Mazin Qumsiyeh speaks on. Popular Resistance in Palestine and the. Arab
World: Winds of Change. Monday, March 28, 7 pm in the Strafford Room in the
MUB, ...
Mazin Qumsiyeh speaks on
Popular Resistance in Palestine and the Arab World: Winds of Change Monday, March 28, 7 pm in the Strafford Room in the MUB, UNH, Durham Mazin speaks about his new book, "Popular Resistance in Palestine” and about current events in the Arab World. Anna Baltzer says of the book: "Qumsiyeh's inspiring accounts of both the everyday and the most extraordinary acts of Palestinian indigenous resistance to colonialism expose the misguided claims that Palestinians have never tried nonviolence; in fact, they are among the experts, whose courage, creativity, and resilience are an inspiration to people of conscience everywhere."
Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh teaches Biology, Genetics and Zoology at Bethlehem and Birzeit Universities in occupied Palestine. He is also author of "Sharing the Land of Canaan: Human rights and the Israeli/Palestinian Struggle." All are welcome. Free for students, $3 for non-students. Sponsored by UNH Peace and Justice League, Seacoast Peace Response, NH Peace Action & Palestine Education Network. For more info contact
[email protected] or 603-664-2796 or see