(PoPP): April 2018 - NHS Education for Scotland

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are delivered, with fidelity to the advantage of the most appropriate families in Scotland. • PoPP is funded through t
A Short Briefing Paper on the Psychology of Parenting Project (PoPP): April 2018 Background Information • • • • • •

About 10% of young children have elevated levels of behavioural difficulty that place them at risk of a range of poor outcomes Effective interventions exist to help the majority of these children to grow up more successfully These are the highest quality evidence-based parenting programmes, namely the Incredible Years® and Level 4 Group Triple P® These relatively brief, group-based parenting programmes are highly cost-effective Since 2013 a national implementation scheme, PoPP, has been ensuring that these interventions are delivered, with fidelity to the advantage of the most appropriate families in Scotland PoPP is funded through the Mental Health Division and is hosted within NHS Education for Scotland

Headline PoPP National Data (April 2018) Number of groups delivered (or currently being delivered)


Number of children whose parents have enrolled in PoPP-supported groups Number children for whom pre- and post group SDQs have been gathered NB! A large number of families are currently attending groups and have therefore not yet completed final SDQs % of children in the clinical range at the start of groups who had moved out of this high risk range when their parents finished attending a group

4,036 2,088


What is the PoPP initiative now offering? To maximise these positive outcomes and the associated preventive spending gains by: • • •

consolidating the improved workforce and organisational capacity that has been achieved in existing sites initiating a series of improvement projects aimed mainly at improving the reach of these parenting programmes helping new CPPs adopt a slightly-modified version of the PoPP model

What workforce capacity has been created though the PoPP scheme so far? Number of Community Planning Partnerships that have adopted the PoPP model


Number of multi-sector Early Years’ practitioners who have been fully-trained, equipped, and supported to deliver one of these carefully-selected parenting programmes with fidelity


Seven more CPPs are now running groups with another CPP planning to commence their first run of groups after the summer. This has increased the total number of CPPs who have adopted the PoPP model to 22. It is still possible for the remaining CPPs in Scotland to apply to do likewise.

For further information, please contact [email protected]