Pompe di Calore Geotermiche: modelli per la risposta termica del ...

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Corso Geotermia e Pompe di Calore, Università di Genova, 2011 www.ditec. unige.it/corso_pdcgeo. Pompe di Calore Geotermiche: modelli per la risposta ...
Pompe di Calore Geotermiche: modelli per la risposta termica del terreno ed il dimensionamento dei campi geosonda Riferimenti Bibliografici [1] L.R. Ingersoll, O.J. Zobel and A.C. Ingersoll, Heat conduction with engineering, geological, and other applications. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1954. [2] D.P. Hart and R. Couvillion, Earth coupled heat transfer, Publication of the National Water Well Association, 1986. [3] H.S. Carslaw and J.C. Jaeger, Conduction of heat in solids. Oxford, U.K., Claremore Press, 1947. [4] J.D. Deerman and S.P. Kavanaugh, Simulation of vertical U-tube ground coupled heat pump systems using the cylindrical heat source solution. ASHRAE Transactions 97(1), 287-295, 1991. [5] S.P. Kavanaugh, K. Rafferty, Ground-Source Heat Pumps - Design of Geothermal System for Commercial and Institutional Buildings. ASHRAE, Atlanta, 1997. [6] ASHRAE handbook-HVAC Applications, Chapter 32, Geothermal Energy, 2003. [7] VDI 4640 guideline , Thermal Use of the Underground’, part 2, Ground Source Heat Pump Systems, 2001. [8] P. Eskilson, Thermal Analysis of Heat Extraction Boreholes. Ph.D. thesis, Lund University of Technology, Sweden, 1987. [9] C. Yavuzturk and J.D. Spitler, A short time step response factor model for vertical ground loop heat exchangers, ASHRAE Transactions 105(2), pp. 475-485, 1999. [10] M.A. Bernier, P. Pinel, R. Labib, R. Paillot, A Multiple Load Aggregation Algorithm for Annual Hourly Simulations of GCHP Systems. Int. J. Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Research, 10, 471-488, 2004. [11] J. Claesson, P. Eskilson, Conductive heat extraction by a deep borehole, analytical studies, Tech, Re., Lund University, Sweden, 1987. [12] H. Zeng, N. Diao, Z. Fang, A finite line-source model for boreholes in geothermal heat exchangers, Heat Transfer Asian Reasearch 31(7), 558-567, 2002. [13] N. Diao, H. Zeng, Z. Fang, Improvement in modeling of heat transfer in vertical ground heat exchangers, HVAC&R Research 10(4) 459-470, 2004. [14] L. Lamarche, B. Beauchamp, A new contribution to the finite line-source model for geothermal boreholes, Energy and Buildings 39, 188-198, 2007 [15] O.Cauret, M.A Bernier, Experimental Validation of an Underground Compact Collector Model, Proc. 11th Int.Conf. Effstock Stockholm, 2009. [16] M.Fossa, O.Cauret, M.A. Bernier, Comparing the Thermal Performance of Ground Heat Exchangers of Various Lengths, Proc. 11th Int.Conf. Effstock Stockholm, 2009. [17] Paul, N. D., The Effect of Grout Thermal Conductivity on Vertical Geothermal Heat Exchanger Design and Performance. M.Sc. Thesis, South Dakota University, Vermillion, SD, USA, 1996. [18] Hellstrom, G., Ground Heat Storage; Thermal Analysis of Duct Storage Systems. Doctoral Thesis. Department of Mathematical Physics, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden, 310 pp., 1991. [19] Bennet, J., Claesson, J., Hellstrom, G., Multipole Method to Compute the Conductive Heat Transfer to and between Pipes in a Composite Cylinder. Notes on Heat Transfer 3-1987. Department of Building Physics, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden, 1987. [20] Zeng, H., Diao, N., Fang, Z., Heat transfer analysis of boreholes in vertical ground heat exchangers. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 46, 4467–4481, 2003. [21] Diao, N., Zeng, H., Fang, Z., Improvement in modeling of heat transfer in vertical ground heat exchangers. HVAC&R Research 10, 459–470, 2004. [22] Marcotte, D., Pasquier, P., On the estimation of thermal resistance in borehole thermal conductivity test. Renewable Energy 33, 2407–2415, 2008. [23] Choudary, A., An approach to determine the thermal conductivity and diffusivity of a rock in situ, PhD thesis, OSU, 1976. Corso Geotermia e Pompe di Calore, Università di Genova, 2011


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Corso Geotermia e Pompe di Calore, Università di Genova, 2011
