of cybercartography are transitional, hybrid products rather than pure, fully electronic displays. And while better examples of hybridism exist, the Diversity atlas dramatically illustrates that cybercartography is not only analogous to PANS but also heavily influenced by the telecommunications revolution.
4. Cybercartography and the Conventions of POMP This section attempts to define conditions under which cybercartography reflects or relies on rules, theories, and other pragmatics devised for conventional cartography. A related task is to identify design conventions for statistical maps so fundamental that they apply universally (or nearly so) throughout cybercartography and to differentiate these practices from rules or traditions that can readily be ignored in the cybercartographic realm. This exercise sheds light on both the revolutionary nature of cybercartography and the need for map authors trained in conventional mapping to abandon old customs and adopt new ones. The Diversity atlas is a case in point. Published in both conventional and electronic modes but designed and promoted as a paper atlas, Mapping Census 2000 reflects a cybercartography tightly bound to established practices. In particular, it honors standard interpretations of Jacques Bertin’s
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(1983) concept of ‘‘visual variables,’’ notably by relying largely on value (rather than hue) for portraying differences in intensity and occasionally on size for showing differences in magnitude. Adherence to these rules is far from slavish though. The atlas consists principally of choropleth maps, some of which have diverging or partial–spectral color schemes that highlight departures from the national mean, while others rely on single-hue sequential schemes to show differences in numbers of persons with a specific racial heritage (Brewer 1997). The authors’ use of choropleth maps to portray magnitude data as well as intensity data is inherently controversial insofar as it breaches the ‘‘bigger means larger’’ rule for magnitudes like population counts and the ‘‘darker means more intense’’ rule for area-independent rates and ratios (Dent 1999). There are mitigating factors though. As the authors observe in their introduction, Choropleth maps are well-suited to showing derived values such as percent or density. They are less appropriate for representing total numbers of people. They are, however, used for totals in the atlas for county identification and county-to-county comparisons with other mapped data. As an alternative to choropleth mapping, the distribution map with symbols proportional to total number of people is included to give a better sense of the overall distribution of population. (Brewer and Suchan 2001: 2)
Titled Population Distribution, 2000, this ‘‘alternative’’ map uses graduated squares to portray differences in total population among the nation’s roughly 3,200 counties. Although the display provides a usefully vivid illustration of marked differences in density, it also demonstrates the weakness of theoretically appropriate graduated-point symbols in heavily concentrated areas like the Megalopolitan Corridor between Southern New Hampshire and Washington, D.C. (Fig. 2.1). Overlapping squares that completely obscure county boundaries in this portion of the map make it difficult, if not impossible, to relate individual symbols to the counties they represent. The authors are quite correct in violating a rule in conflict with the Need for Clarity, one of two overriding principles in map design. (The other is the Need for Informative Contrast.) As in any design arena, rules can be dangerous if the designer ignores situations in which the rules do not apply, break down, or conflict with higher objectives. Despite the latter caveat, the principles of statistical mapping exemplified in the Diversity atlas are sufficiently fundamental to survive, and indeed flourish, in cybercartography. Even though choropleth maps are sometimes necessary for reasons naı¨ve purists might reject, viewers readily appreciate the inherent logic of the ‘‘bigger means more’’ strategy for decoding graduated circles and squares, and the ‘‘darker means more intense’’ metaphor for light-to-dark sequences of area symbols on choropleth maps. Three
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Fig. 2.1. High population densities along part the east coast of the United States yield overlapping graduated squares that obscure county boundaries in the Diversity atlas’s map of ‘‘Population Distribution, 2000.’’ From Brewer, Cynthia A. and Trudy A. Suchan (2001) Mapping Census 2000: The Geography of U.S. Diversity, U.S. Census Bureau, Census Special Reports, Series CENSR/01–1, U.S.Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., pp. 13. Available online at 2001pubs/censr01-1.pdf
additional principles provide a conceptual basis for diverging or partial– spectral color schemes by linking the notions ‘‘darker means more deviant,’’ ‘‘different hues signify different types,’’ and ‘‘more pronounced shifts in hue reflect more pronounced shifts in rate.’’ A comparison of two maps illustrates these latter concepts. On the map titled Percent of Population, 2000: One or More Races Including Asian, six categories ranging from ‘‘50.0 to 61.6’’ at the upper end to ‘‘0.0 to 0.9’’ at the lower end rely on a progressively lighter series of colors running from a medium blue for the highest category through various shades of green to a light yellow-beige for the lowest category. On the facing page, the map titled Percent Change, 1990 to 2000: One or More Races Including Asian, employs a six-color diverging scheme that shifts abruptly from purple to orange between the fourth highest category ‘‘0.0 to 48.2’’ and the fifth highest category ‘‘10:0 to 0:1’’ – a break underscored by the label ‘‘No change.’’ Especially prominent is the visual contrast between the strong
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purple of the highest category, labeled ‘‘Gain of 200 percent or more,’’ and the prominent orange of the lowest category, labeled ‘‘Loss of more than 10 percent.’’ Understandably, the most common symbol on the map (white) is not a part of this six-color diverging scheme: as noted in the key, counties colored white had ‘‘fewer than 100 people’’ self-identified as wholly or partly Asian. The graphic logic embodied in this assignment reflects a sixth principle equally valid for statistical cybercartography: ‘‘white or neutral gray identifies a nonparticipating area or one with no data or a statistically questionable rate.’’ It is a wordy concept and, however logical its metaphor, the association must be pointed out in the map key. Another asset of the Diversity atlas is its inherently meaningful class breaks. Although internally homogeneous categories are highly recommended for choropleth maps, map authors as well as developers of software for selecting optimal class intervals too often ignore the map viewer’s interest in knowing whether a place is above or below the national or regional mean (Armstrong et al. 2003). Interest in relative performance is especially important for demographic maps, which beg questions like ‘‘Which places have higher than average concentrations of Asians?’’ Or ‘‘Which counties grew faster than the country as a whole?’’ It is, of course, essential that these breaks should also be highlighted in the map key (Fig. 2.2). Moreover, category breaks can foster useful comparisons of demographic groups as on the Diversity atlas’s map showing the percentage of African–Americans under age 18; in addition to the break labeled ‘‘US
Fig. 2.2. The map key identifies inherently meaningful breaks for the Diversity atlas’s maps of ‘‘Percentage Change, 1990 to 2000: One or More Races Including Black or African–American’’ (right) and ‘‘Percentage Under 18, 2000: One or More Races Including Black or African–American’’ (left). From Brewer, A. Cynthia A. and Trudy A. Suchan, Mapping Census 2000: The Geography of U.S. Diversity, U.S. Census Bureau, Census Special Reports, Series CENSR/01-1, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 2001, p. 44 (left excerpt) and 46 (right excerpt). Available online at http// censr01-1.pdf
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percent under 18 for Blacks is 32.5,’’ a second inherently meaningful break labeled ‘‘US percent under 18 for all people is 25.7’’ helps map viewers identify counties in which persons under 18 are less common in the local African–American population than nationally in the population at large. Another type of inherently meaningful break conveniently identified in the Diversity atlas is zero, especially useful on rate-of-change maps for differentiating increases from decreases. An additional positive feature of the Diversity atlas is the use of complementary maps with state and county units. Every map sheet has a small inset map in each of its four corners. In addition to county-unit maps covering outlying states and territories (Alaska at the upper left, Hawaii at the lower left, and Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands at the lower right), a state-unit map (at the upper right) affords a complementary state-level summary, especially useful to viewers eager to compare, for example, California, New York, and Texas. Although the county-level map in the center of the sheet affords a comparatively detailed picture of geographic variation, the state-level map promotes comparisons of these larger politically meaningful units – comparisons particularly meaningful to senators, governors, and state legislatures, as well as to journalists and scholars eager to generalize. The dual importance of detailed and aggregated views and the difficulty of visually aggregating from counties to states are strong arguments for two complementary levels of aggregation. Electronic versions of the atlas’s maps accentuate the limitations of coarse display devices that are, for the time being at least, the Achilles heel of cybercartography. There is no comparison in crispness and color fidelity between the atlas pages, transferred by a four-color press from 180lines-per-inch color separated negatives onto smooth, coated paper with a satin finish and trimmed to pages 8.5 in. [21.6 cm] tall by 11 in. [27.9 cm] wide, and the corresponding PDF images displayed on my laptop’s 12 in. 9 in. (30:5 cm 22:9 cm) color LCD screen, configured as 1,400 pixels across and 1,050 pixels down. With Acrobat Reader’s 136% full page, ‘‘fit in window’’ view, I can barely read the anti-aliased fine print describing source data or labeling inherently meaningful breaks. For easier reading of small print or careful examination of local detail, I must position Acrobat Reader’s magnifying glass icon over an appropriate center and click the mouse button four times for a 400% enlargement. The type is now clear and moderately crisp, colored area symbols are more easily differentiated, and county boundaries, though still noticeably jaggy when compared to their gracefully rendered counterparts on the printed page, are less aesthetically objectionable than at 136%. But, if imperfect centering cuts off a nearby area of interest or one needs to consult the map key, it is necessary to drop back to a lesser level of magnification or use Acrobat Reader’s
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hand tool to recenter the image. Needless to say, image quality and ease of viewing are markedly worse on less expensive laptop’s stingy 9:7 in: 7:3 in: (24:6 cm 18:5 cm) screen with the resolution frozen at 800 by 600 pixels. I can, of course, print the PDF image on my 600 dpi color ink-jet printer, but lackluster colors and type with noticeably jagged edges merely underscore electronic technology’s inadequacies in coping with cartographic artwork designed for more aesthetically competent media.
5. Cybercartography and Dynamic Display Cybercartography is, of course, far more than the use of zooming and panning to overcome the inadequacies of screen resolution. Richer modes of interactivity promise unprecedented levels of exploratory map analysis as well as ready access to timely or informatively customized spatial data. For instance, a cursor-driven rollover function can enrich the viewer’s understanding by providing exact data values or added background facts for specific areas or features. And a cybercartography that lets users toggle among several supported languages and their respective renderings of toponyms can overcome the cost and design impediments of multilingual mapping. For place names, based on local languages – a useful feature if the viewer intends to travel in the area – sound clips can help users cope with a baffling orthography or unfamiliar pronunciations. A promising example is the active map (Fig. 2.3) offering a native speaker’s enunciation of 34 place names in Nisga’a Lands, a semiautonomous aboriginal territory in the northwestern part of British Columbia. Each large red dot is a hot button linked to the British Columbia Geographic Names Information System online database. A mouse click summons an information screen that describes the place’s location, offers a brief history of its name, and provides an ‘‘Audio Accompaniment’’ hot button that returns a small RealAudio file, launches the RealOne Player, and speaks otherwise arcane names like ‘‘Ksi Xts’ at’kw’’ three times. Alas!, these 34 names seem to be the only ones on the BC Web site with audio clips. However accessible and intriguing its geography, this disappointingly sparse prototype of audio maps underscores the need to compile and validate an enormous amount of new, not easily certified geographic data. Because pronunciation is no less prone to uncertainty than numerical estimation, fussy map users would require multiple audio examples illustrating variation in a name’s locally recognizable pronunciation. The Internet abounds with maps suggesting that cybercartography is not approaching its full potential. A case in point is the US Census
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Fig. 2.3. Active map for the lower portion of the Nisga’a Treaty Area, British Columbia. Circular hot buttons linked to the British Columbia Geographical Names Information Systems lead to audio clips on which native speakers pronounce the respective names. This is from Nisga’a Lands Names, British Columbia Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management, http:// nl.htm (accessed 30 December 2003).
Bureau’s American FactFinder Web site (, which offers an impressive menu of reference and thematic maps, delivered promptly in their initial rendering (at least to users with a high-speed, broadband Internet connection). For users eager to explore the data more fully, this early success experience can be misleading, thanks to a computationally challenged map server and a one-size-fits-all graphic interface. Especially frustrating was the small size of the county-subdivision map of New York State showing the ‘‘Percent of Workers 16 Years and Over
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Fig. 2.4. Map server’s inability to expand the size of its maps seriously limits the detail and flexibility of online maps. From the US Bureau of the Census, American FactFinder,
Who Commute to Work by Carpool: 2000.’’ Although my laptop can display 1,400 pixels across and 1,050 pixels down, FactFinder delivered a skimpy 500 by 375 GIF image, which fills a scant 13% of the screen (Fig. 2.4). (The map key, to its left, is a separate 125 257 GIF image.) For a more detailed view I had to zoom in and pan. While the resulting GIF images are markedly less elegant than the PDF files I downloaded for the Diversity atlas, the zoomed-in FactFinder maps at least reduced in size and number the superfluously obnoxious Interstate highway shields that obscured more than a dozen towns on the smaller-scale, statewide map. Although the interface offers a wide variety of map themes and permits adjustments of display parameters, viewers cannot replicate the highly functional design of maps in the Diversity atlas. A mouse click on the blue hypertext word ‘‘Legend’’ summons a menu with three options. The viewer dissatisfied with the default number of classes can request between 2 and 7 categories, change the partial–spectral color system from a scheme favoring green to one based on orange, blue, magenta, violet, or gray, and switch the classing method from the default natural-breaks algorithm to equal intervals, quantiles, or ‘‘user defined.’’ Tutorial screens describe the
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rationale for each classing scheme and offer an illustrative example. As the tutorial for user-defined categories suggests, ‘‘if the median income value for your county is $24,045, you could make a map showing other counties in your state with higher or lower median incomes by making a 3 class map’’ that assigns counties with the same median income to the intermediate class. Nowhere does the tutorial mention far broader inherently meaningful breaks like the national or state median, values of which the Web Site could easily supply. And nowhere does the system offer the user the option of filtering out counties with insignificantly low numbers of commuting workers. These limitations are puzzling insofar as the developers of the American FactFinder Web site no doubt had access to the Diversity atlas and its designers,CindyBrewerandTrudySuchan.Inotherwords,cybercartography will fall short of its full potential until it can deliver maps as large, detailed, aesthetically appealing, and logically designed as PDF versions of the best conventional printed maps. Programmer intransigence is not limited to Web cartography. For several years in the late 1990s I served on a multidisciplinary board of experts recruited to advise Microsoft Corporation on the design and content of Encarta World Atlas. It was an impressive product, and having said so, I don’t mind telling a tale out of school, involving place names. Microsoft’s technicians had implemented a highly efficient algorithm for displaying toponyms rapidly and without overlap, and they enriched the product by adding the names and coordinates of all populated places in the US Geological Survey’s Geographic Names Information System (GNIS). Since the labeling algorithm was given no guidance about a place’s relative importance, a minor crossroads would often eclipse the name of a town with 20,000 inhabitants. What’s more, a slight recentering of the map could precipitate a wholly different mix of names, especially in regions rich in populated places. I suggested matching the list of named places with a list of Post Offices – a quick and dirty way to identify and keep in check many less significant toponyms – but my recommendation was consistently ignored. As I recall, meaningful naming was apparently less important than the remote possibility that a video snippet or audio clip would somehow prove offensive. Although cybercartography demands new paradigms, cybermaps can benefit significantly from strategies described over a decade ago for making dynamic maps more engaging and broadly informative. Particularly promising are geographic brushing, graphic scripts, and user profiles (Monmonier 1992). A simple form of geographic brushing (Monmonier 1989) is the dynamic two-category map with a movable cut-point, which the user can shift back and forth along the number line as he or she explores the distribution (Fig. 2.5). A graphic script could present viewers with a
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Fig. 2.5. A dynamic two-category choropleth map invites exploration of data with a movable cut-point, the current value of which (7.0%) is displayed in the numerical window above the right end of the number-line scatterplot. In this view data values above the 7.0% cut-point are highlighted on the map as well as on the number line.
logical sequence of maps either designed by human experts or fabricated by expert-system software to illustrate important multivariate relationships, as well as revealing interpretations of a single geospatial distribution. A typical script might offer a logical sequence of complementary views composed by varying category breaks and level of aggregation as well as by juxtaposing maps offering revealing reexpressions of the data or presenting intensity and magnitude measurements of the same phenomenon (DiBiase et al. 1992). And a user profile could automatically trigger the customized ‘‘my county compared to the rest of the state’’ display suggested in the FactFinder tutorial, as well as accommodate idiosyncratic viewer preferences such as a preferred color scheme (especially helpful for those with color impairments), or a sequence of zoomed views highlighting places where the viewer has lived or traveled. Since the graphics might need an explanation, an author-recorded or computer-generated voice-over could usefully explain the strategy or point out salient details. Although graphic scripts authored by alleged experts might take on a persuasive power, multiple graphic scripts could more than compensate by presenting viewers with diverse viewpoints. Moreover, instead of serving as
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the final word, a script might serve as a pump primer, designed to instigate serious exploration of a dataset through data mining as well as critical questioning of the data themselves (Andrienko et al. 2001). Revealing expert scripts might, for example, explore the consequences of uncertainty in the data or the political connotations, if any, of diverse map projections (Mulcahy and Clarke 2001; Aerts et al. 2003). At the risk of appearing sacrilegious, I cannot resist adding that scripting by experts might even yield one or more socially sensitive, ethically grounded displays constructed to address the question ‘‘What kind of map would Jesus make?’’ I say ‘‘one or more’’ because it is plausible that different well-informed and wellmeaning experts could claim the moral high ground for markedly different maps.
6. Conclusion Except for one-off printouts of downloaded maps, plain old map products (POMP) are likely to decline in number, if not prominence. Even so, highend audiences like the users of Mapping Census 2000 will continue to justify precision printing and attentive design. For more mundane applications in which immediate response is of paramount importance, especially GPS navigation systems and Internet street maps, users willingly tolerate aesthetically crude displays that might once have been shunned or ridiculed. A troubling paradox of cybercartography is that dynamic display, however powerful a tool for analysis and fact-finding, might well lower standards of graphic excellence. Momentarily at least, bandwidth and the computational power of mapservers are prime impediments to a more fulfilling and aesthetically admirable cybercartography. No less significant is the vision of cartographic administrators who control map-oriented Web sites and the knowledge and prowess of the contractors and vendors who supply them. Although the Internet and high-interaction computing have revolutionized map use, those in charge ought not overlook proven design principles like those listed in Table 2.1, or newer dynamic strategies like those listed in Table 2.2, introduced in the literature over a decade ago but largely ignored by software developers. Since governments and other organizations that establish standards for geospatial data are likely to remain focused on data quality and interoperability, it is up to educators and authors of critical reviews to heighten public awareness of graphic quality.
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TABLE 2.1 Conventional Design Strategies Worth Implementing in Cybercartography ‘Bigger means more’ (graduated circles and squares for count data) ‘Darker means more intense’ (light-to-dark sequences on choropleth maps) ‘Darker means more deviant’ (diverging color schemes) ‘Different hues signify different types’ (diverging color schemes, qualitative data) ‘More pronounced shifts in hue reflect more pronounced shifts in rate’ (choropleth maps) ‘White or neutral gray identifies a nonparticipating area or one with no data or a statistically questionable rate’ Inherently meaningful breaks (choropleth maps) Complementary maps at different levels of aggregation (choropleth maps)
TABLE 2.2 Dynamic Design Strategies Awating Implementation in Cybercartography Geographic brushing, including interactive two-category choropleth maps Graphic scripts User profiles Multiple expert designs Recorded or machine-generated voice-overs
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