Populasi serangga hama dan predator pada tanaman padi
yang ditanam di sawah irigasi dan sawah tadah hujan di desa Pademawu.
Perpustakaan Digital Universitas Negeri Malang
Populasi serangga hama dan predator pada tanaman padi yang ditanam di sawah irigasi dan sawah tadah hujan di desa Pademawu Barat Kabupaten Pamekasan / oleh Badrud Tamam Tesis (Pascasarjana)--Universitas Negeri Malang. Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, 2007 Pembimbing 1. A.D. COREBIMA ; 2. RADYASTUTI WINARNO Oleh Badrud Tamam
ABSTRAK This research is an experiment research that aimed at comparative study of pest insect and predator that are significantly in the rice plants that are planted in the irrigation rice fields and the rainfed rice fields in the West Pademawu District, Pamekasan Regency" The relatively sample taking method has been done by using traps, namely: insect net, light traps and yellow sticky traps" Sample taking has been done once in two weeks at 5 monitoring points" The data got from this research are the index computation data of diversity, the wealth of variety, density, dominance, frequency and the important value" For knowing the difference of density, dominance, frequency, and the important value of pest insects and predator in the irrigation rice fields and difference, it has been done the analysis of two straps variance" The t test has been done for the difference of the diversity and variety wealth index" The research result has proven that: 1) It is found 8 predator spesies, consists of 2 classes, 5 orders, 8 families and 8 genus in the rice plants that are planted in the irrigation rice fields and the rainfed rice fields" Whereas, for pest insects, it is found 8 spesies consists of 1 class, 6 orders, 7 families and 8 genus" 2) There are difference between relative dominance of predator spesies and pest insects in the rice plants that are planted in the irrigation rice fields and the rainfed rice fields in the West Pademawu District, Pamekasan Regency" The relative dominance of predator spesies and pest insects in the irrigation rice fields is higher than in the rainfed rice fields" The highest relative dominance of the predator is found on the Pardosa pseudoannulata spesies and on the pest insects is found on the Nilapavarta lugens spesies" 3) There are difference between the relative density of predator and pest insects spesies in the irrigation rice fields and the rainfed rice fields in the West Pademawu District, Pamekasan Regency" The relative density of predator and pest insects spesies in the irrigation rice fields is higher than in the rainfed rice fields" The highest relative density on the predator is found on the Tetragnatha maxillosa spesies and on the pest insects is found on Nilaparvata lugens spesies" 4) There are difference in relative frequency of predator spesies on the rice plants that are planted in the irrigation rice fields and the rainfed rice fields in the West Pademawu District, Pamekasan Regency" Whereas the relative frequency of pest insects spesies is not significantly different between in the irrigation rice fields and the rainfed rice fields" The highest relative frequency on the predator is found on the Pardosa pseudoannulata and the highest relative frequency on pest insects is found in Nilaparvata lugens" 5) There is difference in the diversity of predator spesies on the rice plants that are planted in the irrigation rice fields and the rainfed rice fields in the West Pademawu District, Pamekasan Regency" The diversity of predator spesies in the rainfed rice fields is higher than in the irrigation rice fields" Whereas on the diversity of pest insects spesies is not significantly different between in the irrigation rice fields and the rainfed rice fields" 6) There are difference in the wealth index of pest insects and predator spesies in the rice plants that are planted in the irrigation rice fields and the rainfed rice fields in the West Pademawu District, Pamekasan Regency" The wealth index of pest insects and predator spesies in the rainfed rice fields is higher than in the irrigation rice fields" 7) There is the difference in important value of predator and pest insects spesies in the rice plants that are planted in the irrigation rice fields and the rainfed rice fields in the West Pademawu District, Pamekasan Regency" The important value of predator and pest insects spesies in the irrigation rice fields is higher than in the rainfed rice fields" The highest important value of predator is found on Pardosa pseudoannulata and the highest important value of pest insects is found in Nilaparvata lugens"
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